The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 01, 1903, Image 7

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    - i V MrH
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News from Over the State
DlHtrlol JiiiIkl'n Intlvitoiideiit.
A question of interest to lawyers
nntl judges is decided by the supreme
court in the case of Tarker, admin
istrator, against Well, from Lan
caster county. It has long been a
question with lawyers and courts as
to how far a judge should go in over-
Vnlte the ground because lie believes
the jury has not done substantial
'justice that ti new trial should be
given and go on doing so until a
verdict is rendered in accordance
with his idea of the right? It has
been contended that tills is an In
vasion of the rights of juries, but the
Hupretuc court does not take this
view. It declares that the district
court ought to grant new trialB when
it appears that a substantial justice
lias not been done between the
parties. The rule acted upon by the
supreme court that It will not inter
fere where the trial court overruled
a motion for a new trial on the
ground of the insufficiency of con
illcting testimony does not apply,
says this decision, to thp district
eourts. These should be independent
and exercise their power without re
straint from the rules governing ap
pellate tribunals, taking care not to
'invade the legitimate province of the
Sad Career CIomimI.
Mrs. Hendolin, a well-known char
acter at Fremont, is dead. She was a
woman' who at some time in her ca
reer had had the advantage of a su
perior education and great social
privileges.. She came to Fremont
about, HO years ago from no one knows
where with a baby daughter a f,ew
years old. She went at once to the
rooms of a young lawyer who was
highly esteemed in Fremont, in
formed him that he was the father
of the girl and demanded that he re
pair the wrong done. A few days
after he committed suicide by shoot
ing. The daughter grew up and lived
with her mother, who was ever after
partially insane. The girl was n bril
liant scholar and graduated with high
rank from the Fremont school, but
slie had an insane taint like her
mother and a few years ago commit
ted suicide by taking poison.
Drtiwn Claim "Wnrrnntn.
Deputy Auditor Anthes has com
pleted the 'work of Issuing warrants
for the deficiency claims which the
legislature authorized the treasurer
to pay. The total amount, for which
warrants were drawn amounts to
about $120,000 and represents several
hundred claims. The largest claim
was for about $3,000. The work of
Issuing the wolf bounty claim war
rants will now be taken up. This
means another heavy task for the
auditor's oilice force, since there are
nearly 20,000 to be issued.
Falls llolr to Mines,
George W. Gunthef, of Lincoln, a
former employe of the liurllngton
has received notification of the fact
that through the death of a friend
lie has been left two mines near
Hut to, Mont. One of the mines turns
out the modest amount of $50,000
worth" of gold ore each month. The
total value of both is estimated at
$5,000,000. She who left Ciunther the
properly was Mrs. Mollie 1'inger, an
old friend, who died Junuary 22.
Hlica AiviiitlnKr Execution.
"Wiliam Rhea, aged 22 years, a con
vict in the state penitentiary, lies in
a dungeon counting the days until by
the decree of the highest, court in
the state he is hanged by the neck
until dead. Hut for the inference of
"lZxru. V. Savage, then governor, the
man would have paid the penalty of
Jiis crime on the scaffold April 21,
1902. At that time he was given a
respite until July 10 of this year.
Dcntli Occurs nt AVeililiiiff.
A sad incident, occurred at the
home of Thomas Recli four miles
east of Hrainard. While 'Miss Mary
Kccli, the daughter, was being mar
ried, Mr. Hech, who had taken sick
in the morning, suddenly became
worse and when the large wedding
procession was returning home and
had just entered the yard Mr. Koch
Gowrnor anil Stair oit Tour.
Tuesday morning the governor and
talT ollicers went to St. Louis to
participate in the dedication of
the Louisiana Purchase exposition
grounds. The stuff consisted of Adjt.
Gen. Culver and Cols. .Jenkins, Evans,
Hills, Adams, Miles, Dow, Melliek,
Shuniway, Kaley and Thomas.
IVorUliiK' on IIiiiulHoiiie Cliurcli.
"Work is progressing on the new
Methodist ehureh at Miudcii which,
when completed, will be the hand
somest church in that section. It
will cost $10,000.
CSov. .Mickey AiltlrcHxcri lliiliUcrH.
Gov. Mickey attended the banquet
given at Fremont to bankers of
northwest Nebraska and responded
to the toast, "Nebraska."
"Warm Hunch of Orltlolnotii.
The Modern Woodmen, along with
other mutual beneficiary organiza
tions, is handed a rather warm bunch
of criticism in on opinion by the su
preme court In which it denies a re
hearing and adheres to the former
judgment of the court in the ease of
Coleman against the Modern Wood
men, from Cass county. Asa Coleman
was a member of the Woodmen for
some years, but a few months before
his death changed his occupation to
one coming within the prohibition
of the order. Under the rules of the
order he should have filed a waiver
of claim for bencllts under his cer
tificate. He did not do so, nor did
the local clerk require him to do so.
The head camp kept on receiving his
money each month without protest,
but after his death the claim was set
up of nonliability. The supreme court,
held that the certificate shouuld be
ItiiHHtiitiN to "Work Iti licet Kleltlw.
Representative Farrar, of Hall
county, was in Lincoln for the pur
pose of taking out another shipment
of Russians to work in the beet
fields around Grand Island. Some
days ago .'500 were taken out and put
to work and Wednesday another lot
of 300 men, women and children went
on a special train of seven cars. Fer
rar is the manager of the beet sugar
factory at that place, lie, said that
the laborers were paid $20 an acre
for taking care of the beets. They
live in cottages erected on the fields
where they work. The members of
the families all work in the fields.
About $10,000 will be paid out at.
Grand Island alone for this class of
Say IlentlHt AVuh l' infra to fill.
Mjss Genevieve Habcock, who be
longs to the family of a prominent,
banker in Scott, X. Y., instituted pro
ceedings at Omaha against Dr. Jesse
R. Hurdick, a prominent dentist, for
$.r0,000 damages for breach of prom
ise. Miss Habcock, Who is said to
have a private fortune, avers that
she furnished defendant mony with
which to start in business, and that
last September he broke off their
betrothal by marrying a Miss Cole,
of Omaha.
HovciiIm "Work of VlKlIantcM.
The mystery surrounding the sud
den disappearance of old man Hill
and his son, Charles, In 1893, was un
doubtedly salved Saturday so far as
the latter is concerned, when Charles
Daly plowed up a skeleton on Ills
farm which was located on the south
bank of the Niobrara river in Holt
county. The remains had been buried
face down, evidently in a big hurry
and were identified by people who
had known him in life.
Cu nIi for the Starving.
Gov. Mickey mailed to A. Grip, min
ister to Sweden and Norway, a draft
for $1,300, and to Comte Cassini, the
Russian minister at Washington, a
draft, for $.'.()0, this being the $2,000
appropriated by the last legislature
for the starving people of Sweden,
Norway and Finland.
Htitv Queen Victoria Crowned.
Henry Masterson is dead at. Lincoln
at the great age of 90. He was born
in England. At one time he was a
member of the royal guard that sur
rounded Windsor castle and was a
member of that, body when Queen
Victoria ascended the throne and
was crowned.
' Churned With Illegal Voting.
William Graff was arrested at Sew
ard on the charge of illegal voting.
During the republican primaries this
spring, it is charged, Graff deposited
several ballots at one time. Graff is
a bartender and the case grows out
of the fight to keep the saloons out
of town.
HluikliiK Oft' the lllue.
Adjt. Gen. Culver honorably dis-
charged from membership in the na
tional guard 25 men. Most of the
men had served out their term of
enlistment. A large number of sol
dier boys luiM been shaking off the
blue lately.
Farm Hand Hiirned to Death.
V. Sosberg was milking in a cow
shed, near Oak, and tipped a lantern
over. The barn and contents, includ
ing four horses, burned quickly. Ab
ner Weborg, a hired nmn, was in the
loft, and burned to dentil.
IIIK' Addition to Church.
At the York Methodist church
Sunday 50 new members were ta
ken in. The membership of the Meth
odist church there is over 700.
Drove Daughter Iiimiiiio.
The suicide of Mrs. A. 0. Rent at.
Ashlnnd so worked on the feelings
of her daughter that the latter had
to be taken to an asylum.
Child DIcm from Hattler'M Illte.
William Christie's little girl died
eight miles west of Grant from the
llte of a rattlesnake.
Robert R. Roberts, M. D., Wash
ington, D. C, writes:
"Through my own experience
as well as that of many of my
friends and acquaintances who
have been cured or relieved of ca
tarrh by the use of Hart man's
Peruna, 1 can confidently recom
mend it to those suffering from
such disorders, and have no hesj
tat Ion In prescribing It to my pa
tients." Robert R. Roberts.
A CONSTANTLY increasing number
of physicians prescribo Peruna in
their regular practice. It has
proven its merits so thoroughly that
oven tho doctors havo overcome their
prejudice against so called patent medi
cines and recommend it to their patients.
Peruna occupios a unique position in
medical science. It is tho only internal
systemic catarrh remedy known to tho
medical profession today. Catarrh, as
every one will admit, is tho cause of one
half tho diseases which afflict mankind.
Catarrh and catarrhal diseases afflict
one-half of tho people of United States.
F. H. Brand, M. D., of Mokena, 111.,
uses Peruna in his practice. Tho follow
ing coso Is an example of tho success ho
has through the uso of Peruna for ca
tarrh. Dr. Brand says: "Mrs. 'C.,' ago 28,
had been a sufferer from catarrh for the
past seven years; could not hear plain
and had watery eyes. She caiuo to mo
almost a physical wreck. She had tried
tho Copcland cures and various other
so-called specialists, and had derived no
benefit from them. She told mo she did
not want to spend any more money on
R . SLyT him.Mhv
Is Pure, Rich, Strong, Vigorous Blood.
Pure blood is essential to an active mind, strong body and bold heart.
Not only is it necessary in a trial of physical strength, but equally so in the
mighty struggle for worldly wealth. The victim of impure blood is gener
ally half-sick, lacks spirit and energy, and is unable to stand the strain of
the contest besides this, he is in constant danger of contracting some life
threatening disease. To have pure blood, the kidneys, liver, stomach and
bowels must be free from obstructions, and strong in the performance of their
functions. This desirable condition can be secured and maintained through
the use of PRICKLY ASH BITTERS, the "World-Celebrated" system
cleanser and blood purifier. A short course with this great remedy vitalizes
the blood and puts the system into prime condition. Invigorates the body,
promotes good appetite, restful sleep and cheerful spirits. As a household
remedy to relieve indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn, bad breath, belching,
flatulence, constipation and for keeping the system in order it is invaluable.
Inslnt on having tuo uonulno. No "just ao pood" article caa point to as many years of successful battUUff with
dlccaso, When you buy Prickly Ash EHtcro you yet a remedy that does the work. Try it.
NfcfcDLtS 1 ''
nir mi hutniih Jlurltlnex
Standard OnodaOnlv.
ciTxiMwr. Hiram vrxiiMS.
lAiiuoi attt Miuiif no.
nest Couyh 8;rup. Tiutos Good.
In time. Sold br druKirlsla.
Dr. M. C. Gee, of San Francisco Says,
"Pe-ru-na is of Especial Bene
fit to Women."
M. D-vr7 Jik JlJ&l
oJvjM II '
:rara fill
1 JHlf IW Mil 11
medicines unless
I could assure her
truna and told her
to come back in
two weeks. Tho
effectB wero won
derful. The cast-
', d o wn 1 oolc Bho h ad
when I first Baw
her had left her
and a smilo adorn-'
,!ed her face. Sho
told mo sho felt a
different woman.
'I her hearing was
improved ana ner
eyes did not trou
ble her any more.
"This is only ono case of the many I
havo treated with your valuablo medi
cine." F. II. Brand. M. D.
Catarrh may invade any organ of tho
body; may destroy any function of tho
bodv. It most commonly attacks tho
head, noso and throat, but thousands
upon thousands of cases of catarrh of
tho lungs, stomach, kidneys, bladder
and other pelvic organs have been cured
by Peruna.
IN GREAT VAK1KTY for ale at
lha lowust prices by
f A.N. Kellogg Newspaper Co.
I 401 Wyandotte St., Kansas City.
1 , - 1
i i mill
F. H. Brand, M. D.
Pcrunn Is ablo to euro catarrh whop
over it may bo located by its direct
notion upon the mucous membranes.
Catarrh means inflamed mucous mem
branes, Rcruua acts at onco to clcanso
and invigorate the catarrhal condition
of tho mucous membrane no matter
whero it may occur in tho body. Ita
action is tlio same on tho mucous lining
of th nose as on tho mucous lining of
tho bowels. It cures tho catarrhal in
flammation wherever it may occur.
Dr. R. Robbins, Muskogee, I. T.,
"Peruna is tho bcstmcdiclno I know
of for cough nnd to strengthen u weak
stomach and to glvo appetite. Rcsido
firesorlbtng it for catarrh, 1 liirvo ordered
L for" weak and debilitated people, and
have not had a paticntbut said it helped
him. It is an excellent medicine and
it fits so many cases.
'I luivo u largo practice, and havo n.
chance to prescribe your Peruna. 1
hopo you may llvolongto do good to
tho sick and suffering."
Wo say Peruna cures catarrh. Tho
people say Peruna cures catarrh. Promi
nent men and women all over tho
United States from Malno to California
do not hesitate to come out in publlo
print to say that. Peruna is what it is
recommended to be, an internal, sys
temic catarrh ruined v that cures catarrh
wherever it may bo located.
Dr. M. C. Geo's Experience.
Dr. M. C. Geo is ono of tho physiciaua
who endorse Perumv, In a letter written
from Gill Jones street, San Francisco,
CaLsays :
"Trierols a general objection on tho
part ot the practicing physician to ad
vocate patent medicines. But when
any one medicine cures hundreds ot
people, It demonstrates Its own valuo
and doc; not need the endorsement ot
the profession.
"Peruna has performed so many
wonderful cures In San Francisco that
I am convinced that It Is n valuable
remedy. I ha ve frequently advised its
use for women, as I find It Insures
regular and painless menstruation,
cures leucorrhocaand ovarian troubles,
and builds up tho entire system. J also
consider it ono of tho finest catarrh
remedies I know of. I heartily endorse
your medicine." M. C. Gee, M. D.
Women aro especially liablo to pelvio
catarrh, femulo wcakncBsas it is com
monly called. Especially in tho first
fow weeks of warm weather do tho dis
agreeable symptomsoffcmalo weakness
innko themselves apparent. In crisp,
cold weather chronic sufferers with pel
vic catrrrh do not feel bo persistently tho
debilitating effects or tlio urnin upon
tho system, but at tho approach of
summer with its lassitude and tired
feelings, the sufferer with pelvic catarrh
feels tho need of a strengthening tonic.
Peruna is not only tho best spring
tonic for such cases out if persisted iu
will effect a completo euro. Write for a
copy of "Health and Beauty," written
especially for women by Dr. Ilartman.
If you want to read of bomo cures also,
write for a copy of "Facts and Faces."
That will sureW convinco you that our
claims aro valid.
If you do not dcrivo prompt and satis
factory results from tho use of Peruna,
write at onco to Dr. Ilartman, giving a
full stntement of your case and ho will
be pleased to givo you his valuablo ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Ilartman, President of
Tho Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
ANAKtblo Man', ro
ller and l'UNt'l'IVE.
Kor fren munplo addrcM
"AXAKKN1N," Trlb
unu bulldlnu, Ncit York.
A. W. K.-D
pieHHe HtAte Unit yon now the
vartlaeiuewt Iu (bin paver.
.'Taysw-iai'i. j