h J& l2iWMlrtM&hi 4 UUKIS WHlHt ALL Uht LAILH. M IXMil roiiKll Bjrrup. r,1 In limn ' tt.itl 'J'wtc Uofxl. Umj IIMM r. (W. TT. Keeling, Nonmliu, Nobrtiakn. Of fico in Keeling drug utoro. PETER ICERKER, Dealer In ZMi:EATS IligliCHi market price paid for Hides, Laid, 'J'iillow. etc, Brimble & Coons l'roptlctorof the Livery& Feed Stable NEMAHA, NEBR. Good Dray in connection with Livery Satisfaction guaranteed. JOHN A. BIATT, Proprietor of The Nemaha Restaurant Fine line of Cigars, Confectionery, ,Fruit, etc. Lunches served, NEMAHA. NEBRASKA W. H. BARKER BLACKSMITH In nropurod to do nil kin da of Wood and Iron Work Repair Work, etc. All plow work warranted. Bbop north of Battles store, Nomitlia, No J. H. SEID, Drecdor of Thoroughbred Poland China ZHZOGhS. J. 0. CHATELAINE Watchmakerand Jeweler All work guaranteed, Lonvo orders at L. II. Battlea atoro, Nemaha, Nebraska WESLEY H. CLARK Doalor la Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipes, etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 'Phone calls answered promptly. NEMAHA, NEBK. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor Ann hiilnu mmmm li.l JK " -""'"? " uiiappcar wnen tne Kia neys are eut of order ' or diseased. Kidney trouble has . become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon for a child to be born 1 afflicted wllh weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, If the urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage, It Is yet afflicted wllh bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy, The mild and the Immediate effect oi Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It Is cold by druggists, In fifty cent and one dollar Glzes. You may have a tample bottle by mall :ree, also pamphlet tell- noio of Bwauip-noot. ing all about It, Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Dinghamton, N, Y bo sure and mention tills peper. IHHHHBHHi jc- i wTX . llfW'W'k .X 11 The Nebraska Advertiser Fill DAY, MARCH 28, 1002. Charley UuriiH came In from Beatrice Thursday, lie lias been sick mid cotncH hotn to n'Ht up a few days. Ilev. K. H. Chamberlain, pastor of llio Christian church, banded in bis resignation last Sunday, Mime to take effect after two weeks. Mr. Chamber- lain has proven u moat popular pastor and the boat wishes of n boat of Hrock frlenda will follow bltn to bis now botiio in Kimono where be has bought ft Rood farm. Hrock Hullotln. The Htrnnuoiia desire of our day for artistic window hanRingfl 1h abundantly mot in the (reat variety of beautiful goods now mnnufuctured in this country, "I3onne Ferame'' and point Arabe laces, ltcnulsaunco buhIi curtains, point Arabo and Mario Antoinette and other favored textiles are described in nn illustrated article in the April. Das lineator, which indicates various wuj'B in which thoroughly artistic results may be ncbloved in the home at a moderate expense, The Odd Fellows bad a bif time Thursday nltflit. They initiated eight candidates and gave them the degrees. A. L. Lawrence, .1. W. Wolfe, Alf Ji. Klnton, George Yackley, Clarence Pea body, Ambrose Howe, W. H. Dressier and Grat Keiater were initiated. The following Odd Fellows were down from Auburn: II M Gillan, J W Lash, John I Dressier, Sam Caldwell. Frank Gerlow, Dr W W Shook, Chas Ash. J V Hughes, Chas Anderson, Geo Fab linger, S P Glasgow, Harry Sellers and D 0 Miller. Ed Tucker and It J Marr were over from Howe. Swift McCand less f urnUhed supper at midnight for the outfit. WANTED Reliable man for manager of a branch office we wish to open In this vicinity. Here Is a good opening far the right man. Kindly give good ref erence when wriiiag. The A.T.Mohuis Wholesale House Cincinnati, Ohio. Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. stamps. SHORTHORN BULLS TOR BALE I have 12 Crulkehank tepped bulls for sat. Six of them average nge 22 months and average weight 1280 lbs. Six head from 10 to 11 months old and weigh from 700 to 800 lbs. The sire of these bulls weighs over 2200 lbs. Their dams are lino large cows sired by Map shall, eon of Imported Scottish Lord. Will be sold very reasonable if taken soon. John Tiohe, Humboldt, Neb $45 TO CALIFORNIA AND RETURN Tiokets on sale: April 21 to 27 May 27 to June 8 August 2 to 8 Liberal Btnpover arrangements and return limits, For additional information ask the nearest agent, Burlington Route, or write for a California folder to J. Francis, General Passenger agent, Hur llngton Routt. Omaha, Nebr. Low Rates to the Northwest via Burlington Route Te Billings, Montana 815 00 To Cody, Wyoming 10 75 To Helena aid Butie 20 00 To Spokane, Washington 22 50 To Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and Roasland, B. 0 25 00 Above rates will be In effect every day in March aa4 April frem Missouri river terminuls and from neatly all stations on Ii. &A1. It. 11. A wenderful opportunity to visit the northwest. Tho Big Horn bnsin of Wyoming Ib a country of great resources and now undeveloped. It has just bean made accessible by a new Hue of the Bur linfiton Houto, und preseuta many at tractions to the bomeseeker. Folder on Big Horn basin free on re quest. For tickets, rates or additional in formation apply to nearest agent Bur lington Route or write to J. Francis, General Passenger agent, Omaha, Nebr. My llttlo mm had an attack of whoop Ing cough und was threatened with pneumonia; but for Chumberhin'a Cough Bemedy wo would have had a serious time of it; II also saved him from several severa attacks of oroup U J Stickfnden, editor World-IIeand Fair Haven, Wash. For sale by W W I Keeling. Brownville Locals Judge Stnll was In town Saturday. Editor Stowoll of tho Auburn Post was In town Monday. Tom OullctiB of Missouri was doing business In town Saturday, George Kennedy snipped cattle and bogs from this tnarkot Monday. Mrs. Sliurtz, who has been sponding the winter in St. Joe, returned homo Monday. Chct Sedorrts Art Ncal, who morning. sold Ills dray lino to took charge Monday Bob Biggs came in Friday night and has been renewing old acquaintances tills week. Sheriff Lnwrtnce wns' lu town Mon day Hhaking bunds with somo of his many frlendB. ,Thn Fee, who has boon helping get Mr. and Mrs, Mills Bottled in their novr homes, returned to Beatrice Menday. A. Vandeventor was thrown from a load of Btraw Friday and quite badly hurt for u time but 1b able to be out again. Joseph Brazeeand family sold their possessions and started for Nashville, Term., Monday, where they will make their future bomo, The Lndi.-V Bazar and Old Maids' (milk maids) convention Thursday and Friday. Walt for it. No medicine show that ever visited Brownville could present the attractions that these 24 milk maida will. The remains of Mrs. O. H.Fry of Mebiaska City, formerly Mrs. Baeer of this place, arrived on the morning trulu Saturday and were laid at rest in . . , . , . ,, . Walnut Hill cemetery. The remains enetery were accompanied by a son and daugh ter, a Mr. D. E. Allen, and Rev. A B Whitmer, the Methodist minister of Tociimseh. Tom McKlnney and family started for the state of Washington Monday morning to make their future home. We respectfully recommend that Mr. Lewis sell parties going to the coast round trip tickets, hm the most of them get back in such a short time they nad jtiRt us well get the benefit of the cut (ate. To Cur a Cold In One Day Take Laxative HromoQuln ineTablots All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E W Grove's signature on each box. Price 25 cents 0 22 Road It In His Newspaper. George Schaub, a well known Ger man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, Is a constant reader of the Dayton Volks zeltung He knows that this paper aims to advertise only the best in its columns, and when he saw Chamber lain's Pain Balm advertised therein for lame back, he did not hesitate in buying a bottle of it' for bis wife, who for eight wepks hud suffered with the most terrible pains in her back and could get no relief. He says: "After using the Pain Balm for a few days my wife said to me, 'I feel as though born anew,' and before using the entire con tents of the bottle the unbearable pains had entirely vanished and she could again take up her household duties." He is very thankful und hopes that all suffering likewise will bear of her wonderful recovery. This valuable liniment Is.for sale by W W Keeling. The Vloeof Nagging Clouds tho happiness of the home, but a nagging woman often needs help, She may be bo nervous and run-down In health that trifles annoy her. If she is melancholy, excitable, troubled with loss of uppetlte, headache, sleeplessness, constipation or fainting and dizzy spells she needs Electric Bitters, the moat wonderful lemedy foi ailing women. Thouiands of BUiTtrers from femule troublos, nervous troubloB, backache and weak klilucyB have used It, and be come healthy and happy. Try It Only 50o Keeling guarantees satisfaction. Tested Seeds If you want Rood fresh seeds of the very hest Borts, tested and euro to grow, send your order to Henry Field, Seedsman Shoxiandocvh, Iowa, nr hand It to one of his ucentb. Whole- tale tlctH on Rune, tieed Corn and! Scud Potatoes. TJ&i&frmmwiumTmtoik idTi ,..riu.il t&jm wajr "- a JLVJLJOa.. HAS nr JtwJ $b IT CM Finest diaplay in three counties. Come and Ve them . MMMjgi1(r.Ki'M It-- JuotSnvod His Life It was a thrilling escape thatCharlcs irn ) tf ivtniM, o , utely had from a frightful death. For two years a sovcrc lung trouble constantly grow worse nntil it Hccmed ho must dio of Consumption. Then bo began touBe Dr King'i Now Discovery and latoly wrote: "It gavo instant roliof and efa fected a pormunont euro." Such won derful cttreB have for 26 jeara proven its power to euro all Tliront, Chest and Lung troubles. Price 50o and $1 Every bottlo guaranteed. Trial bot tles froo at Keoling's drug store. How's This? WoolTorOne Hundred Dollars Reward for any cane of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, P. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned, have known P. J, Cheney for tho Inst 15 years, and bellovo hlrn perfectly lionornblo In all; business transac tions and financially ablo to carry out any obligations made by tholr llrm. West A lruax, wholesale druggists, Toledo.O. Waldiug, Klnnan A Marvin, wholesale drug gists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Intornally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price 76o per bottlo. Bold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills aie tho best. ftir1nt r? TTnniiii. nvr4 V4-.nA v. -oti v,- ai,wL a x i Potition for Sottlomont of Account In tho County Court or Nemaha county, Neb. rhe Blale of NebrnslCH, County of Nemaha, is. ToDuvld J. Thompson, Elvira Cuillo, Mry I HeW, Alice Hold, Mollle Baker, Ituth Baker, James Bailor, Lewis Johnson, EllteJohuHou Churles E. Johnson, Mary Wiill.tce, Leo Johnson, Claronco Johnson, William John sou, and to i II persons interested lu tho es tate of Jane Thompson, deceased. Notlco Is hereby given that J. M. Wright has tiled a petition praying lor Unul (settle ment and allowance of his ndmlulslialloii account filed In this court, on the lUUi du of Murcli. A. D. UU2, und lor his dlsoburge, and theuamo has been bet for hearing on tin. 26th day of April, IDOL', alio o'clock a. m.. at the county court room of said county, lu Au burn, when and where all persons lnterefied In said matter may appear and show causo, If there bo any, why the priver of Nald petition should not bo granted, and If sufllcleut cause Is not shown Iho court may grant tho prayei thereof, aud make such luriuer and otliui or ders as may be proper. Dated this 21th day of March, 1902. ItlOHAUD F. NBAL, County Judgo. O. A.. Chambers DEALER IN LJL. EvIIVI HIGHEST MARKET TRICE PAID FOU HIDES, LARD, TALLOW. ETC. NEMAHA, WM. CAMPBELL, Pres. ELMEU E. BANK OF Nemaha, Capital Stock, $5,000 New Rlge MM. Livery and Nemaha, RIDER one in onch 1802 WF VAUra. rollaMo'noi'son M4MWIII B8M h m 3E av 'i vi i Xvl WLW cxohanffO for a hlerclr.. At rlto today for Xreo ataloffun ana our Bpwsiai oiiexv J. L. GSE&D 6Yli S9, GSiseago, 531. iBfeeaeiJi,i' ,.,4. t'bxit tst JLXXJLjJI..-. V- A Jto E. A.'HELMER, . Watchmaker and Jeweler. All work gunrantecil to glvo satisfaction West of Oourt Houso Square,Sb-Auburn,Nob Notice for Hoaring Claims In tho County CouitofNornnhn county, Nob. In the mat tor of tho ostato of John Ebbs, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the Court nns miule an order limiting the tlmo lorcredllorK to Hie olulms nunlriHt snld docoased to hlx ironthB from tho 7Hi dliy of Apill, 1D2, and that Juno 7th, August 7th. and October 7Ui, ilKiu at IS o'cloolc a. m. of rach day, at tho ofllco of tho County Judgo of Neniaba County, Nebraska, In Auburn. Nebraska, lias ben fixed by I ho Court intho tlines and placo when and where all persons who lavo claims and dfiriiuidH alns' ald dcpei..'fd ran havotlio samo exuinliit" . adjusted and allowed, ami all claims uotpicsented bv tho Inst mentioned dato will bo forever barred, by an order of tho Court. Dated MarolMth. 1!Xi2. UlCHAIlD F. NEAL, Count7 .ludgo. pass without planting VICK'S SEEDS. The highest quality seeds at the most reason able prices. Vick's Seeds arc the most profitable because the most productive. VicK'a Farmer's HandbooK A book ercry progressive farmer ihoald have. The best work of lte kind ever published on Grata, Grass, Clorcr, Forage and Soil iteaorntlnff Flanta, and Hoot Crops. It tells all about tho culture and care of crops, preparation of the soil, fertilizers, spraying for fungus dlseaars, insects, etc Tti farmer's reliable reference book. Frlce 33 eta,, but we will send It for 10 eta. If you mention this paper, and wo will also end with ,lt a copy of Vick's Garden and Floral Guide Full of information and adrlce on planting, and descriptions of the boat Vcgetnblo and Flower Seeds, Rules, Hunts, Roses and Shrubs, and Small Fruits. 132 pages. Whether you grow for profit or pleasure It will help you. Free send for it. JAMBS VICK'S SONS 46 Stone Street Rochester, N. Y. OF MISAJT NEBRASKA ALLEN, Cashier. F. E. ALLEN. Vlco Prev i NEMAHA ' Nebraska 1 W Wrm AHesim Don't let another season Prompt Service S. CHAMBERS 4 Proprietor Feed Stable Nebraska AGENTS WANTED town to rido and exhibit a samplo 1002 modol bloyclo or our manufacture rau CAM MAKE $10 TO $BOA WTlf besides having a wheel to rldoforyourBolf. mm sa 9 so & 1900 and 1901 Models S $7 fo (If 500 Second Hand Whsels $3o$8 taken In tradohy our Chicago retail stores), all ( makes and models. cochI as new Wo ship any blcyolo Oil APPROVAL to nny ono without a cent deposit in advance and allow m MY3 FEE mm, You tak a absolutely no risk In ordering from ub, a3 jou do not nocu to pay a cent If tho bicyclo docs not Biilt you. ? Binv nut a wheel until X'ou lmvo written for oup. SO ml BUY FACT0UY 1'RlcES & FREE TRIAL 0FFEK.. G$2 Tlm3, cnHlnmnnt.Banilrlosnnilrnortlnffiroodsoi all kinds, a fa half rcffulor prices. In our llr froo Butiilry cutnlognc. Con- Vt tina i vrni-li nf ncnfu InfnrninHnn. WrttO for lu la each town to distribute catalogues for ii;lu -i. K -4 A- A. V ) f ... "1s.-aJL ifaec .wut , AiwJKSntdiQP' lum" fc.m jmft ' ..4t Wll v-Htf