MASiU. hs tiUHtS WHIHt ALL LLSt Ilcst Cotiuh Hvrim. TakIM In tltar. Holrl ur ilriitfKlr kI'Ik- El l'ETER KKKKISR, Dcnlor hi JliglicHl, miirkel piieopaid for Hides, i',nnl, Tallow, etc. KNAPP BROS. ProprluluiB of the Livery& Feed Stable NEMAHA, NEBR. Qcod Dray in cennoction with Livory Satisfaction guarantood. J. 3. SEID, llrocdor of Thoroughbred Poland China E3IOC3-S. ' W. P. TIDROW Proprietor of The Nemaha Restaurant Fine lino of C&jura, Confectionery, Fruits, cte. Lunches served. JJBMAUA, NEBRASKA WESLEY H. CLARK IJcnlor In Windmills and Pumps, Tanks,. Pipes, etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 'Phono calls nnHwered promptly. NEMAHA, NEI3R, r. . W. Keeling, Nomnhu, Nebraska. Offlco in Kooling drug store. Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. For hhIo ly M.T. II III. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right For suloliy M.T. 11111. Miss Ida. M. Snyder, Tronniirr of llio Ilrooltlyn KiiNt Kml Art Club, " If women would pay more attention to their health we would have more happy wives, mothers and daughters, and If they would observe results they would find that the doctors' prescriptions do not perform the many cures they are given credit for. " In consulting with my druggist he ad vised McEh-ee's Wine of Carduland Thed. ford's Black.Draught, and so I took It and have every reason to thank him for a new life opened up to me with restored health, and it only took three months to cure me." Wino of Cardui isarecrulatorof tho menstrual functions and is a most as tonishing tonio for women. It curea scanty, suppressed, too frequent, irreg ular and painful menstruation, falling of the womb, whites and flooding. It is helpful when approaching woman hood, during pregnancy, after child birth nnd in cluuigo of life. It fre quently brings a denr baby to homes tliat havo been barron for years. All druggists havo 81.00 bottles of Wino of Cardui. WINEo'CARDUl 1 f (WH m The Nebraska Advertiser W. W. Sandbiib, Publislier Fill DAY, AUOUST 8, 1002. Old SuttlerH' picnic August 10, Tilt; Salem ehaututtquu opeuH Satur day night. President Roosevelt will visit Omaha September 27th. Tlio Auburn chautauqua begins Sat urdav flight of next week. Tlio fusion concessional convention for Hie First district will bo held ut Falls City Monday, August 18th. Clov. Savngo appointed an anti-Rose-water police commission for Omaha, and in consequence la being denounced as a bold bad man by tlio I3eo. Harry Tracy, the notorious outlaw who escaped from the Oregon Btato penitentiary two months ago, after killing three prison guards, killed him aelf Wednesday morning. Ho was completely surrounded and was wound ed in opo leu. Seeing no chanco for escape lie (lied a ballot into his braiu. The Doliucator for Soptomber The llrst installment of Mrs. liarr's new love story, Thyra Varrick, appears in The Delineator for September, and judging from this llrst chapter it. will hold the reader's attention to tbo end by its duo characterizations, beauty of thought and language and spirited ac tion; it is suporbly Illustrated. The second section of Tlio House that Jack and Jill Built tells about tbo old-fashioned garden and how it was made, and tlio pictures arc delightful. The influonco of the noble VlttoriaColouna on the life of Michael Angelo furnlshen materia for a notable addition to the series of Authors' Loves by Clara E. Laughlin. An Interesting paper on Julia Ward Howe, lovingly called tbo grand old woman of America, alao ap pears in this number. There are two spirited short stories by well-known writers, innumerable nrticloa on fancy work and domestic interests; stories and pastimes for childron, window gar dening, home entertainment, etc. Foley's Honey nnd Tar contains no opiates and can safely be given to children. For Balo by M T Hill. Tho Advertisor and tho Chicago In tor Ocean for l.fio Lockjaw From Cobwods. Cobwebs put on a cut lately gave a woman lockjaw. Millions know that the bust thing to put on a cut is Buck lln's Aiuica Salvo, tho infallible healer of Wounds, Ulcers, Sores, Skin Erup tions, Burns, Scalds and Piles. It cures or no pay. Only 25o at Koellng's. Call in and Bee us if you want to BubBcrlbe for any paper published in the United States. Yon may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to find an active, energetic man with a torpid liver, nnd you may know his liver ifl torpid when ho doea not rolah his food or feola dull and languid after eating often haa headache and sometimes dlz zionesa. A few. doses of Chamborlain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets will roator his liver to ita normal functiona, renew hia vitality, improve Ida digestion and make him feel like a now man. Price, 25 cent a. Sumplo free at Keeling's drug store. Old papo'-a for aalo at UiIb olllce, A Revelation. If you will make Inquiry It will bo a revelation to you how many succumb to kidney or blad dor troubles In ono form or another. If tho patient is not beyond medical a'd, Foley's Kidney Cure will cure. It never dlaappointu. For sale by Hill. How's This? Wo oli'or Ono Iluiutml Dollars Itownnl for nnycuHitof Catnrrh tlmt cannot bo cuioil hy Uall'HCiilnrrliUuro, F.J.OHKNEY kt CO., PropH.,Tolo.lo.O. Wo, tlio uiiilorNlgnwl, linvo known F. J, Clit'iicy for tlio lust in ycurti, nnd bollovo him perfectly honorublo In nil l)iislnen.s truutma. tloiiK iinil tlimnolally able tn carry nut uny olillKiUlons mode iy their tlrm. Wi'Nt it 1 runx, wliolesnlo ilnmKlM, Tolcdo.O. WnlriltiK, Klmiiui .t Marvin, wlmloMtlodnut rIMh, Toledo, O. Hnll'K Cninrrh Curo Ik tnlten lnlrnnl)y,ncl Invt directly upon the blood and iiiuoouh ur fiirenof thi's.VHtetn. Prion "fie per holtlo. Bold hy nil dniKKlcH. TtlinnntnlH free. liull'ii nuiilly 1'llUu.othe bett. Half Eates Lincoln and Return, for tbo Nebraska Epworth Assembly Tickets on aalu Augtut 5 to 0, and August 12. Return limit, August 10. Among the distinguished speakers will boOen. Fitzhugli Lee, U. S. A.; Bishop Earl Cranston, Portland, Ore gon; former President John of I)e Pauw University; Charles A. Crane, D. )., Boston; Rev. C. F; Aked, Liv erpool, England. Splendid musical features by the Kalllr Hoy Choir, 20th Century Quar tette, Hesperian Male Quartette, and Imperial Hand-Boll Ringers. Many educational advantages will bo offered during the assembly. For tickets and additional informa tion ask the Burlington agent. You nevor heard of any ono using Foley's Honey and Tar ond not being BntlBfled. For sale bvMT Hill. Tho Vice of Nagging Clouds tho happiness of tho home, but a nagging woman often needs help, She may bo so nervous and run-down in health thnt trilles annoy her. If she is melancholy, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleeplessnoss, constipation or fainting and dizzy spells Bho needs Electric Bitters, tho moat wonderful remedy for ailing women. 'Plirtiiantirlu if aiifTtniri frntn fnmnln troubles, nervous troubles, backache and weak kidneys have used It, and be como healthy and happy. Try it. Only fiOo. Keeling guarantees satisfaction. My little sou had an attack of whoop ing cough and was threatened with pneumonia; but for'8 Cough Remedy wo would huvo had a serious time of it. It also saved him from Bovoral sovoro attacks of croup. II J Stickfadon, editor World-IIoarld, Fair Haven, Wash. For buIo by V W Keeling. Would Smash tho Club. If members of tho "Hay Fever Ass soclation" would use Dr. King's Iow Discovery for Consumption, the club would go to pieces, for it always cures this malady, and Asthma tho kind that . bailies the doctors, it wholly drives from tho system. Thousands of once-hopeless sufferers from Con sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis owe their lives and health to it. It con quors Grip, saves little fines from Croup and Whooping Cough and Is positively guaranteed for all Throat and Lung troubles. GOc, 1,00. Trial bottles free at Keollng's drug storo. A Lesson in Health. Healthy kid noys (liter tho impurities from the blood, and unless they do this good health is impossible. Foley's Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys and will positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder disease. It strengthens the whole systenv. For sale by M T Hill. Best st EVERY ONE 1 than anybody and Best Terms, see, us and he convinced. CHAM Traveling Is Dangerous. Constant motion jars the kidneys which are kept In place in tho body by delicate attach ments. This is the reason that trav elers, trainmen, street car men, team sters and all who drive very much suf fer from kidney disease in some form. Foley's Kidney Cure strenghtens the kidneys and cures all forms of kidney and bladder disease. Geo. II. Ilausan, locomotive engineer, Lima, O., writes, "Constant vibration of tho engine caused me a great deal of trouble with my kidneys, and I got no relief until I used Foley's Kidney Curo. Foi sale by M T Hill. LOW RATES TO THE BLAOK HILLS The Burlington Route has announced low rates to the Black Hills of South Dakota lor the following dates: August 1 to 14, 23, 21, SO, 31 September 1 to 10. On other dnyB until September 15 low rates somewhat higher than those in effect on tho above dates will be offered . Sylvan Lake, Hot Springs, Dead wood, Lead City, Suearfish and a numi ber of other points in the Black Hills are well worth visiting. Any Burlington Route agent will bo glad to toll you more about these ex cursious. 8 31 TAX ON BABIES Extreme hot weather is a great tax upon tho digestive power of babies; when puny anil feeble they should bo Civon a few doses of White's Cream Vermifuge, tho children's tonic. It will stimulate and facilitate tho digestion of their food so that they soon becomo strong, healthy and active. 00c at Hill's $45 TO CALIFORNIA AND KETURN Tickets on sale: August 2 to 8 Liberal stopover arrangements nnd return limits, For additional information ask the nearest agent, Burlington lioute, or write for n California folder to J. Francis, General Passenger agent, Bur lington Route. Omaha, Nebr. yift --W11 VM. CAMI'DELiL, Pros. ELMEK E. BANK OF NEMAHA NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, $5,008 rr-n " r"rr-n ym DEALER IN ajljl rciisrr oip meat NEMAHA, ANTEED. and ock ever Jj Ms fa 3D M. A. PERKINS PRACTICAL "Watch. Malxei- AND JEWELER All kinds of work guaranteed Bring in your Jiepair work. Yon get Bight Prices and Best Work, Perkins' Jewelry Store BKOWNVILLE, NJSUUA8KA W. H. BARKER BLACKSMITH is prepared to do nil kinds of "Wood and Iron Work Repair Work, etc. All plow work warranted. Shop north of Untiles' store, Ncinulia, No BAWWER SA LVE tho most healing salvo in tho world. For anlo by M. T. Hill. YOU H7UST READ t6 Story ef IMraska It tells you mnny Interesting things about your home and clvc3 u number of excellent pictures of men nnd plnces you know and should know. THC SECOND INSTALMENT OF RIBE&R HAGGARD'S Latest nnd Greatest Novel The Pearl Matetejn or THE FALL OF JERUSALEM This is n wonderful story nnd is beinir read by hundreds of thousands READ IT. ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN KETTLE make your hair brlstie. These and many other good things are in August Pearsonjs I O Conts-Evorywhoro for it 2-oont stmmp we will mail you a booklet giving the first Instalment of "The Pearl Maiden" and show how to make a Dollar a Day for Llto write now. Pearson Publishing Co., 2 Astor Place, New Vqrk "tfW" s V. 13. ALLEN. Viee-Pres. ALLEN, Cashier. n HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HIDES. LARD, TALLOW, ETC. NEBRASKA rnases carried in Nemaha. Prices lower Call and BROS i i it M.'fVi Lap' v f t ji ' 5 ' U V X Ii 3