The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 22, 1903, Image 1

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Local News
Still there is plenty of rata.
See M T Hill for Are Insurance.
Miss Ivy Catlln went to
Peru Mon-
had a soaking ruiu Wednesday
Try the Devoe paint.
Kerns, Auburn.
bold by J. W.
Mrs. Ed Llttrell returned from Peru
Thursday foreman.
Pure linseed oil 50 cents per gallon
at Hill's drug store.
Fine line of Wall Paper just received
at Heeling's drug store.
8ee W. W. Harris of South Auburn
for Clothing and Dry Goods.
A high grade bam paint for 65 cents
per gallon at Hill's drug store.
I..H. Kuper of Benten precinct gave
this office a short call Menday.
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Ce.
are headquarters for screen deors.
Southern strictly pure white lead 0&
cents per pound at Hill's drug store.
Fer the best paint on the market ge
to Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Mr. Hopson, the restaurant man of
Brownville, was in Nemaha Tuesday
Dan Perdue of Auburn was in Nes
maba Tuesday, cleaning out some cis
terns. Mrs. 0. E. Houtz went to Verdon
Monday evening to visit friends for a
few days.
Call on Ed wards & Bradford Lum
ber Co.vforYurniture. A car lead .just
E.L. Parle has tutted up tbe back
loom of his store building for an ice
cream parlor.
We bad some bail wltb tbt rain
Wednesday afternoon but not enough
to do aay damage.
- Tbe members of tbe graduating clasB
went to Auburn Monday and bad their
pbotegraphs taken.
Mrs. Boslna Wheeler went te Edgar,
Nebr., last Saturday and is visitiag
friends near that town.
Mr. and Mrs, Bank McMullea of
Stella were guests of Mr. acd Mri. J.
E. Crother last Saturday.
F.;L. Woodward went to Beatrice
and Wymore Wednesday and expected
to go to Lincoln Thursday.
Mrs. Margaret Snow of Auburn via
ited ber daughter, Mrs. James M.
Burns, frem Friday until Monday.
W.Y. Steuteville is assisting Gilbert
& MoGandless in the store. He will
olerk for thea during tbe vacation.
John E. Crother has moved into the
bouse he recently bought ef Geo. N.
Sanders, south of the editer'a home.
Thursday night of last week seven
more candidates were initiated into
the local lodge ef the Boyal Achates.
Mrs. Henry Carse and Avis went to
Thurman, Iowa, Thursday, where they
will visit Mr. and Mrs. E. 6. McCandt.
Dr. W. W. Keeling went to Lincoln
Tuesday te attend a medical convens
tioa. He returned borne Wednesday
Any farmer having two or three
cows can make meney by buying a
separator from Edwards & Bradford
Lumber Co.
John Vanderslice arrived in Nemaha
Wednesday morning from Holton,
KanBas.i He will assist bis father, J.
II. Vauderallce, In tbe store,
There was an Inch and three-quarters
of talnfall Thursday afternoon and
night. Much corn has been washed
Rev. De Forest Austin, pastor of the
Christian church about eight miles
southeast of Nemaha, gave this office a
pleasant call Friday afternoon.
Unintentionally we neglected to
mention the fact that David Frazler
had had bis bouse repaluted. It adds
greatly to the good appearance of the
John H. Dundas, editor of the Gran
ger, was In Nemaha Wednesday and
Thursday, soliciting advertising for
the catalogue of the Auburn cbau
Miss Vance V. Foe, teacher of the
intermediate department for the past
year, left fer her home in Red Cloud,
Nebr., Sunday morning, driving out te
Partita wanting ice will be accoms
modated on Tuesday, Thursday, Satur
day and Sunday of each week, from 7
to 0 o'clock in the morning.
E. L. Paris.
W. H. Barker went to St. Joe 8atur
day evening with bis nelce, Mlse Maud
Kelthley, who bad an operation per
formed the flrat of this week for a
tumor on eyelid and granulated eyes
lids. They returned homo Wednesday
The Advertiser cab furnisb
a good
galvanized steel mail box free with tbe
daily Lincoln News one year fer 83 er
Vith the dally State Journal ene year
for $4. Call at this office and see sam
ple box.
Homer Jehnson died at hie borne in
Lincoln Thursday morning of last
week. Mr. Johnsen was for many
w at y w
years a prominent merchant f Browns
ville Id the early days. He baa been a
resident of Lincoln for about twenty
years. He was the father of F. E.
Fay E. Gaitber is new the B. M.
night operator at Bridgeport, Cheyenne
ceunty, Nebr. Bridgeport ii tbe junc
tion of tbe Burlington's Alliance
Guernsey and tbe BridgepertsBrusb
extension and tbe Bridgepert Blade
claims it to be "tbe future metrepells
of tbe North Platte valley."
The annual teachers' examination
for 1003 will be held at Auburn June 2
and 8. All those who contemplate
teaching in Nemaha county during the
coming year are expected to take tbe
examination at this time.
W. C. Pabriott,
County Superintendent:
Tbe infant bob ol Mr, and Mrs. A.
L. P. Thompson died early Tuesday
morning. Ths little fellew, who was
about two years old, was taksn sick
tbe first of last week, with pneumonia,
and theugh tbe best of medical treat
mentand nursing was given him, it
was witbeut avail. The sympathy ef
the neighboihoed and their wide circle
of friends is extended te them in tbelr
Tbe funeral services, coaducted by
Rev. W. Dieffenbaob, were held at the
borne at one o'clock Wednesday af ter
neon, and the body latd at rest in tbe
Nemaha cemetery.
Car Load of Furniture
JuBt received by tbe Edwards & Brad
ford Lumber Oe. Call and see it if yeu
need anything in that line.
825.0 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle.
925.00 te San Francisco and Los
Angeles. .
$22.50 te Spokane.
820.00 to Salt Lake City, Butte, and
Proportionately low rates to hun
dreds of other psints, Including Big
Hern Basin, Wyo., Montana, Idaho,
Washington, Oregon, British Columbia,
California, etc,
We Point with Pride
That wo have the largest and
most complete line of Drugs and
Medicines, Druggists' Sundries,
Paints, Oils, etc., etc., ever in
Nemaha. Wall Paper, too we
carry a big stock. If you will
let us figure on that Paint Bill
you will scve money.
We understand Prof. W. V. Steut
ville has accepted a pesition as princi
pal of tbe school at Gerlng, Nebraska.
He gets 7b per moatb. Mr. Steute
ville has been principal of tbe Nemaha
school for tbe past three years and
has done excellent werk. He was of
fered the school fer anether year but
on account of tbe increased salary at
Gerlng decided to accept that place.
Will serve Ice cream in tbe rear
room of tbe "New Model Meat Mars
ket" on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
aad Sunday afternoon Wl evening of
each week. Yon can have a dish of
ice cream, a ring ef bologna or a hunk
dried beef if you want to mix it that
way. Come in and see eur place see
bow we serve you . Yours for square
business, E. L. Paris.
r s
A correspondent roea Manilla, writ
ing te tbe Lincoln Journal concerning
tbe colony of Nebraskans in tbe Phil
ippine islands, speaks of several term
er Nemaha county people. Mrs. Schell
is a sister ef D. IL Clark :
"Of those Nebraskans who came on
McClellan about eoe year ago, as far as
your correspondent can learn, nearly
all are well pleased with the islands
and tbelr work. Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Schell, from Falls Cily, are located at
Gapan, province of Neuva Eoija, en
the island of Luzon. They are said to
have a very pleasant station and are
meeting with success in the school
werk. On Christmas day the Scbells,
Mr. Ozman of Beatrice, Mr. Belknap
of Hastings, now of Cuyapo, this
island, and your correspondent ate tur
key together at the Hotel ef the Four
Nations in Manila.
"B.J. McGrew ef Auburn, Nebr., is
located at Lopez, Tayabas province, in
Cementlco the best wall finish
made far better tbaa oalsemineor
alabastine fer sale by Edwards k,
Bradford Lumber Co.
If you want fire insurance, either
in eld line or mutual companies, call
on W. W. Sanders.
Remember, we will take corn, oats
wheat, bay, or wood on subscription
at market price.
A New Invention
Mlnick'sFieldCorn Husking Machine
husks the corn from the stalk, leaving
stalks standing in tbe field, Exclusive
state and manufacturer's right for sale
by the inventor aad patentee. Cerresx
pondence solicited. Address
4 4 H. T. MINICK, Nemaha, Nsb,
, What Thin Feike Need
Is a creator power of digesting and
assimilating food. For them Dr.
King's New Life Pills work wonders.
They tono and regulate the digestive
organs, gently expel all peison from
theayBtem, enrich tbe blood, improve
appetite make healthy flesh. Only 25c
at Keeling's.
'annfnoi loroa
fHats, Laces Veilings Flowers
just received by
Chas. Thorn, U. & M. agent at Nema
ha about twelve years ago, has had a
variod career since he left here. A
short time ago he was arrested in Okla
noma, charged wltn being a blgumlHt,
and confined in jail at Guthrie. It is
said be bas feur wives. He now calls
himself W. W. Montgomery. Thurs
day of last week he escaped from the
county jail, killing the jailer, Jerry
Eumerson, and was badly wounded by
the jailer's wife. He was recaptured
Monday. If he recovers he will be
tried fer murder In the first degree.
Take tbe wagonette when in Au
burn if you want to go to any part of
the city. John McElhaney, prop.
If yeu are contemplating a change
of location and want land cheap, call
at this office. We can interest you.
A good residence, orchard and 12
acres ef land with it, for sale adjoin
ing the towniite of Nemaha. Call on
or write F. G. Hawxby,
South Auburn, Nebr.
Holds Up a Congressman
"At tbe end of the campaign.'
writes Cbamp Clark, Missouri's brilli
ant congressman, "from overwork
nervous tension, less of sleep and con
stant speaking I had about utterly col
lapsed, it seemed that all at my
organs, were oat of order, but three
bottles ef Electric Bitters made me all
right. It's tbe best all-round medls
cine ever sold over a druggist's count
er." Overworked rua-down men and
weak, sickly women gain splendid
vitality frem Electric Bitters. Try
tbem. Only 60c. Guaranteed by
5 eTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeMeESMM2S'f2r,!lBTeTe
Just received, a car load of
Gilbert & McCandless
inirmno r
The eleventh annual commenceatent
of the Nemaha high scheol was held
at Hoover's opera house last Friday
night. There were seven graduates.
The subjects of their orations were as
fellows : Salutatory Commencement
Maude E. Klnton. Mural Heroes
Grace Burson. Nebraska's Greatest
Resource Edna Lytle. Education of
tbe Farmer Boy Edwin G. Maxwell.
Success from Failure Ellen Shlvelef.
Woman in Civics Blanche E. Lytle.
ValedictoryOur Country, DebVorand
Creditor Minnie M. Speece.
The orations were all well composed,
reflecting credit on the authors, aud
were well delivered. Although the
hall was crowded excellent order was
The rest ef the program as pnblished
was carried out. The address by Miss
Mattle Cook Ellis of tbe state nerraal
scheol at Peru was One.
This class has dons excellent work
during the past year. It is one of the
finest classes evsr sent out from the
Nemaha school.
J. H. Seid is getting a wide reputa
tion as a breeder of Poland China
bogs. Je shipped a fine one Monday
of this week to Brlggs Flack of Gsri
mantown, California. Mr. Flack Is a.
reader ef Tbe Advertiser and saw Mr.
8eld's advertisement. That if a loag
distance to sea for a beg tat we feel
sure Mr. Flack wiu gecagooaone.
That is the enlylclnd Mr. Seld sends
out. Again we weuld remark that II
pays to advertise.
For best assortment of Dry Goods
and 8boes go to tbe Daylight Store of
South Auburn W. W. Harris, prop'r.
Not from any
or all hard Spring
wheat it
Best Flour
made, but from 4
such only as stands j
the Pfflsbury tests, f
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