The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 20, 1902, Image 1

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' ""'Wl" ' I IHIHMMI .IW I III I ill .
I JUNE specials 1
Prom Now until July 1st we will pluco on $
salo our entire stock of SUMViER GOODS. Tho $
assortment is good and prices lower than you can buy tho $
same goods for elsewhere. 53Ig;gor Bundles for $
the money than ever. Come and choose where $
the variety is greatest, tho qualities guaranteed and tho best
values given. THAT'S HERE.
200 yards Dimities, worth 74c, now 4c
$ 300 yards Dimities and Organdies, worth 10c, now 7c $
-100 yds Dimities nndOrgandios,s.tripo or iigure, worth 12c nowO
5 COO yards Organdies and Batistes, worth 15c, now lie
400 yards Organdios and Batistes, worth 20c, now 15c
125 yards Organdies and Batistes, worth 25c, now 19c
Ono lot Men's fine Shirts, worth 05c, now 39c
$One lot Men's fine Shirts, worth 85c, now 53c
Men's Socks. 5c
Ladios' Shirt Waists, latest styles, worth $1.50, now $1.10
$ Ladies' Shirt Waists, latest stylos, worth $1.25, now 98c
Ladies' Shirt Waists, latest styles, worth 85c, now 66c
Ladies' White Aprons, worth 20c, now 12c
$ Ladies' fine black Skirts, worth $1.00, now 79c
$ These aro only a few of tho Bargains you will find hero.
Come eiriol See Me
s.Ttrrv txt
W Ml mm m w w u mm m mw
Brownville, INelbraslcei
Corn looks One.
See M T Hill for flre insurance.
Excursiou to Beatrice next Sunday.
See Reeling's new wall paper for
prices and beauty.
R, V. Muir of Brownville was a Ne
maba visitor Thursday.
Get your machine oil at the Ed
wards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Mrs. Alice Vv ade went to Beatrice
Thursday to attend the chautauqua.
Miss Vera Minick returned to her
home near Bracken Friday of last
II T. Minick is looking after the
elevator at Bracken during the ab
sence of C. T. Minick.
John I. Dressier has sold his resi
dence property in Auburn to John W.
Felton, the consideration being 82,000.
- K - K - tc - K - K - K - K - K - Jc - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - Jc - K?
Don't forget that Edwards & Brad
ford Lumber Co. carry the best mixed
Miss Dora Morton went to Peru
Monday to attend tho county teachers'
Judge Broady of Lincoln came to
Nemaha Saturday and spent Sunday
with bla eons.
Tho annual school meeting will be
held at tho school house Monday night,
June 30, at 8 o'clock p. m.
Tho Nemaha Advertiser is the old
est continuously published paper in the
state. Nebrpska City Daily.
Headquarters for harness, whips,
duBters, fly nets.
EdwardB & Bradford Lumber Co.
Furniture Furniture
Just received a car load. Call in
and see it. Tho price will be right
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Because we sell
Gasoline for 15 cents
per gallon it has been
industriously report
ed our's was an infe
rior grade. Bought
from same tank at
same time as those
who sell for 20 cents.
Try it.
See W. V. Harris of South Auburn
for Clothing and Dry Goods.
Mrs. W. W. Keeling and Mrs. W F.
Keeling were Auburn visitors Tues
day. Mrs. W. H. Barker went to Shubert
Wednesday evening to visit her
Geo. W. Harmon of Auburn was in
Nemaha Monday repairing tho tele
phone line.
T. W. Wheeler came in from Auburn
Wednesday afternoon, returningThura
day forenoon:
Mr. and Mrs. George Eldredge, nw
living near Stella, were Nemahu visit-
ors last Saturday.
Peru bad a big rain Friday morning
of last week almost a waterspout.
Six inches of wattr fell.
George Yackley has had a good cave
made, walled up with rock, and is now
prepared for cyclones.
About twenty-five ladies wore pres
ent at a duilting bee nt the home of
Mrs. Sylvester Yates Wednesday.
Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly
adapted for asthma, bronchitis and
hoarseness. For sale by M T Hill.
Mrs. George McCluro and children
went to Beatrice Thursday to visit
relatives and attend the chautauqua.
For best assortment of Dry Goods
and Shoes go to the Daylight Storo of
South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r.
Even the banker plays croquet in
Nemaha, Tho editor seems to be
about tho only man in town that doess
n't play.
Ed Knapp Bays tue fine rubber-tired
ball-bearing buggy at the livery stable
is for the use of the proprietors and no
one else.
Tom Chambers and family drove in
from their home near Auburn Sunday
and visited relatives until Monday af
ternoon. MIbb Stella Washburn, who is at
tending the summer normal school at
Peru, came down home Friday, re
turning Saturday.
G.N.Titus returned homo Monday
from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, whore he
had been attending tho National Nur
seryman's convention.
John I. Dsessier and two of his chil
dren, Bessie and Bert, Btarted for Illi
nois Tuesday afternoon, They expect
to be gono about two weeka.
G. N. Titus, Mrs. James A. Titus,
F. L. Woodward, Walter S. Maxwell,
D. II. Clark, A. N. Harris and W: W.
Sanders went to Lincoln Tuesday.
Whoever expected to see the Thomp
son house remodeled and made into a
ueat dwelling, as is now being done?
Old Timkk.
Take the wagonette when in Au
burn if you waut to go to any part of
the city. John McElhaney, prop.
Como and
Mr. and MrH. Miles Knapp of Stella
visited their sons, John and Ell, of
Nemaha, Monday. Ed Knnpp's little
daughter Ruth, who is making her
home with her grandparents, came
over wilh them.
Mrs. Mary Hart and daughter, Mlas
Vera, of Slater, Mo , aro visiting Mrs.
Hart's alBter, Mrs. Peter Kerker, and
family this week. They are on their
way to San Francisco, whero they will
make their future home.
O. T. Minick, B. & M, ngont at
Bracken, started for Wyoming Mon
pay, with his family, lor a two weeks'
uuung. this is uuariie'B first vacation
for threo years and ho will enjoy the
renet irom tiio cares of his oillce.
Mr. Little, who has been living on
tho Hackney farm a mile and a half
north of Nemaha for tho past three
months, has moved to Howe and Is
working for Ed Tuckor in the elevator
Willis Coons has moved on the Hack
ney farm.
Dr. II, S. Gaither has bought three
lots aouth of the Christian church and
four lota weBt of the church, In the
samo block, and is making preparations
to build a good house thereon. He has
concluded he cannot find a better place
to livo than Nemnha and la going to
quit paying rent.
A. C. G. Shockey of Colony. Kansas.
arrived in Nemaha last Saturday on a
visit to hia sister, Mrs. C. P. Barkr
of Aspinwall precinct, and other rela
tives and friends in this vicinity. Mr,
Shockey was a former resident of this
county but has been away for twenty-
seven years, ne finds many changes.
Mr. Shockey went to Llucoln Tuesday
and from there was going to Hastings
t9 visit for a few days.
While it is hardly necessary to make any remarks in
placing this advertisement boforo you, yot we feel that a few
words may bo in order. Our stock of merchandise in all its
branches was never more complete than at present. Wo aro
$ constantly receiving now goods. Wo do not sell you some ar
J tide at cost and aim to make up our profit on something else,
which is a very easy thing to do.
Satisfying our customers and reducing profits to the
J lowest possible point without reducing quality has been our
constant aim.
All kinds of produce taken ia exchange at highest mar
ket price.
Wo extend a cordial invitation to everybody t call in
$ and look over our goods and got our prices.
New Calicoes 100 bolts
$New all-over Embroidery
New all-over Lace
I New assortmentTrimming
I Buttons
New Tucking
New line of Parasols
New line of Shoes
of news things too
numerous to mention
H - K - jt - K - K - K - Jt - K - K - H - K - K - K - K - H - K - K - H - H -
Jbe convinced
Tho passenger train Friday morning
Beared one of Knapp Bros 's teuniB that
was hauling lumber from tho depot.
The horfloa olraddled a telegraph pole,
breaking tho wagon tongue, but. wore
stopped boforo any further damage
was done.
Mr. and Mrs. Danlol Maxwell went
to Lincoln Wednesday to attend the
wedding of their son, Frank W. Max
well, to Miss Eugonla Maude Noycs.'
Their two daughters, Ituth and Wilma,
went with them. All returned homo
Thursday afternoon.
Last week Frank Woodward hired
Mr. Brown to take his flat boat to
Hillsdale and take sumo horses across
to the Island. After they got down
there Frank bought tho boat. Mr.
Brown will build a larger boat at once
and put in horse power.
Miss Minnie Chester of St. Doroln
precinct, who attempted to commit
suicide by cutting her throat Monday
evening, June 0, Is still allvo and has a
fair chance for recovery. It la said
she now wnnts to live. Sho will prob
ably be taken to a hospital where she
can be better cared for.
Mr. and Mrs. John Watson hayo not
felt satisfied since they moved away
from Nemaha, and on Monday Mr.
Watson bought of F. L. Woodward the
Thompson property which Frank re
cently bought at referree'a sale. Mr.
Watson will have some necessary re-
pairs made on the house and will then
move back to Nemahn.
Call and boo ub for reduced rates on
magazines and newspapers.
You never heard of any one using
Foley's Honey and Tar nd not being
satisfied. For M T Hill.
K - X - K - K - K -k-Jc-h-k-k-k-k-k-k-kc-K-K-k
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