The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 20, 1903, Image 3

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"""" ".WiIJY4mil'W VM4it'M
JPersonal Encounter on the Floor of
the Mi3souri House.
Scvernl Meinlicn Jlecnmo Excited When
the Doorkeeper Threw Snlfili. Who Wnn
Disputing with Clark Quiet It-
Hturud with Difllculty.
Jefferson City, Mo., Mnrch 14. In
ftAjJtho dispute over the text-book bill,
Mjlralmni, of Jasper, rose to speak.
lie had not said ten words before a
commotion was caused by the door-
dceeper trying to throw Ilepresenta-
-tlve Selph (dem.) out of the house.
-IIo threw Selph down on the iloor.
Fifty members rushed into the mid-
die aisle where the trouble. was going
-on. Members were pushing each
other, and Selph and Clark, in bel
ligerent attitude, were trying to
Teach cacli other, but Tnpley, Stew
art, OTallon, Gillespy, Conkling,
.Shelby and others rushed in between
them. For a minute it looked as if
there would be a general knock-
down fight. Whitccotton ran to the
rspeaker's platform and grabbed the
ignvel from Duncan. "Members,
stand by the doorkeeper of this
bouse," he Bhouted. This was re
pcated in a loud voice several times,
"but the crowd grew more dense,
flight in the center aisle of the house
"they were jammed together as close
.as men could stand. The speaker
-called on half a dozen of the cooler
heads of the house to clear the aisle
It took a minute to do it, nnd then
mil was quiet as usuul, but every
body was watching for new out-tbreaks.
Gottlieb Nelconllnuri, Who Killed HI Wlf
and itather-ln-JUtw, Himgetl in Ne
brinks Stnte l'rliton.
Lincoln, Neb., March 1-1. Gottleb
.Neigenfiend was hanged in the stnte
prison here Friday at 1:30 p. in.
The double crime for which Nie
jgenfiend was hanged was committed
-September 11 last, when he visited
the home of his divorced wife, Mrs.
.Anna Peters, and shot Mrs. Peters
sahd her father, Albert Ureyer, dead.
After the murder, Niegenfiend es-
caped and for six days wandered over
-the country eluding capture and send
fing word through friends that he
would not be taken alive. He was
finally located in a cornfield by two
farm boys, slightly wounded with a
s shotgun and overpowered. Jle was
the first, murderer to be executed
'.under the law providing that all hang
ings shall be in the state prison.
Secretary Hitchcock 1'nvon the Wny for
the Construction of Vivo Irrlgutlon
, , Works In the Wont.
Washington, March 14. Secretary
-of the Interior Hitchcock has grant-
ed authority for the acquisition of
necessary property, rights of way,
-etc., for the construction of irrigation
-works in Jive localities. These proj
ects are: Wyoming,' Sweetwater
dam; Montann, Milk river; Colorado,
-Gunnison tunnel; Nevada, Truckee;
.Arizona, Salt river reservoir. These
projects are estimated to cost $7,
000,000 and will provide for the irriga
tion of about 000,000 acres of arid
'land. In addition thereto the Gray
Bull reservoir project is to be taken
'up immediately.
CoiihiiI lUttlncor Invited to Itcnlcn.
Washington, March 14. United
:States Consul John Bittinger, at
Montreal, has been invited to resign.
',11a will be succeeded by Maj. A. V.
Edwards, a North Dakota newspaper
:man. Consul Bittinger, while on
'.leave of absence at his home in St.
-Joseph, talked very freely of the re
lations between the United States
.-nnd Canada. This was ill received
in Canada and has led to the present
Kid They Vote to Strike?
Dallas, Tex., March 14. A special
:from Texarkana, Tex., says: The
telegraph operators and station
rngents along the entire line of the
Kansas City Southern railway be
tween Kansns City and Port Arthur
voted yesterday on the proposition
' to go on strike for higher wages.
Prlfion Twln-e l'lant foi Mlminurl.
Jefferson City, Mo., March 14. Gov.
Dockery has approved the bill Intro--cluceel
by Senator Biggs for the es
"tiiblishinent of a binding twine plant
fin the penitentiary. The bill carries
with it an appropriation of $175,000
and this was the stumbling block for
Gov. Dockery.
Oen. Allen ItefuHed to Unite Tertrm.
Mnuila, March 14. San Miguel, the
(irreconcilable leader who is hiding
Sin the mountains, has sent a mes
suage to Gen. Allen asking for the
terms on which he may surrender,
'but the general declined to make any
Iliirillclc Cm OfT II U Wire.
Buffalo, N. Y., March 14. The will
of the late Edwin L. Burdiek, mur
dered in his homo here Friday, Feb
ruary 27, was made public Friday.
He cuts off his wife, whom he was
tBiiing for divorce, without a cent.
Negro "Herb Doctor" In riillnclfilphln 1AU-
tsrnlly l'litrunlzcit by Women Who
Vonrnoil for Insurance Money.
Philadelphia, March 10. The police
for several days have been investi
gating the career of George Hossey,
the negro "herb doctor" who was
committed to prison with Mrs. Cath
erine Danze on the charge of caus
ing the death of the woman's hus
band by poison. Mrs. Danze is Bnid tc
be one only of a host of women
whose object in consulting the "doe
tor" was not legitimate. The au
thorities say that they expect tc
trace a number of deaths to llossey's
Hossey is the nrch-consplrntor in
manj' crimes, the authorities say.
They have learned that for many
months past his headquarters have
been patronized by many women both
married and single whose names are
now in the possession of the district
Victor Emmimacl Honor Hot. William
Hurt, for 17 Yenr it Laborer for the
I'rotoAtntit Faith In Italy.
Home, March 15. llev. William
Hurt, head of the American Metho
dist work among the Italians, was
received in private audience by King
Victor Emmnnunl, and aftei-ward re
ceived the decoration of the Order of
St. Maurice and St. Lazarus as a to
ken of his majesty's appreciation of
Dr. Burt's labors, extending over 17
years. During this period he has
founded 33 churches, a girls' indus
trial school, a girls' finishing school,
a boys' Methodist college and a theo
logical school, all in Home, and nn in
dustrial school for boys in Venice.
The Methodist building in Rome is
one of the largest in Europe.
No More HnndkeroblefH.
St. Paul, Minn., March 10. The wo
men of Minnesota are wishing that
women of Texas had not called Mrs..
Roosevelt's gift handkerchief "a
cheap cotton rag." Because Mrs.
Roosevelt declines to send a handker
chief to the bazaar which the wo
men of the Minnesota Territorial
Pioneers' association expect to give.
The handkerchief bureau which Mrs.
Roosevelt organized in order to meet
the demand of fair committees for
handkerchiefs has been abolished.
Made the Deaf Hear.
New York, March 13. By means of
nn invention of Miller Reese Hutch
inson, a young Alabanian who was
recently decorated by Queen Alexan
dra for his efforts in behalf of the
deaf, three children, deaf, dumb nnd
blind, have been enabled to hear a
pianist play Sousa inarches, a phono
graph repeat the sounds nnd the
sounds of their own voices uttering
the words "mammn,'
"hello" in quavering childish treble.
IntrtlU for the I'reHldencr?
Cincinnati, March 15. That the
democrats of the country are in earn
est in their efforts to harmonize and
regain prestige is the belief of Sena
tor .7. B. Foraker. He thinks the local
mayoralty contest is of far-reaching
importance, as he believes that In
gnlls, if elected, will be the next dem
ocratic candidate for governor of
Ohio nnd later a candidate for the
nomination for president.
Meillcal tloIleceH to Merce.
Kansas City, Mo., March 15. A con
solidation of the Kansas City Medicnl
college and the University Medical
college will be effected in a short
time. The former is 30 years old and
has ,125 students, the latter 23 years
old with 200 students.
Stnte Lnnrin Withdrawn from Mnrket.
Austin, Tex., March 10. More than
300,000 acres of state lands in the
western part of the slate were with
drawn from the market Saturday in
order to avert conflicts between pros
pective purchasers, who are clamor
ing to file upon the lands.
She Illtil DiHCitriled Him.
St. Joseph, Mo., March 15. An
gered because he hnd been discarded
by the woman he loved, June Har
mon attacked Lizzie Smith with a
butcher knife yesterdny and inflicted
a wound which will prove fatal.
Grand Jury After VolyeanilftU.
Salt Lake City, Utah, March 15.
Thrqco judges of the district court
have summoned a special grand jury
to investigate the frequent charges
that polygamy is being practiced in
this community.
Fatal Accident While CroaiOnir the Truck.
Huntington, W. Va., March 10. C.
M. Lowe, a merchant, was killed and
his wife fatally injured by a Chesa
peake & Ohio passenger train ati the
Ceredo crossing yesterdny afternoon.
The New Co n mi I Oeneriil lit Montreal.
Washington, March 10. The sen
ate, in executive session, has con
firmed the nomination of Maj. A. W.
Edwards as consul general at Mont
real. Wore They for the ISoxerH?
Hong Kong, March 15. Five thou
sand rifles ready for 'conveyance into
i the interior were seized here by
I officials.
Two Youth, Who Hnd lleen Cnpnlznd Inlet
the Itepubllcnn Itlver, I.uhhikhI and
Ilroiightto I.1111CI.
'Hardy, Neb., Mnrch 14. Two
youths were saved from drowning
in the Republican river by Charles
Wilson, a cowboy. Wilson wns on
horseback and starting for the ranch
on which he worked when he was
attracted by a crowd on the river
bank. There ho found Hoinniitt and
Webster, both young men, who had
attempted to cross the stream lit a
skiff, were on the point of being
drowned. The craft had been cap
sized by th' floating ice and the men
thrown into the bitter cold water.
They speedily became so benumbed
that they were unable to grasp ropes
thrown them. Wilson rode his horse
close to the bank and, whirling his
lasso, he threw it well over the lloat
ing body of the younger of the
youths nnd, strapping the other end
around the pommel of his saddle,
drew the nmn out. This wns repeat
ed with the other drowning man
and, though both were unconscious
when rescued, they speedily recov
ered. Kfirthquiike In Wtmhlneton Stnte.
Olympia, Wash., March 14. An un
usually perceptible earthquake was
felt in this city at 0:25 yesterday
evening. Buildings were shaken ho
that the occupants ran into the
streets in alarm. The principal
shock was preceded by a tremor of
a few seconds and followed by a
slight tremor, the entire disturbance
lasting nine seconds. Slight rum
blings were heard. Seattle and Tn
conui also reported shocks.
Awful Deed of Crnzy Farmer.
St. Louis, March 14. Adolph
Krauss, a German fanner, living 21
miles west of St. Louis, near Belle
fontnli'e, last night killed his wife
and six children witli a sledge ham
mer. He then cut his throat nnd died
a few minutes later. It is believed
Krauss suddenly became insane. He
had the reputation among his neigh
bors of being a quiet, Inoffensive, in
dustrious farmer nnd no other cause
but insanity has been assigned.
Kantian City Woman Wan Jenton.
Kansns Citj', Mo., March 14. James
A. Sharp, a bartender in Burr's sa
loon at Eighth and Central streets,
wns shot and instantly killed at noon
by his wife, Mrs. Mildred Sharp. The
shooting took place at Sharp's home,
555 Holmes street. The cause was
jealousy on the part of the wife. Im
mediately after the shooting, Mrs.
Sharp tied out of the back door with
out hat or wrap, but she was later
captured by the police.
Water flooded the Mine.
Iron Mountain, Mich.. Mnrch 14.
Four men are known to have lost
their lives and four others are miss
ing as the result of one of the worst
fatalities of recent years in the
Michigan mining regions. The men
were drowned in the Millie mine by
a rush of water which flooded the
fourth level of a cross-cut in the
filnln by Alexlrxn llundlt.
Tucson, Ariz., March 14. Bandits
attacked the Pot am and Torrin stage,
running along the Ynqui river in So
norn, murdered the driver and six
passengers and stripped the bodies
of everything of value. Not one of
the passengers of the ill-fated stage
survived to tell the story of the hold
up. Friar Want Too Much for Land.
Manila, March 14. There is a pos
sibility that the negotiations for the
purchase of the friars' lands by the
government may fail because of the
excessive prices asked by the religious
orders and commercial corporations
interested with the orders.
Guilty of Kllllnir Seven.
Lake Charles, La., March 14. Al
bert E. Batson, of Spikards, Mo., was
found guilty of the murder of seven
members of tne Earl family. This
means death, and the prisoner will be
hanged unless the supreme court
grnntK him another trial.
Wouldn't VViiiIi the Mules.
Mahony City, Pa., March 14. Three
hundred men are idle at the Packer
No. '3 colliery of the Lehigh Coal com
pany, owing to a strike of the drivers
because of an order requiring them
to wash the mules before stabling
them at night.
llrynn' Gift to Iowa Unlvemlty.
Iowa City, la., March 14. W. J.
Bryan lectured to the students of
Iowa state university to-night. He
gave $250 as a prize for the best-informed
student on political science,
which will insure nn annual contest.
Hack I'ay for School-Tenoher.
Guthrie, Ok., March 14. Gov. Fer
guson has signed the bill authorizing
the auditor to pay some $4,000 back
salary to 55 teachers who taught in
Greer county during the years 1895
and 1890.
Freo Unlivery .service Ordered.
Washington, March 14. The post
master general has ordered the es
tablishment of free delivery service
at Lawton, Ok., beginning June 1,
and Cape Girardeau, Mo., July 1.
EEDLE8 l For aH'Scnlnp Machines.
ciuii. ( Standard Oooda Only.
Tired Mother's Touching Story of
Anxiety and Suffering.
Cuticura Brings Blessed Cure to Skin
Tortured Baby and Peace and Rest
to Its "Worn Out Mother.
It is no wonder that Mrs. Helena Rath was taken sick.
Single-handed, she did all the housework and washed, cooked and
mended for her husband, Hans, and their six children. After a
plucky fight to keep on her feet, Mrs. Rath had to yield, and early
in 1902 she took to her bed. What followed she told to a visitor,
who called at her tidy home, No. 82 1 Tenth Ave., New York City.
I hired a pirl to minil tho chil
dren nnd to do whatever elso she
could. I couldn't stay in bed long1.
Sick na I was, it was easier for mo
to crawl around than to Ho and
worry about my littlo ones. So
I got up after a few days, and let
tho girl go. I had noticed that she
had sores on her face, hands and
arms, but I paid no attention to that
until Charlie, my youngest, began to
pick and Bcratch himself. Ho was
then ten months old, and the girl
had paid moro attention to him than
to any of tho others. Charlie was fret
ful nnd cross, but as ho wns cutting
teeth, I didn't think much of that.
Even when a rash broko out on his
face I wasn't frightened, because
everybody knows that that is quito
common with teething babies. Sev
eral of my others had it when little,
and I thought nothing about it.
"But tho rash on Charlie's poor
little faco spread to his neck, chest,
nnd back. I had never seen any
thing quito like it before. The skin
roso in littlo lumps, .and matter
came out. My baby's ski"n was hot,
and how lie did suffer I lie wouldn't
cat, and night after night I walked
tho floor with him, weak as I was.
Often I had to stop because I felt
faint and my back throbbed -with
pain. Hut tho worst pain of all was
to seo my poor littlo boy burning
with those nasty sores.
"I believed ho had caught some
disease from tho girl, but some of
the neighbors said ho had eczema,
and that is not catching, they told
me. Yes, I gave hira medicine, and
put salves and things on him. I
don't think they wero all useless.
Once in a while tho itching seemed
to let up a bit, but there was not
much change for tho better until a
lady across the street asked me why
I didn't try the Cuticura Remedies.
I told her I had no faith in those
things you read about in tho papers.
She said sho didn't want me to go
on faith nor even to spend any
money at first. Sho gave mo some
Cuticura Ointment I think tho
box was about half full and n
piece of Cuticura Soap. I followed
The agonizing, itching, and burning of the skin as in eczema;
the frightful scaling, as in psoriasis ; the loss of hair, and crusting
of the scalp, as in scalled head ; the facial disfigurements, as in
pimples and ringworm ; the awful suffering of infants, and anxiety
of worn-out parents, as in milk crust, tetter and salt rheum, all
demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully
cope with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent
are such stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement is made
regarding them that is not justified by the strongest evidence.
The purity and sweetness, the power to afford immediate relief,
the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety
and great economy have made them the standard skin cures, blood
purifiers and humour remedies of the civilized world.
CUTICUKA. REMEDIES nro nolil tlironcliont ttio civilized world. PIUCES: Cuticura
tesnlvont, GOo. por liottlo (In tho form of Chocolate Coated 1MI18, 25c. per vial or lo), uuuour
Ointment, WW. icr box, and Cutloura Soap, 2."o. por calto. Bond for the creat work. "Ilumours
of tho IJIooil, Kln nnd Scalp, nnd How to Curo Them," 04 paROi,300 JJisoasos, with lllustra-
of tho I!lood,S:in nnd Scalp, and How to Curo Them," 01 paK0i,3U0 JJlsoasos, wun 111
tlons, Testimonials, nnd Directions In all lanquapcfl, Including Jujiiiieso and Chlnoso. 1
Depot, 27-23 C!iurtorhouo So... London, K. O. Froucli Depot, f Ilnodo la I'alx. l'arls.
trallnn Dopot, 11. Tovn& Co.. Svdnoy. POTTER DRUG AND CHEMICAL CORPORA
Solo 1'roprletord, llostoti, l. 8. A.
anur.3 n rjm'
W, L, Daiwlaa tnakaa nnd mmftm
morm man'm OooHymar Walt (Hand
Sewam Proceaa) ahoaaihan nnyothar
mmnuimaiurer in fnm worm.
$25,000 REWARD
will 1)0 paid to anyone who
can disprove) this statement.
Uocauso W. L. Douglas
'.itholnrgcst manufacturer
ho can buy choapor and
produce his alioos at n
lower cost than othor con
corns, which enables him
to soil shoes for 3.50 and
SJ.00 equal In ovory
way to tlioso Bold olso-
wlioro for 4 ami 5.00.
TUo Doualoa aocrot Dro-
coaa of tannin? tha bottom
aoloa producea nbao-
luicly puro loathor t moro flexible and will weu
longor than any othor tnnnnpo in the world.
Tha aMoa have moro than doubled the rnat four
ypaxa. which provoa. Ita euperlority. why not
B vo W. 1m Douglas ahoes a trial and aavo monoy.
Notice Iiirrcato risw fiateai
111 Illliliiuail M3SAlc: tn,OU4,!MO,4
A Kaln of 99,ao,4r.e.79 In 1'our Ywa.
Worth $6.oo Compared with Other Make.
The bett Imported and American leathert, Heul'a
Patent Calf, Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, Vlcl Kid, Corona
Colt, and National Kanganto. Fast Color Eyelets.
Haililnn Ths nnulne hava W. L. DOUOLA
uaiillUII nama and prieo atampod on bottom.
Shotl bv mall, SSc. extra, lltui. Catalovree.
w. h.. uavaiuxm, UKocuroN, mass.
llcf nnd rosiTIVB.
l.VdliHFJ ril.KO.
For frno anmnlo adrlreaa
"ANAJKJ:!," Trib
uno building, Now York.
the directions, bathing Char Ho and
putting that nico Ointment on the
I wouldn't havo believed that
my baby would havo been cured by
a little thing liko that. Not all of a
sudden, mind you. Littlo by littlo,
but so surely. Charlio and I both
got moro penco "by day, nnd mora
sleep by night. Tho sores sort of
dried up and went away. I shall
never forget ono blessed night when
I went to bed with Charlie bcsldo
me, as soon as I got tho supper
dishes out of tho way nnd tho older
children undressed 5 when I woko
up tho sun was streaming in. For
tho first time in six months I had
slept through tho night without &
" Yes, that fat littlo boy by tho
window is Charlie, nnd his skin ta
as white as a snow flake, thanks to
the Cuticura Remedies. I think
everybody should know about tho
Soap and also tho Ointment, and if
it is going to help other mothers
with sick babies, go ahead and pub
lish what I havo told you."
Qib v nil
m& i
m.''.'v.! UVam.
lidKs3uavt vHR.w Awi'jiM
Consignments Invited. Closest nttcntlon given. Prompt returns, No
commission charged. Illghcstzmirlcuiprlccspntd. Prleo list on request.
100-102 W, Third Street, KANSAS CITY, M0