The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 03, 1903, Image 2

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W. XV. BANDKK8, I'uhlUher.
1903 APRIL 1903
J j r
T2 T3 TTT5 76 77 Tb
7? 2027 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 27 30
Nourcut Our TliouKlit.
It is time to ulmiidon tin; move
ment fir government ownership of
onl mlne.s and tuku up the cry of
government ownorHlili of ice fuc
torleH. HIIiiiiIiimt Away From "TriHlltloti."
An olrl-fjiHliloned editor pleads for
n return to hanging iih u menus of
Hulcidu instead of carbolic acid.
Jlut we are slipping awny from ull
the good old traditions.
Not (Mu Kick!!.
Tlio J.M0 voters (f the village of.
CJreene, N. Y., have deelded iiiiuui
jnoiiHly for the municipal ownership
of its waterworks and electric light
ing plant. At last a place has been
discovered without at least one
kicker against everyhing.
Iiicrcillltli Story.
The story that there is a person
living in California lf0 years old is
incredible. -Memory begins to fall
seriously at 7.1, and at 100 it is prac
ticully obliterated. That extru 50
roust be apocryphal.
TIiiiu Allowance In Sufllelrnt.
Tlie Panama canal treaty allows the
United States M years to complete
a canal with locks and 12 years more
In case of unforeseen delays or ob
stacles. If a sea level canal is con
structed the total time allowance is
SC years.
MciiHlekitrHH Will lie Iliirc.
The llrst voyago of the Cedric,
whose length is 700 feet, tends to
confirm the claim that seasickness
will be rare on ships of this size.
Wl'iilo the Cedric pit died to some
extent, she did not roll even when
a gale was blowing.
lnuroitMoil 'l'vviMityfolil.
In 1870 -130 ships passed through the
Suez canal and the gross receipts
were $1,270,000. In 11)01 3,099 ships
pnssed through and the gross reve
nue was $20,000,000. The gross ton
nage, of the Suez canal increased
more than twentyfold between 1870
mid 1001.
TnlUod Out of a Jolt.
The United States consul at Mon
treal was llred for talking too much.
Were that rule to bo adopted gener
ally in all the walks of life the em
ployment bureaus would be rushed
to death. Jt is significant that the
vacancy left by the too-talkative
gentleman was filled with the ap
pointment of a newspaper man.
Will Thoru Ho I'ltiiiicN In llcuvu1
Will there be no pinnies in heaven?
It is the opinion of Jtev. John llrown
that there, will not be. This worthy
jivino preached a sermon on "Karth-
, ly Follies" in Wabash, hid., the other
night; and among other things, he
declared that no woman who wears
plumes on her hat can ever get into
heaven. Four of the women in his
audience were so deeply impressed
by his words that they tore the
plumes from their hats and threw
tliem in the stove.
Sentiment I'umIum! AhIUc.
Gen. Fred Grant has sold for $00,-
000 the Washington house which was
presented to ills mother by friends of
Gen. Grant soon after the hitter's
death. The house brought about th
mini that was paid for it. It is rather
strange, however, that a house that
ccjna into the family as that one did
should be sold, particularly as the
ciale compels Gen. Grant's sister, Mrs.
Nellie Sartoris, who is now a widow
and in feeble health, to remove to an
apartment house. Join (Kan.) Uegia
tcr. Tho Kurth In "It."
"Prof. Wallace, a noted astronomer;
declares that It is proved to a cer
tainty that our solar system is tho
very center of all the heavens, and
that the enrtli is the best situated
in the sun's system for the develop
raent of tho highest forms of life.
Therefore his conclusion is that on
the varth alone does man exist, thin
being bnsed on the theory that all of
the spheres are part of a plan or
nlm which has for its culminating
point the production of an intelligent
Little Change in the Flood Situa
tion at Grecnvlllr, Miss.
Itnllfif lion In Continue to Scour the Over
flowed IMntrlct itntl Am Tubing uu
llonrd All Who Denlrn to
I.mtvo Thulr Union.
Greenville, Miss., March HI. There
It little, change in the flood situation.
The cutting of the protection levee
at the northern border of the town
has given no perceptible relief in
letting out the water. On the con
trary, a rise Is still in progress gen
t; rally throughout the city.
The crevasse below Greenville is
about 2,000 feet wide and the water
is rushing through at a rapid rate,
overflowing Issaquena, Sharkey and
a portion of Washington counties.
So far as known not a single life has
been lost as a result of the breaking
of the levee and the subsequent
flooding of the country. The negro
woman and live children that were
reported to have perished were res
cued. .Rescue boats are out In every
direction and all refugees brought
to the city are being cared for. In
Greenville the wafer is causing end
less inconvenience and much dam
age, but the clfy and its Inhabitants
are not considered to be in danger,
even should the water go much
Urlliblnir Cnrrloil Arnr nt Ily mnllrt Ornvnioio
New Orleans, March HI. The car
rying away of additional cribbing
at tho Hyinclia crevasse early yes
terday morning brought the forces
that have been at work there to
the verge of abandonment of the at
tempt to close the break. Later
in the day, however, it was agreed
to continue the undertaking, though
all hands are likely to he called oiV
if the terrific current washes out
tho new lines of cribbing which
were started from both ends of the
'levee late yesterday afternoon. In
no event can the work be completed
inside of a week and unless ample
money Is given the next disaster
to tho cribbing is likely to mark
tho end of the struggle.
Two ridges between which tho
levee caved have prevented the water
from spreading rapidly above and
below, but the mighty torrent is
filling the lakes and bayous to tlie
rear, and In the next fortnight the
whole basin from the La Fourche to
the lower limits of cultivated land
in Plaeque is likely to go under wa
ter, causing Inestimable damage and
much suffering.
Tlie Howell crevasse is beyond con
trol and this has suspended all
traffic over the iS'apoleonville branch
of the Southern Pacific.
Mint Hull In Mitynrnvlllo T.nvon.
Vieksburg, Miss., March HI. Mud
boils appeared In tho levee at May
ersville late yesterday afternoon and
last night almost the entire male
population was workng at the dan
ger point. Telephone messages state
that the danger is great and the citi
zens are complaining of the levee
board's action in withdrawing the
guards from the levees In that city.
Maycrsvllle is tho county seat of
Issaquena country.
NIiicIo-IIiiimIhiI IMIkh CiirrloStror Huh (,'limeil
Tlilrlurii (lniirL'''fl mill the
10 nil 1 4 Not YuU
Kokonio, Lnd., March HI. Miss Car
rie Styer, a popular society woman
of this place, has, single-handed, un
dertaken the ttiSlc of putting the HH
saloons out of business. She has al
ready closed 1H and Is in a fair way to
abolish the. others. A month ago
Miss Styer headed a tour of the sa
loons on Sunday, ilnding many open.
Miss Styer, who is a sister of ex
County Treasurer Charles Styer, was,
at the request of the saloonnien, dis
missed from her position as cashier
In a clothing house. Then she began
her crusade in earjiest. She has
worked through blanket remon
strance under the Nicholson law. On
ly legal met hods are employed. The
churches and police commissioners
are in sympathy with her, and tho
prospects "are that Kokonio, with a
population of 10,000 and its factories
working 0,000 men, will lie saloonlesa
in a short time.
Former I,liitimiiut Colonel In tlii I'lilllp-
pmt'H In Cliuroxl wltli I'ltrmUiIni;
OittruKVH Amilimt Nutlvtx.
Washington. March HI. The war
department Is investigating charges
filed against Lieut. Col. ltobert h.
JTowze, who was in command of a
post in northern Luzau in 1899. The
charge relates to cruelties to Fili
pinos, allegations being made that
Lieut. Col. llowze was cognizant of
(he fact that two natives wero
whipped to death and that no punish
ment of the offenders was ordered.
Thurlier'M Seiiteurti Commuted.
Washington, March HI. The presi
dent has commuted to imprisonment
for ill) years the sente'.ice of Thomas
Thurber, comicted in Kansas of
murder and sentenced in 18S8 to be
hanged. The prisoner has served
ucarly 15 years.
ClilruKn Ideation Cnnitnlnftlotior Decide to
Submit the Lorlmor-Durliorow Contest
to tlie Court for Settlement.
Chicago, March HI. Tho board
of election commissioners in the
face of objections by Lorimer's at
torneys decided to count tho ballots
in the Lorimer-Durborow congres
sional contest in one precinct and to
make up an agreed case to be carried
to the supreme court. Thereupon
they began to count tho ballots with
locked doors. Judge. Carter, us legal
adviser for the election board, an
nounced that the counting of ono
precinct would preserve the sanctity
of the election law and the principle
for which the commissioners were
contending, and that In view of
pressed matters in connection with
the coming municipal election he
was willing to postpone the counting
of the remaining precincts, The
counting of the ballots proceeded
without interruption and when fin
ished an adjournment of the hearing
was taken until April 10. The elec
tion board, however, remained in
session, and Its primary object Is
believed to be tlie maintenance of
authority over the police guard in
anticipation of any move on the part
of Judge llauecy and the Lorliner
Gen. Month WfllcomiMl Koine.
London, March HI. London accord
ed William Hooth, commander-in-chief
of the Salvation army, a great
wolc6'rno home at the Albert hall
last night. The immense auditorium
was packed from tho lloor to the
roof. There was not a vacant seat
in the building, which has a capacity
of 9,000 persons, and in spite of the
rainy night hundreds were turned
away from tlie door.
City Klnntlont Hold In Iinvn.
Des Moines, la., March HI. City
and town elections were hold
throughout Iowa yesterday, except
in some of the larger cities, which
arc under special charters. The con
tests wore in nearly all cases non
imrtisan, involving purely local is
sues, and the results are no indica
tion of the trend of political opin
ion. (rent Colorado Tuniuil Finished.
Leadville, Col., March HI. The suc
cessful feat of completing the Yak
tunnel from its mouth in California
gulch, the silver section, to Ibex, No.
4 shnft, in the heart of the gold sec
tion, was completed yesterday. The
tunnel has a length of 11,000 feet,
with a depth at this point of 1,300
feet. The tunnel has cost $1,000,000.
en,. iJfcknou Ilend.
Nashville, Tenn., March HI. Wil
liam Jackson, a noted confederate
cavalry leader and the proprietor of
tho llelle Meade farm, died at his'
home, Hello Meade, near here, yester
day afternoon. Ho was 08 years of
ngo, and had been in failing health
for more than a year and dangerous
ly ill for several weeks past.
Tim pnttloHlilp Miiliut to Ito Itiilfteri.
Washington, March 31. The navy
department has been notified that
the wreck of the battleship Mains
is to be raised in Havana harbor,
thus making possible a final solution
of the mystery surrounding tho man
ner in which the vessel was blown
up. The wreck is to be raised by
Cuba, at its own expense.
Sending Sit. 000, 000 to the l'lilllpplnen.
Washington, March HI. The sec
retary of the treasury signed a war
rant for $:i,000,000 for account of
tho treasurer of tlie Philippines to
coer the appropriation for that
amount made at the last session of
congress for tho relief of distress in
the Philippine islands.
ItefltoMi l.Otlti, (MIO ArreH to Domuln.
Washington, March HJ. The secre
tary of the interior lias Issued an or
der restoring to the public domnin
nearly 1,000,000 acres of land in Na
tronia and Johnson counties, Wyo.,
that were withdrawn from public en
try about a year ago as oil lands.
Cormiiny Ik Kntlnlleil.
lierlln, March HI. The foreign of
fice hero is fully satisfied with the
explanations Admiral Dewey made to
President Roosevelt, regarding the in
terview with tho admiral, in which the
German navy and the German em
peror wore mentioned.
Vetoed Apiinllntu Court Hill. ,
Jefferson City, Mo., March HI. Gov.
Doekery vetoed the bill passed by
the recent legislature creating a new
appellate court out of 2!2 counties in
southwestern Missouri, with head
quarters at Springfield.
Senntor NIuiio'm ITUato Secretirv.
Jefferson City, Mo., March HI. Sen
ator W. J. Stone lias appointed Jo
seph Tall, of lvahoka, Mo., to be his
private secretary. Tall was chief
clerk of the Missouri house during
tho recent session.
Nninetl HoclulUt for Cniifrremi,
Hutchinson, Kan., March HI. Over
100 delegates from the H!) counties
ot the Seventh congressional district
met here Monday and nominated C.
1$. Archer, of Hutchinson, for congress.
Internal Hemorrhage Results from a
Surgical Operation.
A Fortune Kutlmnteil nt 97,000,000 tn
810,000,1)00 Lft An Orlglnntor or m
Method Ttint Una AlHile Alnuy
Chicngo, March HO. Gustnvua
Franklin Swift, president of the
Swift Packing company, died, nt his
home, 4848 Fills avenue, early yes
terday of Internal hemorrhage re
sulting from a surgical operation
Swift wns 03 years old.
Gustavus Franklin Swift began his
business career as a butcher and
died leaving a fortune estimated at
from $7,000,000 to $10,000,000. This
fortune was made in the course of
15 years. He was born at Sandwich,
Mass., in Juno, 18H9. He opened a
small butcher shop in his native
town. He removed to Boston when
he was less than HO years old. He re
mained In Boston until 187."i, when he
came to Chicago.
Mr. Swift was not only the oldest
"packer" at the time of his death,
but he was the originator of tlie
method that has made ninny large
fortunes. From tho small plant
started in 1877 has developed a great
corporation with branches in St.
Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Oma
ha, St. Paul and Fort Worth, Tex.,
and with distributing oflices in every
important, city and town in the
United States and with representa
tives in the leading cities of Europe,
Asia and Africa. Its employes num
ber Ii!i,G07. Upon its capital stock of
$2.ri,0()0,000 the sales of 1902 exceeded
The California Limited Mentx with iwi Ac
cident lit htronj; City. Kim Threo
Stockmen injured.
Fmporia, Kan., March HO. Early
yesterday morning tho Santa Fe
California' limited ran into the rear
end of a freight train standing onithc
main track in tlie yard at Strong
City, injuring three stockmen, who
were in the way car of tho freight
train. The injured men are: Jack
Ivrause, of Eudora, Kan., head and
hips bndly bruised, eyes injured; Ed
Humphreys, of Kansas City, back in
jured and injured internally; Arthur
Ellis, of Great Henri, Kan., head cut
and foot injured. Five cars were
crushed to kindling wood, the way
car caught lire and burned and the
engine of the limited was consider
ably damaged. A car of cattle hap
pened to be chained behind the way
car of the freight or the train crew
and stockmen who were asleep in
the way ear would certainly have all
been killed.
At Slntnunk. tho Chief Town or Mlnlnff
UUtrlct. UK Pernon Wore Killed
mul SO Wounded.
St. Petersburg, March HO. A great
strike riot, accompanied by much
bloodshed, has occurred at ths town
of Slatousk, in the government of
Oofa, among tlie Ural mountains.
Twenty-eight persons were killed
and 50 others wounded. Slatousk is
the chief town of a mining district
and is the center of the southern
Imperial mines. .It has iron works
and an extensive manufactory of
damasked scimitars and articles of
inlaid and embossed steel. Slatousk
has an altitude of 1.H4H feet and con
tains a population, of about 21,000
Mm. ItooKevolt HtiirtH for u CrtiUc.
Washington, March HO. Mrs.
Koosevelt and her children will take
their projected cruise on the presi
dent's yacht, the Mayflower, during
the coming week. They bade good
by last night to the president, who
leaves on his western trip Wednes
day morning, and they then boarded
the Mayflower. Mrs. Koosevelt ex
pects to be absent about a week.
Wlnllnld CllrU uu .lolnl Mininhor.
Winfield, Kan., March HO. Winfield
had a joint smashing Saturday night.
The two daughters of John Osborne
armed themselves with pistols and
hatchets and made the rounds of the
joints, looking for their brother, Ed
Osborne, tin employe, at the Haricn
mill, who receives $18 a week. Tho
girls were finally taken home by a
A I'lot to Vroa u Uoii(lmnud !lurdorr.
St. .Joseph, Mo., March HO. A plot
to blow up the county jail with dyna
mite for the purpose of securing the
release of Charles May, the double
murderer, sentenced to be hanged
here April 7, was discovered by
Sheriff Spencer, who intercepted a
letter from May Intended for friends
on the outside of the jail.
SUS.nno Flro ut Sttircttnn, lUo.
Sturgeon, Mo., March HO. The
building occupied by Todd, Ligbtner
it Co., as a general merchandise
store, and llenson & Kucker, opticians
and jewelers, burned this morning.
The upper story was occupied by tho
Masonic lodge. The total loss is $27,
An Adjuatnble Mm It.
It was a Maine girliof whom thetorTia
told that she refused to marry a most de
voted lover until he had amassed a fortune of
(10,000. After some expostulation he ac
cepted the decree and went to work. About
three montiis after this the vivacious young:
lady, meeting her lover, asked:
"Well, Charley, how' are you getting:
"Oh, very well, indeed," Charley returned,,
checrly. "I've saved $18."
The young lady blushed and looked down,
at the toes of her walking boot, and stabbed,
the inoffensive earth with the point of her
parasol. "I guess," she said faintly, "I.
ptiess, Charley, that's about near enough'
Philadelphia Public Ledger. -f
One Answer for All.
Lancaster, N. Y., Mar. 30th. Postmaster:
Remeis is btill in leceipl of many letterv
asking if his cure ha held good.
it will bo romeuibeiud' that some time,
ago the particulars ot Mr. iteiners' case
were published in these columns. He hud.
been very low with Diubctes. Phyaieiaua.
could do nothing to save him and he grew
ivorso and worse till some one rccommended
Dodd's Kidney Pills. A treatment of this
remedy was begun and when eight boxes
had been taken Mr. ltciuers began to sec aiu
improvement which continued as the treat
ment proceeded' till he was completely re--ttorcd'.
He has since enjoyed perfect health and',
is as robust and able a man as any tn Lancas
ter. Interviewed the other day ho said:
"Many people wrote to me when the story
of my case was first printed and some write
to me yet asking if the cure was only tem
porary and if the diabetes has returned. I
nave only one answer to everybody. Three
years ago I was very low with Diabetes. The'
best physicians failed to help mc and Uodd'a.
Kidney Pills curcdmc. 1 am well and strong;
and have not had the slightest return of thiv
old trouble."
Success is sweet: the sweeter if long de
layed and attained through manifold strug
gles and defeats. A. Uronson Alcott.
Explosions of Coughing arc stopped by
Hale s Honey of Horehound and Tar.
l'ikc's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute
The braggart deceives no one but himself..
Kain's Horn.
I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumptioni
Favcd my life three years ago. Mrs. Thos.,
llobbins, Norwich, N Y., Feb. 17,1900.
A gent is an abbreviated gentleman. Chi
cago Journal.
June Tint Butter Color makes top of tho
market butter.
i ii.j
Nothing is more unjust or capricious than
public opinion. Hazlitt.
What SHE thinks of
Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsiiv
If she says it is
the best remedy
you invest 50c
or $1.00 and try
it yourself.
If you want to know what
others think of it write for our
book of testimonials.
Mrs. R. II. Frltzlcr. No. 3923 Cook Ave,, St.
Louis, Mo., under dato of Oct. 15, 1901, writes::
"IhavC been constipated for tho past two years
and your Syrup Pepsin Is tho only remedy I.
have tried so far rtiat has any decided results.
My son and I havo been troubled with our
hearts all summer and havi taken treatment,
from ono of tho best physicians hero, but the
Stomach Troublo was no better. Wo will cer
tainly do all wo can to placo your goods i
nmoncr our friends, as wo know tho merits ot
Syrup Pepsin."
Your Honoy Dnok
If It Don't Doncftt You
PEPSIN SYRUP CO., Montlcello, 111.
You can buy of us at whole
sale prices anu suvc money.
"I.... 1 Art! nn n.n lsNrn 4a1Ic
the story. We will send it upon
receipt of 15 cents. Your neighbors
trade witn us way not you r
Tho house that tells the truth.
a Bbl.
I,nrccptffro'nrerof8feIIotntoeiilii America.
"tX.i"",-i.'v"i-i "., .?'.-" "".'".:'."'
T iKUiiiiiM ujivtuv ' . iphi piTUi J riCt'M
'I'liiialnln tlnnU. 1 nnniml W lia.. fill ..:
n. tant Clover tic, upon receipt of lUo tutuse. i
joun a. h Ai.zi:Hi:Kirii. i . v ' ivi.
.. , ,-. u...t 1f V
lief ami IMISITIVR..
or frou Mimplo address .
"ANAltKNiH,'' Trib
une bulldliiB, Now York.
ffvi m
,'i ok i
v) Willi l'
""k"l V9 I quick rellof and cuii'a worfl
Se. Uook nfte.tlmnnUUaml l! H,.y, treatment!
Tree. Dr. U, U, UUUK'U IU1I, t (J. aVUHTA, UA..
V, 1, '.. ..-- f i Htm
ttttMHmn9mniamwwim imr.iP.rwn 'r