Bir'wViiwtiwwifiTwBwwUiiwiLiwii S..-.W,.. I I , I , I 9 ss IN h H u i '" ,1 ' 'i. 15 m if mi TIME TABLE Nomaha, Nebr, Xilnooln 2Dimvor Om lilt 3-Iolcmti OHiunuo Uulto Si. JoHuph Salt Xitilco Cily Ouihiih City Jorlland ttt.XjouiH and nil San JlYimoinoo I'ointH JUuhI and .A-tut all XJolntH South "VVohI THAIN8 LEAVE AH FOLLOWS; No. 07 I'liHNonuor, liillyoxr'ptHuii iluy, for Toctitnsuli, lloiitrlco, IIoldrcRO and all points west OMOnm No. 98 l'lirtnoriKor, ilnlly njccoptHun tluy, for Nebraska Olty, CIiIciiko and all points north and cast ltOOp m No, 110 Local frolulit, dnlly except Hundivv, for Atciilrion and Inter mndlulo NtnllotiH 7:W p m No. 112 Local frolulit, dally except Monday, for Nebraska Cljy and Inturtnodlato stations 2:00 a in Sleeping, dlnliiK nd rftrllnlnu elialr earn (seats free on llirntiuli traiiiH. Tlclcots Hold and 1)iikkii(o clieclccd to any point In tlio United HtalCH or Cunmla. For Information, tnnpH, time tables and tleltuUeal on or write to Oeorm McGlure, noiil, or .1. Francis, (Joneml 1'aHsenuer Agent, Omaha, Nut). M. A. PERKINS PRACTICAL "Watclx IMCalcei AND JEWELER All kind it of work guaranteed JJriny in your Jiepatr work You yet Jilyfit Prices and JJesl Work. Perkins' Jewelry Store BltOWNVTLLJS, NEliliASKA Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. I The Nebraska Advertiser W. VV. Sindkkh, fublifcr FIUDAY, MA H(JI I 27, 1003. pWPflPflf M 1 Wn The editors and promoters of th o new Amcricon weekly, Christendom, nave thu resources at commnnd to make the journal the beat and greatest of its kind, find one Hint should be in every home of refinement. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. 1 he kidneys arc your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the vasto or Impurities In the blocd. If they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, achesandrheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid In the blood, due to neplcetcd kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel a3 though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-worklng In pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to bo considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, lhe great kidney remedy 'is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases "nd Is sold on its merits y all druggists in fifty .ent and one-dcllar siz es. You may have a sampic doiuo oy man Homo of swtunp-iioot. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton. N. Y. Send n postal card to t'io Christen dom company, Chicago, hud they will gladly mail you a sample copy of the new American weekly, Christendom. At a mooting of thu school board hold Monday evening the following teachers were elected for the ensuing year: W. I'. Uarrett, principal; Miss Maggie McKinnoy, assistant: Miaa Clare J) I it, intermediate; Miss Vinnio Fritz, primary, ri. P. Mooro will bo janitor. Brown villu Hiograpli. The editorial board of Christendom, the now American weekly, is ao follows: Dr. Win. Kainoy Harper, Chairman. l'rof. Similar Mathews, Editor. Hov. Frank W. Ounsaulus, Dr. Wm. Douglas Mackenzie, Dr. Charles M, Stuart, Mr. J. It. Slater. Dr. J. M. Campbell, Associate Editors. Claicncu Williams, living west of town, had rather a serious experience last Friday. Ho was bieaklng a colt when thu team became frightened and ran, away killing one of the horses. Mr. Williams received a sovoro Bcalp wound necessitating seven stitches In dressing but he was not otliorwine seriously injured. Ikownvillo Jiio graph. John Ivauflman. youngest boh of W. M. Kaufljnau of this city", departed Monday (.vonlng for Omaha, to (ill u position which he hnd accepted in the Union National bank there. John is o o of Biownville's most popular young men and the oiler, coming as it did unsolicited, was a highly compile men tit ry one. Ilia departure was a Biirpriso to all. The Hiograpli joins his many friends in wishing him un bounded success. Urownvillo Uio graph. MR.S. L. S. ADAMS, Of UnlvcNton, Texna. "Wine of Cardul is Indeed a blessing to tired women. Having suffered for seven years with weakness and bearing-down pains, and having tried sev eral doctors and different remedies with no success, your Wine of Cardul was the only thing which helped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to build up the weak parts, strengthen the system and correct irregularities." Uy "tired women" Mrs. Admits means nervoiiB women who have disordered menses, falling of tho womb, ovarian troubles or any of thcBQ ailments that women have. You can euro yourself at homa with thisgreat women's remedy, Wine of tfardui. Wine of Cordui 1ms cured thousands of crises which doctors havo f ailod to bonofit. Why not begin to get well today? All druggists havo 81.00 bottles. For any stomach, liver or bowel disor der Thedford's Black-Draught should bo used. t. Korndvlco nntl literature. Rclclre, frtvinii symptoms, Tho Jjullea' Advisory, Depnrf iiient, Tlio Cluittunooiru 3Iedlclno Co., Cliatuutooga, Term. WINEo'CARDUl Stolla, liNeb,, Mar. 21, 1003. A Dro winch was discovered about balf,:past four this morning in the basement of tho old opera, house, situated on the southeast corner of Main street burn ed everything in that block as far north as thu postolllce which is of buck and ihtorcepu-u tho flames at that point. All ot the buildings burn ad were frame. The buildings burned were the opera heuso, occupied by Umlor as a feed Btore, Umler's residence, Mrs. Umlei'o millinery, store Iloagland's restaurant, Hates harness sliop, two vacant build ings and another feed Btoie. All of the plate glass in the elegant brick blocks across tho street was bioken. Tho loss is estimated at $0,009, with only 3-1,000 insurance. Stella has no Ore protection and the bucket .brigade could offer no adequate resistance to tho progress by the llainoH, the fire con tinuing to spread on account of the strong south wind blowing at the time. So far as learned no one suffered per sonal injuries and tho disaster was limited to thu destruction of the pro perty named above. v The Christondiim company, Chicago, will send Christendom, the now American weekly, to yon on trial for two months for fllty cents. SEVERE ATTACK OF GEIP Cured by Ono Bottlo Chaiuborlaiu's Ootigli Bomody "When I had tho grip last winter (the second one) I actually cured my self with ono bottlo of Chamberlain's Cougli Remedy," says Flunk V. Perry Editor of the Enterprise, Shortville, N. Y. "This is the honest truth 1 at times keep from coughing mysoif to piucos by taking ono teaspoonful of this remedy, and when the coughing spell would come on at night I would tako a dose and it Beamed that in the briefoat interval tho cough would prh 1T and I would go to Bleep perfectly free from cough and its accompanying pains. To say that the remedy 'acted an a most agreeable surprise is putting it very mildly. 1 had no idea that it would or could knock out tho grip, simply because I had never tried It for such a purpose, but it did, und it seem ed with tlio second attack of coughing the remedy caused it to not only be of li duration, but tho pains were fai lens severe, und I had not used the con tents of ono bottlo before Mr. Grip hail I bade mo adieu." For Bale by Keeling. Easter is made tho keynote of tho Designer for April, not only in fash ions and millinery, hut In tho general reading and illustrations. Among the articles of special note nro "Easter Iiiltea" by Weldon Fawcott, "How soma Bachelor Maids Keep House" by Mary Kllaytli, and "Typos of Child hood" by Dr. Sarah A. FrenchiBattey . "A Lily Maid" by Martha McColloch Williams, "An Afternoon with tho Doctor" by Bertha B. Green, and "Andiel and the Reindeer" by Vincent Van" Marter Beedo supply tho fiction and charming springtime poems aro contributed by Theodosia Garrison, Harvey Peake, Blanch Allyn Bane, and H. A. Hitchcock. "Laco and ems broidery" la the department which will most interest tlio fancy worker while those in search for appropriate entertainments for tho season will avail themselves of "Faster Egg Par ties" by Mary Dawson, and "An April Fool" by Mary D. Bu.zello. "FaahionB and Fabrics" describes and illustrates tho newest fabrics, trimmings and toil et novelties. "Points on dressmak ing and ''Lessons in Millinery" oc cupy their usual place. To improve the appetite and strongs then the digestion, try a fow doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Mr.K.II. Soitz of Dotoit, Mich., says, "They restored my appetite when impaired, relioved mo of a bloated feoli lug and caused a pleasant and satisfac tory movement of tho bowels." There nro peoplo in this community who need jtitt such a medicine. For sale by W W Keeling, tlruggist. Every box warranted. Christendom is u now weekly pub lished in Chicago. Jt is tho practical embodiment of what has long been felt by tho prominent leaders in tho politi cal, social and educational progress, viz, that there is imperative need of a journal which should discuss, woek bj week, in tho spirit of enlightened Christianity, not only tho world's most important news devolopemenis along itll lines, but also tho pressing probloms of politics, religion, educa-. tion and sociology, which aro engross ing tho minds of the intelligent, broads minded men and women of today. One Minute cougli cure gives relief in ouo minute, because it kills thu mi crobe which tickles tho mucous mem brane, causing the ceugh, and at tho samo time clears the phlegm draws out tho inflammation and heals and sooth es the affected parts. One Minute cough cure strenghens tho lungs, wards off pneumonia and is a harmless and never failing cure in all curat'le cases of coughs, colds, und croup. Ono Min uto cough cure is pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young and old.-W. W. Keeling. Old pnpors for sale t this ollice. You never heard of any one using Foley's Honey and Tar and not being satislled. For sale bv M T Hill. Bettor Thau Gold. I was troublud for suveral years with chronic indigestion and nervous debil ity, writes F. G. Green, of Lancaster, N. H "No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bit turn which did me more good than all the medic ine I ever used. They havo also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She eays Elect ricHitters are just splen did for femalo troubles; that thoy are it grand tonic and invlgorator for weak run down women No other medio ino can tako its placo in our family." Try thorn. Only 60c. 'Satisfaction guaranteed by Kttolint?. W oak Stomach Causes a weak bodyund invites diss ease. Kudol dyspepsia cure cures and strengthens the stomach aud wards off and overcomes disease. J. H Taylor, a prominent merchant of Chriesmun, Texas, says, ''could not eat been one of a weak stomach. I lost all strength and run down in weight. All that money could do was done, hut all hopo of recovery vanished, Hears ing of some wonderful cures effected by use of Kodol I concluded to try it. The first bottle benefitted nuymd after taking four bottles I am fully restored o my usual strength, weight and health. W. W. Keeling. Chrietondom, the now American weekly, will bo the organ of 11117 insti tution, of any man, or nny party. Its articles will be authoritative, but not academic; progressive, but not radical; religious but not theolegical. As the name implies Its scope will not be lim itod to any section, or to any country. Boyond All Comparison Oho of tho many factors contribut ing to the remarkably rapid aud solid growtli of St. Louis is tho marvelous developement of tho Southwest aud other territory tributary to that city in all lines of trndo. In 100-1 there will be hold tho greatest World's Fair in the world. The presidential cam paign will also tako place. To keep informed with the whole world you should at once subscribe for tho peer of newspapers, The Twlce.a-week St Louis Republic. It is indispensable to tho farmer, merchant, or profession al man. Its telegraphic and cable ser vlco excols that of any other papor. It prints the news fully; not imagina tive occurrences, but domestic and world wido faots. It is democratic in politics, but distinctly a national newspaper and family journal. The subscription price of Si. 00 gives you two papers each week, 10-1 papors a year. Mysterious Circumstance One was pale and sallow and the other fresh and rosy. Whence the difference? She who Is blushing with health UBes Dr. King's iew Life Pills to maintain it. By gently arousing the lazy organs they compel good dig estion and head off constipation. Try thorn. Only 25c at Koeling's, druggist. Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly adapted for asthma, bronchitis and hoarseuoes. For sale by M T II Hi. How's This? WooirorOne Hundred Dollars Howard for ntiycnso of Cutnrrli tliut cnuuot bo cured by j liiiirB Catarrh (Juro, ; J. CHENKY & CO., Props., Tolodo.O. Wo, tho undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for tho lust 15 years, and believe him perfectly lionorahlo In all business transac tions and flnnnelally able to carry out any obligations mnde by their firm. West A iruax, wholosalo druggists, Toledo.O. Waldlng, Kluuiui & Marvin, wholesalo drug gists, Toledo', O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tnkon lntenmlly.act ing dliootly upon tho blood and mucous sur faces of tho system. PrlcoTSc por boltlo. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Kamlly Pills aiO the best. A Lesson in Health. Healthy kidi neys filter the Impurities from the oiouti, and unless they do this good 1 health is impossible. Foley's Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys and will ' positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder disease. It strengthen tho whole system. For sale by M T Hill. ' Foley's Honey and Tar contains o opiates und can safely bo given o children. ForBaloby M T Hill. WESLEY H. CLARK Dealer In Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipes, etc. r ALL WORK GUARANTEED 'Phone calls answered promptly. NEMAHA, NEBR. Undertaker Funeral Director and Embalmer I KEEP M STOCK A COMPLETE LIKE OF i - Caskets Robes and Funeral Supplies HEARSE IN CONNECTION SIWBERT, NEriiASKA KODOL digests what you eat. KODOL c'eanse3' purifies', strengthens ' and sweetens the stomach. KODOL cures indigestion, dyspepsia, and all stomach and bowel troubles. KODOL acce'erates the action of the gas- : trie glands and gives tone to the digestive organs. KODOL re"eves an overworked stomach . of aU nervous strain gives to the heart a full, free and untrammeled action, nourishes the nervous system and feeds the brain. KODOL 's e wonderful remedy that is making so many sick people well and weak people strong by giving to their bodies all of the nourishment that is con tained in the food they eat. Bottles only, $1.00 Size holding 2 tha trial size, which sells for 50c. " Prepared only by E. C. DeWITT 6 CO., CUICA00. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right For guloby M.T. Hill. BANNER SA LVE tho most healing salve In tho world. For halo by M. T. Hill. Foley's Honey and Tar forchildren,safe,sure. No opiates For sale by M. T. Hill. M $ t LAND! LAUD! Every one is looking for Cheap Land. Tho trains from the east are loaded with home seekers. Thoy are selling their high-priced farms and buying large tracta of North Dakota land, Why? Because the price is. right. Don't believe for one minute that these Iowa and Illinois farmers do not know what good land is. Every ono knows thoy do. That is tho reason they buy North Da1 , land. Burross, Smith & T. W : Wheeler aro prepared tosi-vv 3rou this land at small cost to you and if you purchase land your trip costs you nothin except your board. cr O 1 S I UfDnn't (ll'lur. lint null Ilf. nnr nOltn o(- nnna nn1 rfof unat-Afl AUBURN, NEBRASKA t BMK OF 1EMAHA NEMAHA., NEBRASKA Capital Stooli, 85,000 t: narru ouryfx-- ,K t; rx -,-., ., ,., r-yj I J-K-K-K-Jc-Jt-Kc-K-K-K-K-K Yr5f 5f 5faf jJ-X-4 f Jf5f Jf JfJf )faf 4 ' V ptsw6tt3?aaeer6ess5MgS3o; WM. CAMI'UKLL, I'res. V, E. ALLEN. Vlce-Pros. ELMER E. ALLEN, Cashier.. i 1 H ".. -&.. 5: &f '- -L v SrXHmKt,-mHk & Jiiset .ttwwaawjar.w- .ftaazag? xrsrrx iV r?. t-