The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 24, 1903, Image 1

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Last Saturday being rainy,
shoes as I wished to,
so will make
Special Prices o Shoes
Saturday of this we
I have just received a crate of
New Queenswar
of tjie best quality, on which
Saturday, April 25.
Dress Goods Department
You must not forget this. Will make prices to suit all'.
Our Grocery stock
is complete and will make the lowest possible prices.
Bring in your
"Will pay the highest market
Come one and all and we will do you good.
Local 1ST ews
Old papers for sale t this oflice.
See M T Hill for, tire insurance.
Try the Devoo paint.
Kerns, Auburn.
Soldb,y J. W.
S. H. Avey of Auburn was In Nem
nha Wednesday.
Postmaster M. II. Taylor was up
from Shubert Tuesday.
See W. W. Harris of South Auburn
for Clothing and Dry Goods.
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
are headquarters for screen doors.
Mrs. Alice A. Minick of Brownville
visited Nemaha friends last Sunday.
There was a heavy frost Tuesdny
night. There was some frost Monday
Mrs, A. N. Sedoras went to Pern
Monday to visit relatives, returning
Call on Edwards & Bradford Lum
bur Co. for furniture. A car load just
If you want (Ire Insurance, either
in old Hue or mutual companies, call
on W. W. Sanders.
D. D. Davis of Aspinwall precinct
gave us a pleasant call Wednesday and
paid his subscription a year ahead.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Colerick, on Friday, April 21, 1003, a
fine son. The young 'man-has been
named John Stephen, after his fathea.
O. J. Llndsey has leased a lot north
of where W. E. Wheeldon is living
and is building a blacksmith shop
10,000 pounds at $1. SO per 100 lbs,
Early Ohio potatoes, 30 cents per bus
hel. At farm N. C. Jarvis, Nem
aha, Neb,
Car Load of Furniture
Just received by the Edwards & Brad
ford Lumber Co. Call and see it if you
need any thiug In that line. "
I failed to move as
many $
I will mrko special prices on
Eggs and Butter f
For the best paint on the market go
to Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Remember, we will
take corn, oats
wheat, hay, or wood
at market price.
on subscription
If you are contemplating a change
of location and want land cheap, call
at this oflice. We can interest you.
Any farmer having two or three
cows can make money by buying a
separator from Edwards & Bradford
Lumber Co.
Rev. M. S. Fouteh baptized seven
persons by immersion last Sunday
afternoon, in the creek in the west
part of town.
Mrs. Florence Skeen, who has been
visltiug her parents, Mr. and Mrs, An
drew Asnes, returned to fter home
near Ord Monday.
John. I. Dressier, V. P.,Peabody and
Ben D. Baldwin are attending district
court at Auburn this week, in the
capacity of jurors.
Fay E. Gaither came down ' from
Omaha Saturday. He has been at
tending Creighton medical college and
is home on vacation.
Just received a carload of flour and
feed from the Aurora mills. Lovers
of good bread should try try a sack of
our flour. E . L. Paris
L. H. Battles will have a public
sale at his home Saturday of this
week, selling a horse, cow and calf,
hoifer, ten shoats, and some house
hold goodB. Sale will begin at 1;30
p. m.
C. J. Llndaey wishes to announce to
the public that he haB again located in
Nemuha, and in a few days will be
prepared to do all kluds of blacksmith
ing. Shop east of Burl Hoover's resi
dence. R. I. Brown and D. II. Clark at
tended the thoroughbred shorthorn
cattle sale at Tecumseu last Friday,
and each bought a tine pedigreed male
paying 885 each for them. They
shipped them that night and got
them home the next forenoon . They
are both floe animals.
Season is Here
with ii largo and complete Hup,
n So Cheap
Cheaper than old nowspapers.
Paints, too--all Kinds
Yours for a clean house,
M,rs. John E. Crothor went to
Brownville Friday afternoon and vis
itod her sister, Mrs. J. I). Rainey, un
til the next morning She saw the
burning of the Marsh block and other
Wo had some hail Saturday evening,
but they were small and no damage
was done. It mined a slow drizzling
rain that night and at intervals Sun
day afternoon and night and almost
all Monday forenoon.
Miss Elizabeth Melvin of Guthrie,
Oklahoma, is the guest of Miss Lillian
Minick, coming Monday of this week.
Miss Melvin is attending the Creigh
tou Medical college at Omaha and
stops here to visit friends before golug
The Titus Nursery shipped a lot of
forest trees to Talmago Wednesday.
That village is following a good ex
ample by setting out a park in trees on
Arbor day. In a few years they will
be enabled to rejoice in the beautiful
Rev J. T. Smith has resigned as
pastor of the Christian dhurch at
Nemaha, and Rev. J. W. Sapp of
Brownville has been engaged to com
plete the year for which Rev. Smith
was engaged. He has also resigned as
pastor of the church at Shubert.
Glen Rider, infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Rider of Howe, died
Wednesday, April 21, 1003, aged 8
months and 15 days. The funeral
services, conducted by Rev. M. S.
Foutch, were held at the Methodist
church at Nemaha Thursday. The
parents have our sympathy in their
F. L. Woodward was called to Kan
sas City last Saturday by the sad news
of the death of his mother. He re
turned home Monday. Mrs. Wood
ward went to Atchason Sunday to at
tend the funeral which was held at
that place. She went from there to
Kanfas City to see a slster-in law who
is very sick.
A good residence, orchard and 12
acres of land with it, for sale adjoin
ing the to wniite of Nemaha. Call on
or writo F. G. Hawxby,
South Auburn, Nobr-
A New Invention
Mlnick'sFieldCorn Husking Machine
huBkB the corn from the stalk, leaving
stalks standing In the field. Exclusive
state and manufacturer's right for sale
by the inventor and patentee. Corros
pondence solicited. Address
1 4 H. T. MINICK, Nemaha, Neb,
What Thin Folks Need
Is a greator power of digesting and
assimilating food. For thorn Dr.
King's New Llf Fills work wonders.
Tbey tono and regulate the digestive
organs,, gently expel all pelson from
the system, enrich the blood, improvo
appetite make healthy flesh. Only 25o
at Keeling's
All persons knowing themselves
debted to nie will please call and settle at $
$once, as I need the money.
Parties owing us
calling and settling
LnstGul! S
before April 25. We are going to leave
and ixiixst lxave
Do not delay.
Take the wagonette when in Au
burn If you want to go to any part of
the city. John McElhaney, prop.
For bast assortment of Dry Goods
and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of
South Auburn W. W. Harris, prop'r.
The Nebraska Mercantile Mutua
Insurance company of Lincoln, Ne
braska, has over $0,000,000 Insurance
in force with the leading business men
of the state. Ask to see a list of them,
2G0 good lookingladies to buy them-
t selves each a pair of
I get the sales started.
styles out.
Gilbert & McCandless
M -
will avoid costs by
by cash or note on or
s ettleineiat. j
; - .
Coraentlco the ,beat wall finish
mado far better- tlmti calsomino or,
alahaatine for sale by Edwards
Bradford Lumber Co.
Bottor Than a Plastor.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound
on the affected parts, is better than a
plaster for a lame buck and for pains
in the side and chest. Pain Balm has
no superior as a liniment for there"
lief of deep seated. muscular, and rheus
matlc pains. For Balo by V. V.
Keeling DruggiHt.
You Save One-Fifth.
Most pastry recipes, in cook books,
are made for flours containing much
less gluten than does
Pillsbury's Best.
Use one-fifth less of Pillsbury's Best
Flour than such recipes call for.
our Oxfords, just to
They are the latest
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