The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 07, 1902, Image 1

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i Mjwm iaiii riyi gwiwjifjipdiiiLiiitj iiiiriwwFiwiwiPnMuwju'iw "yipf? " J in wiinwiwiiniT
of J
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I Our Clothing
Is not as largo as some houses
quality as you will iind anywhere, and our prices are rignfc.
TXT- .!?.- m-n'nrrs 4 rtr rp 4-
.. rru uiauicpcociiu uuu ui
ments in America 1
J F"it nd Prices Guaranteed. $
Do not forgot our lino of Ladies' Walking Skirts from J
$2.00 up $
"We are headquarters for
"VVe have the largest line
Opora Shawls, regular $2.00
Rice (brgken) G pounds
Now, Priines, 3 pounds
New'Raisins, 8 pounds for
Everything you buy of usjU
Come aind See Me
J &V ?m VV v
Xjocal -News
Cooler weather.
Burkett has a plurality of 5202.
See M T Hill for fire insurance.
Try the Devoe paint, bold by J. W.
Kerns, Auburn.
Joe Glasgow of Peru gave us a brief
Tiait Thursday.
School aupplies of all kinds at Keolt
ing's drug store.
G. N. Titus went to Shenandoah.
Iowa, Thursday.
Ed Tucker of Howe was a Nemaha
visitor Thursday.
See W. W. Harris of South Auburn
for Clothing and Dry Goods.
For Sale A house 1(1x21 and 8 lots.
Price 8275. Apply at this oillce.
Arbuckles Coffee. Your old coffee.;
Try it again. Gilbert & McCandlesa.
Mrs. Willard Shubert of Shubert was
the guest of Mrs. George Yackley
Wednesday night.
The boys piled things up some last
Friday night Hallowe'en but not so
bad as in past years.
L. H. Meriitt enme In from Beatrice
Thursday morning, returning on the
freight in the afternoon.
Oscar F. 8covill la now carrying the
star route mail between Nemaha and
Aspinwall and St. Deroln.
Frank Conner, who has been in Iowa
and Oklahoma for the past two years,
roturued to Nemaha Wednesday.
John 1. Dressler.a horse stepped on a
mka about a week ago, running one
tooth in its foot, injuring it severely.
A desk, stool and pigeon holes for
the use of ihe carrier on the rural route
was received at the postofllce Monday.
For bast assortment of Dry Goods
and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of
South Auburn W. W. Harris, prop'r.
carry but it is just as good in
rt lre4 T.i . 1 ? t Lr.4 filHr.l
iihj ucoo xuuuuii ijaiuuiiair jp.
Overshoes and Felt Boot.
of Dress Goods in the city.
goods, handmade, now, $1.50 J
,.25c -
t -
s rightjif not, your money
& A W
The engineer and bridge Inspector of
tho B. & M. stayed over night in Ne
maha Thuisday. They came on a
Mrs. Mattie Grate of Omaha is visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Clark. She came down from Omaha
The Champion Sunday school will
an oyster supper Thursday night, Nov.
13th, at the school house. Everybody
is invited.
Dea Williams, who has been working
for A. F. Walsh for several months,
started for Broken Bow, Nbr., Mon
day afternoon.
The foundation for Mrs. J. M. Full
er's new house in the northeast part of
town has been laid and the carpenters
ure now at work.
Mrs. Leslie Robison came in from
Auburn Monday and has been visiting
Mrs. O. P. Barker and other friends in
Nemaha and vicinity.
John H. Mickey is elected governor
by from 5,000 to 0,000 plurality. The.
rear of the state ticket is elected by
about 10,000 plurality.
Tho new brick building for the Clark
& Paris meat market is completed and
the new shop will be opened for busi
ness Monday morning.
Boy Stephens, who has been away
from Nemaha for some time, returned
Wednesday morning, coming here
from Garden City, Kansas.
O. W. Roberts was compelled to g
to St. Joe last week to have his eye
trtated. lie returned home Saturday.
His eye is very little bettor.
Rev. M. C. Aldrodge will preach
regularly at tho Cumberland Presby
terian church (Mt. Pleasant) every two
weeks. Everybody is invited:
The Nebraska Mercantile Mutnal
Insuranco company of Lincoln, Ne
braska, has over $0,000,000 insurance
in force with the leading business men
of the state. Ask to see a list of them,
W. W. Sanders 'is thoir local ngont.
There's a difference in
Coal Oil. Try ours
Yours truly
Born To Mr. nnd Mrs. Willis B.
Conns, Sunday morning, Nov. 2, 1002,
a fine daughter. She has been named
Genevieve Beatrice. Grandpa Brimblo
is about as proud hs "pa."
Dr. H. L. Randall, surgeon of the
Soldiers ond Sullors Homo of Grand
Island, Nebr., gave us a pleasant call
Monday afternoon. The doctor was
on his Way to Shubert to vote.
Mrs. Emma Butler of Maryvllle,
Mo., who has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. James C Miller of Brownvlllo,
for the past four weeks, gave us a
pleasant call Thursday afternoon.
The Methodist ladies' nid society
will give an oyster supper at the borne
of Mrs. George Yackley on Saturday
night, Nov. 15th. Supper will be
ready at 5:30. Everybody Is invited.
" John M. Clark finished gathering a
small field of corn this week -on the
farm he bought of his father, Henry
Clark, and It averaged 85 bushels per
acre, crib measure. Who can beat it?
The ladies' aid society of the Christ
tian church gave a fine dinner and an
oyster supper on election day. They
cleared something over f 20, which will
go toward buying new chairs for the
Dr. W, W. Frazier of Yutan, Nebr.,
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Frazier, a few hours Monday. The
doctor has decided to locate in Stella
but will not move there until about
first of March.
Seymour Howe has voted in Neraa-
ha for forty years, casting bis first vote
here and never voting anywhere else.
Bui J. B. Hoover can beat this record,
as bo cast his first vote in Nemaha
forty-seven years ago and has voted
here aver since.
A lodge of the Daughters of Rebecca
was organized in Nemaha Thursday
night. The Auburn team come down
and put on the work in first class style
so we were told, as we are not fortu
nate enough to be an Odd Fellow, and
so was not eligible to membership.
This lodge is Bena Lodge No. 100, and
starts out with 17 members. Tho
regular meeting night 1b on Wednesday
night twice a month. The following
officers were elected:
Noble Grand Lizzie Keeling,
Vice Grand Annie Maxwell,
Secretary Dora Clark,
Treasurer Belle Barker.
Send me a 2-cont stomp and I will
mall you free a copy of Campbell's Soil
Culture Manual a valuable work that
every farmer ought to have.
J. FnANCis,
General Passenger Agent, Omaha.
Will Cure Consumption. A A Her
ren, Finch, Ark., writes, "Foley's
Honey and Tar is the best preparation
for coughs, colds and lung trouble. I
know that it has cured consumption in
the first stagos." For sale by Hill,
$ J car load of Salt , $
J car load of Flour , t'j 1
$ Just received ond for sale Jby '$
I Gilbert & McCandless
A complete stock of seasonable t
$ Dry Goods and Groceries, $
The chairman of tho pupUlist county
central committee, tbo democratic con
tra 1 committeeman, and tho fusion
workers generally in Nemaha precinct
made a sppcial effort, for Quackonhush
on Tuesday. He ran ahead of the state
ticket one vote, the ono socialist voting
for him.
Tho republlcanselectFd congressmen
In the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth
districts. Hitchcock defeated Dave
Mercer in the Secouu district by about
1800 majority.
Tho state senate will be composed of
28 republicans and 5 fUBionlBts. The
house will havo about 80 republicans
and IS or 20 fuslonlsts two being in
dobbt at last report.
We wish to thank the many friends
and acquaintances for tho kindly inter
est shown us in donating such bounti
ful food and for the assistance they
rendered us with our sociable on elect
tion day. Surely God's blessing will
rest upon such nobleness.
CimisTiAN Aid Society.
Mns. Bellk Barken, Pres't.
Mils. Alice Battles, V. P.
Old papers for sale at this ofllce.
A Revelation. If you will mako
Inquiry it will be a revelation to you
how many succumb to kidney or blad
der troubles In one form or another. If
tho patient is not beyond medical aid,
Foley's Kidney Cure will cure. It
never disappoints. For sale by nill.
Foley's Honey and Tar contains no
opiates and can safely bo given to
children . For sale by M T Hill.
i f
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L. HI. B - A
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'1 M,
76 Hog Sale 76
On Friday, Nov. 28, beginning lit 1
o'clock, at the Pleasant Ridge ,hog
farm, the undersigned will soil at pub
lic salo 70 head out of my herd of Pol
and China swine. Individuals com
prising some of tho bust strains known
to the bteed. One yearling male and
ilvo of my best brood bowc, with 70
early spring pigs of both sexes. Par
ties In need of breeding stock of either
sex, young or old, should not mlsH this
salo, as tho hogs are hero and will be
wold. I). E. ZOOK.
Col. M. W. Hahdino, Auctioneer.
The Advertiser and tho Chicago In
ter Ocean for 81.50
Fortune Favors A Toxan.
Having distroBHinj: paiiiB in my
head, buck and stnmnoh, and being
without appotito. 1" began to uso Dr
King's New Life Pills, writes W P .
Whitehead of Konnedalc, Texas,' and'
Boon feltlikoa new man. Infallible
iiiBtoinuch and livor troubles. Only.
25c nt Keoling'B drugstore. , v '
Call and sou us for reduced rates on
magazines and newspapers. -
Old papers for sale at this ofllce.
Extreme hot weather 1b a great tax
upon the digestive power eNb'ables;
when puuy.und feeble they should bu
given a few doses of White's" Cream 0 .
Vermifuge, the children's tonic. It Will
stlmulato and facilitate the digestion
of their food so that they soon become
strong, healthy and active. 50o at Hill's, "
Call in nnd boa us if you want, to,
subscribe for any paper published in
the United States.
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