7c W-'r- : UUL. v NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, Al'IUL 11, 1E02. .DMDEH 42 VOLUME XL VI mMumUHJWlUirWIUmMffllHML'niM cnai) rc2E juiiiiniwuiai )(-)f)ff)f)f)-)f.)f)f3f X-Jf jfjf X- TV w. TV J- DONT !be AFRAID TO SEND THE Whon you want anything from our upon iust as promptly and just as 5 you came yourself. They will get If you aro wanting WALL Do not fail to soo us as wo have it r 1 1 .. none ut). All una year s paper- Our Dry Goods line is complete and prices the lowest. Come arid See Me JNO. W. RITCHEV Brow rii lie, Nebraska I Eorlv Risers Flour Anchor Diadem Z7atc yoii usZ Aosc bratids? If $ jiof, try one sack and youioill find Aa vou ncucr nua any ueucr you bread on the table. Ask your merchant for this flour a7 i Ac sajs "the other brands $ arc bttlcr" it is because he makes more money on the other brands. flu the Eavhi Riser. Anchor or $ Diadem he only makes a small t per cent Buy a box "Bcso the Wheat." ft is ahead of all oatmeal and will take the place of oatmeal and many other foods. It is cheap only 10c a box or 3 jor OK Ash nniir nrnr.nr tor it and -T- MUl. JIOI. 7" J' J- if he dont keep it send to the mill. German-American Milling Co. South Auburn, INeto. Sc-K-K-K-Kc-K-K-K-K -n--H-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K Local News See M T nill for Are insurance. C. F, Zook bas moved into the Coons house. John A. Hiatt went t Iowa Mon day, on business. Sea Keeling's new prices and beauty. wall paper for II. M. Tollinger is having a kitchen built to his house. The Advertiser and the Chicage In ter OceRn for $1,40 Call and see us for reduced rates on magazines and newspapers. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. are headquarters for puints. See Yf. W. Harris of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. Elmer E. Rumbaugh has bought a fine new chair for his barber shop. Try our paints, EdwardB & Bradford Lumber'Co. We bad a little rain Tuesday just enough te make the road a little muddy. Just received a nice line of paints at tin Edwards & Bradferd Lumber Ce. Mrs. Floreaco Jarvle went to Wa both, Nebr., Wednesday to visit her parent!, The Advertiser and Globe Democrat both oaiy 8l.7i. the 8t. Louis on year for CHILDREN store. They will ho waited carefully as you wouiu dq u just as much for the money. PAPER ... . j ..t.i u T from b cents per aouuiu iuu j carried over from last year. Roy. D. 13. Lake commencpd u pro tracted m eeting nt Bothol church Suns day. L. II. Merrltt hnB moved In the brick house whore Mrd. Crlra lived ho many years. Miss Lillian Minick went to Brackan Tuesday forenoon, returning WedneB day afternoon. Mrs. J. B. Hoover went to Brown villa Menday afternoon, returning Tuesday eveuinR. Call in and Bee ua if you want to aubflcribs for any paper published in the United States. Mrs. Melliuger Titus has been assists ing in the olllce work at tho Titus Nursery for several days. Chas. P. Scovill, W. II. Barker, M. Gaakill and Henry Clark are new sub scrlbers to The Advertiser. Mrs. Florence Jarvia has moved Into her house north of tho park, whero Charley Jook has been living. Dr. Stiers has his offices equipped with Hot Air aparatuses for treating rheumatism and nasal catarrh. For boat assortment of Dry Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r. R. C. Boyd, assistant cashier of the Carson National bank of SouthAuburn, was a Nemaha visitor Friday ef last weoki Mr. and Mrs. Lester Peabody, who have been visiting friends in this vis cinity, returned to Nebraska City jieuuay. Claud Scovill went to Harbiae, Neb., last Friday te take charge of the Ed" wards So Bradferd lumber yard for a few days. Miss Eva Able is prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking and sowing neat ly, promply aid in the latest style. Satisfaction guaranteed: The remains of the aafo that was burglarized was moved out of the bank last Saturday and Is now standing on the north side of the bank building. On account of the meetiug at Bethel Rev. D. B. Lake did not All his appoint ment at Neuiaha Sunday night. The audience was dismissed after a half hour prayer and song service. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold u county Institute at Brownvllle April 25 and 20, 1002. Friday evening a good program will bo given. A collection will be taken to defray expenses, Saturday evening a silver medal contest will be luld, Ad- 1 mission 10 ceats. 1902 Wall Paper AT Hill's Drug Store Mr, Bordwell, auditor of the Ed wards & Bradford Lumber Co., came down frera Nobrnska City Tuesday to look after the business of th company. The star mute mail to Aspinwall and St. Dtroln now leaves Nemaha at 10:10 a. m. and is due to arrive at 4:10 p.m. The clmnga in time was mado Monday of this week. Mrs. Jas. W. Coons and Ed Rogers of Oklahoma arrived in Aspiuwall precinct Monday night, called here by the serious sicknens of their sister, Mrs. Duerfeldt. F. L. Woodward is having the dead grass and leaves in the cemetery burned this week. On Monday the flreBprsad into the timber nround the cemetery but caused little if any damage. E. D. Rogers of Auburn gave ud a social call Wednesday. He had been helping take care of his daughter, Mrs. Duerfeldt, uluce lust Friday, and was then going home to see to things. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Scovill went to Langdon,Mo., last Saturday, where they will work in a summer resort hotel. They left their household goods here as tbey expect to return to Nemaha. The Bank of Nemaua has bought the building it now occupies and part of the lot and has had a vault built. The improved safe and the vuult make the bank practically fire and bur glar proof. Having bought the harness stock of. John A. Hiatt, wo will hereafter carry a complete stock of harness and bars ness supplies, whips, halters, saddles, robes, etc. Priced guaranteed right. Call and see us. Edwakds Sc Bkadfokd Lumueii Co. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Rogers and chil dren had a reunion Tuesday at the homo f their daughter, Mrs. Charles Duerfeldt ef Aspinwall precinct. There are seven children, four daughters and three sons. Mrs. J. W. Coons and Ed Rogers livo In Oklahoma, Mrs. John D. Shubert at Shubert, Roy Rogers and Mrs. Duerfeldt in ABpinwall pres cinct, Alva Rogers and a daughter in Auburn. This is the first time all have been together for a number of years. LOOK HERE! All Interested in good garden seeds should buy from the old reliable seed houso, P. Kerker, who sells Mangels dorf Bros.' seeds, the best seed house In tho west, We notice these "tested seeds" patrons have to full back on tho Old Reliable House, who handles all kinds of seeds, garden and field, cheaper than any other house in this county, Old papers for sale at this office. Can't Keep It Socret. The splendid work of Dr. King's New Life Pills Is daily coming t light No such faand remedy for Liver and Bowel troubles waa ever known before. Thousands bless them for curing Con. stipatieu, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Jaundlco and Indigestion. Try them. 25c at Keeliug's drug storo. Has just received a lorge and beautiful stock, of Spring and Summer Millinery Large stock of Trimmed Hats to choose from. COME EARLY F'OR FIRST CHOICE. F. Q. Vanmeter, living on the II neks noy fnrm, ona and a half miles north of Nemaha, had the mlsforttin to break one of hli arms Tuesday of last week. He was riding a pony and it fell down with the above result. Married At the Lutheran parson age, South Auburn, Nebr., on Thursday evening, April 3rd, 1002, by tho Ilev. W. Ditffenbach, Mr, Wllber Maxey to Miss Lillie May Day, both of Ulenrock. Nemaha county, Nebr. I have received my samples-of ladies' spring and summer suits, waists, skirts, jackets and underwear. Two por cent off for cash. All charges paid by mo. t'lenao call and see samplea. FLORENCE MINICK. Mr. Walter N. Faris and Miss Lota Seabury were married in Auburn on Monday, April 7, 1002. May the hap piness of these young people increase as tho years go by, and may their lives be long together! Rev. James Hiatt of Falls City had a light stroke of paralysis the latter part of last week, and was brought to Nemaha Sunday morning on tho freight train. He is now stopping with his son, John A. Hiatt, and with bis daughter, Mrs. John R. Russell, and is getting better, being ablo lo get down town Wednesday. His wife returned to Falls City Tuesday evening. SHORTHORN BULLS TOR SALE I have 12 Cruikshank topped bulls for sale. Six of them average age 22 mouths and average weight 1280 lbs. Six head from 10 to 11 months old and weigh from 700 to 800 lbs. The sire of these bulls weighs ever 2200 lbs. Their dams are Qno large cows sired by Mars shall, son of Imported Scottish Lord. Will be sold very reasonable if taken soon. John Tigiie, Humboldt, Neb. Old papers for salo at this office. ii mil l i We aro hero to give you offered in tho town. Come and wont bo our fault. Wo will pay you tho Don't forget it. $ When in town call and see not. L. HI. BATTLES -WftC4Hefc4WljM-Wft H. 3: Bracken will be a good place for Methodist prcacherH to visit this sum mer. Oscar'L. and 0. T. Mlnlck both have 200 egg Incubators. Last week Charlie's muchino hatched 103 chickens and this week Oscar got 182 chickens from 200 eggs set. T, C Hacker of Red Cloud camo down from Brownvlllo Tuesday even ing nryl visited Nemaha frlendB until Wednesday forenoon, when he returned to Red Cloud. Ho was called to Brownvlllo by tho death of his sister, Mrs. G. W. Fhirbrother. ThoEdwards & Bradferd Lumbor Co. will begin the erection of an addition to the storo room next week. The nd dltioif will bo 20x70 feet, the same al.e as the present building. Tho company is doing a good business and propose to have room enough to carry a, stock largo enough to meet all demands: Dr. U.S. Gaither of Maltland, Mo., camo to Nemaha Tuesday and has made arrangements to move back here In abont three weeks. He has bought Dr. Stiers' practice. Dr. Gaither drat came to Nemaha about eight years ago. lio remained nere auout two years and then moved to Bolcow, Mo., and then to Arlington, Nebr. After an absence of two years and nine months he returned to Nemaha, and remained hero two years and a half, moving to Tarkio, Mo., last Juno, and from there to Maitland, Mo. He saya he is coming back to Nemaha this tlmo to stay. The decter is a good physio cian and he and (lis family have many friends here whd are pleased to learn f their decision te return. The great beauty about Dr.Caldwoirs Syrup Pepsin a In Its certainty to cure Constipation, Indigestion, Sick Head ache and Stomach Troubles. Sold by Keeling the druggist. Old papo-B for sale at this office 3 tho Lowest Prices on goods ever ' see us.and if you-do not buy it Highest Prices for your Produce. M us whether you want to buy or J a , 4 3 X ! I i. .t.A. V lii