The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 20, 1903, Image 6

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    n i
1 News from Over the State I
v y v v Y ? r ? w wr 9fT v vvf'ffy
Hit ill Win-It for rhj-MlolaiiM.
Fred Hurt., 10 yi'iu'H old, of lAv
coln, Tor four houra nppiiroiilly took
a trip (o (lie golden whore mid Ih hIIII
on ourlh mid doing well. It vn.s dur
ing mi opornllon on tin' young iiiiui
for nppcudlcltiH nt a Lincoln hoapi
(ill wliiMi li oi'iiHod to breathe. Not
iv jdgu of rcHpiration wiih discernible,
lint the ducToi'H found Unit IiIh pulse
wiih healing, showing I lut 1' tin licart
nclioii luid not boon miHpended. Otit
lde of lliu fact Unit Urn pulso eon
llnund Uh throbbing 1 lie .young man
wiih h oiih dead. Arlillcinl rcspira
llon wiih nt once applied and for four
bourn and twenty inlnulen, during
which time 1 hi patient HUHtaincd not
one natural respiration, the four
physicians worked .sturdily to restore
the lost brealli. The pliyHieal exer
tion necessary to keep thin up for ho
long a time wart a severe strain upon
tin; fortitude of t lie professional
qiinrlctlo, and just ns the four sur
geons were exhausted natural res
piration was resumed and in a short
tinin the. young man was on the road
to recovery.
Curnoclf) ItnmmnlinrA Old fi-loutl.
Wlieu Andrew Carnegie first came
to the United Stales there was on the
same ship Samuel Nicholls, now of
ICcnesaw, Nob. Hetwei'ii the two
young men a warm friendship sprang
up, which was maintained for Home
time a tor their arrival. Air. Nicholls
dually drifted into the coal mmes
and from there west and did not, for
years think of his former friend,
the now great millionaire; Finally in
adversity he appealed to Air. Carnegie
for help, but Unit was several years
ago, aiid as no answer came, his sur
prise may bo iinngbied when a few
days ago lie received the following
leuer irom tno private seereiary oi
Mr. Carnegie: "Unclosed Hud draft
for $500. Also, it is my pleasure to
inform you that your name has been
put upon tho annuity list of Air. Car
negie, and hereafter you are to re
ceive from him $500 annually, payable
In iKonlhly installments of $12."
Ilciuuiliiroi'il Mnn 'I'oImoimmI.
Otto I;. Gibson, of llenimingford,
mot an accidental death by poisoning"
near Hlaekfoot, Ida. Gibson ate from
a ruiscti stow cooked in a galvanized
Iron kettle. Some of the galvanizing
had Worn oil"; leaving this iron ex
posed. Some chemical change took
place which resulted In poisoning.
Doing alone on a sheep ranch he
wrott' tho details on a piece of paper,
which was found near the body.
Want More for Grain.
The f armors about Dorchester be
lieve tlint they have, been unjustly
discriminated against for a number
of years in the price for grain paid
by 'the. local elevators. They have
decided to take the matter into their
own hands and are forming a stock
company, composed exclusively of
farmers, with a capital, Kfcck of $10,
000, with which they propane to erect
an elevator.
Vni'iiici-M Complete OrKiuil.utlon.
The Nebraska Farmers' Grain and
Live Stock association has completed
Hn organization. The object of the
organization is to protect the niein
ibors against indiscriminate charges
by tho railroads and corporations,
.nnd to furnish reports of crops and
market conditions and to procure the
liest possible market and tfansportn
Uon for products.
tlrciinl l'rloe for Ilojy.
At u public sale of ' Diiroe-Jorsey
Jirood sows at Lyons from the herd
of Alanley & Co., the world's record
of. prices of this breed was broken.
Fifty liead were sold at an average
of $70.80 per lieail. The highest price
for any one animal was $1100. U. II.
(firTord, of Lewlston, Neb., paid that
figure-for the three-year-old sow,
Roberts' Profit.
Uotllii'liOV lli" ChhI.
The house concurred in tho senate's
junendment reducing, tho appropria
tion for legislators' expenses from
.$48,000 to $28,000. It was shown by
n report, by the house tleilcieney com
mittee, that the reduction was war
ranted, as last session thousands of
dollar.- were spent for furnishings
jukI decorations, which are not re
rqulreiMhis year.
" Surveying f Now Ilnllronil.
,7. V.. House, civil engineer, was in
"Deatrice and in company with the
local ofticors of the Knnsas City, De
mtrico & Western Rallrond company
-started across the country for Vir
ginia to begin preliminary examina
tion and survey for the permanent
'locution of the lino between Vir
ginia and Deatrice.
ISIoneil WUli Wtfc'H Sinter.
Gilencl Reynolds, husband of Mrs.
JMyrtlu Itoynolds, eloped from Heat
rice with liis sister-in-law, Miss Nora
,' Stanley, who has boon living with
1h Reynolds family for some time.
Mrs. Itoynolds is heartbroken over tho
jnffnir, and niTo'rs a reward of $75 for
-tho arrest of the elpnors.
AllllOMt (llC l.l'Kl Of 111" 'J''.
Seneca linger, one of the first set
tlers in Nebraska and pioneer
freighter across the plains, died at
his home 12 miles northwest of Fre
mont. Ho was born in Hartford, Vt.
la 1855 he came to Nebraska with his
parents and brothers and settled west
of Ames. That winter his father was
frozen to doatli while trying to reach
liis nearest neighbor, seven miles dis
tant at North Done!. Seneca then se
cured employment as a teamster,
driving ox teams from the Missouri
river to Denver and the mountains,
and a few years later went into the
freighting business himself. When
that business ended with the comple
tion of the Union Pacific railroad, ho
bought some land north of .Inmcs
town and built a commodious log
house on it, in which lie resided to
tlie time of his death, the last of tho
original log houses in the county to bo
used as a dwelling.
'"l .Money for Nclirnnka.
Congressman Durkott secured the
insertion in the government appro
priation for public buildings a para
graph which authorized t lie sale of
the present, or old, federal building
at Lincoln for (lie .sum of not less
than $50,000, the proceed) of such
sale to be placed tolhe credit of the
fund for tho erection of a now federal
building in the capital city of Ne
braska. Tills will in effect give an
appropriation of $:550,000 to be ex
pended in building a new public build
ing at Lincoln. Mr. Durkott also,
with the aid of Senator Dietrich, in
duced the committee to insert pro
visions for the purchase of sites for
now public buildings at York and
Gram! Island. Each of the cities is
to secure $10,000 for tho purpose of
obtaining a suitable site for the pub
lic building.
.Moot I uar f lioyiil NoInrliliorM.
The annual state convention of
Itoyal Neighbors was hold at Lincoln,
150 delegates being present. Resolu
tions were adopted favoring the re
election of Mrs. K. D. Watt as su
premo oracle. Airs. 15. II. Wilbur
was indorsed for the position of su
preme receiver and Airs. Nellie Yoho
for member of the supreme board of
managers. The state camp officers
elected were: Air:. Kate Remington,
OiiMha, state oracle; Airs. Alary F.
Kelley, North Rend, state recorder;
Allss Anna Tobln, .Lincoln, state vice
Kuliy Horn In Uiikkhki Cur.
While a train of the Union Pacific
was pulling along at the rate of 10
miles an hour in the vicinity of Lex
ington, in the baggage car there was
born to the happy parents, passen
gers from the west to Fairfield, Cor
nish by name, a bright, bouncing
baby. Orders were telegraphed to
Grand Island for a cot. When the
train pulled in the railroad com
pany's 'physician was at the depot,
but his services were not needed, as
all in tho party were reported doing
TlirCC IllllM I'llNNCtl IIOIIHC.
The house passed house roll 00, by
Gregg, of Wayne, requiring notices
of district school board meetings to
be served on nil members. No. 100,
by Hanna, of Cherry, providing for
the establishment of not less than
throe or more than five junior normal
schools in western Nebraska; No. 101,
by Kittle, of Sherman, raising the
tax levy in townships for road pur
poses from two to five mills.
Kiiuuwiiy Starts Klooil,
At Fremont, a heavy team attached
to a farm wagon ran away and in
turning the corner of a street collided
with a hydrant, breaking oil" the cap.
before the water could be turned oil'
a big stream was running down the
street, which soon became a lake.
Next, morning it was a first-class
skating rink.
I.oentoM Sou In UoNiiltnl.
Seth Rniley, a wealthy farmer or
Charles City, la., located his 17-year-old
son, Henry, who lias been missing
for two years, in the Fremont hospi
tal and as soon as the boy recovers
ho will be taken home. Young Ralley
left his homo about, two years ago
and has tramped all through the
Affect SnloonkeeiierH.
Koettcr, of Douglas, introduced a
bill to prohibit any saloonkeeper from
selling Intoxicating liquor to an habit
ual drunkard, and compelling any vio
lator of the act to remunerate the
wife and children of such drunkard
for any lack of support caused by the
husband's and father's inebriation.
Two NchrnNkn Appointment.
The president nominated .lames L.
Mcintosh to be rogistor of tho land
ofllco nt Sidney and Robley D. Har
ris receiver at the same place.
Suililcn Increase In Kit ml I y.
John Turna and wife, living near
Dorchester, are the parents of "trip
lets born ten days ago and all living.
Had backs nrc found
In every household.
A bad back is n back
that's lame, weak or
aching. Most back
ache pains come
from kidney de
range men ts nnd
should bo promptly
attended to.
Reach the causo of
backacho by reliev
ing the kidneys and
curing their ills.
Doan's Kidney Tills
nrc for the kidneys
only nnd cure the
Kidney Pills
LUKt 1)0(1
dnngcrs of urinary and blndder dis
orders, from common Inllnmnintiou,
to Dropsy, Diabetes. Bright's disease.
CASE NO. 40,331. Mr. W. 31. Ham
mer, well-known builder, residing ut
125 N.Hindu Street, Washington C. IL.
Ohio, snys: "I am glad to endorse a
remedy which possesses such inestim
able value as Doan's Kidney Pills. They
cared mc of inflammation of the blad
der which had caused mc much an
noyance and anxiety because of the
frequency and severity of the at
tacks. I have advised others to take
Doan's Kidney Pills and I know they
will not be disappointed in the re
sults." A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine, which cured Air. Ham
mer, will bo mailed on application to
any part of the United States. Ad
dross Foster-AIilburn Co., Ruffnlo, N.
Y. For sale by all druggists, price
50 cents per box.
All the Rcqntreiiicntn.
The Youth Sir, I came to n.k your con
sent to my marriage with your daughter.
ihe Old Is your income sufficient
to Mipport a wife?
."It is; and in addition to that it is Midi
cicnt to enable mc to stand an occasional
touch from my wife's father."
."nv no more, young man. She's vdurs.
Hlcss you, my ton!" Stray Stories.
mother Gray's Sweet Powder
ForCliildien, used by Mother Gray, a nurse
in Childi cu's Homo, Now York, break up
Colds, euro Fovcrlslincss, Constipation,
Stomach nnd TcctlihiK Disorders, and de
stroy Worms. All Druggists, 25c. Samplo
FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, ho Roy.N.Y.
lee Cream Hail for Guinea 1M?.
A JJnitiniorc woman has discovered that
Ice cream is full of streptococcus lanceolat
iic, which arc sure death to guinea pips.
Humane people will thrreorc he careful in
future to keep their guinea pigs awav from
the ice cream. Chicago Rccord-Herald.
i ! ' m
To Cnre n Colli In One I)ny.
Take Laxative Rroirjo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c.
A life without principles and principles
without life are two evils to be avoided.
Unitcd Presbyterian.
Piso'a Cure cannot he too highly spoken of
br a cough cure. J. W. O'Brien, 322 Third
Ave, AT., Minneapolis, Alinn., Jan. 0, 1000.
i i
There is no power sufficient to make a
man out of putty. Ram's Horn.
-$ v
flnA nf fhn oanAntlnls nf tiift
AflH? K -l
information as to right living and tho best methods of promoting
health and happiness. With proper knowledge, each hour of
recreation, of enjoyment and of effort may be made to contribute
to that end and are of not less value than the using of the most
wholesome foods and tho selecting of tho best medicinal agents
when needed. With the well-informed, medicinal agents are used
only when nature needs assistance and while the importance of
cleansing the system effectually, when bilious or constipatedj has
long been known, yet until within recent years it was necessary
to resort to oils, salts, extracts of roots, barks and other cathartics
which were found to be objectionable and to call for constantly
increased quantities.
Then physicians having learned that tlie most excellent laxative
and carminative principles were to be found in certain plants,
principally in the leaves, the California Fig Syrup Co. discovered
a method of obtaining such principles in their purest condition and
of presenting them with pleasant and refreshing liquids in the form
most acceptable to the system and the remedy became known as
Syrup of Figs as tigs were usea, witn ine pianis, in making n,
because of their agreeable taste.
This excellent remedy is now rapidly coming into universal use as the
best of family laxatives, because it is simple and wholesome and cleanses
and sweetens the system effectually without disturbing the natural
functions and without unpleasant after effects and its use may be discon
tinued when it is no longer required.
All who would enjoy good health and its blessings should remember
that it is tho one remedy which physicians and parents well-informed
approve and recommend and use and which they and their little ones
alike enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its
beneficial effects.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all reliable druggists, at the regular price
of fifty cents per bottle, in original packages only, having the name of
the remedy Syrup of Figs and the full name of the Company
California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package.
"There will be thousands of Amer
icans coming up here in the Spring,"
was the remark made by a farmer
from the vicinity of Langdon, North
Dakota, when lie arrived In Winni
peg, Alnnitobn, the capital of West
ern Canada, a few days since. Ho
was tlie advance guard of a large
body who arc following him, and ho
has already Invested in several farm
ing sections for himself nnd others
nnd purposes to take up his perma
nent abode in this country. He wont
on to sny: "Hundreds are coining
from my district alone. J know this
to be a fact, for many of them arc
neighbors of mine. The chief topic
of conversation with the farmers Is
the coming immigration in tho
"Tho impression general in the
part of Dakota where I live that
farmers can get from 10 to 15 cents
more a bushel for wheat on the
American hide of the lino than on
the Canadian, has not prevented peo
ple from turning their eyes to Can
ada as a place to live In. They know
they can get land in this country
which Is every bit ns fertile as that
in Dakota at 'about one-quarter tlc
price. It is safe to say that the.
exodus from Dakota into Canada this
year will exceed the expectations of
all Canadians."
Tlie Government hns established
Agencies at St. Paul, Alinn.; Omaha,
Is'cb.; Kansas City, AIo.; Chicago,
111.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Alilwaukce,
Wis.; Wausau, Wis.; Detroit, Snult
Ste. Alarie, and Marquette, Alich.;
Toledo, Ohio; Wntertown, S. Dakota;
Grand Forks, N. Dakota; and Great
Falls, Montana, and the suggestion
is made that by addressing an- of
these, who are the authorized agents
of the Government, it will be to the
advnntngc of the render, who will
be given the fullest nnd most authen
tic information regarding the results
of mixed farming, dairying, ranching
nnd grain-raising, and also supply in
formation as to freight and passen
ger rates, etc., etc.
The K. C. S. Alnmnnc for 100.1.
The Kansas City Southern Railway's
Almanac for 1903 is now ready for distribu
tion. Farmers, stock-raisers, fruit-grower,
truck-gardeners, manufacturers, mer
chants anoT others seeking a new Held of
action or a new home at the very lowest
prices, can obtain reliable information con
cerning southwestern Alissouri, the Cher
okee and Choctaw Nations in the Indian
Territory, western Arkansas, eastern Texas,
north western Louisiana and tlie Coast coun
try, and of the business opportunities of
fered therein. Write for a copy of the
K. C. S Almanac and address, S. G. War
ner, G. P. A., K. C. S. Railway, Kansas
City, AIo.
"What is it that makes men great, papa?"
"Persistent advertising, my boa. Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
Paint does not make a painter. Ram'
hnmv7 hnmon of to-dav la a fund, of
San Francisco, Cnl.
Louisville, Ky,
Dy soothing and subduing
the pain, that's tho way
St. Jacobs Oil
Price, 25c. and 60c.
Buy your gooda nt
V.liolcsalo Prices.
Our 1,000-pacro cataloauo will bo sent
upon receipt of 15 cents. This amount
docs not even pay tho postage, but It 13
sufficient to show us that you aro actlm?
In rood faith. Better send for It now.
Your neighbors trauowlth us why not
you also ?
Tho houses that tells tho truth.
Kccplnir Innanlty nt liny.
Old Gentleman So you think my daugh
ter loves you,.and you wish to marry her?
Dudlcigh That's what I called to see you
"bout. Is there any insanity in your, fam-
sir! and there'i not gofng to be
any." Medical Record.
New Yorlr, N. Y.
Madt in black or yellow for all kinds m'J 1
ofwetwork.Onjaiewwwhtre. !2( J
Look for the 5i$n of the rish.wd A sLV
UMmtTOWtR on the button. AWllf I
A J Tl O.ISI?e.MMt Ut lVAJl2V
twk (hiihii ca.V-iw TeTj,ti l yf pi,
f ww-yHnwUTrearsJST!l -.en