The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 08, 1902, Image 8

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    Statement or the Condition or the
On tlio.lOtli day oCIimc, 1902.
I'll nt iiiorluiiKu luniiH 8111(717 7
Ht'ick Ion- n
Ruiili'M. .tu 2,821 1)8
l'iinlturnnd Htmionoiy 31 o
I )! ni iM'iit lnluiet, premium and
Mild.. (,W!i 5.'i
IllHllllllirt! lUK) IHXCH Ml(l '.. Ill 41
Total $130,730 W
Cupltnl stock paid up Ut,W0 72
Uviinivu final 6,00(1 00
Undivided profit n 2 IV0 42
Dividends, dun July 1st, 11102 4,3i2 CH
CnMi overdrawn ICfi C'
Advanced Interest und premium... 118 4ft
Tolnl 813U,730 I
Work litis lippn commenced on
foundation for Mrs. May's houso.
J. V. Astiba, living near Shubort,
guvo U9 a friendly call Friday morning
ut id ordered Thu Advertiser sent to his
EccoiptB and Expenditures for Year ending
June 30, 1002.
llnlntico on hand July 1, looi 8'U 72
Dues .. 01,510 (15
merest, premiums ami nnon 12,009 70
Loans repaid 32,tX) fin
OrtWinto fee 07 00
Cash on real an Into.
Hold on contract 100 00
Kent '.in on
OihIi overdrawn 105 C5
Mr. and Mrs. G. II Klndlg, who
liavo been upending llio vacation on
thu Pacific coast, returned to Nemaha
Marrlod At the Lutheran pnn.on
ace, South Auburn, Nobr., on Wednes
day evening, August 6, 1002. by tho
Rev. W. Dleffonbach, Mr. Edward T.
Mundifl of Iola, Kansas, to Miss Lizzlo
M. Glarkoof IIowu. Nebraska.
Nemaha county at onco to prepare for
Positions in tho Government Service
Hallway Mail, Letter Carrier, Custom
House and Departmental Clerks,
Apply to Inter-State Corros. Inst.,
Cedar Rapid's, la. 0 G
Total tlll.482 68
LomiM ...8M.W1I 76
JCxpeuien 2.V2K 76
Block red ce mod 62,293 27
Cosh out hand - M
ChhIi nnlil on real dm a to
Inniirftiicouiid taxes M0 80
Hiftloof Nebraska,
V. "'
6111,482 C8
Nemann county.
I, tl. M. (Jllla.i,
secretary of tho nbovo
luunod HsHoclntlon, do Nolemnly swnnr stint
fTioioreKoltiK slnrimont of tho condition of
mi Id association Ih truo mid correct to tlio
best of my kiiowlodKOiind hello.
It. M. OILLAN, Secretary.
Subacrlbod and sworn to before mo till 12lh
day of July, 1902.
Krai) Notary I'ubllo.
W. H. HAY. 1
11. MELLOTT, VDlrootors.
K. II, DOUT, i
Road It In His Nowspapor.
George Schaub, a well known Ger
man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is
a constant reader of tho Dayton Volks
zeltung Ho knows that this paper
aims to ndvertise only tho best in Its
columns, and when ho saw Chamber
lain's Pain Balm advertised therein
for lame back, he did not hesltuto in
buying it bottle of it for his wife, who
for eight weeks had suffered with the
most terrible pains In her back and
could get no relief. Ho says: "After
using the Pain Balm for a few days my
wife said to me, 'I feel as though born
anew,' and before using the entire con
tents of the bottle thu unbearable pains
had entirely vanished and she could
again take up her household duties."
Ho Is very thankful and hopes that all
Buffering likewiso will hear of her
wonderful recovery. This valuable
Hnlment Is for sale by W W Keeling.
August 1 to 14 2.1, 21, SO, 31
September 1 to 10
On tin nbovo days tho Burlington
ltouto will sell round trip tickets to
Colorado at extraordinarily low rates
It's cool in Colorado all summer long
and there are hundreds of resorts In
the Rockies where ono may escape
from the heat of the plains and spend
an altogether delightful vacation.
A card to J. Francis, general passen
ger agent, Omaha, Neb., will bring you
a good supply of Colorado booklets that
- will help you plan yonr trip. 8 20
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know it.
IZow To Find Out.
Fill a botllo or common glas3 with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
, unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; if It stains
your linen It Is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass It or pain In
the back Is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
Wlat to Do.
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful discovery
and a book thp,t tells
more about It, both sent
absolutely free by mail,
aaurcs3 ur, Kilmer fie iiom of Bwiunp-itoot.
Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. Vhcn writing men
tion reading this generous offer in this paper.
Brownville Items
John Ackerraan and family visited
ut Stella Sunday.
Ed Berlin was a business visitor to
Auburn Monday.
Courtney Stonecypher went to Fur
uas county Friday.
Mrs Vandeventer was very sick
again Monday night.
Mrs Meitz went to Beatrice Saturday
to visit hor daughter.
Mr and Mrs Ruth Carter went to
Iowa visiting Friday!
George Rogers of Rockport visltid
the Sapp family Friday.
Miss Lizzie Morrison is no longer
employed in the postofllce.
M E Noble of Corning, Missouri, wns
a business visitor Thursday.
G G Larlmore of Wisner, Nebraiku,
is in town looking for a location,
Mrs Alice A. Miniclc and Miss Helen
Hitt visited over Sunday ut Auburn.
One of the Romlne Bros' dentists
Bpout eoveral days in town this week.
Mr and Mrs David Hayes and J W
Sapp were Auburu visitors Wednes
day. II V Muir made n business trip to
Missouri Thursday, returning home
R V Muir and Mrs A A Minick ware
delegate! to the prohibition state con
vention. Mrs Flora Vandeventer and Lester
went to Mound City, Mo., Friday, for
a short visit.
George Christy of Johnson cams in
and stayed, over night with his folks
Tuesday night.
Mr Hackney, of the Columbia Na
tional bunk of Lincoln, was a business
visitor Thursday.
Prof F O Fritz had his collection of
birds and animals on exhibition at
Falls City Saturday.
Born, to Mr und Mrs Lee Bickford,
Tuesduy, a fine baby boy. All parllus
concerned doing finely.
Charlie Stancliff returned home ft om
Johnson Friday where he has been
working for some time.
There was a general stampede of
Brownvlllians to Auburn Saturday to
attend Campbell Bros' big show.
Brownville well represented
at the Epworth nssembly und prohi
bition stato convention at Lincoln this
Tho ferry bout has been moved down
tho river opposito Main street which
raukos it much easier to get to the
Rev J Lewelling and wife Hnd C M
Lewelling and wife went to Western,
Neb,, Wednesday to attend the funorul
.of a friend.
Mr and Mrs Tibbals, who recently
came here from Iowa, have moved into
the brick house of Purson Andrew on
Main street.
Mrs Ritchoy, Frank und Ralph, Fred
Young, Byron and Maggie MoKlnney
and Pearl nayas went to Lincoln
Tuesday to attend the Epworth as-Bombly.
John W Sapp decided while vislthig
his son that Brownvlllo was a pretty
good placo to Invest money in, and be
foro returning home bought the com
modious home of M F Ilarlnn. Mr
Harlan expects to move back to his
farm In Missouri.
Semi-Annual Clearance Sale
SATURDAY JULY 26th, 1902
and continues until further notice.
3, 5, 8, 10 and
12c; worth
anywhere 8, 10,
15, 20 and 25c
All Summer Wash Goods
At almost your own price
A good 6 cent Lawn at
12 cent Organdie at
.3 cents
6 cents
20 and 25 cent Egyptian Tissue and Fancy Swisses 12 cts
A few Suits of Mens Clothing
In sizes 1-34, 2-35, 5-3G, 8-37, 4-38, 6-40, 5-42, that we
will close out for loss than the cost of manufacture, and
will give you material for nothing:.
All of our
at exactly one
half price. No
all sizes from
34 to 44, light
or dark color,
worth 35 cts a
garaaenl, at
only 21 cents
Men s and Women s Shoes
About 2 or 3 dozen pairs altogether of styles we will not
handle this fall. If we have your size we will sell
1.50 shoes at 75c $2.25 shoes at $1.00
1.75 shoes at $1.00 2.50 shoes at 1.00
2.00 shoes at 1.00 2.75 shoes at 1.2 5
An' Entire New Line of
Ladies' Summer Shirt Waists
Low and high neck
Long and short sleeves
All tho newest creations at closing prices, 25c to .$1.25,
worm irom ouc to $z. ou
v at lower prices
than any quoted
to you. If you
don't believe it
bring other firms
prices and we
will show you.
from 32c up to
98c; w o r t h
from 50 cts. to
This viill be the greatest Clear
ance Sale we have ever inaugur
ated, as all our summer goods must be sold before
Sept. 1st in order to buy fall goods for spot cash. We
never try to fool the people at any time.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats,
China and Croceries.
i on
and Insurance Agent.
Collectloiib mado
Notnry Public in otlico.
Can't Keep It Socrot.
Tho Bplendld work of Dr. King's
Now Life Pills is daily coming to light
No audi frand remedy for Liver and
Bowel troubles was over known before.'
Thousands bless them for curing Con
Htipatiou, Sick Headache, liillousnees,
Jaundice and Indigestion Try them.
25o at Keellng's drug store.
Gall and see us for reduced rates on
magazines and newspapers.
Notico for Honring Claims
I n tho Couuty Court of Nemnlia county, Nebl
Jn thomiUiorortliutiHtiUoor John Muxwol,.
Notico Ih horoliy ulvon Hint tho court linn
innilo mi order lliulllnt; tho tlmo Tor nreilltoiH
to lllo cIuIiiih ngiiliifet said ilecensod lo nix
mon tliH from tlio30tlnlnyof Annum IfKV.'.nnd
llmt HeptPiuhpr 30th, nccomber lm, 1902, ami
March 1st. 1903, ut lOo'cloctc a.m. of lmioIi dny,
nt iho oillcoot tho county jih1k of Nomuhii
county, NutiriiHkn, In Auburn. NoprnsUu.hns
lipi'ii rtxed hv tho court an tho tlmo nnd jilnco
whtiii and wuornall pomonn wliolmvecl Imn
11 till I 1.11111111(1 U LOllll llllAm.KAll n. I.. ...
...... uniMllllci llHIltlin. III. Ill IIL-Vl-linUll Wail ItHVII
tlioHiunn oxumlned, ndjustnd and allowed,
in mi milium mil Itr.ii'lllfll ny mil HlHL (ill'II
Honed dnto will bo forovor barred, by nn or
der of tho court.
Dnted July 3lnt, 1902.
HlCHAltn F. NKAI., County Jud(.
Will Cure Consumption .A A Uer
ren, Finch, Ark., wrlies, "Foley's
Honey and Tar is tho best preparation
or coughs, Golds and lung trouble. I
know that it has oiiumI consumption in
the first stages ." For suit' by Hill,
Ordor of Hoaring and Notico on
Petition for Sottlomont of Account
I'lio Utnto of N'ebniKl.n, County of Noniuhn.fcS.
To I). M. ColrlIf John s. t'olerlck, Frnuc
A.i'nlorlclt, Wllllnm II. Colnrlcc. hIiiu
Ij. Colerlolt, Klovil S, t'olorlclt, C'imrlus U.
Colorlok and Ktlli M. Colorlck, an I to all
iiurNons IntnrcKtad In tho ehtxto of William
Colorlck, dftceimed.
"Notico Is boreby kIvoii that J. U. Hflld
niiB Hied a petition prnylni; for tlnnl sottle-
mentand allownnco of IiIh ndmlnlstiatloti
account tiled In thin court on tho 23th dny of
July. A. t). 1002, and lor lilHrilNolmntoiiit hiioU
iidiiilnliHtrntor, ami the mimo has Iipoii net for
hcarlnc on tho 20! h dnv of Anuiist. 19'). at 10
o'clock a. in., at Iho county court room of
said county, In Auourn, whnn nnd whoro all
persons IntoreHtod In said mutter may npponr
and tdiow enuso, If thero bo an , why llm
prayer of nld petition hIhiiiIiI tint lie granted,
and If HiiiilcIontcnuHo Is not shown the court
mny Krant (ho pmy r thereof, and mnlu fluoh
luniier ami other order a mav bo proper.
Dale I this 28th dnv nf July 1902.
HIUHAUO K. N GAL, County .Inline,
Foley's Honey ana Tar
forcIiildren,safe,sure, No opiates
For sale by l,T, IIUl,