f I TEE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER W. W. BANDKK8, I'nblMhcr. xtemaiia, -' - Nebraska, W&&&&&?Z&3&vWWc (i mno Iff KIP IdrW! s; lyui ovjMti. i7v-r C rP. Sfi SOS. V0.1. TOES. WED. TBOR. FM. SIT. ffi & Q "T9 jOH 12 13 14 pj "T5 T6l7T8"l9 20 21!j 22 23 2? 2526 27 28 i I 1 T Ly OvJ o :K BOER WAE ENDED. Lord Kitchener Sends News That Fills Britain with Joy. Term of flurrnndor Worn Hlcnml Saturday NlK'it Aniioiiiivoinniit Was Followed by llolnterou Dniuunilrnlloiit Throughout Holland. ROOSEVELT IS ANXIOUS. i t; . . ' iji TOPICS OF THE DAY. Ho Ought to Know. President I'alina seems surprised tliat ho nmiiy Cubans nail their pa triot ism to tlie pic counter. And yet he Iiub lived in the United Statea. Tlicy All Die You 11 if. Dirigible airships are keeping up tho record of lmlooning as extra hazardous. The list of acronautu who stuck to the business and lived to be old contains but few names. SimiioI 111 lit; to lie I'rotul Of. The bearer of President Poose- vclt's message to King1 Alfonso was received with extraordinary courtc y. The Dons seem to bu proud of tlie fact that it was tlie biggest country on earth that licked them. Anything Hot Thankful. The island of ISarbadoos, which is nearly 100 miles from St. Vincent, re celvud in 12 hours a ooatlng of vol canic dust amounting to 22 tons to the nere, or 2,3r2,120 tons for the en tiro island. Parlmdocs is anything but thankful for this sudden addi tion to its real estate. Only Two Ahead of II I in. Lyman J. Gage served longer at the head of the treasury department than any of tho secetnrle.s except Alexander Hamilton and Albert Gal latin. Ha served for nearly live years, while Gallatin's record was nearly 12 years and llamllton'sabout ftvo years and four months. Old Theory lllown Up. One of tho very few who escaped death in St. Pierre was a man con demned for murder, who was await ing execution in a subterranean prison cell. So much for tho bigotry that has attributed this dreadful ca lamity to a judgment for sin. Put perhaps this man was innocent. Mortal 1'orll of KlyliiK. "It ain't such a thundering sight of fun when you come to light," was Darius Green's only objection to Hy ing, and tho pertinence of tho ob servation has nover been surpassed even in these days of airships. The one unconquerable thing that stands in the way of aerial navigation is the mortal peril of tho occasional accident. I'nlil It AVIthout a Murmur. Mrs. Collls P. Huntington holds the record for the highest amount of duty over paid by one individual on goods brought In as personal bag gage. She told the customs inspector that she had $7.1,000 worth of per sonal effects that. she. had brought over from Europe. The duty was $1,000. She paid it without a murmur. London, Juno 2. Peace has been declared after nearly two years and eight months of a war which tried tho British empire to its uttermost and wiped tho Poors from tho list of nations. The war has coma to an end with Lord Kitchener's announce ment from Pretoria that he, Lord Milncr and tho Pocr delegates had signed "terms of surrender." This announcement hnd been anticipated for several days and It was definitely forecasted in theso dispatches, but its receipt Sunday afternoon took tho nation by surprise, as everybody had confidently believed that tho house of commons would hear tho first news to-day. Tho edge of tho anticipation with which Great Brit ain awaited tho promised statement in the house of commons from Mr. Balfour, the government leader, was still further dulled by tho following messngc from King Edward to hi8 people, which was issued after midnight: "The king has received the welcome news of the cessation of hostilities in South Africa with infinite satisfac tion and his majesty trusts that peace may be speedily followed by tho restoration of prosperity in his new dominions, and that tho feelings necessarily engendered by war will give place to earnest co-operation on the part of his majesty's South African subjects In promoting tho welfare of their common country." According to a dispatch to tho Dally Express from Utrecht, Hol land, Mr. Krugcr wns informed short ly after nine o'clock last night that peace had been declared. Ho had been asleep. "My God," he said, "it is impossible. Mr. Krugcr and his entourage, the dispatch continues, hope to be permitted to return to tho Transvaal. This, however, is quito unlikely. By eight o'clock last night tho news had became generally known in London. Impromptu processions marched up and down the Strand and Piccadilly. Sporadic cheering and much horn-blowing atoned for tho slimness of the crowds which, hnd their volume been greater, would doubtless have rivaled "Maf eking night." As it was, tlie demonstra tions of the night resulted in a gen ial and hnrmless sort of jubilation which continued long after midnight. Cabling from Pretoria, tlie corre spondent of tho Daily Mail, after an nouncing the signing of the terms of surrender, says the British author ities absolutely rejected tho sug gestion of the Boer delegates that the terms of surrender should bo ratified by Mr. Krugcr and declared that tho Boers in Europe had no hnnd in the settlement. "The terms will show," continues the correspond ent, "that the British government carried its contentions on every vital point, while tho minor concessions, particularly those in regard to tho generous financial treatment, will greatly appeal to the Boers in gen eral. The value of Lord Kitchener's personality as a factor in the conclu sion of peace can never be over-estimated. There is no doubt that penco will bo popular among the Boers." He In Molding Oonfnronre with Senator mid Urging Ncce.nlty of I'tifthlnir to I'miNHic" Certain ISIIIn. Washington, Juno 3. Senate. Proctor, Nelson, Gamble and Kit tredgo called at the white house Monday on Invitation and hnd a con ference with the president in regard to pending legislation. The subjects discussed were the Cuban reciprocity bill and the prospects for canal leg islation at this session. The object of tho conference was to urge upon the senators the necessity for una nimity of action and tho real necessi ty for legislation on these subjects at this session. One result of tho conferences that have been held at the white house was a meeting in the committee room of Senator Elkins, where those sena tors who are opposed to granting concessions to Cuba, or who oppose the straight reduction plan of the majority, assembled to consider dif ferent propositions. These arc for a flat appropriation to the Cubnn treasury, tir a rebate on duties col lected on Cuban imports to be paid into tho Cuban treasury. Eighteen republican senators attended tho conference of those representing tho beet sugar interests. The general sentiment was In favor of defeating any proposition for Cuban reciprocity but in order to secure harmony an agreement was made that they would support a rebate plan, the money to be paid to tho Cuban government. THE PEICE OF PEACE Boers Give Up Independence But Get Many Concessions. HOSPITAL SECRETS. A Nurse Says: "Pe-ru-na is i Tonic of Efficiency," ROCK ISLAND TO CONTROL. Humor That t lit) Chicago Orent Western an Well us the Kninm City Southern Ik Gobbled Up. Kansas City, Mo., Juno 3. It is re ported that J. Pierpont Morgan and John W. Gates are now in control of the Chicago Great Western; that John W. Gates, acting for the Moores, Is in control of the Kansas City Southern; that the latter road is to be consolidated with or absorbed by the former, and that both are to pass to Bock Island control. The plans include the completion of the Maple Leaf extensions now under way and certain others to give tlie combined system entrance to all important cities between the Canadian border on the north, the Gulf of Mexico on the south, the Pocky mountains and the Mississippi river. fJlvr the Chilli u CliuuiM'. It is proposed to have the ago limit of pupils in our public schools changed from sl to four years. The next, suggestion will probably be that the children be permitted to be born in school. Is a child to have no time to be a child? Is its formal education everything? Tlie real trou ble is that most children are sent to the public schools too soon. RESCUED FROM TREE TOPS. Calculated o StiiKKcr llumnully. A tabulation of the disasters of 1002, covering the mouths, tdiows a loss of 1850 lives from volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, 1,310 from storms, 333 from tloods, 228 from avalanches, 1011 from tidal waves, 1(9 from snow-slides and 18 from waterspouts. The total of ,r)0, .111 Is calculated to make mankind thoughful on tho subject of catastrophes. C. rover iin ii I.iiiiiI Owner, Former President Cleveland is credited with having invested $2o0, 000 in securing all tho land rights along Monument beach, which gives him complete control of the shore rights of lluttermllk bay, an olVshoot of Ituzzard's bay, on which Gray Gables is situated. Tlie ex-prosident Is no,w regarded us ono of he largest land owners In southeastern Massachusetts lteiddentH of Aundarkn, OU., Were 0ur- whelmed I)' Flood While Kloeplnf; In Their Home. Anadiirko, Ok., June 1. Anadarko passed a sleepless night on account of the sudden rise of the Washita river. Tho entire bottom is over flowed, averaging one mile in width and eight feet deep on overflowed land. Tho residents were surprised in their beds and were compelled to flee for their lives, many being res cued later from trees and tops of houses. One mile of the Bock Is land road was washed out, also all crops in the Hood's path. The water Is the highest in no years. Tlie rail road and Kiowa agency bridges wero carried" away. Wheat Cutting Commenced In Oklahoma. Guthrie, Ok., June 3. Wheat cut ting began yesterday throughout Ok lahoma, the earliest date since 1800, when cutting began on May 2.". The yield this year is estimated at two thirds of a crop, occasioned by the long continued drought during the winter months. This is the lowest yield in Oklahoma since 181).'i, when tho crop was a total failure. Wheat on the lowlands will give a full yield. A I'luiidhiiritt Near l)'S MoIiich. Des Moines, la., June Ii. A cloud burst occurred five miles south of Des Moines on the Burlington route yesterday forenoon and as a result several acres of corn were washed away. The Burlington track for live or siv miles was undermined and all trafllc on the Keokuk branch was blocked at this point. Many cattle and sheep are reported lost. (Jov. Stanley I'lirriniw .'Mrs. Nation. Topeka, Kan., .rune 3. Mrs. Carrie Nation walked from the Shawnee county jail yesterday a free woman. Gov. Stanley issued her a full par don, also remitting tlie $100 fine. Mrs. Nation was imprisoned May 10 on tlie proven charge of smashing stored saloon fixtures. She was to serve 30 days and tlie $100 fine at $1 per day. Divorced III American Wife. Paris, June 3. A dispateli received hero from Monaco, confirms the re port that at the instance of the Prince of Monaco, the courts of the principality have decreed tho sepa ration of the prince and the princess of Monaco, who was formerly Alice, dowager duchess of Bichelieu, a daughter of Michael Heine, a banker of New Orleans. Hutch Will Il Taught In the School and the Traumaal Will Not llo Taxed to I'uy for War Money to Kcfttuck Farm. London, June 3. Not in years has the house of commons been so thronged with such ii brilliant and enthusiastic audience as when the first lord of the treasury and govern ment leader in the house, A. J. Bal four, announced yesterday afternoon tho peace terms concluded with the Boers. The reference to the Boers acknowledging King Edward as their sovereign made the hit of the day. As the liberality of tlie terms grew plainer the cheers on tho government side of the house diminished, while the opposition's satisfaction was pro portionately increased. Through all this the Irish members sat impassive, though earlier in the afternoon they had startled the house by a demonstration which at first was thought to be in honor of peace, but which, it was soon dis covered, was caused by the reappear ance in the house of William Bed mond, who hns just returned from the United States. Various objections to the peace terms were expressed, but they did not appear to ho very serious. The Irish view point was that tho gov ernment has given up practically everything and tliat tlie regulations affecting tlie Cape rebels will be done away -with in consequence of the king's amnesty proclamation. The terms of peace are as follows: The burgher forces lay down their arms and hand over all their rifles, guns and munitions of war in their possession or under their control. All prisoners are to be brought back as soon us possible o South Africa, without loss of liberty or property. Dutch is to be taught in tlie schools, if desired by tlie parents, and used in the courts, if necessary. No action to be takcji against pris oners except where they are guilty of breaches of the rules of war. ' Bifles are allowed for protection. Military occupation is to be with drawn ns soon as possible and self government substituted. There is to be no tax on the Trans vaal to pay the cost of the war. The sum of 3,000,000 sterling is to be provided for restocking tlie floors' farms. Bebels are liable to trial, according to the law of the colony to which they belong. The rank and file will be disfranchised for life. The Dutch penalty will not be inflicted. A Dtiv of ThiinkHglving Appointed Cape Town, June 3. Tlie announce ment of peace was made public in St. George's cathedral here yester day morning and has been hailed everywhere with the greatest relief. The entire town lias been decorated with union jacks. Juno 15 has been appointed a day of thanksgiving in the churches. Maata ""'" "" """ MRS. KATE TAYLOR. Mrs. Kate Taylor, a graduated ', nurse of prominence, gives her ex 1 pe notice with Peruna In an open ; letter. Her position In society and professional standing combine to ',', ; give special prominence to her ut tcrances. OniCAGO, ILL., 427 Monroo St. " As far as I have observed Peruna I is the finest tonic any man or woman can use who is weak from tho after effects of any serious illness. "I have seen it used in a number of convalescent cases, and have seen sev eral other tonics used, but I found that those who used Peruna had the quick est relief. "Peruna seems to restore vitality, Increase bodily vigor and renew health and strength In a wonderfully short tlme."MRS. KATE TAYLOR. In view of the great multitudes of women suffering from some form of fc malo disease and yet unable to find any cure, Dr. llartman, the renowned spe cialist on female catarrhal diseases, has announced his willingness to direct tho treatment of ns many cases as make application to him during tho summer months, without charge. Address Tho L'eruna Mcdicino Co., Columbus, Ohio. PEN POINTS. RIOTING IN CHICAGO. DROVE PARENTS TO KILL. Famine In Corea Cutucn Infant to Main for I'ood Kitting Italic from Tree. lie Honolulu, May 21. News comes from Corea by steamer that famine in several districts is causing great misery and many deaths. Jn ICyoha tho people were driven to stripping tho bark from the trees and eating it. Under one tree llo bodies wero found of people who had died of hun ger. The governor of North Abulia province reports thntin 18 districts 41.35S persons are on the verge of starvation. In one province a family was driven to kill and eat two of their youngest children. Mormon Don't Forget Itrlghaiu Voting. Salt Lake City, June 3. If Presi dent Brigham Young had lled ho would have been 101 years old to-day. A salute of 101 guns was fired from the top of nrsenal hill overlooking the temple this morning, while the brone monument of the Mormon leader was decorated with flags and bunting. The I'lihlle Debt statement. Washington, June 3. The monthly statement of the public debt as Is sued by the treasury department yesterday shows that at the close of business May 21, 1002, the debt, less cash in the treasury, amounted to $1)82,169,573, a decrease as compared with last month of ?0 10,103. SerloiiM ClaxheH Itetueeu Police and Strik ing Ti'iunHtiTs and Many I'vuple Were Injured. Chicago, June 3. IJiot and blood shed marked the progress of the teamsters' strike yesterday. There were numerous fights between the police and the strikers and their sympathizers. Street car trafllc uis stopped while the fighting went on, the police and employes of the pack ing companies were stoned and at (me place when surrounded by a dense crowd of men and women tho police, fifty strong, under command of Lieut. Collins, maddened by the numerous stones with which they had been pelted, drew their revolv ers and charged full into tlie crowd, which showed no disposition to re treat. Fists, stones and clubs were brought into requisition by the strik ers and the police used their batons and tlie butt ends of revolvers free- iy. TAFT AT THE VATICAN. Police sometimes get those who help -themselves. An optimist is a man who belives that all eggs will hatch. Your failure is as sweet to your rival as it is bitter to yourself. There is a period in every girl's Hfjo -when she dislikes her surname. " The taste's of a millionaire are often, imprisoned in a pauper's purse. There are probably two historical falsehoods for each historical fact. Virtue is its own reward and genius is frequently found in the same class. Pride makes some people ridiculous and prevents others from becoming so. A genius is ii'mau who is able to dis pose of his troubles for a consideration. 11 a man owned the earth he would try to dodge the tax collector just the same. Some men are not content with be ing treated well; they want to be treat ed often. A newly married couple always im agine they are living on love until tho first butcher's bill is handed in. When a man wants to borrow money he discovers that his most distant rela tions don't always live farthest away. -Chicago Daily News. A CURE FOR DROPSY. Fifty SulfldeK In Chicago Durlnir May. Chicago, June 3.- Fifty persons committed suicide in Chicago in tho month of May. This is tlie largest number ever recorded, according to the health department. United KtatcH Wautit to Deprive MoukH of Their Land, Hut Will Hemiiuerate Them. Pome, June 3. Cardinal Banipolla, the papnl secretary of state, re ceived Gov. Taft Mondny. It is stated tliat the American government wishes to deprive the monks in the Philip pine islands of their immense es tates!, but Instead of going in for spoliation, as some European gov ernments would hne done, Wash ington wishes to indemnify them, and President llooseclt will request the pope to fix the amount of the indemnity. Ashley, North Dakota, June 2nd. J. II. Hanson oft this place lias found a cure for Dropsy. For years Mr. Hanson himself haa suffered with Bheumatism of the Heart and Dropsy, and of late has bjien eo bad that he could not work. r He has tried many remedies but nothing he could get helped him in the least and he was growing worie and worse. Finally ho began a treatment of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and to his great delight he soon found that the Drop sical Swelling was gradually going down and that the Bheumatism of tho Heart was also disappearing. Ha says: "I have taken seven boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and nm feeling better than I have for five years. "I am able to work again and if the Dropsy or Heart Trouble ever comes back T will use Dodd's Kidney Pills at once." UK-IiIh or Stuti'M Upheld. Washington, June 3. The United States supreme court yesterday de clared the right of a state of the union to pass laws excluding bodies of people from going into a city or community which is quarantined. iibai)i:us ov this vapkh DDsIIUNU TO HUY ANVTIHNfl AI)'KllTISi:i) IN ITS COhl'MNS SUOl'Ll) INSIST WON HAVING WHAT TIIKV ASIC tUll, Uin'L'SlNO AM. BOUST1TUTK3 OU IMITATIONS. Altars HifSme 8ali? Cures I hronlc I rtn, Knim I lrr,. Krrofnlou. I'lftrt. Yirlrw I If.M. Indolent I'lrrn. Ilrrrurlal I Irrni, UI 8npllr. l.lr, (itrSorri. iJ ill torrt l In.f .l.ndlnr. I'oilll'flr nt f.llur.. Hj Bill, KSei.d Jilt, J AI.I.KN.Ht. I'aulfclnr. rriUP TO GREENWOOD COUNTY. Lands at UUItlt price wlitcti will Uuuble In unliort time, lulovr proiluclncr Tlum. Oct In tnCnrraapoiulence. You run. Boianora loaeuy. J. w.Kfc.NHEK.fcSON.EureltM '1 ; WriWTf .Mrwiv.m