TrwfiiFIIFI rgao - jM JMiL" fFfre U" faTfirt w i jt-.. .-- . i-7 yT-l V y A jT Mr " ' v -w t , - VOLUME XLV11 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCT. 31, 1902. .VUMUEK 19 f yMi SC- ra; )f3f)fff)fjf4)f.f)f).3fjfjf)ffit.f)fJ.Jf)ff4)fj.3..).f)f4)fjf)-)f-3f K $ V car load of alt -.s .' r )- J fir Have you.seen our Ladies Walking Skirts? They aro the latest productions of the Camorson Skirt Co. 5 of Omaha. They range in price One line of Men's Work Shirts, x For one week only $ Regular 50 cent goods now..-. Men's and Boys' Covert and ment and prices are lowest, as usual. Boys' Corduroy Knee Pants, worth Go cents, here. Men 's Corduroy Pants, such we sell them at See our line of Men's Heavy 65 cents, now One lot of regular 35 cent One WeekOnly Wall Paper To clean up the line for spring Come and See 7We F'OR BUSINESS. JNO. W. BEOWNVILLE, 5-K-K4c4c4-K-K-K-c-c Local ISTo-ws m HB m Next Tuesday ia election day. See M T Hill for Ore iiiHuranco. Earle Steutovllle returnod from Graf Sarurday. F.L.Woodward went to Wymore Thursday. ' Try tlie Devoo paint, bold by J. W, Kerns, Auburn. J. II. Sold returned from Kansas City Sunday morning. For Sale A house 10x21 and 3 lots. Trice 8U75. Apply at this olllee. Mrs. John Maxwell went to Auburn Thursday to viait friends for two or three days. Hon. John F. Ebuother, postmaster ad mayor of Aapinwall, gav us call Tuesday. S. K. Anderson lu , having a rack walk put in on the worth .side of bis blck otoro room. W. S. Titus got iq a car load of sheep Monday evening. Wo understand bo shipped them to sell. Burkott Seld, with bis mother and ant, Miss Gertie Barker, gave us pletirant call Monday. We hope every republican will vote naxt Tuesday we are not bo anxious about the other fellows. For best assortment of Dry Goods aud Shoes go to the Daylight Store of South Auburn W. W. Harris, prop'r. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Woodward went to Falls City last Saturday, v'sltlng friends thore and at Stella until Mon day evening. ' O. F. Scovill camo down from Mil ford Tuesday and will probably remain for some time, as- ho baa taken the agoncy for a patent fence. Rev. M. C. Aldredge will preach regularly at tho Cumberland Presby terian church (Mt, Pleasant) every two weks. Everybody is invited:. 39c $ assort- $ Duck Coats -a large 50c $ as you have paid $3.00 fbr,$ $2.00 Fleeced Underwear, worth $ 49c $ For? 2Gc$ values in Dress Goods Very Cheap goods. Ait NEBRASKA Mr. and Mrs. Geo. X. Sanders of London precinet visited tho editor and family Wednesday forenoon. D. C. Perkins, special agent and ad juster of the Nebraska Mercantile Mu tual Insurance company of Lincoln; Nebraska, Rave us a cull Wednesday. . v Stephen Cooper and family returned from Oklahoma Tuesday. Steve is not carried away with thnt country and has no intention of moving there. Clnud T). Scovill writes us that he is now at JackBon, Nebr., and asks that his paper bo sent there. lie is Ht 111 in the employ of the Edwards & Brad ford Lumber Co. The editor farod well Monday, as he was presented with two plates of fino cake one from tho birthday dinner oiven Henry Clnrk and one from the birthday dinner given Tom Chambers. The Mt. Pleasant Cumberland Pres byterian church baH been repaired, repainted Inside, repapered, a now roof pilt on, and otherwise put in good shape, Services are hold every two weolw. Tho Nebraska Mercantile Mutnal Insurance company of Lincoln; Ne braska, baa over $0,000,000 Insuranco in force with the leading business men of the state. Ask to see a list of them. W. W. Sanders is their local agent. HENEY OLARK SUEPEISED. Ilanry Clark wb74 years old Sunday and relatives and friends surprised him by going to his home with woll filled baskets "and taking dinner and spend ing the day with him and his ostimable wife. Tho surpriso was complete and Mr. Clark and tho guests enjoyed the occasion very much. A number of nico presents were received. Fortys four were present B. F. Jones and family, Dr. H.S. Gaither and family, J. M.Clark and family, E. L. Paris and family, E. E. Moore and family, August Qulller and family, David Frazier and wife, Mrs. John Maxwell, Mrs. James A. Titus and G. N. Titus, Miss Li'zlo Lewark, R. I. Brown and family, W. T. Clark. from $2.00 up. MjicugnuKsa uoa it f FOR 30 DWS O INL, Y In ordor to reduce stock will sell all wall paper at just half price. 8 cent paper at...: . 4c 10 cent paper at 5c 15 cent paper at 8c 20 cent paper at. 10c 25 cont paper at 13c Above prices aro for full bolts not single rolls,, and aro cheaper than nowspapors. All present stock must be sold. Come early. Yours for cheap wall paper, M. T. HILL Old papers for sale at this office. School supplies of all kinds at Keol ing's drug store. See W. W. Harris of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. A. F. Walsh, who had been takhiR in tho lijvo stock show nt Kansas City, returned home Saturday. Mrs. Del Vandevontor and Miss Maud Miller of Biownville, and Mrs. Emma Butler of Missouri were calling on Nemaha friends Wednesday. Mth. Butler gavo Tho Advertiser ofllco a call, but unfortunately tho editor was absent. While walking in to church Sunday night Henry Clark stopped to one side of the road to lot a team pas3, but did not get out far enough and was struck on the back of the hand, probably by the end of a singletree, making a pain ful wound. "VVe made a mistake in L. H. Battles' advertisement last week. lie Jb sell ing handsome picture frames at '7fi cents instead of 91.75, as wo had it lasttweek. The frames aro well worth $1.7r, but as thoy have only a few of them left he is closing them out at 75 cents each. C. II. Marion, auctioneer, Falls City, Nebr , has an advertisement in thih issue. Mr. Marion is said, to be one of tho beet auctioneers in the stnte. He Is especially good at selling Uvo stock Mr. Marlon is the auctioneer at J. II. Seid's hog Hale at Falls City ou Satur day, Nov. 8th. Tho ladles aid society of tho Christ ian church met with Mrs. C. P. Barker Thursday. Twenty-three werp present nnd all had a good time and accomp lished considerable work. Not thn least pleasant part of the day was tho lino dinner furnished by the hostess, which waB enjoyed by all. Poland China Hog Sale r will offer for sale at mj farm, six miles east and one milo south of Au burn and Ave miles northwest of Ne maha, on Friday, November 28thi about eighty bond of thoroughbred Poland China hogs. FiWl particulars soon. D. E. ZOOK. Col. M. W. Handing, Auctioneer. Married At Topeka.Kansas, Friday, Octobor 17, 1002, Mr. W. L. Peterson to Miss Tudie Scovill. Mr. Peterson is employed in the freighk department of tho M. P. Ii, It., and at present is located at Gamett, Kansas, where the newly married couple are Making their home. Tho many friends of the bride unite in wishing her and fctr husband a long and happy life, in which good wishes The Advertiser heartily joins. Will Cure Consumption. A A Iler ren, Finch, Ark., writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar is the best preparation for coughs, colds and lung trouble. I know that it has cured consumption in the first stages," For sal by mil, J car load of FIour Just received and .for sale Iby Gilbert & McOandles V J complete stocl-c of seasonable Dry Goods and Groceries, Burkett and Mickey at Auburn Friday, Oct. 31 Hon. E. J. Burkett, candidate for re election as coni'rcssman from tho First district, and (Ion. J. II. Mickey, cans dldate for governor, will be at Auburn Friday night, October 81st, nnd will uddress the people oit the issues of the campaign. Tho ladles' Christian aid society will give a dinner in tho now brick on elec tion day. An oyster supper will be given at night. Cuke and coffee will also bo served. This Ih to help resout thoxshurch. Come out and help ua. By order of committee. NEMAHA HAS A GHOST.. Now Nemaha has a ghost. One of the good Indies of Nemaha saw It on Sunday. This ghoBt Is different from the most of them, as it appears in dayt light. The lady was expecting her son and his wifo to spend the day with tier. She heard a noise liko s'ome one walking on tho Web. After waiting a few minutes the lady opened the door, expecting to sco her son and his wife, but instead there 'stood a woman dressed in a long looso black robe. Tho lady of tho liouso said "Good morning," and instantly the woman or ghost or whatever it was disappeared and has not been seen since. This la the story as it has been told to us. A Revelation. If you will mako inquiry It will bo a revelation to you how many succumb to kidney or blad der troubles In one form or another. If tho patient is not beyond medical aid, Foley's Kidney Cure will cure. It never disappoints. For sale by Hill. J noA stock: Call and vmmmmwp7$&! v rrv' SKr " j- T Iu JE31. BATTLES "S. V- 1-K-c--t-(-'i--K-(-K SEID S HOG SALE. ,1. II. Selri will havo a sale of thor oughbred Poland China hogs at Sol G. Stump'a feed yardfl, Falls City, Nebr. , on Satuiday, Nov. Slh. .C. II. Marli.n is auctioneer. Forty hogs will he sold about lift eon gilts, the remainder males. Any one wanting to buy good stock will do well to attend this sale. TOM CHAMBERS REMEMBERED. Tho trlends aud relatives of Tom Chambers surprised him lust Sunday by all coming in with well tilled bas kets, it being Tom's 4 1st birthday. Those present were Mr. aud Mrs. II. D. Waterman, Mis. Chambuis and Cad. Mr. and Mie. Fiauk Flack and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Chambers abd fam ily, Mr. and Mio. Tjed Hoover and tamlly, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Chambeis aud family, Mr. and Mrn. John Golf aud family, Mr. and Mrp. Albert Samp son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maxwell aud famll). All enjoyed themselves and loft wishing Tom many more such birthdays aud that all may bu invited. Onk Who Was Tiikuk. Foloy'a Honey and Tilr contains no opiates and can safely bo given to childion. V'or salo by M T Hill. ii . ..I ii i Tho Advortlsor and the Chicago Iu tor Ocean for 81.51) Fortuno Favors A Toxnn. Having distressing pains in my head, back and stomach, and being without appetite. 1 began to use Dr King's New hifo Pills, write. W P Whitehead ufKennedalo, Texas, and soon foltlikoa now man. In fall hlo in stomach andjivcr troubles. Only 25c at Keoling's drug Btoro. just received see them. J J t -(-K--c-K-K-K-K--K-(-K--K--K-K-K-)-K-Kt 41 -f S3 ii 1 i t At I ft m. f xa Jflfe r, ""'" I .vmm)LMtfmm'iitAw a"&hiK. jfir .. i . kJ .A-jjl- .fa"M. ml