,j VU'. "V V tfWff " A ml ?& Vs A ' Vf nrr: VOLUME XLV1 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1902. XUMHFK 4n a'fWft jMMWfj.frf mmmmt W Wypin .nijim..i.ij.in .pmiiiii IL jatL wv Eai iff re" M &i Lx v-S W K ! W uU SI I lO'X r E3 hK PBi m i zrv an . i! v i f H-f4X-t-f( IT3 PRACTICAL ECONOMYb To truclo v- tf te f Come and See TVYe JNO. W. RITCHET BroAn7ille, NeJbraslca. Oh for a Rood ruin I Still dry and windy. Ideal Entertainers May 0th. See M T Hill for (lrp Insurance. The Nemaha ferry crossed the flrBt teams Thursday Set Koellng's new wall paper fr prices and beauty. Prank Woodward went to Beatrice Monday, returning Tuesday. Edwards fc Bradford Lumber Co. are heudquarters for paints. Prof. Barrett of Brownville was a Nemaha visitor last Saturday. Old papsra for stle at this ofllce. ilttWl'iriMLlBMi nil mm Kn-Tinnrr it it jff3f4ff)f A Fine Medalion Portrait Here is a chance to get a fine family, 1 o the party or parties will give a Medalion Portrait ABSOLUTELY tKttl On TWondeiy, Wleiy l2tH, Ae a111 give 50 cents to the person aHo brings In the largest number Everything L. 1 Battles with this store. Qualities are not sucrilicocl to stylo and yet prices tiro never high. Buying for cash and sell ing for cash brings many a prico saving hero for you. We get the best things and sell them as close to cost as wo can. SEJE our lino Nottingham laco cur tains, 01 inches wide, 3J-yards long you will pay 2.00 for these curtains regular and call it cheap our price per pair $1.50 Same size but liner curtain, cheap at $2.25, our prico per pair $1.75 Then we have some bounties at $2.00 Full standard Prints, 404xG4 cloth, light or dark colors this lino includes the American Indigoes peV yard 4c See our ladies' Sunbonnbts at 25c Our lino of summer good. is complete Wall Faipr at 5 cents per double roll up K:;f Miss Florence Minick la vlsltlug ber brothers at Bracken this week. Bicycle rupalrs of nil kinds for salo by Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. A. F. Walsh went tu Lincoln Friday ef last week, returning Wednesday. Just received a nlc$ line of raints at the Edwards ft Bradford Lumber Co. Judge Broady of Lincoln visited his sons J. C. and J. H. Broady jr. over Sunday. Mr. Dr. Keeling; who has been quite sick for some time, ia able to bt ut again. All parties indebted to the unders signed will please call and settle at once. Dk. Sticks. iTBnM 232m sold as usual at prices BEING US YOUR PRODUCE mm We carry everything In Pnlnta For House For llarn For Buggy For Furniture Also Enamel for Bath Tubs, Bnby Carriages, etc.. and Stains for Furnituro Don't forget our Wall Paper Very truly, M. T. HILL Try our paints, Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Preaching at the Methodist church Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday night. Peter Kerkor attended the funeral of Hon. J. Srerllng Morton at Nebraska City Wadnvsday. A. It. Titus has his huse on lt foundation on the lots south of the Christian church. Mrs. Wm. H. Hoover, who has been at Lincoln for several weeks, returned t Nemaha Tuesday. Miss Minnie Colerick came in from Auburn last Saturday and visited her parents until Monday. Miss Grace Paris completed teaching an eight months term of school north west of Brownville last Friday. County Surueyor Ben Parker was in Nemaha Thursday ou his way homo from the southeastern part of the county where he had been doing some surveying. s 4J, Medalion Portrait who trade tor ai low as any one M jfjfjfjf,,. JWC EfcSS. Has just received tx large cxnd beautiful stock of Spring arid Summer Millinery! Large stock of to choose from. GOME EARLY FOR FIRST CHOICE, K-K-Kj See W. V. Harris of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. Bert Campbell of Auburn was in Nemaha Monday nnd Tuesday in the Interest of the Granger. Mr. Liebhart, of Gretna, Nebr., li visiting his daughters, Mrs. E. J. Max. woll und MrB. Frank Titus. Mrs. F. L. Woodward returned home last Saturday after a week's visit with relatives at Kansas City. Take the wngonette when In Au burn if you want to go to any part of the city. John McElhaney, prop. MrB. L II. Merritt went to Avoca, moor , mac aaturuav ana enent Hundav with her husband returning Monday. For bast assortment of Dry Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of South Auburn W. W. HarriB prop'r. Mrs. Mary Hart of Tecunaseh visited friends at Nemaha and Aspinwall from Monday afternoon until Thursday fore noon. Dr. W. W. Frazier, of Yutan, Neb. vliited his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. David Frazier, two or three days the flret of the week. The Methodist Sunday school expect to have a May day picnic in Volo vaN ley Saturday of this week if the weath er is favorable. Miss Eva Able Ib prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking and sewing neat ly, promply aid in the latest style. Satisfaction guaranteed. Absolutely of your friend cash to the amount or 3 15,00 we AortH of any goods In oiir store of Eggs. Nemaha, Nebraska HIT-.11, Trimmed Hats Mrs. Florence Jarvls, who has been visiting at Wabash, Nebr., returned home Monday. L. II . Battles went to St. Joe Sun day nnd the next day bought a big stock of goods, returning homo Tues day evening. Classes eight and nine of the Metho dist Sunday school will give an ice cream sociable in the park on Saturday night, May 10th. ut Dr. I. L. Oalllson, dentist, 5qJBct will bo at Nemaha next Monday, prepared to do nil kiuds of dental work, Olllce ut hotel , Mrs. J. L. Ilalth called in Tuesday and subscribed for The Advertiser one year for her father, George Buker, of Cheyenne, Roger Mills county, Oklu- homa. Boono Codington, MIhs Jo Battles and a Mr. Wheeler of Auburn wont over to the Nlshna fishing Thursday. They were the tlrst to cross on the uow ferry boat. The Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. have had a good substantial porch built in front of their store building. It adds much to the looks of the builds ing an well as to the comfort of those iuslde. I have received my samples of ludies Bpring nnd summer auita.walsts, skirts, jackets and underwear. Two per cent elf for cash. All charges paid by mo. Please call and see samples. FLORENCE MINICK. ViLjikmrnuMSMiMssjEism Free! if. or any of the $?& hi ! A M. J- 1