The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 04, 1902, Image 1

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ii'U vhl-aJC A&
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i Early Riser
$ Anchor
Have vou used those branasf
not, try one sack and youwillfind
thnf unit never had any better
bread on the table
Ask your merchant for this flour
and if he says "the other brands
are. hitter1 it is because lie manes
more money on the other brands.
On the Early Jtiser, Anchor or
Diadem he only makes a small
per cent
Jiuy a box "Best of the Wheat."
It is ahead of all oatmeal and
$ tcill lake the place of oatmeal
un,l many other foods. It is
cheap only 10c a box or 3 for
"tr nr . 1.1. ... nrnrrv fnr it. mill.
if he dont keep it send to the mitt.
miiiine Co
South Auburn. Nefc.
Looal News
See M T Hill for lire insurance.
See Lowman's ad on the Inst pngo.
See Heeling's new wnll paper for
prices and beauty.
The Advertiser and the Chicago In
ter Ocean for 81.40
Call and see us for reduced rates on
magazines aud newspapers.
Edwards & Bradford Lumbar Co.
are headquarters for palnta.
See W. V. Harris of South Auburn
for Clothing and Dry Goods.
'' J.W. Wolfe went to Hamburg, Iowa,
Tuesday, returning Thursday.
Not many Easter hats were displayed
by Nemaha ladles last Sunday.
L II. Merritt went to Crete Monday
to work at the carpenter trade.
We had a little rnln, a little sleet and
a little snow ThurBdny forenoon.
Jimmy Jones, of Bedford precinct,
was a Nemaha vlBltor last Friday.
It Mowed and snowed and was gen
erally disagreeable Eaater Sunday.
D. L. Delaney and A. M. Cross are
new subscribers to The Advertiser.
Try our paints.
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Just received a nice line of paints at
the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Dick Chambers Bhipped a car load of
stock to Kansas City Tuesday evening.
The Advertiser and the St. Louis
Globe Democrat both one year for
nly 81.15.
Shubert elected tbe license ticket.
In Stella the anti-license forces were
The Titus Nursery shipped some
nursery stock to Spokane, W ashlngton,
a few days age.
Call in and Bee us it you want to
subscribe for any paper published in
the United States.
J. W. Wolfe is having an addition
built to his house and having other
improvements made.
Mrs. E. A. Minick, Mrs. VT. W.
Keeling and Mrs. Geo. Yackley went
to Bracken Thursday.
II, M. Tollinger is having a cellar
dug and making preparations to have
an addition built to his house.
Dr. Stiors has his ofllces equipped
with Hot Air apnratuses for treating
rheumatism and nasal catarrh.
The school bus a vacation today to
give tho teachers an opportunity to at
tend the Southeastern Nebraska Teach
ers' association held at Auburn.
The hard wind Sunday blew down
Frank Wood ward's liny shed on the
bottom cast of town.
Mrs. Earle Gilbert has been very
nick for seyeral days but wo are glad
to loaru that she is better.
II. E. Williams of Shubrt drove to
Nemaha laat Saturday morning, taking
the train hero for Auburn.
Tom Cutting of Adams, Nebr., has
been in Nemaha several days In the
interest of the Champion binder.
P. L. McNown, principal of one of
the Auburn ward schools, visited a
few Nemaha friends Monday evening.
For bst assortment of Dry Goods
and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of
South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r.
Warren Stokes moved to Nemuha a
few days ago. Ho is carrying the star
route mail between Nemaha and St.
Clyde Roberts, who has been attend
ing the Western Normal college ut
Shenandoah, Iowa, returned home last
Marshall I'ryor has moved on the
farm he recently bought of George E
Dye. J. D. Drumm haa moved on Mr .
Pryor'a farm.
Boone Codington, who is holding
down u homestead in Oklahoma, was
shaking hands with Nemnhu friends
hut Friday uftornoon.
Auburn voted direct on the license
question Tuesday. License carried by
u considerable majority. W. P. Free
man was elected mayor.
Miss Eva Able is prepured to do all
kinds of dressmaking und sewing neat
ly, promply and in the latest style.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Mrs. Tarusey of Palmyra came to
Nemaha Monday to see her daughter,
Mrs. L. L. llobison, who is sick. She
returned home Thursday.
John I. DresHler is now a resident of
Nemaha, having moved here the first
of this week. We aro pleased to welt
come Mr. Dressier a one of our citi
zens: Mrs. Dan Fuuver aud children, of
Wymore, returned home Monday ufter
a few days' visit with Mrs. Fauver's
parents, Mr. aud Mrs. James M.
Ib Brownville there were two tickets
in the Held Tuesday, representing the
license and anti-license factions. The
license ticket was elected by u large
The Titus Nursery is buving a tele
phone line connectien made to tbe
depot, it will be a groat convenience
especially during the spring rush and
berry shipping season.
Albert II. Titus has bought four lots
south of the Christian church and will
move thereon the house he recently
bought of Ed Paris. It ia one of the
bust locations in Nemaha.
There are live in the graduating class
of the Nemaha high school this year
Misses Nerah Burson and Pearl Was
son and Messrs. William Smiley, Perry
Rewen and Robert Stephenson,
The officers of the cemetery assecias
tion request all parties owning lots in
the cemetery to have the same cleaned
'eff at once and te have all dirt and
trash collected carried outside the
Little Fay Chambers was four years
old Wednesday and invited a number
of her little friends to a party in honor
of that event. Ice cream and other re
freshments were served and all had a
nice time.
Having bought the harness stock of
John A. Hlatt, we will hereafter carry
a complete stock of harness and har
ness supplies, whips, halters, saddles,
robes, eto. Prices guaranteed right.
Call and see us.
Wall Paper
i ...
HilTs DrugStore
On account of the people being so
busy with spring work the attendance
at the meetings at the Methodist
church was not very large, and as Kev.
D. B. Lake was not feeling well the
meetings were closed Sunday night.
Very little interest was taken in the
village election in Nemaha Tuesday..
Ne tlckot had been placed in nominal
tion. Only 10 votes wero caat. El
iner E. Allen, 1. N. Cooper and Frank
Titus were elected trustees for throe
yearn. Allen received 18 votes, Cooper
15 and Titus 11. There were 12 scat
tering Yotes, no ether candidate receiv
ing over 2 votes.
About five weeks ago Information
was filed in' tbe county court by a
member of tbe state board of pharma
cy, charging Dr. W. V. Keeling with
violating tbe pharmacy law by selling
drugs. The case -was tried before
Judge Neal on Monday. The county
attorney examined three witnesses and
ilndiug no evidence against the doctor
the case was dismissed.
F. E. Hoover is having a ten acre
peach orchard set out this spring. He
is also having an acre of strawberries,
an acre of blackberries and 400 grape
vines planted. D. L. Delaney and A.
M. Cross set out the trees, eto , tend
thorn and have halt the fruit for the
next six years. These gentlemen are
also going to plant several acres in
onions, cabbage and other vegetables.
Seymour Howe was 01 years old last
Sunday &nd u number ef his friends
surprised him by going to his home
with well filled baskets and taking
possession. Although tbe day was
stormy and very disagreeable tbe house
was crowded and all enjoyed tbess
selves. Mr. Howe seemed to feel as
young as a man ef one-third bis age.
The dinner was one long to be remem
bered. Two weeks ago we advertised a
bunch of keys that had been found on
the street and left here. Thursday af
ternoon Lester Armstrong, who is
teaching the Hillsdale school, called in
the office, identified the keys, paid for
the notice and took them. His father,
J. W. Armstrong of Anburn, had. seen
the advertisement and thinking pers
haps they were Lester's keys sent word
to that effect! It pays to advertise.
All interested in good garden seeds
should buy from the old reliable seed
house, P. Kerker, who sells Mangels
dorf Bros.' seeds, tbe best seed bouse in
tho west. We notice these "tested
seeds" patrons have to fall back on tbe
Old Reliable House, who handles all
kinds of seeds, garden and field, cheaper
than any other house in this county,
Old papers for sale at this ofllce.
Can't Keep It Secret.
The splendid work of Dr. King's
New Life Pills is dally ceraing te light
No such grand remedy for Liver and
Bowel troubles was ever known before.
Thousands bless them for curing Con
stipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness,
Jaundice and Indigestion. Try thorn.
25c at Keeling's drug store,
Has Just received a large
and beautiful stock of '
Spring and Summer MilKnery
I F 0
r w j -
Large tock, of
to cnooae from.
Carrie NatiorwNemaha
Mrs. Carrie Nation Is in Nemaha,
coming on the 7:30 freight Thursday
evening without any notice. Arrange
ments were made for her to speak nt
tho Methodist church, and nt 8:15,
when tho services commenced, the
church was filled. Mrs. Nation took
her place on tho rostrum, rammed her
hands in her pockets, and mado one of
her characteristic speeches, scoring re
publicans, democrats, populists, nnd
everybody whe doesn't believe as she
does. At the close of her speech a
collection wrb taken, without solicita
tion on her pnrt, the services were
closed, and then Mrs. Nation was kept
busy for seme time selling hatchot pins
at ten cents each. The curiosity of
our people to see and hear the famous
Carrie Nation has been gratified.
Rev. Chas. II. Gilmore of Waehta,
Iowa, will address tho Modern Wood
men of America and their guests Fris
day night of next week, when a supper
will be given. Only Woodsaon and
their families and invited guests will
be present.
George McClure says he eaw Frank
Woodward draw three buckets of water
for the latter's three cows en Tuesday.
Those who know Frank can hardly
believe this statement but George says
he is willing to make affidavit to tbe
truth of it.
I have 12 Crulkshank topped bulla
for sale. Six of them average ago 22
months and average weight 1280 lbs.
Six head from 10 to 11 months old and
weigh from 700 to 800 lbs. . Tbe sire of
these bulls weighs over 2200 lbs. Their
dams are fine large cows sired by Mari
shall, Ben of Imported Scottish Lord.
Will be sold very reasonable if taken
soon. John Tioiib, Humboldt, Neb.
Old papers for sale ab this office.
. w
.. .. .it
Hat a
The Methodist Sunday school gave a
pleasing Easter entertainment Sunday
night, entitled "In Joseph's Garden."
With the exception of the prayer and
an address by Rev. D. B, Lake, tho
leading of the responslvo service by
Dr. Keeling, a recitation by Miss Cora
Haltb, and a solo by Miss Lillian Min
ick, who also presided at tho organ, tho
smaller children gave the entire pro
gram, and it was one of the best enters
talnments ever given in Nemaha. The
little folks all did exceedingly well.
Every word spoken could bo heard dis
tinctly in all parts of tho room and not
one required prompting. MIsi Lillian
Minick had charge of tbe entertainment
and is deserving of much credit for the
excellent manner in whloh she trained
the children. The church was hand
somely decorated with evergreens and
artificial flowers. A collection was
taken for missions and 811.72 wus
Would Smash the Club.
If members of the "Hay Fever Ast
soolatlon" would use Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, tho club
would go to places, for it always cures
this malady, and Asthma the kind
that bailies tho doctors, it wholly
drives from the system. Thousands
of once-hopeless sufferers from Con
sumptioB, Pneumonia, Bronchitis owe
their lives and health to it. It eoa
quors Grip, saves little ones from'Croiip
and Whooping Cough and is positively
guaranteed for all Throat and Lung
troubles. 60c, $1,00, Trial bottles freo
at Keeling's drug store.
Lookjaw From Coaweds.
Cobwebs put on a out lately gave a
woman lockjaw. Millions know that
the best thing to put on a cut is Buck
lin's Arnica Salve, the infallible healer
of Wounds, Ulcers, Seres, Skin Erup
tions, Burns, Scalds and Piles, It cures
or no pay. Only 25o at Keeling's.