"Hi J 'H ., w rss VOLUME XL VI NEMAHA, NEBttASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1002. NUMBER 60 TlyJ,AT,1 1 1 mill i un iiyc tm T,t i wrwf j itf gjaigy w'viy-L' ' ywwwiiBrwU.i.wiaMCijyAu i imr.fijwi YTr&&Aa AnhiMnrtiitfF lr i T-V '' ' ' '"".... X k k ir L. llNSTEAD OF iON CREDIT una. usiuug tnnrln t.r Buy for cash, $Cet cash discount, and soil for cash at louest prices v ... uur line 01 Dimities I Good Prints, light or daf k, 42c per yard Wo handle Sola Shoos nothing better m ado Good Oraokcrs, ppr pound, 7c 10 bars Monday Morning Soap, 25o Extra fancy Rio Coffee, per pound, 15c Oome lane See TVVe JXTO. W. Brownvllle, ; Everything 1b growing fuat. See M T Hill for lire insurance. Boone Codington returned to Okla homa Tuesday. C, F. Zook is a new subscriber to The Advertiser. See Keellng's new wall pupor for prices and beauty. T. A, Bath of London precinct was in Netnaha Monday. Sum Porter started for Weatherford, Oklahoma, Tuesday. Misses Annie and Dora Morton came in from Auburn Wednesday. Got your machine oil at the Ed wards A; Bradford Lumber Co. W. S. and A: G. Chambers took the afternoon train Wednesday for Omaha. Old papers for sale at this ollice. 4,4)f)f4)f)fH-4)f44'f45f'f'ff'fff44)f3fff42fff'f'f4JfJf4445f)ff3f)f5ff5f -X k k -k k k tr k - k k k k k k k -k k -k k k k k k k k L- I. Il III III! k k k k k k k k -k k k k k k - k k k k k k k k k k k SELLING j I me same oia uign pnuu jlui 1 r flirv nnt'nvcn' llifif. 5c AC- . ....... fcriirr Masta are of tho latest stylos and range in prices from 85 cents to 1.50 and Lawns aW conts per yard $ w RITCSEV NefcraLsIca Call and see us for reduced rates on magazines and newspapers. See W. W. HarriB of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. John W. White and Joe, Stilwell went to Avoca, Ncbr., Monday. Frank McNown was shaking hands with Nemaha friends Thursday. We had another shower last Saturday afternoon 40-100ths of an inch. Miss Morrow and Miss Felt of Shu hurt were "Nemaha visitors Monday. Chauncey Parker of Auburn visited his cousins, Will and Nellie Sanders, Tuesday and Wedneaday. Headquarters for harness, whips, dusters, f y ntts. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co, For host assortment of Dry Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of South Auburn W. W. HarriB prop'r. I J t Because we sell Gasoline for 15 cents per gallon it has been industriously report, ed our's was an infe- nor graae. Bought tank at irom same same time those as who sell for 20 cents. Try it. M. T. HILL Don't forgot that Edwards & Brad ford Lumber Co. carry the best mixed paints, Thomas MoNight of Auburn been granted a pension of S3 month. has per Will 8. Jay, representing the Lincoln Journal and Newa, was in Nemaha Wednesday. Earle Gilbert, Will F. Keeling and Charley Galbralth have had tholr houses repainted. John E, Crother writes that he is well pleased with Manilla, Iowa, where he is now located. Elmer E. Allen moved the bank safe into the yault Tuesday and now feels safe from Are and burglars. We notice that the pension of F. H. D. Hunt of St. Deroin precinct has been increased to $12 per month. Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly adapted for asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness. For sale by M T Hill. Miss Jessie Steuteville of Brownvllle has a music class in Nemaha and comes down every Tuesday to give lessons. A tramp printer struck us for a few hours' work Saturday afternoon. He is the first out to visit Nemaha for many menths. Elmer Beam, who had been visiting his brother-in-law, Ed Buel.and family for a few days, started for his home in Michigan Monday. Born To Mr. and Mrs: M. T. Hill, Saturday morning, May 31st, 1002, a One boy Mart says the smartest and best looking boy in the state. Harry Linn was shaking bauds with Nemaha friends Saturday evening. Harry is now a practicing dentist of Nebraska City and is doing will. J. B. Rees, who bad the livery stable In Nemaha twenty years ago, was shaking hands with old friends Mon day. Jim is now a resident of Pawnee CUy. Mrs. L. H, Merrltt and Sadie went to Avoca, Nebr., Saturday and spent Sunday with Mr. Merrltt. They came home Monday, Mr. Merrltt coming with then. MiBses Opal and Bebe Seabury went home with their former taacher, Carl E. Sanders, of London pracinct, Sud day afternoon, Btaylng until Wednes day afternoon. Our old friend Aaron Palmer of Beatrice gave us a pleasant call Satur- urday afternoon. Aaron 1b a former Brownvllle boy but baB been in Btat rice for many years. Mr. Llebbart of Gretna, Nabr., who has been visiting his daughters, Mrs. E. J. Maxwell and Mrs. Frank Titus, for several waekH, started home Wednesday morning. Ilia daughters 44)ff)f5f) - 444l - ICLOSING OUT PRICES - SUMMER Corn and fce convinced JMDRS. THEO. HILL The villugo board of trustees at their meeting Tuesday nleht appointed Wes ley II. Clark street commissioner, and gave Instructions to have the weeds around town cut down. Furniture Furniture Just received a car load. Call in and nee it. The price will be right Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Will F. Sunders, Misa Nellie Sandors and Miss Maye Gaither drove out to tho home of Mrs. J. M. Sanders, north west of Brownvlllo, Tuesday, and vis- ited and picked Btrawberrles until ovenlug. Fine watch and clock repairing by experienced workman at Chambors meat market. Watches cleaned, 7iic; clocks cleaned, Cue; all work warrant ed. Also niue line of watches for sale. J. II. GBINSPAN . JuBt as wo expected, tho owner of the money wo found last week came around in less than an hour after the Advertiser was in the postoillce, proved ownership and took tho money away fram us. The rage for the festive game of croquet has broken out in Nemahu and the click of the mallet and balls can be heard early and latv. Croquet grouuds have been fitted out between The Ad vertiser ofllce and Hill's drug store, so we get the full benefit of the game. Sadie Merrltt celebrated her eighth birthday Monday evening by giving a party to a few of her little friends. The little folks had a delightful time. Ico cream and Btrawberrles were served, Those present were Avis Carse, Hazel and Adelaide McClure, Mabel Kerley, Lela Gaithar and Llllio Iliatt. ! GILBERT & HAVE JUST RECEIVED iNew Calicoes 100 bolts $New all-over Embroidery New all-over Lace New a&ortmentTrimming Buttons $New Tucking $JNew line of Parasols New line of Shoes Lots of news things ir numerous to mention $ While it is hardly necessary to make any remarks in placing this advertisement before you, yet we feel that a few words may be in order. Our stock of merchandise in all its $ branches was never more comploto than at present. We are constantly receiving new goods. We do not sell you aomo ar- tide at cost and aim to make up our profit on something else, J which is a very easy thing to do. Satisfying our customers and reducing profits to the lowest possible point without reducing quality has been our J constant aim. All kinds of produce taken in exchange at highest mar- ket price. $ Wo extend a cordial invitation to everybody to call in k and look over oar goods and got our prices. GILBERT & fif44)f)f4)f42; - . . 1 ON- XGOODSI 4c( Peru hud a tire Wednesday night, a barn until recently occupied as a livery, one or two smaller etables, sheds, etc , burning. The (Ire broke out about It o'clock. Peru recently bought some hose and has a syatom of waterworks, and tho tiro was stopped burore it reached the business part of town. It was a cIobo call, however. Brownvllle is making arrangements to celebrate tho Fourth of July, and we suggest that Nemaha cltir.ens go there on that day. Brownvllle turns out in full force to oui old settlers picnic and wo believe iu reciprocating by attending their celebration. They are making preparations to have a big time. Let's go up and help them. Kov. D. B. Lake was called to Louis ville, Nebr , last Sunday and therefore did not fill his appolntmenta on the circuit. He arranged to havo Rev. Mr. ProBsun of Auburn till his appointment at Botbel and He v. Mr. Rodnbaugh at Brownvlllo and Nemaha, but for Borne reason - probably poor health Mr. lloclabaugh did not got to Nemaha. The ChrlHtan Sunday school gave their children's day exercise at thu Christian church Sunday evening. The exercises consisted of singing, reclta tions, class oxerclnes, etc., and an ad-, dress by Rev. John T. Smith. The program was a good one, well carried but, and was received with enthusiasm by the audience. The church was crowded. Lockjaw Prom Cobweds. Cobwebs put on a cut lately gave n woman lockjaw. Millions know that tho best thing to put on a cut is Buck lin'a Arnica Salve, the infallible healer of Wounds, Ulcers, Sores, Skin Erup tions, Burns, Scalds and L'lles. It cures or no pay. Only 25c nt Reeling's. M'CANDLESS: ' lW tX too M'CANDLESS tsO 1 r' m n Q. i went with him, They drove through. J J W itliitMUMMMWMfiMWii M K M H