--'5yv ri-rsmtmvri r-,2'tuXrt&.Jrfi Ktttmr.miiiBanwmiim l:IIMVt WHK All UKf JAMS. Beet Counh Simp. Tnntcui Owm. um in lime. Horn irr hitkim. Notico of Appointinont of Ad ministrator TlioHtntcofNobrnHlcn.ConntyofNoniftlin.RS, In I tic county court of Noirmlni county, Nob, To Mnry Ann llrlntlilo ami David W. Evhiih, nnd loiUI porsotm Interested In the CRlnto of MiiMnret Kvuur, dccoiwed. Notice Ih horoliv r-Jvoii Hint Kllznbotli WIN IIhiiih ban filed it petition praying that nd inlnlntrntlon of nnul entnto bpuriuited to IM vld W. KvmiH iw AdmlnNtrntori Hint ttio Iteming tborcof linn breu flzed for the 2nd dy of May, A. D. 11KKI, at 10 o'clock n. m.,' at tint county court ,rnom of mild county, In Auburn, wliori you and all person Interested may nppcvr and show ciiuro, If ttioro 1)0 any, wli v rim nniA nr of mii Id iiotltion Hlioulu not bo granted, and unleMS you ho appear the court may grant tho prayer of anld petition, or ap point noMootliorHultablo pernon, and mulct) all proper ordoru for the duo adtulnlMtratlon of nnll Htute, Wlnifm my hand and fionl of Hnld oeurt thin Otli day of April, A . D. 1003 ItlGIIAHD F. NKAL, County Juduo. r. (tig. W. Keeling, Nomnbn, Nebraska. Offico in Kooliug drug Btoro. PETER KEltKEll, Doulcr In IligliCBt market price paid .for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc. KNAPP & SON Proprietors of th Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHAJNEBB. ftcod Dray in cennoction with Livery Satisfaction guaranteed. Harness Shoe Shop Having oponcd a Hiuneftn Shop nnd Shoo rcpnlrluK builnoMH. I'dcnlro to Inform tho poopluof Neinatm uud vicinity that I am proparod to do all kinds of Shoe Repairing Harness Repairing And Oiling Good Hand Made Harness a Specialty All are Invited to call In and ioo me. J. E. CROTHER REPUBLICAN JR. ' 90348 Standard and rcglntorod, aired by Republi can, 2:194. Dam, Sadie Vera by Tnlavorn, 2:30; 2nd dam. Betsy Troiwood by MoMahon, 2 21. Bed bay, black points, 0 yoara old, stands lo hands high, wolgbs 1200 pounds. He has good high action wltn fine style. Yon will make no mlstnko by breeding to Republican Jr.. as some of tils oldest colts ar selling for $200. LUDWIOK 33073 Standard and reglstorod. sired by Pat h 2.00K. Dam, Sadlo Vera b- Talnvora, 2.3'i: 2nd dam, Uetsy Trotwood by McMahon, 2.21. Dark Day, blnck polms. 0 years old, stands 1K hands high, weighs 1300 pounds, Hotli horses will innko tho season of lo3 at Manln nidgo Stook Farm, 2f miles south east of Howe, nt 810 to Insure mare In foul. Caro will be taken lo prevent accidents lint should any occur will bo nt tho owner's risk Thos. 3. Jones; Owner Howe, Nebraska FOIEYSHONEYTAR ftrmhlldrmnt aafe, turm, Bm plat urhuleby M. T. Iilil. BO YEARtt'r EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DESIGNS Copyrights Ac Anyone sending a skcteta nnd description n (rnloklr Mcart-uln our opinion fr whether Invention Is probubljr putonUblo. Communl Communion. r mn tlons strictly oonuuonuai. uiuiuuwn on i-aiodu lout free. 01 doit ngenojr forsocurlnir tmtcnu. Fatonts taken through Munn A Co. rocelre yptcUdnotia, without cuargo, lu tlio Scientific Jlmcrtcan. A handomoljr Mlnitratod wooklr. Ltrgost elr eulutlon of any solcntluo journal, Tonus, (8 a roar j i our months, L Bold by nil rtowtiUenlera. MUNN JCo.88,Broadajr'NewYork JtaucL Oaieorfo V St, WosUnuton, D. C. , jPppppppjpjepjmpBSu, S? el K-uAL-M..BKABmKELEWEl The Nebraska Advertiser W. W. Sandekb, Publisher FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1003. J. A, Raunoy, publisher of the Iirownvillo lilugraph, whose offlco waa destroyed by Are at that place last Fri day night, was Id tho city Monday. The only thing of value he Bared was his subscription list. Mr. Ranney while here waa undecided whether or not ho would resume publication f the newspaper. Auburn Herald. Oliver, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. II. Jones of near Howe, cams home Sunday from Des Moines, la., whore he has been studyiug musIc in tho piano department of the Des Moines Musical college under Prof. Henri Rulfrok, We understand Ollv eo has wado great progress in this line of werk and expects to be a 190-1 grad uate at that place. Post. President Roosevelt made his tour through Nebraska the flrat of this week, and was greeted with great ens thusiam everywhere. He stayed Suns day at Grand Island, and on Monday mado a half heur stop at Lincoln; Monday night he was at Omaha. At Lincoln nnd Omaha 'he spoke to 1m menso crowds. He should feel proud of the welceme he received. The contract was let Saturday and the dirt began to move Monday fer the new Avenue hotel at the bead ot the boulevard. H. Bellas was award ed the contract for the construction ot the building and September first was the limit of time upon which it should bo completed. Tho buildtng will be three stories high with basement ui will contain about forty rooms. The north' frontage will be seventy feet and the east seventy-two, with a kitchen and engine room separate at the back. The completed building is expected to cost about $10,000. It. It. Dutter and son, the former popular landlords 'of the Talmage house, will be the managers of this hotel when finished. Auburn Post. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Shurtleff, who have speut the winter in southern Cal ifornia, returned bone en Monday morning, looking as though their so journ on the Pacific coaat had benefit ted the health of both. When they left in the fall the Herald stated that thejTmight possibly make their future home in California, which Mr. Shurt leff stated was far from their intens tions. Tho state of Nebraska, which has so long been their home, is too dear a spot to nwke another state their home, and they say they are mighty glad to get back again after their win ter's absence. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Shurtleff were likewise glad to Bee them back and hope that the health of both will be so good in the future that a change of climate will be un necessary . Herald. All our farmer readers should take advantage of the unprecedented club bing offer we this year make, which includes with this paper The Iowa Homestead, its Special Farmers' Insti tute editions, and The Poultry Farms er. These three publications are the best of their class and should be in overy farm homo. To tliem we add for local, county and general news our own paper and mako the price for tho four for one yearl$l.35 Never before was so much superior reading matter offered for so small an amount of money. Tho papers named which we club with our own are well known throughout the west and commend. themselves to the reader's favorablo attention upon mere mention. The Homestead is the great agricultural and live stock paper of tho west. The Poultry Farmer is the most practical poultry paper for the farmer published in tho country.'and the Special Farm ers' Institute editions are the most praotical publications for the promo tion of good farming ever published. Take advantage of tills great offer. Bettor Than a Piaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm nnd bound on the affected parts, is better than a plaster for a lame back and for pains in the side and cheat. Pain 13alm has no superior as a liniment for the re lief of deepsoated.musouior, and rueus rnatio pains. For sale by W. W. Keeling Druggist. Call In and see us if you want to subscribe for any paper published in tho United States. 1 The current publication of tho terms of ofllce nerved by ,tbo governors of Nebraska since it was admitted Into tho union presents a record that is worth preserving fer Its historic value. Woglvo It as follows: David Butler, 1800-71 Wm. H. James, 1871-72. Robert W. Furnas, 1872-74. Silas Oarber, 1874-78. AlbinaB Nance, 187882. James VT. Dawes. '1882-80. John If . Thayer, 1880-00. ' James E. Boyd, 1800s92. Lorenzo Crounse, 1802s04, Silas A. Holcomb, 189408. W. A. Poyntor, I808sl00. Charles H. Dietrich, part of 1001. Ezra P, Savage, 1001s02. - J. II. Mickey, 1003. One highly interesting foature of this gubernatorial exhibit isjthe long evity of the governors of this state. Here is a list of fourteen, reaching back thirtyhsoven years. Of these fourteen twelve are still living and ready to hold ofllce at tho drop of tho hat. Only the Orst two, Butler and James, have gone beyond. For a pers old of thirtysone yeara death has not claimed u governor of Nebraska. None have encountered tho keen edge of Futher Time's sickle. May their years in the.land be many. Ponce de Leon searched in vain for the fountain of youth. He did not And It, becauso Nebraska was an uns identified part of tho unknown west. It had not yet been carved out of the Louisiana purchuse and been made a political subsdi vision where tnen might become goveuors and live happy ever after. It it a little wonder that, viewing the record, there are many who seek tho glory and perpetual youth of the executive chair. Some there are who hae died trying to get into it, but only two of tho whole number who succeeded in reaching it. Long may the governors of Nebrass ka wave. Fremont Tribune. A Wak Stomach Causes a weak body and invites iisi ease. Kodol dyspepsia cure cures and strengthens the stomach aad wards off and overcomes disease. J. R. Taylor, a prominent merchant of Cbriesman, Texas, says, ''I could not eat becauso of a weak stomach. I lost all strength and run down in weight. All that money could do was done, but all hope of recovery vanished, Hears ingofsome wonderful cures effected by use of Kodol I concluded to try it. The first bottle benefitted me, and after taking four bottles I am fully restored to ray usual strength, weight and health W. W. Keeling. Call and see us for reduced rates on magazines and newspapers. GO TO Houiz's Restaurant FOR A FINE LINE OF Candies, Cigars, Fruits etc. A One line of Summer Drinks just in Wines, Ciders, Phosph ales etc. Call in and see' us. Will Cure Consumption .A A Her ren, Finch, Ark., writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar Is the best preparation forcougb8, colds and lung trouble. I know that it has cured consumption in the first stages." For sale by Hill, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , The only positive cure for blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles cuts, bums, bruises eczema and all ub rasions of tne skin DeWitt's is the only Witch nazel Salve that is made from the pure, unadulterated witch hazel all othors are counterfeits. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve 1b made to cure counterfeits are made to sell. W. W. Keeling. So Sweet and Pleasing in Taste Mrs. C. Peterson, 025 Lake St. Tope kn, Kan., speaking of Ballard's Hore hound Syrnp, says: "It has never fail ed to give entlro satisfaction, and of all cough remedies, it Is ray favorite, and I must confess to my many friends that it will do and has done what it has claimed for It to spoedlly cure a cough or a cold; and it is so tweet and pleasing In taste." j 25o, 50c, and $1.00 at Hill's. ( A Revolution.' -rlf you will make inquiry it will be a revelation to you how many succtim to kidney or blad der troubles In one form or another. If the patient is not beyond medical aid, Foley's Kidney Cure will cure. It never disappoints. For sale by Hill. SEVERE ATTA0K OF GRIP Oured by One Bottle of Ohamborlain's Oough Remedy "When I had the grip last winter (the second one) I actually cured my self with one bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," says Frank tV. Perry Editor of the Enterprise, Shortville, N. Y. "This is the honest truth. 1 at times keep from coughing myself to pieces by taking one teaspoonful of this remedy, and when the coughing spell would come on at night I would take a dose and it seemed that in the briefest iuterval the cough would pass off and I would go to sleep perfectly free from cough and its accompanying pains. To say that the remedy acted as a most agreeable surprise is putting It very mildly. I had no idea that it would or could knock out tho grip, simply because I had never tried it for such a purpose, but it did, and it seem ed with the second attack of coughing the remedy caused it to not only be of leis duration, but the pains were far less severe, and I had net used the con tents of one bottlo before Mr. Grip had bade me adieu." For snle by Keeling. A Lesson In Health. Healthy kidi neys "filter the impurities from the blood, and unless they do this good health is impossible. Foley's Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys and will positively cure all forms of kiduey and bladder disease. It strengthens the whole system. For sale by M T Hill. To improve tho appetite nnd strengi then the digestion, try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets: Mr.K.H. Soltz of Detolt, Mich., says, "They restored my appetite when impaired, relieved me of a bloated feeln ing and caused a pleasant and satisfac tory movement of the bowels." There are people in this community who need jutt such a medicine. For sale by W W Keeling, druggist Every box warranted. Cures Soiatio Rheumatism Mrs A. E Simpson, 500 Craig St Knoxville, Tenn., writes June 10th, 1800: "I have been trying the baths of Hot Springs, Ark., for soiatic rheu matism, but I get more relief froia Ballard's Snow Liniment than any medicine or anything I have ever tried Enclosed find postofllce order for $1.00 Send me a large bottle by Southern Express." Sold by M. T. Hill A Physioian Writes "I am desirous of knowing ff the profession can obtain Herbine in bulk for prescribing purposes? It has been of great use to me in treating cases of dyspepsia brought on by excesses or overwork: I have never known it to fall in restoring the organe affected, to their healthful activity." 50c bottle at Hill's. FOLEYSHONETTAR otops tKo cougH and bala lung's The St. Louis The Great Newspaper of the World ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ?$ G?b,e,-Vcwocral ts wiihout a rival m all Ihe Wetl BY MAIL, POSTAGE PREPAID Dailv. Dally, Without Sunday One Year 4 00 0 months a 00 3 mouths 1 o Including Sunday One Year so 00 uinontb8 s oo 3 months 1 50 Tho "Twice-a-Week Issue of the Globe-Democrat at One Dollar a Year Two papers every week. 1 0,m nE8fr mre uvefy Tuesday and Friday. One Dollar for one year, Sample Copies Free The Great World's Fair Will be held at St. Louia in 1905, and the Greatest St HI n!c m paper will bo indispensable during the com i8 ySr St5LoU,s News SUBSCRIBE TO-DAY! TUKGLOBE 'ES&Ll m . j& m wi,Wfi, whoso only p 6d c will bo disappointment? tPS I$$P mJSp rva - We P l.CuaranteoentlresatJsfartinn. Pi,it.,. n " Buarnnteosafonr- The Prairie Farmer The Advertiser makes an Outright Fur chase of a number of Subscriptions at Wholesale prices and offers them to its readers at Much Less than Cost Two Papers with the Advertiser Tho Prairio Farmer Wookly and Tho Prairio Farmor Homo Maga zino Monthly Ono Toar with tha Advortisor for only 35 ots. extra? Beginning with tho publication of this notico all subsonbora to the Ad vortisor renewing their subscriptions for one year direct to this office may secure Tho Prairio Farmor w ckly, including The Prairie Farmor Home Magazine monthly supplement, and the.Advertiser all for one year each, for $1 35. The Prairio Farmer is tho greatest farm and-livestock paper now publish ed. It is carefully edited, haadsomei ly illustrated, has complete live stock market reports of Ohicago, Kansas City and Omaha. Tho Prairio Far mer HomeMagazine monthly supple ment is a great publication for wom an, young woman, boys and girls. It kaa bright, spicy articles, printed on tho bast book paper, profusely il lustrated with half-tono engravings. The two papers make a substantial and interesting combination for any fnmily. Rogaiding this offer The Prairio Farmor writes us: "We would not foel like making you a similur propos ition did wo not think that your pap er would result in sending us at least 600 new subscriptions this year. Wo are offering you an opportuaity that your readers should not let slip by. xour readers will not be paying for the blank paper we use, but we are counting upon their liking thepaper so much that they will always want to read them." Better Than Gold. I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debiN lty, writes F. G. Green, of Lancaster, N. H. "No remedy helped me until 1 began using Electric Bitters which did me more good than all the medic ine I ever used. They have also kept my wifeiu excellent health for years. She says ElectricBitters are just splen did for female troubles; that they aro a grand tonic and invigorator for weak run down women. No other medic ine can take its plaee in our family." Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by Keeling. 'Would that v could SHOUT FROM EVERY HOUSE-TOP wltb the strength or m mtiliea voice inai Dr. King's NewDiseover CURES Conctha, Coldi, Conanraptlon, Jironchltli,iVslliniu, l'luiii-lsy, Pneumonla,Orli, NorcThroat MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS. Price EOc and $1.00. Trial Bottle Free. Tho Great Republican Paper of America Globe-Democrat Sunday Edition 40 to 00 Pages One Year 0 00 0 months 1 00 PRINTING CO.. St. Louis, Mo. S avo a 79.YI?. Drcrntm C hllfrn... 41 ""," " W, iausikS2i'a2 4!..' ;." :',u d"uhk lounuo- .?. L-i .r la..i uuiil imnn i i.n n( j. . ...... ,, U1U Hron,, foun. 1 .-. . , V'01 quality and lownriVrn linn nt mini, .. , .- . .y 7ZTy 0n We t?AY FRIGHT boxaiI pack free, riSMPBawran tf r4rKMW? y in. j; v 4l t.;b ,i .&