The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 07, 1902, Image 8

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    I I
lr fMwPf IiMI'''-11
CURtS WHtHt AIL ItSt lAllb,
ncet Cough flrnp. Twtcs tlood.
In time. Bold lit dnnwtM.
r. . W. Keeling,
Nonmhn, Nebraska.
Offico in Keeling drug storo.
Dealer In
Highest market-price paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
Proprietor of
The Nemaha Restaurant
Fine line of Uigurs, Confectionery,
Fruits, etc. Lunches served,
Proprietor!) of the
Liveryfc Feed Stable
Good Dray in cennoction with Livory
Satisfaction guarantood.
Uroodor of
Thoroughbred Pol and China
Dculor In
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipes, etc.
'Phono calls answered promptly.
Foley9 s Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
For salo by .M.T. Hill.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys mnd bladder right.
For naloby M.T. Hill.
A Boy's Wild Rlclo for Llfo
With fuinilv around expecting him
to dio nnd a son riding for lifo 18
mi low to got Dr King's Now Discovery
for Oonsuuiptto.t, Couglis and Colds.
AVII Ihown of Looavillu.Ind, cnduicd
death's ngonlus from asthma, butiliiw
wondorful modioino gave instant re
lief and soon curod him. Ho writes:
I now sleep Boundly every night."
Like marvelous cures ol consumption
pnoumonia, hronohitis, coughs, colds
and grip provo its matchless inorit for
all throiit and lung troubles. Guar
anteed bottles 60o and $1. Trial bot
tles frco nt Keoling's ding store.
5 Early Rlsorra
- L
Have you tried a sack? J oh
outhi not to miss a trial, You
will find it is tho cheapest Flour
after all .
Buy the Anchor if you are 'usiny
Patent Flour from other mills.
Yon net it chcamr and the bnad
. . ...
'.'.- ,-.' :. .... ..!..
you OHKC JIUIII u win 'in- ,ywn jjt
Letter satisfaction Your ijroecr
has it on hand. If not, send to J
$ the mill for it. You w(ll yet $
letter benefit from it than from
$ any other Jlqur. After yon hare $
tried it it will talk far itself axd
uou will he pleased with it
I Jiemember the Oruuds. . .
Amu on
t EAlifjY 1USKR....
" lii'tl unit Mw had
. ....,. il... --
$ German-American
Milling Co.
South Auburn, Nob.
Elect State Ticket and
Five Congressmen.
Burkett's Majority is
Over 5,000
Nemaha County
is All Right
Ruackenoush the only
Fusionist Elected.
The Vote in Nemaha
Tho voto in Nemaha precinct was a
light one, only 201 votefl being cast-
exactly the same number as last year.
Tho most of tho stay-at-home votera
were republicans. Tho PocialiBt state
ticket got one vote, and Eugene Maxey,
prohibition candidate for representa
tive, got one vote. There were fewer
scratched ticketB than we have ever
known at an election in Nemaha. Tho
highest voto received by any candidate
on the jopublican state ticket wue HI
and tho lowest was 108 a difference of
only 8 votes. The highest voto roi
ceived by any candidate on the republi
can county ticket whb 114 and tho low
est 100. On tho fusion stato ticket the
highest voto was 8S and the lowest 85
On the county ticket the highest voto
was 80 and tho lowest 80. Tho average
republican majority on state and coun
ty ticket is 25.
Frank Titus, republican candidate
for assessor, received the highest vote
of any man on the ticket, getting 110
votes, giving him a majority of 42
over his opponent.
Kills E. Good received tho highest
vote of any man on stato or county
ticket, receiving 114 votes, giving him
a majority of 81 over his opponent,
John II. DiiiuIab, whose vote was the
lowent on tho fusion county or state
Seymour Howe. Win, O. Maxwell
and John I. Diessler woio judges or!
election and W. W. Sanders and E. I.
Paris wore clerks.
Tho following in thn vote cast for re
publican and fusion candidates:
For governor Mickey, 110; Thomp
son, 88.
For lieutenant governor MoGilton,
110; Gilbert. 87.
For societaryof state Marsh, 110;
Powers, 87.
For treasurer MortoiiBon, 111; Ly
man, 80.
For auditor -WoBton, 111; DoFrauco
For attorney general Prout, 108;
Ikoady, 88.
For land commissioner Follmor,
Ul; Hreunan, 8S.
For superintendent public lnstruo
tloti Fowler, 111; Smith, 85.
For uongiessman Burkett, 111;
Hanks, 85.
For state Henator Good, 1H; Dun
doi, 8(i.
For representatives Christy, 112;
Konin, 10U; Conner, 83; Hayne, 87.
For coupty attorney French, 110;
Q'liit'kenbtiHh, 811.
For assessor Titus, 110; Moore, 77.
Road overseers Dlat. No. aa John
M. Clink, CO; Jeff Drutiim, 12. Dlat.
MiijT BriT
fill Jfck.YI:
Liv'i rr.i iiT-'.v.'iflt,iLfckn(".''.' m.n "j.
No. 13 DovorsH, 18; Stlors, 10. Dlat.
No 3-1 Russell, 21; Smith, 10.
For constitutional amendment, 20;
against constitutional amendment, 12.
Tho fnsionlhtH elected one road over"
eeer In Nemaha precinct (hy a majori
ty of one), the county attorney In Ne
maha county, and one congressman in
tho Btate. And yet thoy arc not
School Items.
Minnie Srinccic, Editor.
Lulu Cooper was absent Friday.
Haloigh Morton was absent Friday.
Clyde Hill was absent the first of
the week.
Eddlo Maxwell was absent tho first
of the week,
Tho school was dismissed at 8:30 on
olectiou day.
Eddlo Yackley is out of school this
week, husking corn.
Mrs. Duel visited tho primary and
ntermediato rooms Tuesday.
There wero .but few pupils absent
Friday on account of the rain.
Willlo Yates has entered school again
after an absence of several days.
Hazel Anderson has been absent
several days on account of sickness.
The geometry class has taken up the
second book in geometry (to their
The efforts given to tracing wisdom's
Gird on the armor for the coming days
Of toil and strife and, when the race
Ib run.
Wo sigh to think that we have scarce
begun. J. C. II.
Traveling Is Dangerous. Constant
motion jars tho kidneys which are kept
in place in the body by delicato attach
ments. This Ib the reason that trav
elers, trainmen, street car men, team
sters and all who dtivo vety much suf
fer from kidney disease in some form.
Foley's Kidney Cure strenghtens the
kidneys and cures all forms of kidney
and bladder disiabe. Geo. II. Ilausan,
locomotive engineer, Lima, 0., writes,
"Constant vibration of tho engine
caused mo a great deal of trouble with
my kidneys, and I got no relief until I
used' Foley's Kidney Cure. Foi sale by
Al T Hill.
Tako Caro of tho Stomach.
Tho man or woman whoso digestion
is porfect and whoso stomach performs
its every function is never sick. Kodol
cleanses, purifies sweetens the stomach
anil cures positively and permanently
all stomach troubles, indigestion and
dyspepsia. It is the wonderful recon
siructive tonic that is making so many
sick people well and weak people strong
by conveying to their bodies all of the
nourishment in tho food they eaf . liev.
J. II. Ilolliday of Ilolliday, Miss.,
write-: Kodol has cured mo. Iconshlrr
It tho best remedy I ever used for dys
pepsia and stomach troubles. I was
given up bo physicians. Kodol haved
my life. Tiikn it after nieal6.,-Keellng
Foley's Honey and Tar
torchlldren,scie,sure. No opiates.
Forsnloby M.T. Hill.
How's This?
WooderOno Hundred Dollars Howard for
anycasnof Catarrh that cannot uo cured by
Hall's Catarrh C'uro,
F.J. OHI3NKY A CO., Props., lolodo, O.
We, tho undersigned, havo known V, J.
Cheney for tho last 15 years, and belluvo lilm
perfectly honorable, lu all business trutiBiio
tlousand llnanolally nblo to curry out any
obligations m'ulo by their firm,
West A 1 max, wholennlo dm glRts, Toledo.O.
WuldliiK, Klnnnn & Marvin, wholesale, drut;-
KUts, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is tnkon Internally, not
ing dlroctly upon tho blood and mucous sur
faces of tho system. Prlco76oper bottlo. Sold
by all druKglsts. Testimonials froe.
Hnll'H Family Tills n.o tho bet.
Tako tho wngonotte when In Au
burn if you want to go to any part of
tho city. John McElhanoy, prop.
Auction sales In tho country given
especial attention and Satisfaction
HEFRHKNOES-Any poison for
whom 1 have done work,
The Omaha Dally News is going to
give another piano to the most popular
lady in Nebraska. Tho Omaha Daily
News sends a paper every day In tho
year, by mall, for SI. 00; including
Sunday, 82.00.
Hot Woathor Woaknoss
If you feel fagged out, listless nnd
lacking in enorgj you are perhaps suN
fering from the debilitating effects of
summer weather. These symptoms ins
dicato that a tonic is needed that will
create a healthy appetite, make digoss
lion perfect, regulate the bowels and
Impart natural nctivity to the liver.
This Ilorbino will do; it is a tonic, laxi
Rtlvo nnd restorative. II J Freegard
prop'r Grand View hotel, Cheney, Kas,
writes: I have used Ilerbino for tho Inst
12 yeais and nothing on earth can beat
it. It was recommended to mo by Dr
Newton, Newton, Kas. 00c at Hill's.
Neuralgic pains, rheumatism, lumba
go and sciatic pains yield to the penei
Uating influence of Ballard's SnowLin
imeut. It penetrates to the nerves and
bone and being absorbed into thu blood
Its healing propel ties are conveyed to
every part of the body and effect some
wonder f ul cures. Mr D F Moore, agent
Illinois Central railway, Milan, Tenn,
states: I have used Ballard's SnowLln
ment for rheumatism, backache, etc, in
my family. It is a splendid remedy.
We could not do without it. 25c, 50c
and 31 at Hill's drug store.
Milk Tickets for salo at this oillce;
ouly 20 cents per 100.
Wotico of Tax Salo
To S. Sopcr nnd vhomnoever It mny
concern. Von will tnko notice Hint J. W.
Tuylor did on tlm 7tli day of March,
191-1, purolinHO ut privuto tnx xnlo from tho
county treasurer of Neinahu countv. Nebras
ka, lots number nlr.o 9, ten 10J, eloveu II
ami twelve 12, In block number eleven
11, In Nemulin, NebrnHUa, for the taxeH of
thoveai lSWanrt nil prior years: that Ihoscld
lots were nstcHsed In nnmnor 8. Soper; that
or. the ifijrd day oj Heptomber, 1001, certlllcnte
of Halo watt iihMlgned lo I he undurbljjiiPd;
Hint I hnvo paid all delinquent and aubso
(luonttnxc iiuiiliiHtsnld lots, and thai jou
u ro lurtlier notified Ohat tho time of redemp.
lion will expire on tho 7tli day of March,
19IH, and thai I will ilcinniul a need on thai
day ornshoou thereafter as convenient. You
will overii youiself accordingly.
F. J.. WuODWAUU, PurcniiHor.
Wotico of Appointmont of Ad
In tho countv court of Nemnhn cunty, Neb.
The sluto of NeliniHlta, County of Nemahn.m.
To William U. Adam,Hoiace Adams, Frank
Adnms. EriieHt Adamn, Koy I, Admin. Al
bert A. Adams, Mancy E Ailanm, nutl tho
unknown helm at law of Clayton .dnmn,
deceased, nnd to all peraons Interested In
the estate of Isaac Ailiung, decenHeil.
Notice U hereby Klvon that Sarah Ather
ton haslllfil a potltion prnytnu Ihrtt niliulu
duration of said Gstalo boKrnnted to John J
llourlcoas ndinlnlstratoi; that Iho hearing
tin reoflms been llxed for tho 8th day of No
vember, 1002, at 10 o'clock a. rn ,at tho county
com l room of Raid county, In Auburn, when
you and till poisons Interested mny Hppear
nnd show causo, f them bo nny, why tho
prayorof said petlton should not be m anted,
ami tihiL'hs jou so appear tho court may Krnnt
tlioprnynrof said petition, or appoint some
iiiiri niiiiiiuiu porson, ami maico nil propor
oulerslot tho due administration ol snid et..
wlthoss my hnnd and Keal of ald court this
7tu dny of October, lno--'.
HIOHAHD F. N UAL, County .Tudce.
Notico for Hearing Claims
In tho County Court or Nemaha county, Neb
lu the matter of tho estate of Uoorgo W,
Hhlveley, deceased.
Notice Is horoby utvon that tho court has
mndoau ordei Umlllnt; the time Inrciedltois
lo lllo claims nualiiht said deceased to six
months fiom thelfitlnlay of November, JK,
and that necemb"r lfith, 1012, March lstii and
May ISth.lO'U, at lOo'olocka.m of each day,
at thu oillce of the county jud of Nemaha
countv, Nobrnska, In Auburn, Nopraku,hah
been ilxed bv the court as lno lime and ptaco
m hen and where all porsons whohaveolntins
and demands acalust said deceased can havo
t'lesamo examlmd, ailjusted and allowed,
and all claims not presented by tho last men
Honed d.tto will bo lot ever barred, by an Or
der of tho court.
Hated Oet"b r 18th, 1D'2.
UIOHAltU F. NHAb, County Judgo.
Funeral Director
and Emtaalnier.
Robes and
Funeral Supplies
P.cerisn tesssss w snte!zs&
CnpHal Stock, 85,000
wgacgsa .sswsv csya jjuc3 .g-nyc-.m-a-m-i-f rrrrrriittYi
The advent of the new dally at Lin
coin, the Star, gives the people of the
state tho only real evening newspaper
in the state. It has full, unabridged
associated press, the latest and most
complete market reports in tho west, a
full stato report every day by wire
from its own BtaC of correspondents,
nnd all matters of local or stato Inter
est nre handled in n bright nowsy
The Lincoln daily Star occupies its
own building, the finest exclusive
newspaper building in tho state, has a
Complete modern plant opeiated
throughout by electric power, and has
every facility for producing a clean,
up-to-date newspaper. Tho subscrip
tion price is only S3. 00 n year by mall;
81.50 for six monlhs, or 75 cents for
three months.
If you want tho best evening news
paper in the west send your subscrip
tion to the Lincoln Daily Star, Lincoln,
Not Doomed For Llfo.
I was treated for three years by good
doctors, writes W A Greer, McCon
nellsville, O, for piles and fistula, but
when all failed, Uucklin's Arnica
Salve cured mo in two weeks. Cures
burns, bruiwes, cuts, corns, sores, erup"
tions, suit rhenm, piles or no pay. !?5c
at Kceling's drug store.
You never heard of any one using
Foley's Honey and Tar &nd not being
satisfied. For sale bv M T Hill.
A Parson's Noblo Act
I want all tho world to know, writes
Itev C J ;i3udlong of Ashuway, It I,
what a thoroughly good and roliahlo
medicine I found in Electric Bitters.
They cured mo of jaundice and liver
troubles that had cnuud mo grext
Bufl'ering for many years. For a gen
uine, all-around cure they oxcell any
thing I oversaw. Electiic Bittris mo
the surprise of all for their wondorful
work in liver, kidney and htumuch
trouble. Don't fail to try them.
OnlyCOcts. Satisfaction is guaran
teed by W VV Keel inc.
Palls City, Nobr.
Tho patronago of those having sales
la solicited. 'L'hotiu tor dales at his
. !.! mi mm wmm miiii,
tho moat healing oalvo In tho world,
or nalu by M. T. Hill.
M. A. PEllKINfcU
All kinds of work guaranteed
liitny in your Repair work. Yon yet
liiyld lJiiees and Jitbt Woik,
Perkins' Jewelry Store
Is piejmred to do ull kinds of
Wood and Iron Work
Hopair Work, oto.
All plow woik wat ranted.
Shop north of llatilox' Hto"o, Nointi m, No'
and Insurance Agent,
Collections mailo
Notary Pnhliu Iji otlice
-z2iiis5tit2zZAA -fcJmaessraa
V. II, AliLtiN. Vlce.Ptw.
ALLI3N, Cashier.
NK s
. e
'i 'J!i