The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 28, 1902, Image 7

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Throughout tho session of the Benato on
tho 20th tho bill providing for tho pro
tection of tho presidents of the United
States was under discussion. Tho speak
ers wore Senators Pettus (Ala.), Haw
ley (Conn.) and Nelson (Minn.) In sup
port of tho bill and Senators Rawlins
(Utah), McCumber (N. D.), Mallory
(Fla.), Carmnck (Tenn.), Money (Miss.)
and McLaurln (Miss.) In opposition to It.
Tho principal point made by tho oppo
nents of tho measure was that federal
ofllclnls ought to bo treated In tho courts
precisely as rro other citizens. Senatgr
Aldrlch (R. I.), chairman of tho com
mltteo on -finance, reported tho bill to re
peal war revenuo taxes. ...The house
mado very slow progress on the river and
harbor bill, disposing of only SO pages
and leaving CO pages still to bo consid
ered. Tho river and harbor commit tco
again . succeeded In defeating every
amendment offered. Mr. Bellamy (N.
C.) during the day took occasion to de
nounce tho Crumpackcr proposition Uo
Investigate southern election laws as de
signed to stir up sectional Btrlfc. Mr.
Burleson (Tex.) Introduced a resolution
requesting the president to transmit to
tho houso copies of all correspondence
bearing upon tho recent request of den.
Miles to bo assigned to duty in tho Phil
ippines and to bo allowed to put Into
effect thcro a plan outlined by him cal
culated to bring about an lmmcdlato ces
sation of hostilities In tho islands without
further losn of Hfo on cither side.
Tho senate on tho 21st passed tho bill
for tho repeal of tho war revenue taxes
without division and after only ono Bhort
speech. Senator Tillman (S. C.) em
braced tho opportunity afforded by tho
bill's consideration to protest against the
repeal of tho duty of ten cents a pound
tipon tea. Tho bill for tho protection
of tho president was under discussion
during tho greater part of the session.
Senator'Patterson (Col.) made an extend
ed speech In opposition to It and Senator
Fairbanks (Ind.) supported It. All
amendments to tho measure were re
jected and It was passed by a vote of 52
to 15. A bill appropriating $125,000 for a
marino hospital at Buffalo, N. Y., was
also passed. Tho senate adjourned un
til tho 24th...Trho houso passed Uio river
and harbor bill. Althouwh several
amendments were ndopted, not a single
dollar was added to tho measure and, as
passed, it carried exactly wliat It did
when it amo from tho committee, $C0,
CS8.2C7, Including authorizations. Mr.
Glnes (Tex.) Introduced a resolution di
recting tho secretary of war to trans
mit to tho congress the minutes of tho
several conferences In tho Philippines
between representatives of Gen. E. S.
Otis and commissioners representing tho
people of the Islands relative to tho set
tlement of tho pending dllllcultles.
Tho senate was not In session on tho
22d....'Tho houso entered upon tho con
sideration of tho contested election case
of Moss vs. Rhea, from tho Third Ken
tucky district. Beforo taking up this
caso the unanimous report of tho com
mittee on tho of Speers vs. Bur
nett, from tho Seventh Alabama district,
confirming tho Utlo of tho sitting mem
ber to his seat was adopted. Severalt
bills of minor linpoctanco were passed at
the oponlng of the session. ,
Consideration "was begun by tho sen
ate on the 21th of what Is popularly
known ns tho oleomargarine bill. Tho
measure plaocs a tax of ten cents a
pound on oleomargarine colored In Imi
tation of butter and reduces tho present
tax of two cents oer pound on oleomar
garlno to ono-quarter of ono cent a pound
In !lts uncoloreti form. A few bills of mi
nor Importance passed before tho oleo
margarine bill was taken up. Senator
Fairbanks (In'd.) Introduced a bill au
thorlzlng tho construction of an agricul
tural department building on the site of
tho present biilldlng at a cost of $2,500,000.
....Tho Moss-iRhca contested election
caso from thu Third Kentucky district
occupied most of the attention of tho
houue. Mr. Irwin (Ky.) Introduced a bill
creating a frerdmen's Inquiry commis
sion to Investigate the condition of tho
negro race, tho race question, etc. Mr.
Randell (Tex,) Introduced resolutions
relative to tho war In South Africa, ex
pressing sympathy with (ho two repub
lics, appealing to tho Brtlsh government
to make peace, and declaring that the
United States nhould maintain an atti
tude of strict neutrality. Mr. Cochran
(Mo.) also Introduced resolutions re
questing tho secretary of state to ascer
tain of tho British government whether
asoctatlons of charitable persons In tho
United States could secure facilities for
aiding Boer non-combatants.
ThronRh Illlr.znrtt, KpMomlo nod Fiimln
tho Fronoli Explorer In TryliiR to
Carry (lot a Grout 1'rojeot.
London, Marc3rJ25. Letters received
here from Hurry De Windt, leader of
the expedition w'hich is attempting
to make its woy -overland from Paris
to New York and (which left tho for
mer city December 19, 1001, dated
Yakutsk, Siberia,. February 10, an
nounced his intention to depart on tho
following1 day for Srcdne-Kolymsk,
in enst Bideria. i)e Windt hod then
already covered 2,000 aniles of his land
journey ince lie left the railroad
through blinding' blizzards and with
Hie thermometer at from 25 to f0 de
grees below zero. The officials at
Yaktsuk strongly urged Mr. De Windt
not to continue his journey. They
said the conditions were worse this
year than ever, Hint the cold was
more intense and that epidemics and
famino were rnging. Tho traveler,
however, determined to proceed.
A Momorlnl Hubinlttod to tho President.
Washington, March 25. J. C. Han
ley, of St. Paul, president of tho
Allied Agricultural Societies of Amer
ica, called on the president yester
day and submitted a memorial cov
ering three propositions in which the
society is interested, namely the ex
pansion of export markets, the build
ing of American ships and opposi
tion to the Nicaragua canal. Tho
president pledged his hearty co-oper-ntion
as to the first two proposi
tions, but. did not commit himself on
the subject of the canal.
liar Rlake Vne of TTieilr Former Ha-
batuliV Xttntei UhIh Objection
la Itaiacd.
In Germany it has until recently
been tho custom of divorced women
to wear or discard their former hus
bands' nnmes, ns Buitcd them best.
A new law on tho BUbjcct hus, how
ever, just gone into effect, says a
report. Under its provisions n di
vorced wife mny uso Jicr lato hus
band's name unlesB and until ho
makes u declaration, which costs
nothing to the effect that ho with
draws from her tho right to bear
it. Of course, this declaration can
bo mode only by ono whose own be
havior was irreprbachable. If thcro
were faults on both sides tho lady
can call herself by tho surrlamo sho
L possessed ever sinco her marriage.
A curious case has recently uccn
decided. A pretty young spouso wan
divorced from her husband becnuso
she had allowed herself to bo hyp
notized and while in that Btato mado
diverse grievous mistakes as to tho
identity pf certain people. Her for
mer lord when divorced forbade her
to sign or otherwise uso his namo
any longer, whereupon she reos
Bumcd her maiden namo and in
formed the registrar of her decision.
This official entered her as "Divorced
Lately she was about to lead' a
second husband to the altar, when
tho word "divorced" brolto tho spell
of love. Tho lady took an action
against the registrar, on tho ground
that in her maiden namo bIio had not
been divorced and that her profes
sion was not that of a divorced lady.
Tho supremo court has upheld tho
objection and the registrar has been
compelled to make a new entry.
"Will not that "be very mislead
ing?" it was asked. "It may be,"
was the reply, "if tho would-be hus
band fancies that we guarantee anything-
but the fact that her maiden
name is or was X. lie. must find
out tho other facts for himself. A
Prussian registrar is not a matri
monial ngent."
Clone Unnrtcrw at the Coronation.
Sixteen inches of room would strike
most of us ns inadequate accommoda
tion for our person in an omnibus. Yet
this, I am credibly informed, is the
space to he- allotted in Westminster ab
bey to those 'fortunate 8,000 'who will
bo bidden to attend the coronation of
Edward VII. If my information bo
correct, it will be a case of the sur
vival, not -of the fittest, but of the fat
test, ns Hie stout arc certain to take
an unfair advantage of the lean. Think
of Lord Salisbury, of Sir William Ver
non Ilarcourt, and even of Lord Bal
four, of Burleigh; think of certain
portly dames, ornaments of the peer
age, forthe women are to fare no bet
ter thnu the men, and then reflect on
the irony o? 'those 10 inches. Candid
'Grandmotherly Guile.
SFor.a'f ew minutes Donald, the bright
North side ilve-ycar-old, meditated in
silence, and "there was a presentiment
of coming trouble.
At last he spoke.
'Mother," 'he sriid -Donald had quit
saying "mamma" long ago "I have
found out that grandmother is
"What doyou'menn, child?"
"That's wliat sho is. She's cheaty.
When she wants to tdll mo how bad I
am she waits till I'm getting into bod,
and then I've got my trousers offnud
can't 'defend 'myself." Chicago Trib
une. iziii uiiWERAL MARKETS".
Kansas City, March 23.
CATTLE-Beef steers $125 G 23
NaUvo Btockers 3 00 tf 4 DO
Western steers 0 05
SHEEP. 400 000'
WHEAT No. 2 hard C3 Q 70
No. 2 red 78
CORN No. 2 mixed 03 & KVi
OATS No. 2 mixed 43V&
RYE No. 2 00 GO
FLOUR Hard wh't patents. 3 43 3 C5
Soft wheat patents 3 75 4 00
HAY Timothy 10 00 13 00
Prairie GOO 12 00
BRAN-Sackcd 81 85
BUTTER-Cholco to fancy.. 18 20
CHEESE Full cream 10V4
1 10
CATTLE Beef steers 3 CO G 75
Toxns steers 3 45 GOO
HOGS Butchers C SO 6 CO
SHEEP-Natlves 4 00 5 00
PLOUR-Red winter patents 3 CO 0 3 80
WHEAT No. 2 red Wffl 77
CORN No. 2 08 CO
OATS No. 2 43 4GV
RYE 08
BUTTER-Creamery 21 28
BACON 0 75 9 8714
CATTLTJ-Steers 4 25 7 20
HOGS-Mlxed and butchers. C 20 0 03
SHEEP Western 5 25 g 25
PLOUR-SprliiB patents 3 20 3 70
wheat-no. 2 77 79
CORN-No. 2 05 53 I
OATS-No. 2 41 42 ,
RYE March 55
LARD-Marcll 9 02
PORK March 15 85
CATTLE Steers 4 SO G 90
HOaS G Co G 75
SHEEP 4 00 5 75
WHEAT-No. 2 81 SGJ
CORN-No. 2 C5 CG
OAST No. 2 4T
Got Illn DlipraitDR Mixed,
The police justice had formerly been a
bartender. He had gone into politics and
had been elected by a bit majority. This
was his first case. Mary McMunnis was up
beforo him for drunkenness. The justice
looked at her for a minute, and then paid,
"Well, what are you here for?"
"If yer please, yer honor," said Mary,
"tho copper beyant pulled me in, sayin' I
was drunk. An I don't drink, your honor;
I don't drink."
"All right," said the justice his former
bartender habit getting the best of him
"all right; have a cigar." Beverages.
Acquired Skill.
Methodically the angry wife hurled the
cup and saucer at her husband. Seizing tho
meat platter, she batted the salt cellar and
pepper holder at him, and followed with a
volley of sugar bowl, butter dishes, cream
mug, and knives and forks.
Seeking safety in the hall, the bruised
husband mused to himself:
"I knew that woman harbored ulterior
motives when she devoted so much time
to tho study of ping-pong." Ikdtimoro
Tho nifle Supplant the Svord.
A half century ago the sword was consid
ered the best known weapon in warfare, but
it is now being discarded by the British sol
diers and the modern rifle is substituted.
Many people throughout tho country are
also discarding old methods of trying to cure
headache, nervousness, insomnia, indiges
tion and dyspepsia, and arc using Ilostet
ter'a Stomach Bitters, the old reliable rem
edy for these ailments. It is also recom
mended by physicians, and a trial will con
vince you oi us vaiuc.
Lecturer "Boys, never leave the farm."
Uncle Si (sarcastically) "Well, well, that's
good advice, ain't it? My bov's got all the
bosses and a mortgage on the farm, and now
you want him to take that." Indianapolis
The 'Wheel oi n Railroad.
On tho Burlington Railroad bystcm .of
8,000 miles, over 385,000 wheels are in service
under th various passenger, freight and
way cars, locomotives and other rolling
stock. An average of 40,000 wheels are pur
chased each year and they are very care
fully inspected, as they are bought with
a guarantee. According to the stipulation,
each is warranted to lust six years or cover
seventy-five thousand miles. All the wheels
are numbered and a careful record kept.
When they fail to do the1 work they are
returned to the manufacturer, who is com
piled to make the loss good.
"Is your husband a good provider?" asked
the sympathetic visitor. "Indeed he is,
mum. lie got me three new places to wash
last week." N. Y. Sun.
Earliest Iltmslnn Millet.
Will you bo short of buy? If so plant a
plenty of this prodigally prolific millet
S to 8 tons op wen hat rcu achh.
Prico 00 lbs. 9 1.90; 100 lbs. s H.00, low freights
John A. Baker Seed Co.. La Crosso, Wis.
The sooner a man shuffles off this mortal
coil the 6ooner his good qualitiesswill be
recognized. Chicago Daily News.
Aak To-Day for Allen' Foot-Kane.
It cures swollen, aching, tired feet. At all
Druggists and Shoe stores, 25c. Sample sent
Fkek. Ad'a Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y.
Some men get up with the lark, while
others want a swallow the first thing in
the morning. Philadelphia Record.
.I m -
Fits Permanently Cured. No fits after
first day's uso of Dr. Kline's Great Nervo
Restorer. Free $3.00 trial bottle. Dr. II. H.
Kline, Ltd., 831 Arch St, Philadelphia, Pa
- i ... i ..I
When you find yourself hating a man as
much after a meal as you did before, it is
time to call a halt. Atchison Globe.
What is the use In employing some one
to do your dyeing for you. If you use
it just as well as a professional.
We are all such excellent managers
other folks' business. Atchison Clone.
PWo's Cure for Consumption is an infalli
ble medicine for coughs and colds. N. W.
Samuel, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900.
Tinium is the hardest metal. It looks
like copper, but will scratch rock crys
tal. The shortest book in the Old Testa
ment is that of Obadinh, being only one
chapter of 22
The best home-made fire-extinguisher
ia four ounces of pearl ash dissolved
in hot water, and added to a pail of
cold water.
The hardest wood in the world is not
ebony, but cocus, which is much used
for making flutes and other similar mu
sical instruments.
The cholera plague of 18G6 was most
fatal at Home and Madrid on Sundays,
at London and Uerlin on Wednesdays,
and at Paris on Saturdays.
La Fargc, Wis. Wm. T. Payne, of
thiB place, has written a rather start
ling letter to tho papers. Ho says;
"I was in great pain across my back
for four weeks, and was tuklng med
icine from a doctor all the time, but
it did not do me any good.
"I bought a box of Dodd's Kidney
Pills, and had not taken more than
four or five doses before I noticed
that they were doing me good.
"They helped me right along, and
I kept on using them till I had used
four boxes, when the pain left me al
together. One box of Dodd's Kidney
Pills has done me more good than
five dollars' worth of doctor's med
icine. "This remedy has certainly worked
wonders in my ease, and 1 feel it my
duty to give it tho credit due."
flDIBNftjg WHISKY and other drug
Ur ILDil habits cured. Wu mint tho
worm case, isoolc nud rofcroncea t'i!:::. Dr.
u. ac woaiii,i;v. itux . Atiuutu. ui,
fl If I II II fill A 500 HOMESTEAU
UALAnUmA claims for sale.
"Pe-ru-na is an Excellent Spring Catarrh
Remedy I am as Well as Ever."
HPP--' . ' A
P?'.'.. ..-
BZcsX'''.'-.:- .v.v.A
jv-v. . v. 1
Kiyysss'ZC-'''!!. ."1
Hon. Dan. A. Qrosvenor, Deputy Auditor for tho War Dopartmcnt, in a letter
written from Washington, D. C, Bays:
"Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived
from one bottle of Peruna. One week has brought wonderful changes
and I am now as well as ever. Besides being one of the very boat
spring tonics It Is an excellent catarrh remedy."
In a recent letter he says :
" consider Peruna realty more meritorious than I did when I
wrote you last. I receive numerous letters from acquaintances all
over the country asking me If my certificate Is genuine. I invari
ably answer, yes." Dan. A. Grosvenor.
A Congressman's Letter.
Hon. II. W. Ogden, Congressman from
Louisiana, in a letter written at Wash
ington, D. 0., says tho following of Pe
runa, tho national catarrh remedy :
" can conscientiously recommend
your Peruna as a fine tonic and all
around good medicine to those who
are in need of a catarrh remedy, it
has been commended to me by people
who have used It, as a remedy par
ticularly effective in the cure of ca
tarrh. For those who need a good
catarrh medicine I know of nothing
better." H. W. Ogden.
Trent Catarrh in Spring.
Thespring Is the time to treat catarrh.
Cold, wet winter weather often retards
a cure of catarrh. If a course of Peruna
Jama r a TiEir smaii. day
31jI31l9 1 1
The Only Durable Wall
Kalsotuincs are temporary, rot, rub
Write ui and sec how helpful we can be, at no cost to you,
in getting beautiful and healthful homes. Address
AiQUHOiiiiD way uaini iiuiii if ailiu IMpiUOy KIlUUl J,
44'4'l''!''l'4''i - 4' - t'fr'H - - l'l - -
Z&&XuftS Ask Your Dealers for These Brands.
This Is the cabbage in tho world
And a regular gold mine to the market gardener
and former,
iiy tno way, mere is lots oi
money to bo mado on ear
liest cabbage, bceti, peas,
rnd Ishes, ouou mbH and the
For lflo. nd thin Notice
the John A. Kalzer Seed Co.,
LaCrossc, Win., will Bend
tou their mammoth catalog
and 150 kinds ot flower and vegetable seeds.
Market gardeners' catalog, -o postage. k
Allnii'f UU'erluoKulTocuret Cbro.l. I'leen, !. 1,'letn.
ttrrefulou. firm, lirlcei. Ulcm. I.JoL.t llt.ri. Ifrrrarltl
I'lcrrt, IVklia brllli, 3 Ilk U, ttt.m., lull llkeim, f.iff
Karet. .11 old .rt. I'e.lllxll hilar., no ll.r bow lo.
itudl.f. Hatll, ttttiKliOc. J.r.ALLKN.tft.rnul.MUu.
V. aStSl'jfoli "One reason why boys X
"fc WffirfKJ bringhonioBolittleKame 1
i VjUj Is lecausc they use loose u
v3 tJ paper for waddine. Try 3
iCTSTOffrmaggsMJ hazard black or iiazarIi y
ii SMOKELESS, properly loaded, unci yon will J
n do better shooting than ever before." 3
I Ikfl'WBH U VD lc7LnSVk (!
is taken during tho early spring months
tho euro will bo prompt and permanent.
There can bo no failures u reruna is
taken intelligently during tho favor
able weather oi spring.
As d systemic catarrh rcinody Peruna
eradicates catarrh from tho system
whorover it may bo located. It cures
catarrh of tho stomach or bowels with
tho same certainty as catarrh of the .
If you do not derivo prompt and satis
factory results from tho une of PoruuB
write at onco to Dr. Hartman, giving a-,
full statement of your case and ho will
bo pleased to givo you hla valuable ad--vleo
Address Dr. nnrtmnn, President of
Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, .
JHI Ij and other disease
germs are nurtured
off and scale
and diseases dissem
inated by wall paper
l - - t - - i - - - ri'r - "H"H"l' -t"t"M"M"M"M"l'
in cold rnrn April
GIVEN AWAY in tC: 10,1902
Orderi executed on 1.000 Suiboli Drain, BO Barrels
Pork, 10 Bharei Stock, SS Bala Cotton. Write for oaf
Ooolc ot KtatLtlci and Dallr Oraln Utter, mulled FUEB.
3X7 Xio Street, HI. XiouU, Uo.
Krerr tnrmer his own
tuudlord, uo encum
rancei. hla bank account
IncromlNK year bjr year,
land value lucreatlnif,
stock Increasing, splen
did ollmuto, excellent
tctioolKuiidcnurc ties. low
taxation. IiIkIi prices lor
cattle ond uruln. loir rail
war ratua. and overv
possltilo comfort. This Is ttio condition of the
lannor In Wentorn Cunada 1'rovlncoof Manitoba
and districts of Alulbola, Huskatoliuwnn nnd
Alborlu. Tlioiunndsof Americans aro now settled
there. Heduceri rates on ull railways for tiorue
si'Qkurs and settlers. Niiwdlstrlctsnrebnlnuouiined
mi tlil Tinr. The nnw forty. pneo ATI.AH of
WEMTICKN CANADA and nil Other Informa
tion snt free to all nppllmiits K. I'KDIiKV,
Huperlnttindunt of limnlirruMoii. Ottawa, Onnada,
or to J.H.CHAWl'OIll). 214 W. Ninth Bt . Kansati
CUt. Mo.i V. V llKNNCTT. Wll Nuw York Life
111(1., Omah.i. Nob. i Canadian flovurnmoiit AkomU.
A. N. K.-D
talo tlmt you caw the Advertisement In thin
8a par
K vliV7f7r!L.v a JrTTYa?rir3HRK?
uen uoutfh Wjru
vuuhu njrup. -lostea uooa.
in time.
Hold by drugalsta.
fiUTPsifl I