Cu-mjimnmwix3j''mam''''?-r' ' K4WMSWM tHt ALL tlbt f AILS. j ld Hont Ornish Hyrnp. TiwtoA OckhI. Upo 1 Prl tn tltnn. Hnlrl uy ilrwrtf latn. PET 15 It ICMKKtilt, Dealer In :l:ea.ts Highest market price paid for Jlidoa, LurU, Tallow, etc, - J. 0. CHATELAINE WatchmakerantlJeweler All work guaranteed. Leave orders at L. II. Rattles' fltoro, Nomnliu, Nebraska R. A. HELMEE, Watchmaker and Jeweler. All work guannteod to glvo satisfaction West of Oourt Houbq Snuaroo-AubunNob AGENTS WANTED LIFE OF T. DEWITT TALMACE, y hlsHon.HEV. FltANKDEWITTTALMAOE mill nssoclato editors of Christian Herald. Only book endorsed by Tnlmiigo fiunlly Enormous prollt foragontH who net (illicitly. Outfit ion cgiUh. Write Immediately Clark & C6., 222 3. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mention tliln paper. J. W. SAPP HEAL ESTATE, LOAN and Insurance Aaont. Collections made Notary Public In olllco. HH0WNVXLLI5, NEBRASKA. E. H. KNAPP Proprietor of tho Livery& Feed Stable NEMAHA, NEBR. Good Dray in connootion with Livory Saticfaction guarantood. WESLEY H. CLARK Dealer In Windmills and Pump Tanks, Pipes, etc. S. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 'Phono calls answered promptly. NEMAHA, NEHU. 8WA J&frvsiz. Thin nlfftinturo la on ovory box of tho (jcnulno Laxative Bromo-Quinine Taweta tho remedy that enrw it cola tn ono day '5t 1 have httd occasion to use your niack-Drniutht Stock and Poultry Med). cine and am pleased to say that I never used anything for stock that gave half as good satisfaction. I heartily recom. i mend It to nil owners of stock. J. U. BELSIIER, St. Louis. Mo. Sick stock or poultry should not cat cheap stock food any more than sick pusons Bhould expect to bo cared by food. When your stock and poultry aro sick give them med icine. Don't stuff them with worth less stock foods. Unload tho bowels and stir up tho torpid liver and tho auimal will bo eared, if it Uvpossi- blo to euro it. JJIack-Dnuight Stock and Poultry Mvdicino unloads the bowels and stirs up the torpid liver. It cures ovory malady of stock if taken in time. Secure a 25-cent can of Rlack-Dnuight Stock and Poultry .Medicino and it will pay for itself ten times over. Horses work better. Cows o-ivo more milk. Holm auin flush. And hens lay more ogg,s. It solves tho problem of making as much blood, liesh and energy as possible out ot tho smuiicat amount or loou con aumed. Buy a can from your doalor. ZmmSSSzJ The Nebraska Advertiser V. V. Bandbiih, i'liblibhcr FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1002. Whllo the democracy Is ensting about for timber with which to down Mr. Hurkott, it nhould bo borno in mind that if Ciihh county cannot furnish available material, thoro Uvea in No malm county n gentleman who is in every way fltted lor congressman and a man who could secure hundroda of republican votes from his section of tho district, Tho gentleman referred to Is tho Hon. William II. Ktlllgar of Auburn, a true-blue democrat, an lion. t'8 1 and upright lawyer and a talented gontleman every day in tho week. If the democracy will persist in nominat ing a Lancaster candidate against a LanciifUor republican no other county in tho district will ovor bo represented in congress. Ulvo tho nomination to Kelligar and you will bo surprised to see what the "field against Lancaster county" can do, The republican party tiro proud of Paul .lessen as a jurist. Tho democratic party would feel equal ly proud of Billy Kelligar as a con gressman. Cass County Democrat. Tho mntriago of Miss Ona Tourtolot and Mr. William JJaird took place at S.ilO last evening, Juno 12. 1002, at tho home of tho brido's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Tourtolot, 2040 Q street. Tho ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. E. Boyd, pastor of tho East Lincoln Christian church, and was witnessed by nearly ono hundred guonts. Tho brido wore a gown of whito Swiss trimmed in chiffon and lace insertion and curried orango blossoms. She was attended by tho following young ladios: Misses Gertrude and Grace Rlack of Roatrico, Miss Graco Van Cott of St. Paul, MisseB Lulu J3auforth, Viona Kollor and Edith Parish of Lincoln Tho bridesmaids and brides all grade atcd from tho aumo class at tho Wob- leyan university. The attendants woro all dressed in white and carried pink roses. Little Margaret Tourtolot in whito frock carried tho rintr in a calla Illy. The bay window whore tho bridal party stood was draped in tapestry fes tooned with pink roses in tho form of a big lovers' knot. Cut (lowora and palms decorated tho room A reception followed tho coromony. Tho dining room was decorated in green and whito. Mr. and Mrs. Ralrd will spend tho tnreo weeks ot tliulr wedding tour In a trip to Quobeo and othor Canadian cities, and will bo at homo at 2010 Q stroot after July 20. Mr. Baird Is gen eral car inspector for tho Burlington. Lincoln Journal. A SPLENDID REMEDY Neuralgic pains, rheumatism, lumba go and sciatic pains yield to tho penes Mating iiiiluoucoof Ballard's SuowLin imont. It-penetrates to tho norves and bono and being absorbed into tho blood its healing properties aro conveyed to nvory part of tho body and effect some wonderful oureo. Mr D F Moore, agent Illinois Central railway, Milan, Tenn, Btatos: L havoused Ballard's SnowLln imont for rheumatism, backache, etc, in my family. It is u splendid remedy Wo could not do without it. 25o, 50c and 81 at Hill's drug storo. Old papers for sale at this ofllca Yon may as well oxpeet to run a atciun engine without water as to Qnil an active, energetic man with a torpid liver, rind you may know IiIb liver Is toipld when ho does not relsh his food or feels dull and languid after eating often has headache and sometimes diz Hlonens, A lew doses of Chamboi Iain's Summon and Liver Tablets will res tor bis liver to its normal functions, renow his vitality, improve his digestion and make him feel like a new man. Price 2.' ceiiiB. Sample free at Koeling'a drug store. How'a This? WooflorOiui liiiiiitiud Dollars Kowxrd for any oaxoof Catarrh that cannot oo unrotl by Hull's Cnlnirhduro, l' J.OIMINKV A. CO., Props., -lolodo.O. Wo, Ihu undersigned, havo kmwn V. J, Cheney for tlu lufct 1ft years, nnd bellnvo him pcrimilly houorabloln all busings tmusta. tloin. and flnnnolally ablo to carry out uy obllgntlom. mdn by their tlrm. West A . riinv, wlutlflsiilo clruuif Utc, Tolodo.O. Waldlug, ICInnim AMnivlu, wliolHHiUodruij. gists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure U takouliHoriuillv.Aul lug illrroily upon tho blood and iiiuooiu sur lactNof Ihctysteni. I'rtooftn por lioido, Sold b.v iilldruuuUts. Tostl.nonlnU free, Unll's Family PHUiunilio ooei, Will Curo Consumption. A A Hor ren, Finch, Ark., writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar is tho best preparation or coughs, colds and lung trouble. I know that it has cured consumption in the llrst stages." For sale by Hill. Tho Vlco of Nacglng Clouds tho happiness of tho homo, but a nagging woman often needs help, She may bo bo nervous and rutwlown in health that trifles annoy her. If alio Is melancholy, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleeplessness, constipation or fainting and dizzy spells alio needs Electric Bitters, tho most wondorful remedy for ailing women,. Thousands of sufferers from femalo troubles, nervous troubles, bucRiicho and weak kidneys have used it, and be como healthy and happy. Try It. Only 00c. Keeling guarantees satisfaction. $45 TO OALIFOKNIA AND RETURN Tickets on sale: August 2 to 8 Liberal Btopovor arrangemontB,and return limits, For additional information ask the nearest agent. Burlington Route, or writo for u California folder to J. Francis, General Passenger agent, Bur lington ltoute, Omaha, Nebr. A Revelation. If you will make inquiry it will bo a revelation to you how many succumb to kidney or blad der troubles In ono l'oim or nnothor. If tho patient is not beyond medical aid, Foley's Kidney Cure will cure. It never disappoints. For sale by Hill. Can't Koop It Socrot. Tho Bplendld work of Dr. King's Now LIfo Pills is daily coming to light No bucIi grand remedy for Liver and Bowel troubles wiib over known befoie. Thousands blosa them for curing Con stipation, Sick lloadiiche, Biliousness, Jaundice and Indigestion. Try thorn. 25c at Keeling's drug storo. i Would Smash tho Club. If members of the "Hay Fever Ass soclation" would uso Dr. King's Now Diacovery for Consumption, tho club would go to pieces, for it always cures this malady, and Asthma tho kind that bailies tho doctors, it wholly drives from the system. Thousands of onco-hopoleaa sufferers from Con-, sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis owe their lives and health to it. It con quora Crip, saves little nes from Croup and Whooping Cough and is positively guarantood for all Throat and Lung troubles. GOc, $1,00. Trial bottles free at Keollng's drug store. A Lesson in Health. Healthy kids noys niter tno impurities lrom tlio blond, and uulesn they do this good health Is Impossible. Foley's Kidney Cure mnkos sound kidnoys and will positively curo all forms of kidney and bladder disease. It strengthens the whole system. For salo by M T Hill. IWUUIUHl VlVWFJCWPWtfBttMC wrmxizyecvtHmtMqjvtxixrri m b dun 0 H) II w y y p Pf?l r B rfrHf ir M Traveling Is Dangerous. Constant motion jars the kidneys which are kept In place In the body by delicate attach ments. This Is tho reason that trav elers, trainmen, street car men, team sters and all who dtivo very much suf fer from kidney disease In some form. Foley's Kidney Curo Btrenghteng the kidneys nntl cures all forms of kidney and bladder disease. Geo. II. Ilausan, locomotive engineer, Llm.i, 0., writes, "Constant vibration of tho engine caused mo a great deal of trouble with my kidneys, and I got no relief until I used Foley's Kidney Curo. Foi salo by M T Hill. TAX ON BABIES Extreme hot weather Is a great tax upon tho digestive power of babies; when puny and feeble they should bo given a few doses of White's Cream Vermifuge, tho children's tonic. It will sUmulato and facilitate the digestion of their food so that they soon become strong, healthy and active. GOcat Hill's TABLE Nemaha, Nebr, X-iinooln Omaha Chicuiyo St. .ToHopli XvmiHiiM City St. Xjouin ami all Pointw XCuhIiiikI South Don voi TXelcmtv Hullo Salt Jjalco City X'orllantl Sail irrunoiHOo yVnd nil 3?ointw "West THAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: No. !)" I'nssongor, dully except Sun ilny, for Teomnseh, Beatrice, lloldregcruidiill points weal 0:10 am No. 03 Passonnor, dally (xcont Sun duy, for NobniHiCft Olty, Chicago nnd all points uorlh and cast 4:10p!m No 113 Local ffolKht, TucsdnvH, Tlnirsdiivsniid Siituiday, for Ho atrlco and lnlornit'dlatosla'loiiH..l:00 p m No. Ill Local froluht. Mondiijs Wodncsdays and V'rldayH.tor Nc br ska City nnd lnteinicdlato stations 11:30 p m No, IK! Local fruluht, dally oxcept, Stuidav, lor Atnlilfcon and tutor modlnlo stations 7:15 p m No. 112 Local freight, dally except Monday, for Nohrnsltu Chy and lutcriuodlatoHtations 'J: 00 n m Sleonlnii. dinlnc nnd reel 1 nine clinlrcniK I soatH freo on thinuuii trains. Tickets sold ami imcuato cnccisoci 10 any point in mo United atatcs or Canada. For Infonimtion, mnps, tlmo tables and tlckotM call on or wrlto to Georo McCluro, ai;cnt, or .1. Francis, General Passongor Agent, Omaha, Nob. WJ1. CAMI'liELL. ITes. ELMEIt K. K3 & NBSIAHA, Capital Stock, 85,000 LJ mm DEALER IN A.JLjJLj KIP23 HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HIDES. LARD, TALLOW NEMAHA, i ewer B fifi Kk hx i$ n IP frfl fraiK aiiu iliiil hul B Hull A i.A H tf-feRtf PGSI lGiBISQB MffiiSiW W. H. BARKER BLACKSMITH Is propurcd tn do nil kinds ot Wood nnd Iron Work Repair Work. etc. All plow work warranted. Shop north of, "nttlcs store, Nciniilin, Nob RopuJbliceiri, Jr. 29348 Standard nnd registered, sired by Itopubll can, 2.10,'. Dam, Sndlo Vera byTalavcra, 2.30; 2nd dnm, Holsy Trotwood by McMahon, 2.21. Hrd bay, black points, 8 years old, Ntnuds 10 hands, wclghK 1200 pouudy. Ho lins good high ucllon with flno titylc. 32673 Stnndnrd nnd rcglslercd, sired ty l'nt L, 2.09K- Bm, Sndlo Vera; Snd dnm, llotsy Trotwood. Dark bny, black points, G yenrs old, stnnds WX linuds high, weighs 1300 lbs. Ilolli horses will innko tho season of 1002 at Mnplo Htdgo Stock Farm, 2K miles southeast of Howo, atSIO to lnsuro mare In foal. Caro will bo taken to prevent accidents buthhouhl any occur will ho at owner's risk, Thos. H. Jones, Ounor HOWE, XKBUASKA Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. Forsnlo by M.T.HI. 1. Foley's Kidney Cure wakes kidneys and bladder right For salo by M.T. Hill. Qr. (. W. Keeling, Neinahn, Nobraskn. Offico in Kooliug drug storo. " 1 -.f?CTfV"Pll---tn'j'-.-' F. E. ALLEN. Vlce-I'res. J ALLEN. Cashier. 3TSBRASKA. OF1- iEJ-rl? ETf1 NEBRASKA rss IHU m Nemaha. 11 -i ft - .M&&1