The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 11, 1902, Image 2

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W. XV. BANDICHH, I'tibllnlior.
45 1902 JULY. 1902$
jj ....
t I
', nrmr.'Ti
Have ClInilM'tt (ho Monument.
More than U,000,000 people have ns
centlod tlie Washington monument
uinca it was opened, 14 years ago.
Cllmutlu Voraiitlllty.
There is jio limit to the possibili
ties of a country that can have snow
storms in June and sunstrokes in
TIionc Smokc-Cloiiiln.
For every time he fills n plpu of
medium size a smoker blows 700
moke-clouds. If he smokes four
pipes a day for 20 years, ho blows
20,410,000 smoke-clouds.
AVIutt We Arc Coiiilnu; To.
A Frenchman has completed an in
vention which docs away with the
flash, the smoke and the sound when
a cannon is fired. Now if they will
get rid of the bullet war will be per
fectly lovely.
No IlllVoroiice In thu Cut.
The dlirerence between perity
phlitis and uppendicitis seems to be
that one is of a little older fashion
than the other. The knife used in
the cure is equally sharp in both
cases und quite up to date.
I.uat Sinn to Bo Tortured.
J. B. Mntzcnaur, who died recently
i Appenzcil, in Switzerland, was the
last mnn who was subjected to ju
dicial torture in that country. Ho
wau accused of murder in thu MOs
and Bubjccetcd to the noekscrew and
other medieval machines without
confessing. He was later shown to
b Innocent.
Mortullty In Culmit Wnr.
Surgeon General Sternberg's re
port will show that, of 4,911) men
shot during tho war in Cuba njid
tho Philippines, C80 were killed and
4,333 wounded. The mortality of
those struck was 11.9 per cent., or
ono man killed for every Tvl wound
ed. During the civil war there were
111,280 killed, or ono killed to 4.5G
ViubreUiiH n I.lKhtnliiir Iloda.
Tho steel frame umbrella is light,
convenient nnd much less clumsy
than its predecessor with a wooden
haft; but there is an element of
dnnger in it. A woman at Atlantic
City, a day or two ago, was struck
by a bolt of lightning attracted by
tho metallic frame of her umbrella,
and men have been killed inadvert
ently letting the steel points of their
umbrellas come In contact with low
hanging electric lights.
Iillo Soiih of lllcli Men.
Tho rich young man who will not
work and who spends unprofitable
and foolishly the money his laborious
father left him is one of the favorite
topics of tho stern moralist. A pro
fessor at the university of Chicago
enlivened his lecture on tho dry sub
ject of "Rent and Interest" by hold
ing up to Bcorn the idle and extrava
gant sons of tho rich. He branded
them ns "parasites," who should not
be allowed to draw their interest.
A Moili'ftt Mint of MIIIIoiih.
The modest man of millions in New
York is Anthony llrady, a member
of at least 43 corporations and owner
of some $50,000,000, which ho madu
by the sweat of his brow. Ho hates
1o sec his nuiiio in print, and never
nut for n photograph in his life.
Everything ho touches turns to dia
monds. Not since lie quit tho ensh
ler's place in the barber shop of the
old Dolavan house in Albany has he
made a mistake. As a tea and ehlnn
broker ho established n fortune.
I'uttlNOii'N Contonipt for Komi.
Ex-Gov. Puttison, of Pennsylvania,
hns a large nnd healthy contempt foi
tho punctilios of social form. He
thinks there is a great deal of an
Americnn flubdub about such mat
ters nnd illustrates his views on the
hiibjcct by uddlng thnt ho never
emtio ncross anything superior to n
reply a Pennsylvania politician re
ceived from n friend whom ho had
invited to a reception. "Yours re
ceived. I will bo there," wnn all ol
it, "and quite enough,- too," says th
x-govcrnor. . .
n i ;
C 1 4 J r O J
jjjTTT 9 lo 17721
"T3 h" TF "161778" 191
1 20 7T 22 77 24 2? 6j
127 28 29 30 31
Roosevelt Issues Proclamation Af
fecting Filipino Prisoners.
Tim Army In llm ArolilmUtto Ik I'niMod
for tli Vtnrk Ai'i'oniillHhntl Onilor Trjr-
liiK ClriMiiimlHinM-H, mill In Mora
TIiiui VS. UOO CoinlxiU.
Washington, July 5. The president
lias formally declared the restora
tion of peace in thu Philippine archi
pelago and lias placed thu islands un
der complete civil control and has
extended general amnesty to the Fil
ipinos who havo been in rebellion.
These three tilings, marking one of
the most Important chapters in Phil
ippine history, were accomplished
through the issuu of three separate
orders and proclamations, ono by the
president over his own signature,
extending amnesty; ono through Sec
retary Hoot by the president's or
der, relieving Gen. Chnfieo from his
duties as military governor, and a
third which takes the shape of a gen
eral order, addressed to the entire
army of the United States, in which
Secretary Hoot takes occasion to ex
press thu president's high apprecia
tion of the work It lias accomplished,
both in Cuba and in the Philippines.
The address to the army says:
The president on this anniversary of
national Independences wishes to exprcBS
to tlio olncera and enlisted men of tho
United States army his deep appreciation
of tho service they have tendered to
tho country In tho reat and dllllcult un
dertakings which tlioy have brought to
a successful conclusion during tho pnst
mnv Tin tlifinlra tl, nfllm.ra nrwl thn nn-
IlBtcd men who havo been maintaining
order and currying on tho military gov-
eminent In Cuba bccaiiBo they havo faith-
fully given effect to tho humans pur-
ET with UlctoeSnesPs&pedTt.7a
Cuban peoplo to take all tho succcsslvo I
otepa necessary to tho establishment of
their own constitutional government
During tho tlmo required for that process
they lmvo governed Cuba wisely, re
garding Justice nnd respecting individual
ban peoplo tho revonues, amounting to
ovcr JCO.000,000; liavo carried out practical bo rnpld und satisfactory that tho
and thorough sanitary measures, greatly nuove decision was renehed yester
Improvlng tho health and lowering tho.,,,,,, ,. ,,.. i,i, J,, i.
death rato of tho Island. By patient. I "V The pageant throughout tho
sclentlllc research they have associated streets and the ceremony at West
tho causes of yellow fover and by good minster abbey will be much curtailed
administration have put an end to that from the originul plan. Their
most dreadful dlsenso which has long ... mi. . -n . ,
destroyed tho lives and hindered tho majesties will drive from Bucking
common prosperity of tho Cubans. They ham palace to the abbey through tho
havo expedited Justice and secured pro- Mnll to Whitehall and thence to the
tcctlon for tho rights or the Innocent, I i,i,,, ll- , - i,..
while they have cleansed tho prisons and h tlc sam,e ro"to a9 taken at
established sound discipline and health-1 the opening of parliament.
ful conditions for tho punishment of the I
guilty. They havo re-established and Ininiont Dniimu-e by PioaiU Helnt Done.
ronovatcd and put upon a substantial I Topcka, Kan., July 8. The Repub
baBls adequnto hospitals and asylums for iicnn r:vi!r n,.r Ponoordin bus brokon
the caro of tho unfortunate. They have , u,c,n" m,cr near uoncoram nns broken
established a general system of frco com- a ood records here and much of
mon schools throughout tha Island, In the surrounding country is under wa
whlch over 200000 children aro In actual ter immenB0 damage to the crops
attendance. They havo gradually trained , , , , rm ,, , n .
tho Cubans themselves lit all branches Ih beln done, 'lhe Missouri Pacific
of administration so that tho new gov- track is under water for several
ernment, upon assuming power, has be-' miles. Many farmers have been com-
"pihn.vnv 3nZelL Pllu(1 to nbnmlon their homes. Near
or Cuban civil service employes compe- ,.,. , , , , ,,, , ,
tont to cxecuto Its orders. They havo inma, .Neb., COO feet of Missouri Pa
borne themselves with dignity nnd self- cific track was washed out. A heavy
control, so tiuti nearly tour years or
military occupation have passed un
marred by Injury or Insult to man or
woman. They have transferred tho gov
ernment of Cuba to tho Cuban people
nmld universal expressions of friendship
and goojl will nnd havo left a record of
order, Justice and liberty, of rapid Im
provement tn material and moral condi
tions, nnd progress In tho art of govern
ment which rellects great credit upon
tho peoplo of tho United States.
Tho president thnnks tho olbcers and
onllsted men of tho army In the Phtl
IpplncH, by regnlnrs and volunteers, for
tho courage and fortitude, the Indomlt
nble spirit and loyal devotion with which
they havo put down nnd ended tho great
Insurrection which hns raged through
out tho archipelago against tho lawful
sovereignty and Just authority of tho
United States. Tho task was peculiarly
dllllcult and trying. They were required
at flrst to ovorcomo organized resistance
of superior numbers, well equipped with
modern urina of precision, Intrenched
In an unknown country of mountnln de
nies, lungles and swamps, apparently
cnpnblo of Interminable! defense. When
thlH reslstanco hnd been overcome they
wero required to crush out a general
system of guerrilla warfare conducted
among a peoplo speaking unknown
tongues, from whom It wns almost Impost
slblo to obtain tho Information neces
sary for successful pursuit or to guard
against surprise nnd ambushes.
Hound themselves by the laws of wnr,
our soldiers wero called upon to meet
every dovlco of unscrupulous treachery
and to contemplnto without reprisal the
lnlllctlon of barbarous cruelties upon
their comrndes nnd friendly natives.
They wero Instructed, whllo punishing
armed reslstanco, to conclllato tho friend
ship of tho peaceful, yet hnd to do with
a population among whom It was Im
possible to distinguish friend front foe,
and who in countless Instances used n
false nppenronco of friendship for am
bush and assassination. ,
Undor all theso' adverse circumstances
tho army of tho Philippines hns accom
plished Its tnsk rapidly nnd completely.
In more than 2,000 combats, great and
small, within tlireo years. It hns exhibited
unvarying courngo and resolution. Util
izing tho lessons of tho Indian wnrs It
bos relentlessly followed tho guerrilla
bands to their fastnesses In mountain
nnd Junglo and crushed them. It hns
put nn end to tho vast system of Intimi
dation nnd secret assassination by which
tho peaceful natives wero prevented from
taking a genulno pnrt In government un
der American authority. It has cap
tured or forced to surrender substantially
all tho leaders of thn Insurrection. It
has added honor to the (lag which It de
fended and hns justified Increased confi
dence lit tho futuro of tlio American peo
plo, whoso soldiers do not shrink from
labor or 'atli, yet love liberty and peaco.
Tho president feels that ho expresses
tho sentiments of all tho loyal peoplo of
tho United States In doing honor to tho
wholn army which hns Joined In tho per
formance nnd shnres In the credit of
thao honorable services.
Effort In IIoIiik MhiIo to Provide for Hot-
ttemeiit on the Ounce nnd Kittinmri
Guthrie, Ok., July 8. Efforts are
now being made to hnve the Osago
and Knnsns Indian nations nnd the
farm lands surrounding the govern
ment Indian school at Chilocco opened
to settlement during the ensuing
year. The two comprise some of the
most vnlunblc lands in northern and
northeastern Oklahoma nnd nrc now
controlled entirely by Indians, ex
cept where lenses are made to the
whiten. The Osnge nation is rich
In agriculture, oil, mineral nnd tim
ber lnnds. The lands are considered
the richest in the west. The reserva
tion comprises 1,500,000 ncrcs, owned
by 2,000 Indians, for whom the United
States government, in addition to
lands, has $S.r0,000 held in trust, mak
ing them the richest tribe, per cap
ita, in the world.
Agulnnlilo, tin, Hnlmmuil Filipino, Is Ex
pected to Join blxto I.npnE In ltimton
und UulUor LucturuA.
Boston, July 8. It is reported that
Aguinaldo is coming to Boston. Ho
may sail at any time for Snn Fran
cisco and join his lieutenant, Sixto
Lopez, in this city, with whom he will
tour the country, delivering a scries
of lectures on the true conditions in
the islands, nnd making n plea for
tho independence of their country
men. In the campaign, ns now
planned, there will bo no Inflamma
tory speeches or fiery eloquence. A
simple, plain statement of facts will
be mnde, and people will bo left to
Qrnw tnejr own conclusions,
Thn Cerrmony Will Tnko riuco Roma-
where Near tho M ildln of August
I'ugeunt to lie Much Curtailed.
London, July 8. King Edward will
cro;d bi?.twcen AUBtt? nand
August 15. His recovery has been i
rninfall in Snline countv has de-
layed the harvest.
T.lchtulug Holt Kllluil I'lvn.
Offerman, Ga., July 8. Three white
men and two negroes were killed and
one white man nnd one negro in
jured in a severe thunder and light
ning storm hero yesterday. The men
woro employed ill the construction
department of the Southern Bell
Telephone company nnd were stretch
ing wires. They wero working in
two sections, about five miles apart,
but one lightning bolt killed the five
nnd injured the two.
Thn 'I'rlNtMi Clot tho Cluictitw.
St. Louis, July 8. The Arkansas &
Choctaw rnilroud has been purchased
by the St. Louis & San Frnnclsco
lluilway company, giving the 'Frisco
rond 0.1 miles of newly constructed
track through the Red river district
In tho Indian territory. It is stated
the consideration was about $5,000,-
IIhU lllnck Humeri ut Niiriimn, Ok.
Guthrie, Ok., July 8. A disastrous
fire visited Norman, Ok., yesterday,
starting In the Hollnnd restaurant
and spreading both ways, consuming
a half block of buildings. Tho total
loss is estimnted at $25,000. Tho
post office caught fire and everything
wns moved out, there being no loss.
In Chltiiiuo 0,000 Art, Out.
Chicago, July 8. A strike of 9,000
freight handlers in Chicago was
called Monthly und every freight
house of the 2t railroads concerned
Is practically tied up. Business men
fear that the strike will be tho most
serious which hns niteeted their in
interests in years.
Nerli-K of hinull-hli-il Mumps.
Washington, July 8. Post office
nuthorities uru considering the advis
ability of issuing n series of small
sized stamps, of the two-cent denom
ination, to be used on envelopes con
taining calling cards and small-sized
JiiIIun I.ohniiMiu NuutoiiciHt,
St. Louis, July 8. Julius Lehmann,
former member of the housu of dele
gates, recently convicted of perjury
In connection with tho frauchlbu
bribery cases, was yesterday sen
tenced to two years' imprisonment
In tin state penitentiary.
Although Restored to Freedom, He
Fears Old Enemies.
FrlnniM of (in. I.unn, Whom Ho Cnuel to
Ho AflftnMlnntail llirro Yen Ago,
Mity Tnko Vuiitrcnnco nt
Any Time.
Maniln, July 7. As a result of tho
proclamation of amnesty July 4 tho
guard of American soldiers has been
withdrawn from tho house where
Aguinaldo lived in Manila nnd Lieut.
Johnson, Agulnaldo's custodian,
brought the Filipino yesterday to see
Gen. Chaffee. Agnlnnldo was told
that he was free to go anywhere ho
pleased, and Gen. Chalteu asked him
If lie hud any complaint to make of
American discourtesy or harshness.
Aguinaldo replied that he had no
such complaint to make. He told
Gen. Chaffee that ho was going to
ibit friends at his homo in Cavito
Vie jo, in Cavito province, and in
quired what protection the Ameri
can authorities would afford him.
He seemed to bo afraid to venturo
out. Gen. Chaffee replied that Aguin
aldo would get tho same protection
ns any other citizen. The release of
the former Filipino lender hns re
newed speculation ns to possiblo
.engonnce upon him by friends of
Luna and his other enemies. Luna
was a Filipino lender whom Aguin
uldo caused to be killed in 1809.
i'renltlent Kixnovult, It In Declnreil, In
Having n Hrnntlo Moustiro Driivrn to
1'ruNtjiit to Cougro-H.
Washington, July 7. Representa
tive Littlefield, of Maine, recognized
as one of the ablest lawyers in con
gress, is preparing, at the suggestion
of President Roosevelt, a bill for tho
regulation of trusts and combines in
restraint of trade to be introduced
at the short session of congress. Bc-
giuni,,g nt wttab'tho ho,nc of
the world's greatest trust, the prcsi-
dent expressed himself in unmistak
able language on the trust question.
Ho does not want to precipitate a
panic by attempting to confiscate
property, but it is semi-ofilcinlly an
nounced thnt In connection with the
Cubnn quostion he proposes while
making n grand tour this summer
and fall to pave the way for anti
trust legislation of an effective kind.
No Longer Any Douht That John D. Itocke-
fvller, tho Btantlartl Oil Mii(-iinto,
Una Kutared h New Flo Id.
Kansas City, Mo., July 7. There is
said to be no longer doubt thnt tho
Standnrd oil magnate has entered
the packing field nnd is practically
in control, although there is an at
tempt to keep hidden the identity of
the new financial backers of the com
bine. Tho entrance of the Rockefel
ler millions is said to be due partly
to inability on the part of the active
promoters to swing so gigantic n
financial proposition without power
ful support from outside sources,
nnd partly to the fact that Rockefel
ler was already heavily interested
in the Swift packing plants a'nd other
Swift interests.
Tho Old Iloitr Patriot Itofui to Arc-tipt
tho l'lMii-o ToruiH or tho ltrltlnli mill
Will JCuiiiHlu In tixllu.
Brussels, July 7. Alone of all tho
Transvnal and Orange Free State
chieftains who led the Boers in their
fight for freedom tlio venerable
"Oom" Paul refuses to accept the
peace terms of the British and re
turn to South Africa. In these terms
he briefly defines bis plans: "I shall
never return to the Transvaal. In
thnt country I have nothing. All
that made it home to me has passed
forever. Here in Holland, whero I
found refuge in my hour of need, I
purpose remaining for the rest of
my life. 1 shall never leave it."
Uiiltid Ktatnx (ilvnn Ovnr Nix Million Dol
lar to tho Worlit'N l'nlr, Inoltiiliui;
Jail.OIIO 1 Unit! I'Idcir.
St. Louis, July 7. As a part of its
contribution to the Louisiana Pur
chase exposition, tlio United States
government will mint $250,000 in $1
gold pieces nnd deliver them to tho
officers of the exposition company.
Thu appropriations by thu United
States government in support of tho
exposition amount to $G,30S,000. Be
sides this great sum there will bo
provisions for extensive exhibits from
the Philippine islands, the Hnwailan
islands, Alaska and Porto Rico, tho
expense to bu borne by the territorial
NnhrnRlm Will lliivo a Ili- Whritt Crnj.
Lincoln, Nob., July 7. Tho winter
wheat crop of Nebraska will bo larg
er than the most optimistic havo
claimed for it. The total yield of
winter and spring wheat promises
to be close to 50,000,000 bushels, and
may exceed that amount. Nebrnska
probably will havo n bigger wheat
crop than Kansas this year.
Hut It Proved n JAltlo Kxncnnlvc to
the riuiiiy Fellow "Who
l'lnycd It.
"Out in a Colorado town," said
Representative Shnfrolli to n party
of colleagues in the cloakroom, ac
cording to tho Washington Post,
"there was a hotelkeeper who liked
to play poker, and also went to
church with his wife on Sunday. Ono
morning, when the plate was passed,
he had nothing in his pocket except
n penknife nnd a round bit of cellu
loid marked with tho figure 5.
Thinking to hnve a joku on the par
son, he put the poker chip in tho
" T fooled thu preacher this morn
ing,' he remarked to his wife when
they reached home.
"The next morning the preacher
came around to see the hotelkeeper.
'Brother Smith,' ho said, T noticed
you put this chip in the contribution
plate yesterday. Does tho figure
stand for five cents or $5?'
" 'Five dollars, of course,' answered
tho hotelkeeper.
" 'Thank you, Brother Smith,' said
the preacher, 'and will you redeem
it this morning?'
"There was nothing else for tho
hotelkeeper to do t except to shell
out his $5 into the'prencher's hand.
And, when he told his wife that night
what had happened, it did not seem
funny at all."
An average-sized pineapple yields
nearly two pints of juice.
Weatbet forecasts have been pub
lished in London dailies since 1879.
Eighty thousand people live within
the danger radius of Mount Vesu
vius. Elephants killed 30 persons in In
dia last year out of 22,393 killed by
wild beasts.
There are 17,000 statutes in British
statute law. Thirty volumes are
yearly added to the Law Reports.
'lhere were last year 17,500 immi
grants into Canada from the United
Suites, as against 1,000 from Brit
In London the wind is southwest
for an average of 112 days in tho
year. It blows from the north for
10 dnys only, and from the Bouth.
for 18.
The Cnnadlan government has ap
propriated $10,000 to build a barbed
wire fence along the boundary be
tween Montana and the Dominion
from St. Mary's lake to the Sweet
Grass hills.
New Providence, Iowa, July 7th. t
Little Helen Moon, the three-yenr-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Moon,
of this place, had a narrow escape
from death.
Her mother noticed she seemed to
be very clumsy and complnincd when
she was rocked. Her limbs and face
were bloated badly.
A doctor was summoned but she
got no better. He said she had Kid
ney Trouble in thu worst form.
Two other doctors were called in
nnd they ngrecd that there was very
little, if any, hope. She was bloated
all over, her eyes being completely
closed and her abdomen bloated un
til it wns purple.
They bought six boxes of Dodd's
Kidney Pills and she commenced to
improve at once. She had used nine
boxes before the Dropsy was nil
gone. The treatment w.-is continued
nnd now she is as well as ever.
Dodd's Kidney Pills certainly saved
the little one's life.
IffiVilA'.ffiAiHi "TM
WMhwmki t.rmiii
Nl 'JffrTOMttl
When you bu garments beariruj the
wove trodenwkou have the result of
more than half a century of experience
backed by our guarantee.
a .1 rnwen rr pmit-ki ia c
.u.iuiiLft.v.,uyumn,iwu 54
You can buy of us at whole
sale prices and save money.
Our 1,000-page catalogue tells
the story. We will send it upon
receipt of 15 cents. Your neighbors
trade with us why not you ?
Tho houso that tells tho truth.
lief ami l'OHITIVJC
l'urfri'o Kuroiilo addret
"ANAKKttlH," Trlb
uuo bulkllntf, Hen York-