The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 27, 1903, Image 10

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it i wWi m rfc r i,flhA -fciiMiw
Vti . UUKLS Wlltllt ALL USt FAILS.
Hfl neat ixniuli Hjrnti. Tnoten uixxi.
111 tlmo. Soln iv ilruifiOMn.
Notice for Iloaring Claims
lu UioConnly Court of Noninlm enmity. Nob
In Mm miittor of llicruitiiUiof Jon uh Jones,
. Notlc.o Ik liorooy iclvnn tlmt ttio court Iiiih
nmilo mi onlur limiting thn tlmo for crvilltorN
to lllo CIllllllH llMllllt Willi lICCOIIHt'cl to six
moiilliH front the lllh day of Ai.ill, 113.
mill Hint May lltli, July lltli ami (Jotohur
12th,l!HM, lit 10 o'clock it, in of caoli lny,
at. tlMi oillco of tho county Jmln of Ncinuliii
1 county, NuhriiHlcn, In Auburn. NopniHlui, Iiiih
Iiopii llxert I iy the court oh tho tlmo noil plnco
when mill wlioro nil iiorHoiiH who IihvhoIkIiiih
mill ilcniiindH iii;iiltiHt hiiIiI iIupuhhciI can Imvo
tlinwinio oxiwnliicd, iiiIJuhIoiJ mill nllowcil,
mid nil cIiiIiiih not prcHonlcd liy thn liiHt men
tioned ilntn will bo forever hnrruil, hy nil or
der of tint court,
BDntcil Mnrch 17th, 11)03.)
UlUIIAItl) K. NIOAIi, County .TiiiIko,
r. g5. W. Keeling,
Noninlm, NobruHlui.
Office, In Keeling drug Htore.
W. W. Sandekh, 1'ijbliflher
FRIDAY, MAHCII 27, 1003.
wiyHW -ifwwNif t -
Fresh cow for sale,
Inqulro lit tliia
Highest intirkolpiioo puid'ibr Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc.
Kino lino of Wall Paper jtiat received
at Kuulltifj's drug storo.
Remember wo havo a largo stock
of furniture and our prices aro right.
Call and see uh if you' need anythingin
this line.
Edwards it Bradford Lumber Co.
A ministerial convention of the
Nebraska City district M. E. church
will bo held at Tnlmugo, April 28 and
28. M. S. Foutch will have a paper
on tThu Traffic and Use of Tobacco.
Huv IX 13. Lske will havo a paper on
Tho Evangaltsllo Side of the Forward
The columns ofChrlstendom,tho now
American weekly published in Chicago
will keop you in touch with all tho
1 great forces that are working for tho
betterment of mankind, and glvo you
tho bust thought on the immediate
questions of the day.
John W. Folton of Auburn has lost
the sight of one of his oyes entirely
and the other Is badly effected. He
had an attack of smallpox a few weeks
ago and it left his eyes in this condition.
He haj spent several hundred dollars
to suvo the sight of the other eye and
is in hopes it will bo done, but the res
maiding eye is very weak. lie does
not think smallpox is a such a small
Harness&Shoe Shop
Ilnvlnjropcni'il ii IIiiriiPHH Hhop and Hlioo
rcpilrlin ImisIiiom I denim to Inlorin tlio
pi)tl(ior Ncnnili'i nnd vicinity that 1 inn
prupitiud to do nil Kind of
Shoe Repairing
Harness Repairing
And Oiling
Good Hand Made Harness a Specialty
All mo Invited to cull In ami hco inc.
Tlie Prairie Parmer
The Advertiser mokes an Outri'yht Pur
chaste, of a number of tiubseriytions
at Wholesale, prices and off'eis them
to its readers at Much Less than Cost
Two Papers with tho Advertiser
Tho Prairio Farmer Wookly and
Tho Prairio Earmor HomoMaga
aino Monthly Ono Yoar with tho
Advortisor for only 35 ots. oxtra.
lir-ginning with the publication of
this notice all HuliHcriburs to the Ad
vertiser ronewi-ig their kubscriptions
for one t'ar direct to Ibis office may
fi'curo Tho Prairio Fartnor weekly,
including The l'rairio Farmer Home
Magazine monthly supplement, and
the Advertiser all for one year each,
lor $1 a5.
Tho Prnirio Farmer is tho greutept
farm iiiuMivostock paper now publish
ed. It ix curofully edited, handsome
Jy illustrated, lm complete livr stock
iliiirkot reports oi Chicago, Kansas
Oi ty and Omaha. Tho I'mirio Far
mer lIonioMaga&ino monthly supple
ment is a ureal, publication for wom
an, young woman, boys and girls.
It has bright, spicy articles, printed
on th bast book paper, profusely il
lustrated with half-tone engravings.
The two papers niaUo a substantial
and intorobting combination tor any
family. . .
ltiM'iiidimr this offer The Praine
Farmer writes us: k We would not
fuel like making you a similar propos
ition t!id wo not think that your pap
er would result in sending us at loiiht
.000 new subscriptions thin year. Wo
are offering you an opportunity that
your readers should not let slip by.
Your readers will not bo paying for
the blauk paper wu ubo, but wo are
counting upon their liking tho paper
ho much that thoy will always want
to read them."
"Everything new" is the motto of
tho Kerkoff-Locko Dramatic Co. Now
scenery, Jnew plays, oveti their own
new front drop curtain. Thoy open
their engagement at the Grand Opera
House Hrowpville, on Monday, March
30, with "The Seal of Silence." Season
tickets SOc. Single admission in, 25,
and :I5.
The Junior League elected tho fol
lowing officers last Sunday:
President Eliza Farson.
First Vlee-Pres. Avis Carse.
Second Vice FresLona Maxwell.
Third Vioo-Pres,--EaruestSoid. .
Fourth Vlco-Pres. Pearl Sold.
Secretary Ella Col orlck.
Treasurer Lala Hill.
Miss Florence Mlnlck la superinten
dent. Tho longuo meets every bunduy
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Howen visited Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar L. Minick of Bracken this
week, driving in to Nemaha and taking
the train for Salem Thursday evening,
Mrs. Jiowun is a sister of Mrs. Mtuick.
They will start for tho state of Wash
ington in a few days whore they ex
pect to make their home In tho future.
Then home has been in Iowa,
T. O. Daughterty is now in a
hospital at. Omaha, where ho will have
an operation performed. When Tom
was a boy he received a pistol shot in
his breast. Tho ball was never re
moved and at times bus given him
much pain. It is thought by at oper
ation the bull can be removed. His
Nemaha frieudd hope for a successful
operation and u complete recovery.
Louis Lowman, father oi'Edw.E.
Lowman of Hrownville, died at his
home in McCook Thursday afternoon
of last week. Mr. Lowman was for
many years one of tho leading mer
chants of Hrownville, leaving there In
1S80. Ills body was brought to Hrown
ville for burial Satuiday afternoon.
Mr. Lowman leaves a wife, son,
and daughter, who have our sympathy
in their bereavement.
II. T. Minick is now ready to Bell
rights for the manufacture and sale of
his patent corn husking machine.
This machine husks tho corn from
tho stalks, leaving the stalks in the
field. Parlies who wish to investigate
will do well to call on or correspond
with Mr. Minick. He is talking some
of erecting a factory in Nemaha, and
wo hope ho will conclude to do so, as
it would be a good thing for the town.
His macolne is said to bo a success in
every rospoct.
An Epwortb League was organized
at the Methodist church last Sunday
evening. Tho followiug olllcers were
Pres. Miss Florence Minick.
First VicesPres. Neilie Sanders .
Second VlcesPres. Lulu Cooper.
Third Vico-Pres. Mary Farson.
Fourth Vice-Pres Geneva West.
Secretary Helle Galbraith.
Treas. Emery Howe.
A meeting of the members and those
wishing to join will be held at the
MetliodiBt church Saturday night to
complete arrangements for meetlugs
In the rooms of tho Nebraska Stato
Historical society at tho state unlver
sity, Lincoln, Ncb. there is on exhi
bition a tablet of white bronze that is
to bo placod on one of tho big redwood
trees In a park at Santa Cruz, Cal., in
memory of tho late J. Sterling Morton.
This tablet Is about two feet square
and is cast with its inscriptions stand
ing in bold relief so that they may be
read at a considorablo distance. On
tho upper left hand corner aro the
words "plant truths," and upon the
uppor right hand cornor tho words,
"plant trees." Uelow these words is a
design composed of four oak leaves
and an acorn on a single twig, beneath
which is set for tho significance of tho
tablet as follows: "In memory of J.
Sterling Morton of Nebraska, father of
Arbor day; born April 22, 1832; died
April 27, 1902. Hy order of Neb robka
State Historical socioty."
Tho tablet was manufactured in Des
Moines at the order of W. W. Cox, of
Cortland, who conceived the idea while
touring California that Mr. Morton
should bo remembered as have been
many other men of national promin
ence in the naming of the big trees
abounding in the park at Santa Cruz.
He asked leave of the park authorities
there to name one of the treps after Mr.
Morton and was assured that it would
be granted If the proper tablet weie
furnished. At tiio last meeting of the
historical society a committee, with
Mr. Cox as chairman, was appointed to
secure the tablet and provide for its
installation. The tree picked out to
bear tho namo of Mr. Morion, and to
which tho tablet will be fastened, is
about 270 feet high and is believed to
antedate the pyramids. There are
others much larger in the park.
Pending .its being sent to California
tho tablet is shown at the historical
society's room beneath the bust of AI r
Mortou. Neb. City Tribune.
The St. Louis Ropublic is talkin
about tho "certainty of democratic
success in 1001." For sublime faith
wo havo nover aeon anything quite
equal to that and think it should bo
quoted in the International Sunday
School Lesson Leaf as a notable ex
ample of human confidence in tho uu
known, tho unseen, the unexpected
and the Impossible. Neb. Cy. Tribune.
Nearly Forfeits His Life- .
A runaway almost eliding fatally'
started a .horrible ulcer on tho leg of
J. H. Orner, Franklin Grove. III. For
four year it defied all doctors and all
remedies. But Uuckleu's Arnica Salvo
had no trouble to euro him. Equally
good for .burns, skin eruptions aud
piles. 25c at Keeiug's drug storo.
So Sweet and Pleasing in Taste
Mrs. C. Peterson, 025 Lake St. Tope
ka, Kan., speaking of Ballard's Horo
hound Syrnp, Bays: "It haB nover fail
ed to give entire satisfaction, and of
all cough remedies, it is my favorite,
and I must confer to my many friends
that it will do and has done what it
has claimed for it to speedily cure a
cough or a cold ; and it is so sweet and
pleasing in tuste." 25c, SOc, and $1.00
at Hill's.
Call and see us for reduced rates on
magazines and newspapers.
Uatullv a hacking cougli and a gener
al feeling of weakness, often leading to
fatal results after tho patient is sups
posed to have passed the dauge.r point.
Foley's Honey and Tar is guaranteed
to cure the "grippe cough" and make
you strong and well It never fails to
.-top u cough if taken in time. Take
no substitute.
Election Notice
Notico is hereby given that the ani
nual election for the village of Nemaha
City, Nebraska, will bo held on Tues
day, April 7, 11)03. Polls will be opened
at 1) o'clock a. in. and remain open uus
til 7 o'clock p. in., at Tho Advertiser
ofllce, at which time and place two (2)
trustees for said village will bo elected
for the term of two (2) years.
I. N. Cooi'KU, Chairman.
W. W. Sandkus, Clerk.
DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
The only poattive cure for blind,
bleeding, itching and protruding piles
cuts, burns, bruises eczema and all ab
rasions of tue skin' DoWitt's is the
only Witch Hazel Salve that is made
from the pure, unadulterated witch
hazel all others aro counterfeits.
Da Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is made to
cure counterfeits aro made to sell.
W. W. Keeling.
Call in and see us if you want to
subscribe for any paper published in
the United States.
Tho Easy Pill
Dewitt's Little Early llisers do not
gripo nor weaken thoBystem. Thoy
cure billlousness, jaundice, cousiip.i
tioD, and Inactive liver, by arousing
tho secretions, moving the bowels gent
ly, yet eJlectually, and 'giving such
tone and stiength to the glands of the
stomach, liver and bo -vols that tho
cause or. the trouble is removed enttie
ly. These famous little pilis exert a
decided tonic etlect upon thu organs
Will Cure Consumption. A A Hor
ren, Finch, Ark., writes, "Foley's
Honey and Tar is the best preparation
for coughs, colds and lung trouble. I
know that it lias cuied consumption in
the llrst Btages." For sale by Hill.
A Physician "Writes
"lam desirous of knowing if the
profession can obtain Herblne in bulk
for prescribing purposes? It has been
of great use to mo in treating cases of
dyspepsia brought on by excesses or
overwork., 1 have naver known it to
tail in restoring the organs alloc ted,
to their healthful activity." 50c bottle
at Hill's.
Report of the Condition of the
Chnrtor No. C32
Of Ncinnhn, in tho Stato of Nobrac kn, nt tho
closoof bUHlncNS MhjcIi 18, 1002.
Lonns nnd discounts 817220 30
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured u M
Hanking house fiir.illuro nnil fixtures 1141 Ci)
Current expenses and taxes paid 339 10
Due from national, statu and private
hanks and hankers 8143 67
Total cash on hand 2104 05
'Total S2S964 05
Capital stock paid In $6000 00
Surplus lund . 300 00
Undivided profits 2- 61
Individual deposits subject to check...22830 44
'Total , $280t34 05
State of Nebraska, 1
County of Nemaha, 1 HH
I, Elinor E. Allon, cashier of tho abovu
named bank, do solemnly swear that tho
abovo statement Is correct and a lruo copy
of tho report inado to tho Stato Hanking
MlYS1' "'-tors.
Subscribed and sworn to boforo mo this
23rd day ofMnivli, 1002.
W. W. SANDEUS, Nojary Public.
Proprietors of the
Livery & Feed Stable
Good Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The Advertiser and the Western
Swine Breeder one (yeur for fcl.JJD; the
Advertiser and Poultry Topics one
year for Si. 15; Tho Advertiser and tho
Daily 'Omaliu Nowh ono year lor S2.U0 ;
the Advertiser and tho Iowa Home
stead, Poultry- News and Homo
stead Ihstitute numbers oue yoar for
$1.32; the Advertiser ami the Nebraska
nvolved and If their use is continued pannBr one yoar for SI. 35; the Adver
tiser and the Chicago Weekly Inter
All our fanner readers should take
advantage of the unprecedented club
bing offer we this year make, which
Includes with this paper Tho Iowa
Homestead, Its Special Farmers' Insti
tute editions, and The Poultry. Farm
er. These three publications are the
best of their class and should be in
twery farm homu. To them we add
for local, county and general news our
own paper and mako the price Inr the
four for one year.!. 85. Nover bsloie so much superior reading matter
offered for so uniall an amount of
money. Tho papers named which
we club with our own are well known
'throughout the west and commend
themselves to the reader's favorable
attention upon mure mention. Tin
Homestead Is the urit agricultural
nnil livestock paper of the west. The
Poultry Farmer la tho most practical
poultry paper for the tanner published
in tho country, and tho Special Faun
Institute editions are u.e mow
lor a few days there will be no return
of the trouble. W. V. Keeling.
Cures Sciatic Bhoumatism
Mrs. A. E dimpson. .000 Craig St
Ivnoxville, Tenn., writes Juno 10th.
18D0: "I havo been trying thu baths
of Hot Springs, Ark. for seiatlo rheu
matism, but I get moie relief from
Hul limit) snow Liniment than any
medicine or anything 1 have ever tried
Enclosed find pustoflice order for 81.00
Send me a largo bottle by Southern
Express." Sold by .M. T. Hill
Toe St
TI10 Great Newspaper
of the World
Tho Great KopubJIcnn
Taper or America
.. , 1.1 1...., ..., flit, nrnnwt
ptMOUCai puuiiuutiiiuo i..i
(inn of good farming evei publiBiivd
Trtka advttutugoof this rMi oJTrr.
EscapotJ an Awful Fnto.
Mr. II HaggiiiB or Melbourne, Fin.
writes, "My doctor told mo I had the
consumption and nothing could be
done for me. I win given up to die
The offer of a free trial bottle of4)r
K 'tig's New Discovery for Consumpt
ion, induced me to try it. Results
weioslaitllng. lam now on the road
to recovery rod owe all to Dr, King's
New Discovery. It surely saved ni.
life." This great cure is guaianteed
tor all throat and lung di-eases by
Keeling the druggist, I'rioo 50u & $1
Trial hottlo fiee.
Ocean ono year for SI. 50; the Adver
tiser and the Semi-Weekly St. Loul
Globe Democrat one year for 81. 75;
the Advertiser and the SemixWuekly
Nebraska Stato Journal one year foi
$1.85 These are some of our clubb
ing offers, but wa have others, Can
you beat them uuvwhern?
Ohiluran's doughs and Golds
Mrs. Joe MoUrath, &7 K, 1st St.
Hutchison, Kan., writes; "I have
given Ballard's lloreliound Svrup to
my children tor coughs and colds for
lie past four years and llnd it the
best medicend 1 ever jisod." Unlike
many cough syrups, it contains no
opium, but will soothe and heal nnv
disease of thu throat or lungs quicker
ruin any other remedy.
Si. 0 Oat Hill's
2'?tc 2)aily Globe- Democrat is without a rival in all the West
a?)dsla?Hls at the very front amow the Jew fieuliy Great
7ien'sj)aj)ers of the world
Includiug Sunday
One Year SO 00
0 months !J 00
!l months 1 50
Without Sunday
One Year St 00
0 months 2 00
W mouths 1 00
40 to 00 Pages
One Year go 00
0 months 1 00
25c, 50o and
Tho "Twicea-Week" Issue of the Globe-Democrat
at One Dollar a Year
Is the greatest newspaper bargain of tho ago. It h almost equal to a Dailv at
tho price of a Weekly. It gives the latest tolegraphio news trom all tho world
every Tuesday and Friday Its urrkot reports are complete and ooirect in
every detail It has no equal as a home and family journal, and ought to bo ifc
everv fireside in the land. b m
Two papers every week. 5
Eight pages or more every Tuesday and FrhJay,
One Dollar for one year, Sample Copies Free,
A Revelation. If you will make
inquiry it will be a revelation to yon
how many sueuuinb to kidney or blad
der troubles In one foim o' another, l'
the patient is not beyond medical ant
FoleyV. Kidney Cure will cure. It
utyer disappoints. For sale Ly Hill.
The Great World's Fair
Will bo hold at St. Louis in 1905, nnd tho araatort Q pi ,,! M ,
paper will bo indispousublo during- tho coming yJar SULouis N6WS
m i