w0(MKMMtMmilMMMMMM fmt.TimiyvnviwruB,rrnwfwap.Miw,, 9rir.yijui-ifj,iTrnmrtjKvtvvKrrisiiKaMririra .wi ' V ' I I ESBMfcZfil UURtS VTHHI Beet Couuh i srrup. Toulo tlood. UmjI Hi tlmo, rVjIn jy rimraltt. Notico for noaring Oluiras la tho County Court of Neinnhn county , Nrli In tlwtnntturof tlioontntuof MuninrolKviMin dcccruiPtl. Notice la licroby Rlvon tlmt tho court Iiiih kiiulo nn onlor limiting the tlmo for orwlilorA to fllO OlllllllH UKUlIlHt Hlillt dOCMMHt'tl to six monlliN from tlio SOtli iltty of May, W1 untl Hint Juno .10th, Ancnst alHt nml Novombnr SOth.l'JOJ, nt)10 o'clock n, in. of onoh liny, ni thn ntilrn of tlio county Juileo of Ncmnliii county, NobniHltn, In Auburn. Noprnskri.hnK boon fixed by tlio court ns tlio tlmo and pluco when nud wlicro nil pernotiH wlio ImvHClniniH (Mid dcmitudH nuultiHt wild dcccitHcd enn linvo tlionnine oxnmlncd, ndjuntod nnd ullowod, nud till clulniH not prcHonlod by tho liiHt men tinned dnto will bo forovor barred, by an or der of Mm court jDatcd May 2nd, 1003. KlUliAltO 1'. NUAb, County Judfjo. PETER KE11KEE, Dealor In Highest innrkct price paid for HidcB, Laid, Tallow, etc, KNAPP cSc SON Proprietor of tho Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHA NEBR. Good Dray in cennoction with Livory Satisfaction guaranteed. Harness Shoe Shop llnvlntf opened n HiimcNH Shop nud Hlioo repitlrlm; IhihIiiuhh I tlcnlro to Inform the people of Nemiiha nud vicinity Hint X am propurod to do all kinds of Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing And Oiling Good Hand Made Harness a Specialty All uio Invited to call In aud hco -inc. J. E. CROTHER REPUBLICAN JR. mi in Bltindnrd and rtlstrod, Hired by Hopubll can, 'HUM. Dam, Smile Vera by Talavern, 12:30; 2nd dam, UoiriyTiotwnod by McMiitmn, 2 21 Ueit bay, black pointa, I) vojuh oltl, HtiindN Kl IiiuuIm IiIrIi, wuIkIin 1200 pounds. Ilo IniHKood high nctlot. wltn tluo style. ou will mako no nilmnUo by breeding to Kepubllcan Jr. tin hoiub ol bib oldest eoltH aienolllu for 3200. LTJDWICK Stnmlard nnd reRlHtored, Hired by Pat I... 2.00K. Dam, Saillo Vom b raluvnra, 2.11 : 2nd dam, llutsy Trotwooil ty MuApiunu, 2.21. Dnrk oav, black polutt, 0 yen. old, hIuikIh 18K liandH high, wollm i.iiK) pounds, Moth horsoH will mako tho Hi-ason of low at Mapln UUIko Stock Knrin, 2M mllon noiiiIi emit of Howe, nt 810 to Ihhum nmro In tonl. Ciua will bo taken to prevent ucoldoutti iot ahould nuy occur will bo at tho owner's risk Thos. H. Jones, Owner Howe, Nebraska All our farmer readers should take Hdvantago of tho unprecedented club bing offer we this year make, which includes with this paper Tho Iowa Homestead, its Special Farmers' Insti tute editions, and Tho Poultry Farms er. Those three publications are tho beat of their class aud should bo in every farm homo. To them wo add ' for local, county and general news our own papor and mako the price tor tho four for ono yoar$1.8G . Nover before was so much superior reading matter offered for bo small an amount of money, The papers named which we olub with our own are well known throughout the west and commend themselves to the reador's favorablo attention upon mere mention. The Homestead la the great agricultural and live stock papor of tho west. The PoultryFarmer la the most practical poultry paper for the farmer published n,eie country, and the Special Farm ers Institute editions uro the most practical publications for tho promo lion 6f good farmiug ever published. Tako u'dvutHage of thia-great offer, t Tho Nebraska Advertiser W. W. Sandkkb, Publisher FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1003. Forty-one of our citizens went to Nebraska City Thursday to boo tha great Fourpaugh and Sella Bros. clrcuB, Tlia freight train from the south wan held hero until aevon o'clock to accom modate tlioao wishing to attend the circus. Mr. Daniel Ilargor, of Hillsdale, fell from a wagon while hauling corn for Jim Wolfe, aud fractured u rib. Dr. Sutton was called, and now after ten days of suffering, he is ablo to bo out of door part ot the time. Shubert Citizen. Omaha is having a liaid time with strikers. Over three thousand man have struck, mainly for recognition of the union. Tho teamstors, freight handlers, carpenters, waiters, laundry- men, bakeis aud others are out. It is tough on tho citizeno. J3y tho luat two Btrikes the wages of anthracite coal miners has been raised by about 20 cents a ten. Whon the ton reaches tho consumer tho wage in croaso may be expected to have accu mulated at the rate of expansion suro to bo Impresalvo. Omaha 13eo. Mayor Low bus requested tho cltizs oub of Naw York to celobruto the week from May i!l to Hay :)0, in coins memoratlon of the fact that the city will then reach an ago of 250 years. New York is quite a lively town, but there are cities in tho west that will overhaul its present record when they reach their 250th birthday. Globe Democrat. Early Wednesday morning a dog showing unmistakable signs of dydro phobia, appeared on the farm of V, D. Lawrence in Louden precinct. Mr. Lawrence shot him .with a revolver but failod to kill him. Ho followed him to the farm of Henry Stevens, whore tho men succeeded in putting him to death, but not before he had bitten a dog belonging to Stevens. It is believed ho bib other dogs In the neighborhood, and parties owning the dogs 8liouldtoaeo that; thoir canines aie either muzzled or securely tied until all danger of rabies aro past. Fifteen candidates wore initiat ed into Farmer lodge No. 4-1, Royal Achates, Thursday night ot last week. Deputy J . W. Doran of Oma ha was present aud assisted in the coin Hinonlea of Initiation. Several of the olllcers who were elected at the prevs ions meeting resigned and others were elected. The following is a oorrect list: Pres. Jamoa O. Monroe. Past Pros. Mattlo J. Marrs. Vice Pies. Win. F. Wolte. Secretary W. W. Sanders. Treasurer .Joseph I) Dlxson, Chaplain Mrs. Amanda Wolfe Marshal Daniel W. Foster. Guard Waller Furls. Trustees W. S. Maxwell, Mrs. Minnie Ebnothor.W. F. Sanders Captain of drill team Arthur Llttroll. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates and can safely bo given to chlldrou. For aide by M T IIlll. uau in and see us It you want to subscribo for any paper published iu the United Statea. Bottor Than a Plastor. A plocu of flannol dampouod with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on tho affected parts, is hotter than a plaster for a lame back and for painw In tho aide and cheat. Pain Balm has no superior aa a liniment for the le llof of deep seated, muscular, and rheus matic pains. For aalo by W, W. Keeling Druggist. Cures When Dootors Fail Mrs. Frank Chiassen, Patterson, la., writes June 8th, 1001 : "I had malaria fovor in a very bad form, was under treatment by doctors, but as soon as I stopped taking their medioine the fev er would return, I used a aample bottle of Horblno, found it bolpod me. Then I bought two bottles, which completely cured me. I fool very grateful to yon for furnishing such a Bplendid medioine, aud can honestly recommend it to those suffering wit'i malaria, as It will surely curo thetn." Herbiue, fiOo bottle at Hilly, A boy named Hhlllo Whlttaker, llvn ingat Auburn, was shot and killed Monday afternoon by a companion named Itlco. Both boys wore about twelve yoars old and were playing In tho Whlttaker barn with a revolver In some manner tho gun was discharg ed, the ahot striking young Whlttakor in tho loft aido. Ho ran to the house and fell daud as he got an tho porch Young Rice claims tho boy who was killed had tho revolver when it was discharged with theubovo results. Auburn Nebr., Way 13. Tho corous er'a jury empanollcd to inquire into tho cause of the death of Hally Whlt taker to whom raontlon was made in Monday's papor, found that he came ta his death by means of a pistol shot which waB accidently fired probably by himself. Bert Rice the seventeen year old boy who was with him In the barn at tho tlmo of tho shooting was arrested Monday on the charge of car rying concealed weapons and was held in cuetody until aftor tho coroners ini quest had been returned as above. He was than taken before tho county judgo and arraigned on the charge of carrying concealed weapons, to which ho ploaded guilty. On account of his age, tue court gwre him a fine of $10 and coBts. The line was' paid by his father and.brothersin-law. Tho funeral was held Tuesday afters noon at 2:.10 o'clock. Washington, D. C, May 13. Posts master General Payne announced that there would be no more establlsh inonta ef ruial free delivery poatal eervico until July 1, tlie.tbeKlnning of tho noxt (kcal year. This is one res suit of the investigation of pofltoihee affairs and of the discovery that at the present rato of Increase in tho number of routes, there would bo a deficit of $20,000 to tho rural free delivery sors vice by tho end of the fiscal year. It is not intended, howevor, that the ins vestigation of proposed routes Bhall be suspended and the Hold work, tueres fore will continue. Mr. Payne estis mated that a number of routes fairly entitled to be established in tho entire country would be jthirtyselght thou sand, and that at the present rate of increase this would be reachod twe years hence. A Lenson in Health. Healthy kids noyo filter the Impurities from the blood, and unless they do this good health is impossib'e. Fo'e 'a Kidney Curo makes sound kidneys and will positively euro all forms of k'dney and bladder disease. It strengthens the whole system. For sale by M T Hill, A Weak Stomach Causes a weak body and invites diss ease. Kodol dyspepsia curo cures and strengthens the stomach and wards off and overcomes disease. J. U. Taylor, a prominent merchant of Chrlesman, Texas, says, "I could not eat becauso of a weak stomach. I lost all strength and run down in weight. All that money could do was done, but .,11 !..,....,. !...., T. mi iiuya in icuuvuiy viiiiibiiuii. uears ing ot some wonderful cures effected by use of Kodol I concluded to trv it. Thn llrat bottle benefitted me,and after taking four bottles I am fully restored to my iiniial strength, weight and health. W. W. Keeling. G.O V O QUIZ'S f)i Restaurant FOU A FINE LINE OF Candies, Cigars, Fruits etc. A fine line of Summer Dr it.k just in WIiihh, Ciders. Phoaph alesa eto, Call in aud see us. Healthy kidneys filter tlio ImpuritUs from tho blood, and unless they do thi good health la Impossible Fos ley's Kidney Cure makes sound kids neys and will positively euro all forms of kidney and bladder disease, It stroughtons the whole system. M T Hill 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Traoe MahKs Designs Copyrights &c. Anyono landing a ikoteh nnd description rnny frutoKly aaoartnln our opinion froo whetlior nn Invention Is probably patontablo. Communion. tlonsstrlcUyoontldoiitlnl. Handbook on entcnta stuit fron. Oldest agency fomoeurliicjmtoiitu. l'ntcuts token through Munn & Co. rucolvo veewt iwik(, wiiuoui cJinruo, in iuo Scientific Emnm. handsomoly HIutrMHl wcflkly. I.nrpost clr tlnUon of nny Bdwittuo 3ourn.il. 'iVinia. f3 u M" 1 four montlu, f U Boid byall nowsdonlorn. IUNN&Co,30tDfoadNswYof( Mb "pffvr Nobraska City, Nebr., May 8. Big muddy Is again tearing down the government stonaworK at this paint, and immediate attention for the city is necessary, Tho government boat.IIenrietta ars rived today, and repairs will bo com menced at once. TheB. &M. railway engineer are also here and will commence at once to protect tho company' bridge 'und tracks near tho river. The Nebraska Louisiana purchuse exposition commission has established headquarters at room 414 McCague bhlldlng. Assistant Secretary II. G. Shcdd of Lincoln has been placed iu charge . o James Walsh of Benson has placed htmnelfat the service of tho coramlas slon as chief of the agricultural de partment. Hu will correspond with people throughout tho state who den sire to mako exhibits. The commission has set aside 81,000 to be paid as premiums to Nebraska producers. Circulars will be uent out over tho state to the farmers. Nebraska will have 5,000 feet of floor Bpace In the Aggrlcultural builds ing. It is not known whether each county will place a separate exhibit or whether all exhibits will bo placed together Omaha News. . t World-Wide deputation White's Cream Vermifuge has ac hleved a world wide reputation as be ing the beat of worm destroyers, und for Its tonic iufiuenco on weak and tins thrifty children, as It neutralizes tho npidlty or sourness of the' stomach, improves the digestion and assimila tion of food, strenghtens the nervous system and restores them to the health vlgor'niid elasticity of spirits natural to childhood. 25c at Hill's. Call aud see us for reduced rates on magazines and newspapers. To improve the appetite and strengi then tho digestion, try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Mr K.II. Seitz of Detoit, Mich., says, "They restored my appetito when impaired, relloved mo of a bloated feels ing and caused a pleasant and satisfac tory movement of the bowels." There aro people in this community who need jutt bucIj a medicine. For sale by W W Keeling, druggist Every oox warranted. r. . W. Keelzng, t Noninha, Nebraska. Office in Keeling drug store. F0IEBffiffiT1M stops tho cough ataca fcieala lungs vm immiwiDmni Bin ml, i Tho Great Newspaper of the World I fiOIBO h mo .yHO ONE DOLLAB, A YEAR am? ?!!$ G!?b,T 2emocXa & ne'wwers of the world BIT MAIL, PUS Daily. Daily; Without Sunday Ono Year S4 00 0 months 'i oo 3 mouths i 00 Including Sunday Ono Year so 00 0 inonthB :.. 3 00 i months i 50 The "Twicea-Week" Issue of the Globe-Democrat at One Dollar a Year Is the greatest newspaper bnigain ot tho age. It is almost equal to a Dailv at JVLVJ If," WwflX't ,Jt iv,efl thn ,iUoat tolPRraphlc news from all the world Svrirt,MnttyT,Jn,cl lri,,lly .,t8 mrrkpt re""rts ir ooMloto and correct in everv Hn 'aido in t XmlT " " ,,mU nd 'ltU"y JourIlul' 1Uid Ught l0 bo ut Two paper every week. 1 Eight pages or more every Tuesday and Friday. One Dollar for one year, Sample Copies Free, The Great World's Pair Willbo hold at, St. Louis in 1905, nnd tho greatest St?SLouis News paper will be indispensable during tho coming year l'a"-uu,& ,XI0WS SUBSCRIBE TO-BAT?! THE GLOBE PRINTING CO.. St. LouisMo. ' S PAY FRBGBtSsSS .W' WO PhY f A5iyolynnay,'ar.tla0l,ehra.unarRKl0uisjAKA,M0: 1 ...V-tM:-. T1.?wV,2a travcao salesaea, Oatlitc,,WatiivHfcAKl Tho following is the program of tho commencement exercises af the Nem aha high school to he hold at Hoover's opera house Friday night of next week Invocation Rev. DeFereaC Austin, Instrumental duet Lo Cor lies Alps Ferd Beyer Op. 52 Misses Jessie and Blanche Dye . Oration Salutatory Commonces ment Maudo E. Kinton. Oration Moral Heroes Grace Bur eon. . Duet The Swallow'sFlight Maude '' Burns and Bessie Washburn. Oration Nebraska's Greatest lies source Edna Lytle. Ornion Education of tho Farmer Boy Edwin G. Maxwell. Oration Success from Failure Ellen Shively. Instrumental Trio Overturo Sans Soucl A.rr. Vincent Loon. Miss Lola Argabright, Messrs Clyde Roberts aud Lew Argabright. Oration Womauf n Civics -Blanche E, Lytle. Oration Valedictory OurCountry, Debtor and Creditor Miunlo M. Spcece. Swing Song-Edith and Laia IIlll. Address Mlaa Mattio Cook Ellis. Quartet Como and Join the Merry Dance-Mrs. II. M Tollingor, Miss Foe, and Messrs E. E. Rumbaugh and E. J. Maxwell. Presentation of Diplomas Mr. J. I. Dressier, Sec. ef Board. Class Song Farewell. Benediction. for chlldrcnt safe, sura So eplataa For sale by M. T. Hill. A FREE PATTERN (your own selection) to eery pub scrlbor. Only 50 cents a yeir. f CjALLSj rmn MAGAZINE' A LADIES' MAGAZINE. A. pern; beautiful colored plates: latest f atlilons ; drwimiklng economies : fancy work; houtehold hint.; fiction, etc! i.uri. scribe to-dhy, or, send W. for latest copy. Lady agents wanted. Send for terras. Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to-date, Economical and Abbolutely Perfect.Flttlne Paper Patterns. CAltyftftl BA2AR l" All Stams Allowed and Perforations show me odsung ena sewna. Lines. Only to and is cents eaeh-none hlcher Aik for them Sold In nearly every city and town, or by mall from THE MoCALL CO., 113.115-117 West 3!st St., NEW YORK. -uaaiMtammw OeWIWs BK Sattoo Fop Pilas, Burns, Sores. fMWfilfliiiWiliHWIM) I Tlio Great Itcpublicnii Papor of America without a rival in nit the West, U "' JV" UlC"UJ Cr'w TAGS PREPAID .Sunday Edition 40 to 00 Pages One Year 552 00 0 months 1 00 1 -. A h "A Sfillln.-