. ,. t l(-Jii..,i;3wSCTO5XTj WwJkmmW iff r' V I Us WPALTH OF ROSES.! California Cities Profuse in Their Receptions to Roosevelt. At Pasndonn mid Los Angeles tho Kntltnst- urn Wn Spontaneous nitd Interne A Visit to Mrs. Junius A. Uiirilolda Widow of Kx-l'resldciit. Los Angeles, CaL, May 0. Presi dent Roosevelt made his entry into Los Angeles at one o'cloek yesterday i j afternoon. The enthusiastic welcome '' that had greeted hint at each stopping place within the boundaries of Cali fornia reached a cJimax when tho presidential train di-ww into LaGrando station. Los Angeles had for many days been preparing for him and she aviis ready, dressed in her best. Tho presidential train left Riverside at eight o'clock n. in., at which early hour thousands of people turned out to bid the president good-by. On tho way over the Santa Fe n half hour's ctop was made at Clarcmont, where the president spoke to the students of Pomona college, the president of 'which, John D. Gates, is an old-time friend of President Roosevelt. From Clarcmont the train ran through tho picturesque Snn Gabriel r-nllcy to Pasadena, where a stop of two hours was made, Twcnty-fiv hundred Bchool -children occupied the space directly In front of the president, each child carrying a long light pole, with the national colors waving from tho top, and palms nnd wreaths of flowers from the center. After the address nt the high school President lloosevelt and party took carriages for n drive through the city. The route toolc them down tho, famous Orange Grove avenue, the "Street of Millionaires." A brief stop was made at the home of Mrs. Garfield, tlie widow of the late Presi dent J. A. Garfield, with whom the president cluitted pleasantly for a few moments. Continuing the drive the party passed down Columbia street to Raymond. Trill, from which point the president gained a splendid view of "the fertile San Gabriel val- ley. Promptly at 12:30 the party "boarded a train at Raymond station nnd left for Los Angeles. At eight o'clock In the evening the president reviewed the electrical parade, which was the closing fenrturc of the day's celebration. Later he was driven to Lis train. The presidential train left at six o'clock this morning for Ventura. DOCTOR ENSOR SUPT. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE INSTITUTION. Endorses the Catarrhal Tonic Pe-ru-na A Congressman's Letter. ONLY EIGHT OPPOSED. Overwhelming; Voto Tor Creed KovUlon by the ililt l'rofiby-torloa General A- nemblr Ht Los Aneolcs. New York, May 9. Presbyterian creed revision appears to be near at bund after a prolonged and at times acrimonious struggle within and with out the ranks of that church. It has been learned that 227 of the 235 pres Lyteries of the Presbyterian church in America voted solidly for creed re vision, as based on the 11 overtures Kent down by last year's general as sembly. At tho meeting of the gen eral assembly to be held in Los An geles, Cal., this month, it is believed (the last obstacle to creed revision will have been overcome and the de mands of the great majority of Pres byterians granted. MACHEN RELIEVED. Superintendent of t!ii Froo Delivery .Serv ice In Out l'eiullnir InveHtlentlou of JIU Department. Washington, May 9. Postmoster Gcneral Payne has relieved A. W. Machcn, general superintendent of the free delivery service, from duty pending the result of the post ollieo department investigation, and has assigned M. C. Fosnes, formerly di rector of posts in Cuba, to take charge of the free delivery service. The Itock Island GcU tlio 'I'rlsro. New York, May 9. After falling through twice within the last year, the sale of the St. Louis & San Fran cisco railway system, aggregating nearly 4,000 miles of railroad, has been made to the Rock Island compa ny. Not a cent in cash exchanged hands. Otl'elal ratification of the deal was niado by the Rock island direc tors when 11. F. Yoakum, president of the Frisco and manager of tho pool that will turn over the road, was elected to the directorate of the Ilock Island. .Step-llnto Plan Defented. Rock Island, 111., May 9. Official returns from 35 state conventions of tho Modern Woodmen of America Khow thnt 355 of tike 409 delegates elected to the head camp meeting at Indianapolis on June 10 were in structed to favor a rate readjustment of some sort. Many of these 355 , delegates, however, were instructed to oppose the step rate plan recom mended two years ago by a read justment committee. Prominent Olclnlioiimn Drowned. Mountain View, Ok., May 9. John son F. Bellinger, one of the most prominent residents of southwestern Oklahoma, accidentally fell into tho Washita river while fishing and drowned. Dr. J. F. Ensor, Postmaster of Colum bia. C., lato Superintendent and Phy sician Inchnrgoof Stato Insano Asylum at Columbia, 8. C, writes: "After using your Pcruna myself for a short period, and my family hav ing used and are now using the same with good results, and upon the In formation of others who have been benefited by It as a cure for catarrh and an invigorating tonic, I can cheer fully recommend it to all persons re quiring so effective a remedy." Dr. J. F. Ensor. Hon. C. W. Butts, ox-Mombcr of Con gress from North Dakota, in a lottcr from Washington, D. C, Bays: "That Pcruna is not only a vigorous, as well as an effective tonic, but also a euro of catarrh Is beyond controversy. It is already established by its uso by tho thousands who havo boon benefited by it. I cannot too highly express my appreciation of its oxcellenco. C. Y. Butts. Dr. R. Bobbins, Muskogco, I. T., writes : " Pcruna Is tho best mcdlclno I know of for coughs and to strengthen a weak efnmnnli ntirl 4rt irlvn nvmnMtn TlnclrTn prescribing It for catarrh, I havo ordered it for weak and debilitated people, und havo not had a patient but said it helped him. It is an excellent medicine and it fits so many cases. i ' I havo a largo practice, and havo a chance to prescribe your Pcruna. I hopo you may live long to do good to the sick and suffering." Only tho weak need a tonic. Pcoplo are never weak except from some good cause. One of tho obscure causes of weakness and tho ono oftenest over looked is catarrh. Catarrh inflames tho mucous mem brane and causes the blood plasma to cscapo through the mucous membrane in the form oi mucus. This discharge hII IllllhW n Jill lift ii I 1 1 1 1 IwliSSSwi I I 111 I of mucus is tho same as tho loss of blood. It produces weakness. Pcruna Btops tho catarrh and proven ts Vin flicnlmrrrn nf milium. HMiln la wliw Pcruna is called a tonic. Pcruna docs not givo strength by stimulating the nervous system a little. It gives strength by preserving tho mucous membranes against leakage. It gives strength by converting tho blood fluids and preventing their drain ing away in mucous discharges. Constant spitting, and blowing tho nose will finally produce extrcmo weak ness from the loss of mucus. If you do not derive promptnnd satis factory results from tho use of Pcruna, write at once to Dr. Ilartman, giving a full statement of your case and ho will bo pleased to givo you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr.TIartman.Prcsldent of Tho Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. THE FOOD That Does Good A medicinal food that attacks microbes and drives out disease - . liar-- lffl YOU JSlgjgES TRIED fE IT? Rend I Rend I Rend I Smith Medical Co. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. lGtli, 1002, Gentlemen : I writo to toll you of tho good results of ,W. L. DOUGLAS S3.and S3.8S Shoes KS Ear you van mivo from su.uo to wn.uo ycnriy by wearing XV. L. Douglas S3.G0 or 83 Shoes. Thoy nro Just as good in ovcry way as tlioso that ixa.ro ouon costing you irom 4.w 10 so.uu. mo lnmionso &:uo of W. J.. Douglas shoes proves their superiority over all other innkes. .... . . r . dui uy retail enoo dealers ovcrywnoro Tho gcmilno lmvo niuno v stamncd on tho bottom CATALOG''? Rfct r&ji?ub3Mu.o. tart Color KycUts iised. im .A-ru ul; iirj tr uiib jiilij Lino cannot bo equal UmI at any price. HE. Wl W BA J& X. ttnft fit ft- vn s. " i re? Bi V-1-. if tjj -. vrv r. ..vn 1' N ni WW iiJtiXW a F-JBKiV .- '7 3V nt itm r xv v4ww viuji i iium "v- ir . K jml w&m mmMW nr ; LmZmimmmin(iis. m. ii mm" mrwm r . .ii.4j.rr--" un.mN. ssi.T. k." v i Dnrn -.'ir-i77r7Tiii s..sij:t - ill - r unn a jui rr r ,-.-.-' - -t.. H llfcn I ill Inllil ,1 nnd prico Tnko no Established 1875. TkDo(U( tccrrt prertit afliiBla( Ihehollom ! product nor fleilbU and Isngrr wfrln Icathrr iksnaar other lnaa(. Tliaaalft hat mora than rtoo. kUdtkapatt four jaari, whlfhorofaatlaioparlorUj. ir,KPi,nn..a. 1899 Sales: 1W3 Sales: fiii-,0.l,UAO.OU W. I.. Douglas mnkea and sells moro men's Ooodyoar wolt (hand-sowed rroccso) ahooa mnn any omor inuuiiu.i.iin--i n itu wu&.v.. I can illsjirovo tills statement COK nnn Doworrl will Iw paid tounyono who vDZOiUUIJ ncndlU can (luiirovo this statement Mado oi tlio best luiporlod and American leathers. PILES NO MONEY TILL CURED. 25 years established. We send FREE and postpaid a 200 paw treatise on Piles, Fistula and Diseases or the Rectum; also 100 page i litis, treatise on Diseases of Women. Of the thousands cured by our mild method, none paid a cent tijlcored-we furnish their names on application. PRS. T-HORNTOM & MINOR. 1031 Oak St.. Kansas City. Mo- The Only Vitalized Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Glycerine, Gualacol, nnd the Hypophosphitcs of Lime and Soda. For weak, thin, consumptive, pale-faced people, and for those who suffer from chronic disease and weakness of lungs, chest or throat. Ozomulsion is a Scientific Food, pre pared under aseptic conditions in a mod ern laboratory under supervision of skilled physicians. To be had of all Druggists in Large Bottles, Weighing Over Two Pounds. A Free Sample Bottle By Mall will be scut by in to nny nililre on request, so Hint invalids in every walk of life can tent it for themselves nnd see wlint Ozomulsion will do for them. B:ud us your tinme and coinpteto address, by Postal Cnrd or Letter, nnd the 1'rca miniplc Dottle wtn at once ins scut to you ny man, rre paid. Also Children's Mool "llabyvillo" in Colors. Address Ozomulsion Food Co. 98 Pino Stroot. Now York. WESTERN CANADA HAS PRBB HOME'S FOR MILLIONS, upwards of 100,000 Amorl- ciuis lmvo nettled In Wontorn Canada during tlio past 6 years. Tliuy aro CONTENTED, IIArlY, AND I'KOHl'KICOUM. and thcrn Ik room still for MII.I.IO.NM. Wonderful jleltls of wheat anil other urnlns. Tho bontRrazlnK luniin on tho continent. MiiKiilllconi cllmnto; plenty of wntur and fuel; pood Bohoola, oxcollontchurchesi splundld railway fiicllltlcs. HOMESTEAD LANDS of ICO AcroB FREE, tho only oharKO helnK 110 for entry Bond to tho followlnR for rin Atlas nnd othor liter ature, aswull us forcertlilciito kIvIhk yon rriluced nillway rates, OtC.t Huperlntciidriit or Iniml Rrutlon, tuwii, Canndii, or J. 8.CiAWWiu, $1 W. Nlntli St., KiinRriB City. Mo.: M. V. 1IKNNBTA BOlKow York J.I fo llldc., Omaha, Nub.; autuorlivd Canadian Govermnent Auunts. BKfroinc W&7 Jf X I AjlltlKm Kidney I lmvo hnd Kidney troublo four years, tried 8 doctors and several patent medi cines, with ltttlo relief until advised by Mr. 0. N. Ilorroa to try your Kidney Curo and two bottles did more good than all other treatment. I think Smiths. Suro Kidney Curo tho best of nil. It will do all and moro than you claim for It. lb relieved lno of Indigestion or' Btomach trouble. I am thankful. Yours very truly, C. A. HARPER, J. P. Prlco B0 cents and $1.00. For ealo by all druggists. US FREE TO WOMEN to prove tho hcnlltiB nnd olerinslntf power of I'nxttno Tollot Aiitlnoptlc wo will mnll n largo trial pncknRo with book of instructions utiMnliitoly froB. TJiIh Is not n tiny Rumple, butnlnreo packaiio, oiioukJi to convlnco nnyono of Uh vnlue. Women nil over tho country nro pralsliifi Paxtlno for wlint ie lins dono In locnl tront- IllUllt ol follliiln 111b. mir ing nil inllnmmatlon nnd dlschargcR, wonderful as n cloiinsinir vtiKlnal douche for soro throat, nnsal catnrrh( us n mouth wnah. nnd to romovo tartar nnd whiten tho teeth. Send to-day; it postal card will do. Hold liy drnvKUU or acnt poatpuld by ua, KO ointa, luriro liox. MiitUntflloti Bllitriiiitred. '1'IIK U. PASLTON IU. JSOl Coiuuibtm Av Jloaton. Muaa. PILES ANAKESIS SBS ft: lief mid IMlNI'j'IVK J.V OITJtKN 1MI.KN. Kor froo nanirilo ruldrcui "ANAKKN1N," Trlb unu bnllillritf, Now York. N EEDLES 1 For all Spulnu Marhlnetk duiiwlo Btnndard Goods Only. SH UTTLES r rni.o(ii k vmykw iikuils. DRD.IDR BLELOCK MFC. CO., REPAIRS i via J.oitbi ht., m. imi.. iiol A. N. K.-D 1009 IVIiniY -WKITIXO TO ADVKRTINKRH plcuaa Btntc Unit you auw tlio Advertise ment In till ai iiiipcr. zmt.mTmiumim witr.mwMwwwwM PURI To have health in hot weather the blood must be pure the digestion good and the vital organs free from bilious impurities. NOW is the time to put yourself in shape for the season's work. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS purifies the blood thoroughly and cleanses and strength ens the stomach, liver and bowels. During the Winter months many persons by neglect acquire a costive habit and as a result of such condition the system is clogged with impurities which get into the blood. If not removed these impurities become poisonous and undermine the constitution. The admirable cleansing and strengthening effect of PRICKLY ASH BITTERS is especially appropriate in such cases. It drives out im-" purities in the blood, stimulates the torpid liver and restores regularity in the bowels, thus PERMANENTLY removing this disease breeding condition. Begin the season's work right Cleanse the system 'of imDurities and cot vour blood, liver nnH hnwpk in fighting trim. Through the use of PRICKLY ASH BITTERS the world's greatest System Tonic and Blood Purifier, you can lay in a stock of vim and energy that to the busy worker is more valuable than gold. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS is a successful remedy for Kidney Disease and disorders due to Bad Digestion. Relieves Bloating after eating, Wind on the Stomach, Indigestion, Heartburn, Headache, Nervous Weakness, Faint Feeling, Dizziness. In short it puts the system in perfect order. Half a wineglassful of Prickly Ash Bitters night and morning for a few days, will drive out that drowsy, half-sick feeling, sweeten the breath, remove sallowness and restore the clear complexion and ruddy hue of perfect health. Persons who use it during the Spring months will enjoy health, vigor and cheerfulness through the hottest weather. SOLD EVERYWHERE AT $1.00 PER BOTTLE. J"Refuse all substitutes said to be "Just as Good." This remedy has stood the test of years of successful battling with disease. Get the genuine. It will produce the results you desire. 19-ouuce bottle for $1.00. " "V" -""Tr ""r WF -nrr: ; 77535, .- tSgkm&4'U9m