The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 08, 1903, Image 6

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    - tfcWftttt. -,
tutfmiminmiZii3ilj iifTm V"
r t . .' vJt -",irlMiy
Nemaha, Ncbr,
Suit Jjiilco City
Om lui
St. TohuI1i
IttuiHiiH City
St. LuiiIh itnd nil StmZKVtmoiHoo
I'olntH JCawt nd Viid till lJointH
South "WoHt
No. 117 I'liNsetiKur, dully oxcopt HiHi
diiy. for Teen insult, lli-ntrlco,
Hnltlrcgoaml all poltitK west 0:40 am
No. 08 Pashotmur, dully nxconl Hun
diiy, lor Nebraska City. Chicago
mid nil points north mid cast 4 :0O l in
No, 110 Local frolulil, dully except
Hnnduv, lor AIi'IiImiii iind In tor
mwllatn stations 7:.'S0 p m
No. 112 Local froluht, dully except
Monduy, Tor NnhninUii Ohy nml
liiteruicrilatu stations 2:00 n tn
81pitnir. dlnlnu iind rorllnlni: ohalr cars
HOfitH frocjnn llirouitli trnliiH, Tickets Hold
mid ItnuKivcn checked to any point In the
United Wales or Cunnilu.
For Informntlon, tnnpH, tlmo fables nnd
tlelteU call on or willo 10 W. E. Whoclilon,
nnoiit, or .1. FriutalH, General Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Neb.
All kinds of work guaranteed
Bring in your Jicpair work You get
Right Prices and Best Work.
Perkins' Jewelry Store
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures maao oy ur.
I Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
I thft treat klrinftv. lvnr
L and bladder remedy.
; it is tne great medi
cal trltlmrjh of the nlna-
fl teenth centurv: dis
covered after years of
ccientlllc research by
Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and blad
der sneclallst. onrf l
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brifjht'3 Disease, which I3 the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found
Just the remedy you need. 1 1 has been tested
In so many ways, In hospital work, In private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful In
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried It, may have a
samplo bottle sent free by mall, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root nnd how to
find out If you have kidney orbladdei trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer In this paper and ffCl.
send your address to rff7S5sfeaL!rTf5h
hamton, N. Y. The Saiasfeggg
regular fifty cent and nomoof Bwamp-itoot.
Jollar alzc3 are sold by all good druggists.
ConBtination isnnthlnnrninrn
thnn a ctocamor of tho bowels '
nun iiuumur less man vital Rtncr-
1 ...n 'M ...".. ., 1 ,
nation or death if not relieved.
If every constipated wiFerer
could realize that ho is allowing
poisonous filth to remain in his
S'stcm, ho would soon get relief,
onstipation invites nil kind of
contagion. Headaches, bilious
ness, colds nnd many other ail
ments disappear when consti
pated bowels nrorelievcd. Thed
ford's Black-Draught thoroughly
cleans out tho bowels in an easy
and natural manner without tho
purging of calomel or other vio
lent cathartics.
Bo suro. that you got the origi
nal Thedford'8 Black-Draught,
made by Tho Chattanooga Medi
cine Co. Sold by all druggists in
25 cent and 81.00 packages.
Moritui, Ark.. Mnv 25, 11)01.
I rnnnot nrommcml riti'ilronl'it llliu-k.
Draught too lilnhljr. 1 keep It In my lioune
all the tlmo and linto used Itfor flic Inst
ten years. 1 tuner gare my rldlilron
aar other limit I tp. I think I could
never tie niuo 10 work without It
on account or ueinjr troubled ulth
roumipaiiun. inur medicine Is,
nil titut Keeps mo up.
v. 11. jicfAJtttJ.
3 i,r h
1? a-tesJZ:
The Nebraska Advertiser
W. W, Sandrrr, Publisher
FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1003.
13. T. Ilarloy Saturday mitde a Byas
temutlo investigation to ascertain tho
atnouiit of damage to tho applo crop
in his orchard north of tho city, says
tho Lincoln Journal. Ha selected 000
buds andjblossoms taking them at raus
domfcfrom tho various parts of the ors
chard and inspected each one. (Fiftys
three per cent of tho buds wore killed
and 47 per cent wero in good condition.
This test was made throe days after
the temperature had been at freezing
for a continued length of time and Mr.
Ilurloy thought,it would fairly ropres
sent tho amount of damage done to
tho crop. This Is not so bad as it was
first feared. A greater mortality is
thought to exist in tho cherry orchard
though the investipations have not
been carried to thisfruit as yet.
Juno boing the favored month for
weddings, that Issue of tlre-Deslgner
gives special Bpace to the woman who
expects to he a bride. "Urldes and
Hrlclo'a Attendants," "The June Bride's
Troufleuu" and "Womuns Fads and
Fancies" all enter on this subject.
A new department is a page of puzzles
for the little folk", while their elders
are invited to edit for cash remuner
ation "What Women are Doing" and
'Helps Along the Way." An exs
trcnii'ly interesting article treats of
"LaboriSaving Devices for Women,"
and the usual department of "Eti
quette Hints" "Plot (culture," "Hook
Notes," "Toilet Table Chat," In
Motherland" nnd ''The Kitchen .King
dom" are none of them permitted to
Hug In. interest.
The following paragraph is taken
from the Postollioe Appropriation bill
and should be carefully read and ret
mombcred by all: "Whoever shall
hereafter willfully or Maliciously in-
jure, tear down, or destroy any letter
box ur othor receptacle established by
1 ho Postmaster-General, or upproved
or designated by him for the receipt or
delivery of mail matter on any rural
free delivery route, or shall break open
the same, or willfully or maliciously
injure, defaco or destroy any mail
111 itter deposited therein, or shall take
or steal such matter from out of such
letter box or receptacle, or shall wil
fully aid or assist in any of the afore
mentioned offenses shall for overy
such offense be punished by a fine of
not more than one thousand dollars,
or by imprisunment for not more than
three years."
Tho Juno Delineator is especially
ft oug iu fiction and presents the usual
cliauning display of fashions. It con
tains u group of four college stories,
etch of which is a fine specimen.
They are: The Taking of Isabal, by
Catherine Young Glen; Prof . Ashui'a
Tutor, by Alice Louise Lee; Bj Gnic
of Linnaeus, by Kate Milner Uabb;
and a Delayed Proposal, by Kate
Whiting Patch. In tho second install
ation of Mrs. Cather wood's serial stoiy
The Cois-Brurles, the plot developed
along dramatic lines. An attractive
dwelling, suitable for occupation the
entire year and moderate in cost, K
presented with excellent illustrations.
Glare E. Laughlln has a serious pap
er on the domestic relations of woman,
nnd Mrs Blrney contributes a helpful
article on childhood. For the children
Grace MacCowen Cooke, gives the last
of the charming What Happened
Then" storesBounties Little Dumb
Son, nnd Llna Beard adds nnothsr
number to the engaging Pastimes.
AMiutrrol story .by Charles Mcllvaine
is also a feature. Almost every phase
of tho homo is treated in the other
Departn outs,
Rovonls a Croat Socrot
It is often asked how such startling
cures, that puzzle the best physicians
are effected by Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. Here's the
secrwt. It cuts out the phlegm and
ermsinfL'ted mucus, and lets the life
giving oxygttn enrich and vitalize the
nlood. It heals the Inllamed, cough
worn throat and lungs. Hard colds
md stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr.
Kind's New Discovery, the most ins
alllblo remedy for all throat and lung
liseafios. Guaranteed bottles fiOoand
sM.00, Trial bottloa free at Keellng'a.
When a youth can figure accurately
and quickly, when ho can express his
meaning in spoken or written lang
uage succinctly, when he is able to
wrlto legibly and especially if with
these acquirements he is honest, neat,
ambitious and industrious, profitable
employment Is Inevitable as soon as
the school days are ovor. The trouble
with tho graduates from tho city
schools is their imperfect knowledge
of arithmetic, their ignorance of
English' language, their poor penman
ship and their lack of neutness and
dispatch. No merchant Is willing to
teach his employers what should have
been learned in the intermediate gradoa,
Superintendent Gordon is right iu
insisting upon a more comprehonsivo
course in English in the high school
and In opposi-g the establishment
of a commercial course. An average
boy properly taught and with a mind
disciplined as it should be by seven or
eight years of school, will soon learn
the technicalities of any business.
Most merchants prefer to teach their
own system of book-kueping to minds
unprejudiced by ncademic methods.
Tho need of a more thorough drill In
the English language, and its idiosynt
crasios is apparent to any reader of
the high school paper. An introduc
tion of a new courso into the high
school would bo a distinct, misfortune.
As Superintendent Gordon .Bays, a
business courso includes typewriting,
stenopruphy, bookkeeping, etc., and a
smattering of all of these studios in
troduced into tho high school would
have the tendency to make the young
persun who took the courso believe
himself an expert and make his trains
Ing by his employer or immediate su
perior much more difficult than as
though the timo hnd been spent in
grounding the pupil in the fundus
mental operations of arithmetic, com
position, spelling and manual dexter
ity in writing. Tho faddy studies
to which an hour or two a week are
devoted, divert the pupil's attention
from the essentials and the funda
mentals and inculcate the idea that a
little knowledge of, a groat many sub
jects is much more desirable than an
exhaustive knowledge of arithmetic,
composition, spelling and writing.
The fatal habit of superficiality is in-,
troduced by the school boards and tho
pupils quickly acquire it to the disgust
and consternation of their subsequent
employers, if the board, aided by
the excellent corps of teachers in the
city schools can revise the curriculum
so that the graduato of tho high school
ahull write a courteous, concise, legible
letter and is able to conceutrato what
mind he possesses upon tho tasks of
business or household life, the employs
ers of tho youths will bo willing to
teach each youngster tho technicali
ties of businesss. Lincoln News.
Foley's Honey andrTar contains no
opiates and can safely bo giveu to
children. For sale by MT Hill.
DoWltt's Witch Hazol Salvo
The only positive cure for blind,
bleeding, itching and protruditu; piles
cuts, burns, bruises eczoma aud all ab
rasions of tne skin DeWitt's is the
only Witch Hazel 8alve that is made
from ttie pure, unadulterated witch
hazel all othos are counterfeits
DoVitt's Witch Hazel Salve is made to
cure counterfeits are made to sell.
W. W. Keeling.
You never heard of any one using
Foley's Honey and Tar ond not being
satisfied. For sale bv M T Hill.
Ono Minute cough euro gives relief
in one minute, because it kills the mi
crobe which tickles the mucous mem
brane, causing the cough, aud at the
same time clears the phlegm draws out
the in Ham mat ion and heals and sooth
es the attecte.l pirts One Minute
cough cure streiiglieus the lungs, wards
off pneumonia and is a harmless and
never failing cure in all curalie cuaos
of coughs, cuhb, and croup. One Min
ute cough t'ure is pleasant to take,
harmless and good alike for young and
old.-W. W. Keeling.
Usually a hacking cough and a gener
al feeling of weakness, otten leading to
ratal results after the patient Is sups
posed to have passed the danger point
Foley's Honey and Tar Is guaranteed
to cure tho "grippe cough" and make
you Btrong aud well, It never fails to
ttop a cough If taken In time, Take
uo substitute
The Advertiser and the Western
Swine Breeder one year for $1.35; the
Advertiser and Poultry Topics ono
year for $1.15; The Advertiser and the
Daily Omaha News ono year lor 82.00;
the Advertiser and tho Iowa Home
stead, Poultry News and Home
stead Institute numbers ono year for
$1.82;, tho Advertiser and the Nebraska
Farmer ono year for 31.35; tho Adver
tiser and the Chicago Weekly Inter
Ocean ono year for 81.50; the Adver
tiser aud tho Semi-Weekly St. Louis
Globe Democrat one year for 81.75;
the Advertiser and tho Serai Weekly
Nebraska StatoJournal oneyearfor
$1.85. These are aomo f our clubb
ing offers, but wa have others, Can
you beat them anywhere?
Oured by Ono Bottlo of Ohamborlain's
Oough Remedy s
"When I had tho grip last winter
(the second one) I actually cured my
self with one bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy," says Frank VV. Perry
Editor of the Enterprise, Shortvllle,
N. Y. " This is the honest truth. I
at times keep from coughing myself to
pluces by taking one teaspoonful of
this remedy, and when the coughing
spell would come on at night I would
take a dose and it seemed that in the
briefest interval the cough would pass
oil and I would go to sleep perfectly
free from cough and itsMiccompanying
pains. To Bay that the remedy acted
as a most agreeable surprise is putting
It very mildly. I had no idea that it
would or could knock out the grip,
simply because I had never tried it for
such a purpose, but it did, and It seem
ed with the second attack of coughing
the remedy caused it to not only be of
less duration, but the pains were far
less severe, and I had not ust d the con
tents of one bottle before Mr. Grip had
bade me adieu." For sale by Keeling.
Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly
adapted for asthma, bronchitis and
hoarseness. For sale by M T Hlli.
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for
anycasoof Ciitnrrli that cannot no cured by
Hall's Catnrrh Cure,
IF. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, have- known F. J.
Cheney for tho last 16 years, and believe him
perfectly houorablo In ull business transne
tlotiH nml financially nble to carry out nny
obligations tnndo by their llrm.
West ifc'i. max, wholesale drugglntti, ToIedo.O.
Wnldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, wholesale drug
gists, Toledo, O.
Hull's Catarrh Cure Is tnken Internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of tho system. PrlcoTGcpor bottle. Sold
by all drugglstn. Testimonials free.
Unit's Family Pills me the best.
For Those Who Live on Farms
Dr. Bergin, Pana, III., writes: "I
have used Ballards Snow Liniment;
always recommend it to my friends,
and I am confident that there is no
better made. It is a dandy for
burns. Those who live on fains
are especially 'liable to many accidental
cuts, burns and bruises, which heal
rapidly when Ballard's Snow Lini
ment is applied. It should always be
kept in the house for cases ol emers
gency. 25c, 50, and 81 00 at Hill's.
w '-"vw wr-
Capital Stock, S5.000
tcaa:ssr"3ia:c5v;rTTMr .. n;cTr. BCSSoccsaoccsTrart nra3scnng-rr7ll
Editorially fearless
Consistently Republican Always
News from all parts of tho world. Well written, original Btories.
Anawors to queries on all subjects -Articles on Health, tho Home, Now
Hooks, and on Work About the Farm and Garden.
The Intkh Ockan is a mombor of tho Associated Press and also is th
only western newspaper receiving-tho entire telegraphic nows service o
tho Now York Sun aud special cable of the New York .World, besides
daily roports from over 2,000 special correspondents tliTOughout tho coun
try. No pon can tell more fully why it is the best on earth.
53 twelve page papers-52 One dollar a year
Brimful of news from everywhere and
a perfect feast of special matter , , , ,
Subscribe fo? The Advertiser and the Weekly Inter Ocean one viar, both
jnijiers for $1,50, '
f SprlnB'Ailmonts
I ".M 1'. 1 1 4I-...1 nn1tn
i-IIUIU IS Hll ilUlllUg 11 1 HI 111UU ll'CIIUKi ,
the liver, bowels, and kidneys become
sluggish and inactive, the digestion
impaired, with little or no appetite no
ambition for anything and a foeling
that the whole body nnd mind needs
toning up. The troublo is, that dur
ing the winter, there has been an over
accumulation of waste matter in the
system. Herbino will remove It, sev
cure to the secretions a right exit, and
give strength in place of weakness.
50c at Hill's.
Will Cure Consumption. A A Her
ren, Finch, Ark., writes, "Foloy'a
Honey and Tar is the best preparation
for coughs, colds and lung trouble, X
know that it lias cured consumption in
the first stages." For sale by Hill.
Tho Easy Pill
Dewitt's Little Early Kisers do not
gripe nor weaken tho system. They
cure billlousness, jaundice, constipa
tion, and inactive liver, by arousing
the secretions, moving the bowels gent
ly, yet eflectually, and giving such
tone and strength to the glands of the
stomach, liver and bowals that the
cause of the trouble is removed entire
ly. These famous little pills exert a
decided tonic ellect upon the organs
involved and if their use Is continued
for a few days there will bo no return
of tho trouble. W. W. Keeling.
Dealor In
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipes, etc.
'Phone calls answered promptly,
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Robes and
Funeral Supplies
O. jS,. LORD
Makes Kidnoys and Bladder Right
For mUoby M . T. Hill.
Curos Colds; Prevents Pneumonia
For sulo by M. T. Hill.
F. E. ALLEN. Vice-Pres.
ALLEN, Cashier.
C'Pf1 R3apuJ3LICAN
V i
'i "fst
J '" ' ."
I 1 iinmriTiiwrn
cifffJWMMIlH'VftjlgiliMbrf,3L:At'- -rvlfriW-V --