"WK' TPffTO y( vj , 7 dXMM4jflnj ) ii. .-j . . ( 1 ft 1 j r;T k ' 7 tfv. M h . ".. !,,v I ft' t " W1A gW1J WWIWWWWIPM WMUUWIWIIUWUW j Best Conch Sjnip. Tantos (JixkL Dw P" (Dr. (. "FF". Keehng, Nemaha, Nebraska. Offioo In Keeling drug filqro. PETER K13HKER, Dealer In IMIIEJ.A.'X'S Highest market price paid for Hides, Lurd, Tallow, otc, W. P. TIDROW Proprietor of The Nemaha Restaurant Fine line of Cigars, Confectionery, Fruits, etc, Lunclics served. MEMAIIA. NEBRASKA KNAPP BROS. 1'roprloUjrBOf the Livery& Feed Stable NEMAHA.PEBR. Gcod Dray in cennoction with Livery Satisfaction guaranteed. J. H. SEID, Brcodor'of Tiioronghbrcd Poland China iHioa-s. I ''" ii iiai ii - WESLEY H. CLARK Dealer In Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipes, etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 'Phono cftllu atiBwered promptly. NEMAHA, NEBR, Foley's Honey mad Tar cures colds, prevents pneumomim. For sale by M.T. Hill. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneya and bladdar right. For aaloby M.T. Hill. A Boy'o Wild Rldo for Llfo With family around expecting him to dio mid a boh riding for life 18 miles to got Dr King's Now Discovery 1'or Consumption, Cousin and Colds, Wli Brown of Loosvillo.Ind, endurod duuth'a agonica from nHthmu, hut this wondorful nicdioino gave iiiHtuut re lief und Hoon cured him. Ho writes: I now sloop Houndly ovory night." Liko murvolouB cures of oonHunipticn pnoumouiii, bronchitis, coughs, colds uud grip piovo its matchless merit for nil throat and lung troubles. Guar anteed hottloa 60o and (.1. Trial hot tlita freo nt Kooling'B drug storo. lEarly Rleerni $ J Anchor H. I m PJ DI0cIe.rr, lllUIIJI$ Jfavc you tried a kack? You ought not to miss a trial. You J will find it is the cheapest Flour J J after all Buy the Anchor ij you arc using Patent Flonr from other mills. i You get it cheaper and the bread V yon bake from it will give yon J better tatisfaction. Your grocer f & has it on hand. If not, cnd to the mill for it, You will net i better benefit from it than from any other Jlour, After you have $ ft tried it it will talk for itself and you will be pleased with it $ jt Remember the. brands i ANCHOR ? DIADEM 5 EARL Y RISER W 7iicf tllMt !, Jtn7. t...... . , y . GermanAmrlcan milling Co. J Rauth Auburrii Nob. w The Nebraska Advertiser W. W. Sanders, Publisher FULDAY, NOVEMBER 14.M002. BxaBancunun huuimji maatifmww Wo ara pleaBod to loam that our friend CharloH F. Nuul waa elected county altornoy of Ada county, Idaho, of which BoIho ia the county neat, by a innjority of 800. Charley writes: "This is to infotm you that a native of Ne maha county has gono west and grown up with the country. As a result of the election Tuesday I was elected on tho republican tickot as county attor ney of this county by a majority of about 800. Every member of the state ticket has been elected by majorities ranging from live te seven thousand. Tho legislature will bo republican in both houses, and on joint ballot will be republican flfty-four to thirteen." Christian Endeavor program, Gtiris tian church, Nov. 10, at 0:30 o'clock. Song. Lesson topic "For Mo." Ibu. 4:0 John 3:10. Song. Prayer. Song. lltmdlng of references. Song. Collection. Paper by Maye Gaithor. Song. Close by the Christian Endeavor benediction: "May tho Lord watch be tween me and theu while we are absent ono from another."- Fitnn Andiihson, Loader. A MAGAZINE THIBTY YEAKS OLD. The Christmas (December) number of The Delineator 1b alio the thirtieth anniversary number. To do justice to this number, which for beauty and utility touches tlio high est mark, it would bo necessary to print thelontire list of contents. It Ib sufficient to stnto that in it the best modern writers and artists are gonor ously represented. The book contains over 230 pages, with',34 full-page Ulna tratieiiR, -of which 20 are in two or mure colors. The magnitudo of this December number, for which 728 Ioub of ptper and six tons of ink have been used, may bo understood from the fact that 01 presses running 14 hours a day havo been required to print it; binding alono of tho edition of 075,000 copies representing over 20,000,000 sec tions which had to bo-gatheied indiv idually by human hands. CONDENSED, AG0UEATE, HELPFUL The busiest peoplo read tho Youth's Companion because it is condeucod, no curato and helpful. Its weakly summary of important nows is completo and trustworthy. Its editorial comment on political and domeBtlcquestions is nnn-partizan. It aims to state fnots in such a way that the busiest person can use them ub u basis of an intelligent opinion. It reflects on every paga tho whole lorae, imhiBtriouB, home-loving, home making sido of American life, the life of noblo aime aud honorable ambi tions. A full announoament of tho new volume will be sent to any address on request. The new Bubncribor for 1003 who sends 81.75 for tho new volume at once will receive freo all the remain ing issues for 1002, including the Dou ble Holiday Numbers, also Tho Com panion calendar for 1003, lithugruphud In twelve colors uud gold. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 141 Berkeley stieet, UoBtou, Mass. Tho Daily Star of Llucoln, Nebr., wants ugonts in every locality, and in addition to paying a libsral commission 1b olToring;Bomo very handsoino pic milium to club raisers, Eull particulars may bo obtained by addressing The Star. Lincoln, Neb. Traveling Ib Dangerous Constant motion jars the kidneys which are kept in place in the body by delicate attach mentB. This is the reason that truv elera, trainmen, street enr men, team sters and all who dilve veiy much suN fVr from kidney diuease in Borne form. Foley's Kidney Cure strenghtouB tho kidneys and cures nil forms of kidney and bladder dlBoabo. Geo. II. Hausan, locomotive enginoer, Lima, O. .writes, "CouBtant vibration of the onglno caused mo a great deal of troublo with my klduoys, and I got no relief until I used Foley's Kidney Cure. Foi sale bv ! M T UM1. I Old papeid for salo Bt this olllce. I !! School items. Blanohk Lytlk, Editor. "In small proportions we just beauties see; And in short measuaes life may per fect be." Cora Ualth was absent Monday. Clyde Hill was absent Wednesday. Harry White wob absent Wednefl day. Hollo Qalbruith was absent Tuesday afternoon. Eddie Maxwell has been absent for some time. Vera Minick is unable to be with us on;account of illness. The high room will havo exAminu tious n weok from Friday. The 0th grudo will Boon completo thoir review iu arithmetic. The 0th crude gave rooitationa as an opening exercise Thursday. Tho 7th grade Ib making an outline of tho French and ludian War. We are all glad to boo tho aun ehino after so much gloomy weather. The General History class is greatly interested in tho study of Home. Tho pupils of the High School take a half hour on Friday afternoon fur the current events. We aro in hopes it will not turn cold Boon because it would bo very uncom fortable with out a fire. Mr Steutevillo was obliged to disrate8 tho pupils of his room Tuosday on ac count of the stove smoking. Maude Kinton and Alice and Grace Penbody have taken up their residence in town for the rest of the term. Tho 7th grado Geography class have some very excelleut moulded maps which now adorn the walls of the high room. The Literature class will finish the study of literature in about two weeks aud will then take up n new study which we hope will bo as Interesting as the literature bus been for the past tnree months. Take tho wagonette when in Au burn if you want to go to any part of the city. Johu McElhanoy, prop. Tako Care of tho Stomach The man or woman whose digestion iR perfect and whoso stomach performs Us every function is never sick. Kodol cleanses, purities sweetens the stomach and cures positively and permanently all stomach troubles, indigestion and dyspepsia. It is the wonderful recon structive tonio that is making bo many sick peoplo well and wpak people Btreng uy conveying to their bodies all of the nourishment in the food they eat. Hrv. J H. Holliday of Holliday, Miss., writer) : Kodol hau oured ma. 1 consider it tho best remedy I ever used for dys pepsia and Btomaoh troubles. J was given up bo phyBioians. Kodol Haved my life. Take it after meals. Keeling Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digosts what you oat. Foley's Honey end Tar forchl7dren,SBfc,Bure. No opiates ForBdloby M. T. Hill. How's This? WoofTerOno Hun J rod Dollars Howard for iinyouseor Catnrrh tliut caunot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo, K.J. CHUNKY & CO., Propn.,Tolodo, O. Wo, tho undorslRiiod, have known p, J, Chouuy for the last IR yours, und bellovo him perfectly honorable In nil buutnosn transao- tloiiHund Uniuielrilly nblo to carry out any obligations mode by their linn. Wtst X. 1 max, wholouilo drum-Uts, Tolcdo.O. WnldliiK, Kinnau & Marvin, wholeaalo drug gists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is tatcou Internally, nct li)K dlroatly upon tho blood and mucous sur faces of tho system. Prlco76cpor bottle. Sold by all druggist. Testimonials free. Hall's Family l'llls aro tho beat. J. W. SPIOKLER AUCTIONEER SHUEERT, NEBR. Auction salPH in the country givon especial atUutiou und 3atisfactin Guaranteed, HEFEHENCES Anv nnrnm, for TiB8gBBBJlJWtUaU,JitJilJtW.lMiaiaWJtJWMI?yB The Omaha Daily News is going to givo another piano to the most popular lady in Nebraska. The Omaha Daily News aends a paper every day in the yoar, by mail, for 81.00; including Sunduy, 62.00. Hot Woathor Woaknoss If you feel fagged out, listless and lucking in energy you uro perhaps suft fering from the debilitating effects of summer weather. These symptoms ins dicate that a tonio is needed that will create a healthy appetite, make digess tiun porfect, regulate the bowols and impart natural activity to the liver. This Uerbine will do; it is a tonic, laxi itivo and restorative. 11 J Freogard prop'r Grand View hotel, Cheney, Kas, writes: I have used Herbine for the last 12 years aud nothing on earth can beat it. It was recommended to mo by Dr Newton, Newton, Kas. 50c at Hill's. A SPLENBID REMEDY Neuralgic pains, rheumatism, lumba go und sciatic pains yield to tho penes Mating influence of Ballard's SnowLin iment. It penetrates to the nerves und bone and being absorbed into tho blood its healing properties are conveyed to every part of the body and effect some wonderful cures. Mr D F Moore, ageut IllinolB Central railway, Miluu, Tenn, states: I huveUBed Ballard's SnowLln meut for rheumatlem, backache, etc, in my family. It is u splendid remedy. We could not do without it. 25c, 50o und 81 at Hill's drug store. Not Doomed For Llfo. I wbb treated for three years by good doctors, writes W A Greer, McCon nellevillo, O, for piles and fiBtula, bnt when all failed, Uucklin'a Arnica Salvo cured mo in two weeks. Cures burns, bruises, cuts, corns, sores, erup tions, salt riienm, piles or no pay. 20c at Koeling's drug storo. Notico of Tax Salo To S. Sopor and whomsoever It mny concern. You will take nollco thst J. W. Taylor did on tho 7th day of March, 1001, imrclnist at private tnx tmlo from the cauuty tn-asiirorof Nomutiu county, Nebras ka, lots number nine J, ten 10, eloven 111 and twelve 121, in block number lorly-four (44J, In Ncimitm, Nebraska, for tho taxes of tho year lsy'Jand all prior years; that tho bald lots wuie assessed In numeof H. Soper; that or, the lijrd day oj September, 1001, eortlllPMo of sale v.an assigned io the uudcrslgued; thatlhavu paid all delinquent and BUbso qucni taxes against Kuld I int., and that you aro tuithor notUled Ohnttlie tlmoof redomp. Hon will oxplrn on tho 7th day of March, 1903, and thai I will demand a deed on that day or ns soou thrreaftur as convenient- You win govern youihcir urooriiingiy. F. L. WUOmVAHD.l'urcnusor. Notico for Hoaring Claims. In the county court of Nemuha county, Nob. In tho matter of tho sstatc of Isaac Adsuns, deceased. Nollco Is horoby glvon that tho Court 1ms .... u u. uu. ..in, vi. i, tut? i.iiiu ui urfuit- or to fllocloims against said doconsod to hIx mouths from thooth day of December, 1!02, and that Jauuary 8th, Maroh cth and June Oth, Wi, utlO o'clock a. m. of each dav, ut county, Nobrnska, In Auburn, Nebraska, has lunii w iiir tuuri H ino HIUOS 11X1(1 mucin wnttn nYirl wlwimntl nAccnhD ,. i...A i i i "-"" .F.iv.uiHtyuiBvmn 1MIU lltbVU nlillltm fltWl Moinrttnlu mmltiof . n I A .1 ........ ........ uuiiiMum iiuiuvb nniu UUUcUHUU canlmvoUio Hnme ozmninod, adjusted und uuuwua, unii uti ciuiniH not proHontod at tho lildt litnKt lmiii.4 ,1 . ,. Ill i . ,. -. .... imicunuuamiiu win uo luruver unrroa. by an oidtr of tho Court. KIOHAUD K. NEAL, County Judga. Notico for Hearing Claims Iu tho County Court of Noiunha county, Neb ..r . "" u' mu uvutin OI uooigo w. Notle Ik brnln' ulvn flmf tl,n nnn. i made an order limiting tho tlmo for oretlltors to tile claims against said ileconsed to hIx .uuuiuN iriim mo ioui day or November. llKf m1 lii"it December lfith, 1002, March 16th and ...... iuiii, isn-d, ni. luu'UHiumi.ui. oi enon day. county, Nobraska, In Auburn. Noprsska.lmH .... ..u ,.v mo niiiH an iuo inuo nun pinco when aud wliero all persons who havoclslins nnn ilpmnnitu ncritlnur ouiii iiAtoucmi ... i tiioHnme ex mined, udJiiHtsd and nllowod. mill I nl.il.i.i. iiji. .iHn. ...! I ...... . '", ...... .... vimniii, mi, (ikj-hujiuu uy i mi )8i men tioned dute will bo forever barred, by an or der of the court. Dated October 18th, 1002. IllCHAlvD I NKAL, County Judgo. Undertaker Funeral Director and Embalmer IKEVI'TX STOCK A COMPLIITE LIXB OP Caskets Robes and Funeral Supplies HEAESE IN CONNECTION SirUJJEHT, NEBRASKA e3ae,eo, ' '- ' I l':ggCSaelLJLI'!- nimtyKiimiWlBtBg" WM. OAMPIICLL. I'ros v E A vlo-.1,rM J ELMER E. ALLEN, Cashier. g BANK OF IEMAHA NBMAKA, NEBRASKA ' Capital Stock, 85,000 H2HKfl2aS5!!lWa A HEW STAR APPEARS Tho advent of the new daily at Lin. coin, tho Star, gives tho people of the Btate tho only real evening newspaper in tho state. It tins full, unabridged associated press, tho latest and most complete market reports in tho west a full state report every day by wire from its own staf! of correspondents, and all matters of local or Btato inter est are handled in a bright newsy manner. The Lincoln daily Star occupies Its own building, the Quest exclusive newspaper building in tho state, has a complete modern plnnt operated throughout by electric power, und has every facility for producing a clean, up-to-date newspaper. The subscrip tion price ia only 83.00 n year by mail 81.50 for Bix months, or 76 cents for three months. If you want the beat ovening news paper inthe weBt. end your subscrip tion to tho Lincoln Dally Stur, Lincoln, Nobr. To improve the appetite and atreng- then the digestion, try a few doses of i Chamborlain'sStoraach and Liver Tab lets. Mr.K.H. Soitz of Detolt, Mich.. aye, "They restored my appetite when impnired, relieved mo of a blonted feel ing undcau8ed n pleasant and satisfac tory movement of the bowels." There aro people iu this community 'who need jutt such a modicino. For sale by W W Keeling. druggiBt. Every box warranted. You never heard of any one using Foley's Honey and Tar find not being BatisDed. For Bale bv M T Hill. . Milk Tickets for salo at this offlce; only 25 cents per 100. A Parson's Noblo Act I want nil tho world to know, writes Itev C J "Budlong of Ashaway, II I, what a thoroughly good and roliable medicine I found in Electric Bitter.. They cured me of jaundice and liver troubles that had caused mo gren Buffering for many years. For a gen uine, iill-arouud cure they excell any thing I ever saw. Electric Bitters nro the BUrpriBO of all for their wonderful work in liver, kidney and Btomnch troubles. Don't fail to try them. Only50cts. Satisfaction is guaran teed by W W Keeling. C. H. MARION i V1 Ujw iu iA RSm rH Falls City, Nebr. Tho patronago of thoso having ealf is solicited. 'Phono for dates ut bis txpense. pamnjiMi-BBXsjxixrjatcjiiLmuiixu jirju -tssraMafBsxf BAM B3 E R 8 A LV3. tho most haallno calvs In tho world. For sale by M. T. 11111. M. A. PERKINS, PRACTICAL AND jeweler; All ii7ids of work guaranteed Sling in your Repair work You get Right Prices and JtieU Work. Perkins' jewelry Store BRQWNVILLE, NEBRASKA W. H. BARKER BLACKSMITH Is proparod to do all kinds of Wood and Iron Work Repair Work, to. All plow work warranted. Shop north of Uattlos'.storo, NomuUa, Ne m H i itf i ' whom I havo done work, turTrvccssaiCs ifssa-:;cTr75fraag' m.