The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 01, 1903, Image 1

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'I .1
MfiW o fUMk
Local 3STews
Old papers for sale at this oillco.
See M T Hill for fire insurunce.
We had a One rnln Tuesday night.
Try the Devoo paint.
Kerns, Auburn.
Sold by J. W.
ChaF."W-. Roberta
lingering fever.
is elclc with slow
Fine line of Wall Paper just received
at Keellnu's drug store.
See W. W. Harris of South Auburn
for Clothing and Dry Goods.
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
are headquarters for screen doors.
Miss Nora Burson of Arpinwall pre.
cinct is visiting Nemaha friends this
Call on Edwards & Bradford Lum
ber Co. for furniture. A car load jubt
If you want fire insurance, either
lb old line or mutual companies, call
on W. W. Sanders.
Flowers will be scarce for commence
meat .this year, on account of the
freeze Wednesday night.
Chas. Anderson, deputy county
treasurer, was Bhaking hands with
Nemaba friends Sunday.
Mrs. J. M. Sanders and Carl E. San
ders moved to Nemaba this week, and
will make theii home here.
Rev. M. S. Foutch attended the
ministerial convention at Talmage
Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
MrB. F. L. Woodward, who has
been visiting at Atchison and Kansas
City, returned horae last Saturday
W. H. Li.n, the dentist, will be at
Nemaba next Monday prepared to do
all kinds of dental work. Office at
the hotel.
Miss Minnie Yates, who has been
visiting her sister at Corning, Mo., for
some time, returned home the first of
last week.
Wednesday was a cold, dreary, dis
mal day, with a drizzling rain most of
the day. It was enough to give any
one the blues.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lewis and
family of Brownville were guests of
Mrs E. A. Minick and family last
Sunday afternoon.
A number of our citizens drove over
to Auburn Thursday night of last
week to attend the concert by the
Steokelberg Concert Co.
D. L. Wallace, who has been setno
grapher end typewriter for the Titus
Nursery, returned to his home in
Omaha Wednesday night.
C. E. Llewellyn, i general agent
frre- delivery mail routes lias recom
mended a ronte for Shubert, and a sec
ond route for Peru and Brook.
J . C. Killarney, M. P. agent at Au
burn, bad 1000 trees plauted on his
farm near Peru this spring. Of course
he bought them of tho Titus NurBcry.
i The quarterly meeting of tho Metbs
odist church for Brownville and Nem
aha will bo held at Brownville next
Sunday evening and Monday morning.
jk Car Load of Furniture
Just received by tbe Edwards & Brad
ford Lumber Co. Call and see It if you
need anything in that line.
Tid Duatin of Auburn was in Nem
aha last Saturday. lie bought L. H.
Battles' driving horse, paying $132.50
for him. He also bought some hogs
at tbe sale.
Fer the best paint on tbe market go
to Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
liemember, we will tnke com, oats
wheal, hay, or wood on subscription
at market prico.
Lost Thursday morning, between
Jecob West's farm and Seymour
Howe's, a a 22 rifle. Finder will
please leave at Gilbert & McCandlesa'
Walter Iladlock's family were re
leased from quarantine for smallpox
last Saturday. He 1b in hones he will
not be compelled to undergo another
seigo soon.
Men and boys working at the Titus
Nursery have sotno queer nicknames.
They an: Hun, Purd, Judy, Red,
Speck, Cheeney,',The Cub, Goose. Bdck,
Babe, Shorty, and Orchard.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. .Russell, Mr. and
Mrs.- W. E. Wheeldon, Peter Korker,
S. I. Dressier, W. F. Keeling and R. I.
Smith went to Auburn last Sunday
and attended the Odd Fellews celebran
Hon. Church Howe, United States
Convel at Sheffield, England, arrived
at hiB home in Auburn Tuesday. He
has a sixty days' leave of absence, and
will spend most of tbe time at bis
Mr. aid Mrs. W. H. Molninch gave
this office a pleasant call Tuesday.
They have been having an experience
with the measles, as Barney and Mlsi
Julia Mcllnach have bad that disease
Benj. Sears of Bucyrus, Ohio, arrive
ed in Nemaha Friday of last week
on a visit to Mrs. E. A. Minick and
family and Mr. H. T. Minick and
family. He started for California
Wednesday ; i
John Lambert lost a young calf last
Saturday from a peculiar caube. Tbe
calf wandered away to N. C. Jarvis'
place, tbe Sunday previous, and eat a
little tin foil that was lying in tbe
yard, and died from tbe effects.
Thursday morning the ground was
covered with snow. Ice formed on
standing water a quarter of an inch
thick. It is probable fruit has been
damaged, but to what extent is uncen
tain. Early gardens will also bo dam
aged. Dr. J,L. Melvin of Guthrie. Okla
boma, arrived in Nemaha Saturday
afternoon and visited friends uatil tbe
next forenoon, whea ho drove over to
Auburn with his daughter Miss Eliza
beth to take the' train foV Stella.
They started for Oklahoma Monday.
H. R. Howe and wife drove in from
Auburn laBt Friday forenoon, bringing
in Prof. Steckelburg, Miss Marie
Hoover and Miss Fiske, members of
Steckelburg Concert Co. The Profes
sor and Miss Hoover visited with Mrs.
Wra. H.' Hoover and family until Sun,
Chas. O. French returned Monday
offrom Lincoln, having completed his
duties aa one of tbe chief clerks of the
Nebraska legislature. Charley will
engage again ia tbe law business here
and opened an office in tbe rooms oc
cupicd by tbe building and loan asso
ciation. In the First National Bank
building. Herald.
If you are contemplating a change
of location and want land cheap, call
at this office. We can interest you.
Any farmer having two or three
cows can make money by buylag a
separator from Edwards & Bradford
Lumber Co.
Juat received a carload of flour and
foed from tbe Aurora mills. Lovers
of good bread should try try a sack of
our flour. E. L. Paria
C. J. Lindsey wishes to announce to
the public that he has again located in
Nemaba, and in a few days will bo
prepared to do all kiudaof blacksmith
ing. Shop east of Burl Hoover's resi
dence. k. V J - j fX
Season is Here
with a large and complete line,
red So Cheap
Cheaper than old newspapers.
Paints, too--all Kinds
Yours for a clean bouse,
All parties interested in having tbe
park cleaned up are requested to as
semble at the park Saturday morning
of ntxt week tho earlier the better
and go to work. Bring rakes with
Irving G. Barigbt, supreme presid
ent of tbe Royal Achates, and W. H.
Dixson, deputy, both of Omaha, were
in Nemaba Thursday aid we unders
stand organized a lodge of that order
that evening. The Royal Achates is a
fraternal beneficiary society.
Tbe instruments for tbe telephone
exchange have been received and will
be put n the first of next week. Tbe
poles were shipped April 22, and as
soon as they arrive will be put In place
It will be but a short time until we
will have tbo exchange in order.
There will be no services at the
Methodist church next Sunday evens
ing on account of tho quarterly meets
ing which will be held at Brownville
Rev. J. S. VT. Dean, D. D., presiding
older, j,will preach in the evening.
Quarterly conference at 9 a. m. Mons
Mr. and Mrs. David Brimble of
Meld, Washington, arrived in Nemaba
Tuesday evening. Dave says he is
well pleased with his new bomeln
Washibgton. He bought 320 of good
land, for whicn be paid $o5eO. He
hhs other land leased. He will follow
farming and stock raising.
Mr. Roy Whitten and Miss Julia
Smith of Aeplnwall, wore married by
Judge Neal at the court bouse oa
Thursday. Mr. W. is ono of the boys
who endured some ef tbe hardships in
the Philippine war, and Miss Smith is
one of Nemaha county's good looking
scnooimams. Tbey win reside on
Shook'a Island whers Mr, W. ia farm
ing. Graager.
A. G. GateB, an old pioneer of
Brownville, died in Denver Wedness
day of last week. Mr. Gates was for
many years a prominent contractor
and builder of Brownville. being ono
of thobost brlckmaaons in the country.
He came to Brownville in 1857. In
later yean be engaged in tho grocery
business, selling ont a few years ago
and moving to Denver.
A New Invention
Minlck'sFioldCorn Husking Maoklne
husks the corn from tho stallc, leaving
stalks standing in the field. Exclusive
state and manufacturer's right for sale
by the inventor aad patentee, Carres
nondenco solicited. Address
4 4 H. T. MINICK. Nemaha, Neb,
What Thin Flka Need
Is a greater power of digesting and
assimilating foed. For them Dr.
Kiag's New Lifo Pills work wonders.
They tone and regulite the digestive
organs, gently expeiau poison iron
tbe system, enrich tbi blood, Improve
appetite make healtbyfleah, Only 25o
at Reeling's,
j??rr'jKM jyg teagawfcmusw at rnm0tiiinm mi
$ All persons Knowing: themselves in-?
debted to me will please call and settle at $
once, as i need tne money. $
Me "Tucr un i -
O. K. Fishor sold his household
goodr, etc., on Tuesday, and Mr. and
Mrs. Fisher will) leave next week for
the northwestern part of the the stato,
where they co to visit a daughter
Mrs. Motile Reddish, for awhile and
then go to Portland, Oregon, where
they expect to spend most ef the sums
mer visiting their son, Charlie Fisher.
From there they will go Summerland,
California, where their daughter, Mrs.'
Philip Crother, lives, Mr. and Mrs.
Fisher are among the oldest settlers in
this vicinity and leave a host of
friends here. May health and pros
perity attend them.
Cementlco tbe best wall finish
made far better thaa calsemine or
alabastine for sale by Edwards &
Bradford Lumber Co.
A good residence, orchard and 12
acres ef land with it, for sale adjoin
ing the townslte of Nemaha. Call on
or write F. G. Hawxby,
South Auburn, Near.
Holds Up a Congressman
"At tbe end of tbe campaign."
writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brillN
ant congressman, "from overwork
nervouB tension, loss of sleep and con
stant speaking I had about utterly col
lapsed. It seemed that all of my
organs were ont of order, but three
bottles ef Electric Bitters made me all
right. It's tbe best all-round raedis
cine ever sold over a druggist's count-
or." Overworked run-down men and
weak, sickly women gain splendid
vitality from Electric Bitters. Try
tbem. Only 50c. Gnaranteed by
m M
4 J
New Goods
Highest Market Price paid
for Poultry of
Gilbert & McCandless
laWU f HUM ttfc1liiillllciH-K K IHi:
Kmmumtf mt)Wi MlKarafciW4fe'itaff3, f Hazspm
- K - K - K - - ( - - ( - K - i
A large and enthusiastic meeting
was held in W. E. Ocelt'a hall Mon
day night for the purpose of forming a
stock company to build a new opera
house aad such other new buildings as
the stock holders may decide upon.
Each share is to be 9100,-925 payable
in six months, 925 at tbe completion
of building, $25 in one year and 925 in
two years.
The receipts at tho concert given by
tbe band boys were $51 which proved
a great loss on tbelr part as tbey lost
several instruments in tbe flro. The
loBers are E. E. Cole, tuba; Frank
Rltchey, cornet; Hal Perkins, slida
trombone, and the two drums and alto
belonging to tbo baud, it was
thought fer a while tho band would
not survive, but tbeyjare trying it over
agoin. Brownville Items In Post
Take the wagonette when in Au
burn if you want to go to any part of
the city. John MoElhaney, prop.
For best assortment of Dry Goods
and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of
South Auburn W. W. Harris, prop'r.
Tbe Nebraska Mercantile Mutua
Insurance company of Lincoln, Ne
braska, has over $0,000,000 insurance
in force with the leading business sen
of tho state. AbU to see a Hat of them,
f?. W. Sanders, agent.
Itand Like a Stone Wall
Between your children and the tors
tures of itching and burning eczema,
scaldhead or ether diseases.-How?
wby, by using Bucklen'a Arnica Salve,
earth's greatest healer. Quickest cure
for Ulcers, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum,
Cuts, Burns, or Bruises, Infallible
for Piles. 25c at Keeling's drug store.
Save One-Fifth.
Most pastry recipes, in cook books, $
are made for flours containing much
less gluten than does $
Pillsbury's Best.
Use one-fifth less of Pillsbury's Best
Flour than such recipes call for.
of all the latest g
all kinds,