M i v i r f u y. Sfekfajk Ifttaefttief. nf 1 I VOLUME XLV1 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1902. i3lvnm.r& rmptfifK frm wgygMsa;sgwas iiSSSJSS)SXm M y Hl',11,'1.1 jf4f4-)f4)f)f)f JfJfJfJrJf Jimmy Jones camo In from Bedford precinct Thursday afternoon. HANG ON TO IYOUR DOLLAR K I 1 !for this Wb will nfTnr our I 'Z let Set, nicoly docoratcd, wortli 2 S, regular price; noA $3.95 I Wo havo just received a fine assort- Until you see tho dollar's worth we give you for it, There arc times when every cent saved makes life easier. You can save many of them at our store without sacrificing quality in the least. "With our goods as well as our prices you will be absolutely satisfied. WEEK ONLY oiece Tol- I ment of Glassware, elaborately decorat- ed in gold which will not wear off, being $ burnt in. Many other things in Glass- ware. Call and see them whether you purchase or not. Ourstockof Summer Dres9 Goods consists, as usual, of the latest things. 2 Come and See Me X- $ BroAnille, INeIbrask:a JNO. W. RITCHE? --MH $ Plenty of rain. Good prospects for crops. Itepublicau primaries tomorrow. See M T Hill for Ure insurance Next Sunday ia Memorial Sunday. E. L. Paris is a new subscriber to The Advtrkser. See Keellng's new wall paper for prices and beauty. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. are headquarters for paints. V. W. Seid went to Lincoln Mon day, returning the next day. Old papurs for aula at this oflice. -rrniFii njrnriuLL,:ii,"li-t-in? Cbas. W. Burns came in from Beat rice Wednesday. Mr. Prltx ef Brownvill was a Ne maba visitor Wednesday. See W. W. Harris of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. B. Frank Neal, esq., of Auburn, was a Nemaha visitor Thursday evening. Bicycle repairs of all kinds for sale by Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Miss Vera Minlok of Bracken ia staying with her aunt, Miss Lillian Minlck, this week. For host assortment of Dry Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of gouth Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r. Try our paints, Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co, Wm. V. Steutovllie visited frlendB in Aspinwall precinct the first of tho week. The bell at the Christian church has settled in the oupola bo it could not bo rung last Sunday. E. I. Brown is putting on lota of style Uiese days with a now buggy he bougut ef Chambers tiros, For rent A houBO of four room. Good well and oiatern. 85.60 per month, Apply at this olllco. Mrs. J. D. Kalney ef Brown vllle visited her mothor, Mrs. Birl Hoover, from Saturday until Thursday. For sale A large work mare, 18 years old; prlco $05. One mile nerth west of Nemaha. E. L. Paris. The Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. received a car load of furniture this week. They will carry a full stock. QgJJJ ' '" Jg C. E. Thompson, of Herman, Iewa, is working in the barber Bhop. He arrived in Nemaha the first of the week: Misses Nora and Grace Burson, Pearl Wnsson and Minnie Speece of Aspin wall precinct were visiting Nemaha friends Tuesday. James Hiatt weut to Auburn Thurs day. From there he expected to go to Falls City and from there to St. Joe the last of the week. NUMBER 48 C'JJLJiiams Juj'LmmiW ' $ JMCRJS. HILT-. I Jf J Hols Just received a. 1 rise and beautiful stock of j . Large stock of Trimmed Hats to choose from. GOME EARLY ROR FIRST CHOICE. Spring and Summer Millinery! ; GILBERT & MCANBLESS; MHLJhWf KZf juai ixnLjrji v rjLi . jejuEEiJiii''" ' timmagiC Ml" ..J, I EB SffTSHI Nemaha was visited by a bard wind Sunday night but no great damage was done. A number of families teek refugo in cellars and caves. Mrs. E, A. Mlnick started for Wich ita Falls, Texas, Tuesday, to viilt her son, WUUb B. Mlnick, whom she has I not seen for a number of years. UUHJiiJUMl! $New Calicoes 100 bolts New all-over Embroidery New all-over Lace New assortmed Trimming Buttons J New Tucking New line of Parasols New line of Shoes New line of Shots J Lots of news things too numerous to mention Ul j r Whilo it is hardly necessary to make anv remarks in placing this advertisement before you, yet we feel that a few words may be in order. Our stock of merchandise in all its $ branches was never more complete than at prosout. We are constantly receiving now goods. Wo do not sell you some ar- tide at cost and aim to make up our profit on something else, I which is a very easy thing to do. satisfying our customers and reducing profits to the t, s lowest possible point without reducing quality has been our 5 constant aim. All kinds of nrodur.o tnlren in nvnliann-o nf liifi-l.nci mar. ket price. $ We extend a cordial invitation to overybody to . call in $, and look over our goods and get our prices. v $ 1 GILBERT & MCANBLESS: HCC55 fLFUJmil.AHJ liiiii JiiJIIJL.lWim.A'JI'iWJfillBMttollUlitiCTle' $ t I ! w A Fine Medalion Portrait Absolutely Free! 4, Here is a chance to get a fine Medalion Portrait of your friend or any of the I family. To the party or parties who trade for cash to the amount of $15,00 we will giveia Medalion Portrait ABSOLUTELY FREE! Everything sold as usual at prices as low as any one,. K Iw.t W BRING US YOUR PRODUCE. & L. H. Battles, Nemaha, Nebraska iji a i