The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 28, 1902, Image 8

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23 nnnTTTBraani
GUMS WHlHt AIL tlSt f AllS.
Boat Coutth Bjrup. TMtoa (lood.
In llmo. Hold dt drncRinu.
r. J0. W. Keeling,
Ncinahn, Nohrnskn.
Of fico in Keoling drug store.
Dealer In
Highoflt market prico paid for IlidcB,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
The Nebraska Advertiser
W, VV. Sas'dkiib, publHhor
FItlDAY, FHBKUAitY 28, 1002.
Isaac J. Jaivis was 80 yaata old on
Drs. MacVan & Graves, of Peru,
ma do Nemaha a professional visit
Brimble & Coons
Proprietor of the
Livery& Feed Stable
Gcod Dray in connection with Livery
Saticfaotion guaranteed.
Brownville Locals
Mrs. Mlnlck was a Nemaha visitor
Mrs. H.V.Mulr went out to Auburn
Tom I3ath shipped a car of fine young
hog!) Thursday.
Mrs. Christy returned Thursday from
her visit to Auburn.
0 V.Goodlow, of Phelps City, Mo.,
was in town Friday.
.If M.S Morrison, of College View.
Nebr., was a Iirownyllle visitor Thurs
day. 0. M. Lowolling was in attendance
at the farmers' institute at Auburn
Miss Pearl Mlnlck came down from
Peru Monday morning, returning in
the oveniug.
i r ntii M ro Trtfit Vfnrlnff tinva val
idnesdav """ """ vvgl' "" -
afternoon, February 20. 1002, by the wram w iwr sn wnwca oi gevcr
ai moniiH visiting menus.
I L D. Logera, of Aapinwall precinct.
returned last week from a month's
visit to Ids brother, W. E. Rogers, who
lives near Independence. Oklahoma,.
Mr. Rogers says the ground down
tliero was very dry and that the wheat
crop does not promlne the same large
yield this year that was obtained last
season. Auburn Herald.
Married At tho residence of O. O.
Pumel, Auburn, Nebr., on Wednesday
Nemaha, Nebr,
Salt liiilco City
Si mVimolnGO
Vnd till lJoint
Proprietor of I
The Nemaha Restaurant
Fine line of Cigar, Confectionery,
Fruit, etc, Lunelle served.
in propurod to do nil IcIikIb of
Wood and Iron Work
Repair Work. etc.
All plow work warranted
Shop north of Untiles' Htorc, Nwmuha, Nobr
Rev. W. Dieffenbach, Mr. George E
N, Sanders to Miss Louisa D, M.
RalnK, both of Rrownvlllo, Nebr. Tho
'groom is a brother of the editor of Tho
Advertiser. Wo exteud heartiest con
I giatulatlons and best wishes for a long
and happy married life.
Miss Dora Glnn. who for suveral
years has been a confirmed invalid, is
now able to walk about the house
without tho aid of crurchna. Her
health is gradually returning, she is
gaining in Btrength, and her famil)
and friends feel encouraged over hor
condition and think she will socn be
restored to her accustomed health
again. Auburn Herald
Saturday is the day when wo all
have to move or pay rent. It should
be made a national holiday.
Park Cook lias moved into Grandpa
LcHter'rt house on Main street and will
take care of the orchard this yaar.
Mrs. Schriner and daughter, of DenN
phan, KanBaa, were in attendance at
the funeral of Mrs. Katie Schriner.
St. JoHoph
ItnnHiiu Olty
St. XiouIh and all
Points IEubI nnd
No. 07 -PiiKSOiiRor, dully oxcoptHun
diiy, for Tccumfioli, Hentrlco,
Holdrego nnd nil points west 9:40 nm
No. 08 PtiHBonKor, dnlly except Hun
tiny, for Nebraska City, UJilcngo
nnd nil polnjH north nnd cost 4:38p m
No 113 Locnl frolht, TuesdnyB,
ThnrHdnvH nnd Hnturday, for llo
nttlco nnd lnterine(llntoHtatlonn..l:00 p m
No. 114 Locnl frnlcht, Montlnjn
WcdncadiiyN nnd Kridnyn.lor No.
br Bkn City nnd Intermediate
BtntlonH 11:30 p m
No, 110 Locnl freight, dnllv except
Sunday, (or AtchUon nnd Inter
medliito HtntlotiH 7:15 p m
No. 112 Local freight, dnlly excopt
Monday, for Nebraska City nnd
Intermediate stations 2:00 n m
Bleeping. dlnlug nnd reclining cliulr cars
seats freoj on through trains. Tickets sold
nnd tmguato checked to uuy point lu the
United HtatoH or Canndn.
For Information, tnnps, tlmo tables nnd
tlckotucnli on or write to Georges McCluro,
ngeut, or J. Francis, Uenurnl I'nssenger
Agent, uninlin, nod.
How's This?
Wo ofTer Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for
any cane of Catarrh that cannot oc cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure, ,
F.J. OH UN BY A. CO., Props., 1 oledo, O.
Wo, tho undersigned, havo known F. J.
Cheney for tho Inst 15 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable In nil business transac
tions nnd llnunclally nblo to carry out any
obligations mndo by their firm.
West A iruax, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O.
Wnhllng, Kinnnn & Marvin, wlnilenalodrug.
gluts, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tnkon lntornnlly.nct
lug directly upon tho blood nnd mucous sur
faces of tho systom. Price 76c por bottle, Sold
by nil druggists. Testimonials free
Hull's Family Pills mo tho best.
Ilroodor of
Thoroughbred Poland China
John I. Dressier has bought John
Watson'a property in Nemaha and ex
pects to take possession about the first
of April. Mr. Watson will move in
tho house on the farm recently pur-,
chased bvJames A. btephennon, juat
cant f where tho latter is living tho
farm formerly owned by Lew Morris
and later by John O, Stokes. Wo are
plflased to havo Mr Dressier move to
Nemaha but regret thai Mr and Mrs.
Watson are going to leave ub.
To Cur a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Uroino Quinine Tablets
All drngglstH refund tlte money if it
fails to euro. E W Grove's signature
on each box. Price 25 cents 0 2ls
and Insurance Agont.
Collections mado
Notary Public in offlc
Donlor In
Windmills and Pumps,
Tanks, Pipes, etc.
'Phono calls answered promptly.
Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
All the blood In yoiir body passes through
your kidneys once every three minutes.
1 ho kidneys are your
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out the waste or
Impurities In the blood.
If they are sick or out
of order, they fall to do
their work.
Pains, achesandrheu
matism come from ox
cess of uric acid In the
blood, due to nepleetrd
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart Is
over-working In pumping thick, kldney
polsoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning In kidney trouble.
Ilyou are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is
soon realized. It stands the highest for Us
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
and la sold on Its merits fCf A'tL-
bv all drueelsts In fiftv-
ccnt and one-dollar slr-ff5Hrafr!TW
es. You may have a'm
sample uottie oy man Homo of awmnp-iioot.
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Blnghamton, N. Y.
Laxative BromoQuinino Tablots euro a
cold in ono day. No Curu, no Pay. 25c
My little sou had an attack of whoop
Itifi cough and was threatened with
pneumonia; but for Chamberlitin's
Cough Hemedy wo would have had a
serioiiK time of It. It also saved him
from nevural severe attacks or croup
II J Sllckfaden, editor World-IIearld.
Fair Haven, Wash. For Brtlo by W W
JustSavod His Life
It was a thrilling eoctipo tbatCharlca
k l . ii ) , tttoly had
from a frightful death. For two years
a uovore lung troublo constantly grow
worso nntil it seemed he must dio of
Consumption. Then he began to use
Dr King's New Discovery and latoly
wrote: "It gavo instant roliof nnd ef
fected a pormanont euro." Bitch won
derful enros havo for 26 years provon
ita power to euro all Throat, Chest
nnd Lung troubles. Price COo and $1
Every bottlo guaranteed Trial bot
tles freo at Kocling's drug store
this atgnivturo ! on ivory bos of th gnntn
Laxative Bromo-QuiaJne Tu.t.
the remedy that enr n eold la tfajr
The great beauty about Dr.Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin is In its certainty to cure
CoHstlpatioti, Indigestion, Sick Ileadx
nclio and Stomach Troubles. Sold by
Keeling tho druggist.
Brave Men Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kid
ney troublfa as well as womon, and
all fool tho result in lods of appotite,
poisons in the blood, bnckache, ner
vouhiiohs, headuoho and tired, libtucss
rundown fettling. Hut there's oo
need to fool lileo that. S. W Gardt
nor. of Iduvillo, Itul., savs: "Electric
Bittms are just the thing for a man
wlion ho don't euro whether ho livtH
or dins. It gavo mo now strength
and appetito. I can now cat anything
and havo a now loahO on life." Only
50 contH at Ivnoling's drug storo.
Kvciy ttottle guaranteed.
Fnunio August has boon suffering
with a light form of fever for several
days and is little better at this writing.
Mrs. Martin, who has been visiting
for several weeks at Red Cloud and
otlmr points, returned borne Saturday.
Uncla Nato Vanleuvon was called
beforo the medical board of pension
examiners at Nebraska Uity Wednes
day. 'Svuire Clayton was down town
Tuesday for the first time since he was
quarantined for smallpox the week be
fore Christmas.
Grandpa Lowelllng was summoned
to Auburn Monday to sit as a juror,
and may make a trip to Western, Ne
braska, before he returns home.
Ex-Gov. Furnas returned Monday
from Lincoln, where he had been at
tending a aupper given by Gov Savage
to the ex-governqrs of Nebraska.
Tho Milwaukee brewers threaten to
raiBB the prlc of beer if the war reve
nue is not removed. ' Milk and water
will do for a substitute, so raise away.
Mr. and Mrs. lieveridge gave a song
atid tf-mpirnnce leoturo to a crowded
houBO Sundny night at the Christian
church and wo beljcve much good was
accomplished. At tho close of tho
meiiting a prohibition alliance was
organized with 83 mempers
Mm. Katie Schriner died Saturday
evening aftrr a lingering illness of six
months She leaves a husband, ore
son and four daughters to mourn her
Iosb. The funeral services were held
at the reshlonce by Rev. Lake and a
large company of sorrowing nnd synv
pathetic f nonds were present.
Coon McClary was awarded the con
tract for carrying the mail from Brown
ville to Phelps, Mo., and entered upon
hla work Monday. Brownville will
.lave a dally mail across the river which
will greatly benellt the merchants and
bring in the Sunday papers and all
dallies at 1 p. m.
Grandpa Lester rounded out hla 78th
year Thursday, Feb. liOth. He is still
iu robust health and gets about town
with as much easo as many men twen
ty years younger. Ho is the father of
eight children, tho oldest being 08 and
the; 40. Seven of these chiN
dren are living. May grandpa live to
seo many more btithdays is the wish of
his many friends.
While the larger part of the newspa
pers of tho cnntry will use of
their Hpace telling about Princo Henry's
vltdt to our country, where he dlnt'd
last, what the bill of fart consisted or,
and many other things of little interest
to a large majority of their readers, the
local correspondent to The Advertiser
will confine himseil to Urownvllla and
her people. Subscribe for The Adver
tiser and got tho news,
wyy? p ii i "" Jtiscaftmii
Notioo of Probato of Will.
In UioCountv Court of Nomnha county, Nob,
Tlio Htnto of Nclirnxlcu County of Nemuhii, tw.
TaKllziiA.Etibq, John D. Khuh nml Honrl
ottiiL.BtottH, nnd to all uewons In teres toU
In the estatoof John Kbbs, deceased.
You are lmreby notlllcd that John U. Stotts
Iijih tiled u notltum pmylnif that un iDHtru
uieutfllod In tills court, pur por lint; to bo tho
lnut will Htid tentnment of said decrnsed.inHy
be proved, allowed and recorded an the liiHt
will and teHtnment of John KbbH, decerned;
that uald Instrument niav be admitted to
probnte, and administration of ald cHtnte
U ran tod to John it, MlottM as executor, and
thatthn 3rd day of Match, A. 1. 19u2 nt 10
o'clock a. tn.. at county court room of nald
ceunty, in Auburn, bus been fixed un the
time and place or piovlng i-ald will, when
you and all Interested muv appiar and ahow
catiHe, if thero beany, why Ihn prayer of the
petl'lon Hhould not be giauted, ami
tho nrobato thereof.
Witness my hund and seal of said court
this 8th day of February, A. D.19U2.
KIC1IAKD K. NKAL, County Judt'o.
. and Jeweler.
All work guaranteed to kIvo MiUlHfactlon
West of Oourt Houfio Square,So-Auburn,Nob
Tested Seeds
If you want good freah seeds of thf
very best sorts, testod and sure to
grow, send your order to
Henry Field, Seedsman
Shenandoah, Iowa,
or hand it to one of his agents. Whole-
Bale prices on Rape, Seed Corn and
Seed Potatoes .
Road It In His Nownpapor.
George Schaub, a well known Ger
man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is
a constant reader of the Dayton Volks
zeituug. Ho knows that this paper
aims to advertiso only the best in its
columns, and when ho saw Chamber
lain's Pain Balm advertised therein
for lamo back, ho did not hesitate in
buying a bottle of it for his wife, who
for eight weeks had suffered with tho
most terrible pains in tier baca and
could get no relief. Ho says: "After
using thq Pain Balm for a few days my
wifosaid to me. 'I feel as though born
anew,' and before using tho entiro con
tents of the bottle thu unbearable pains
had entirely vanished and Bhe could
again take up hor household duties."
Ho is very thankful and hopes that all
Buffering likuwine will hear of her
wonderful recovery. This valuable
liniment is for sale by W W Keeling.
Trade Marks
Copyright Ac.
Anyon tending ikatob and dMcrlptlnn nay
ulcklr aaeatUIn oar opinion fre waothor as
HiTentlon Ii probably patantabla. Coramunlr.
Uoni itrtctlr oonOdentfal. Handbook on PatcnU
ant fro, tlldeit aaency far aurlnrpatenu.
I'atanta taken through Haan h Co. raealy
lftcuu now, witaoai aaarsa, in in
Scientific flmcrican.
ly tllnitratad weakly. T.arcMt eli
iny adentlla Journal. Tormi, )1
lentba. tl. Bold brail nawidealan
Co t"--y. New York
ee. W Y BC TfaihiDgtoa. D. C
Branab OSee,
fhe 5 Minute Breakfast Food
Purina Health Flour
Purina Mills. St. Louis, Mo,
All our farmer readers Hhould take
advantage of tho unprecedented club
bing offer we this year make, which
includes with this paper Tho Iowa
Homestead, its Special Farmers' Insti
tute editions, and The Poult i y Farm-
er. These three publications aro the
best of their class and should he in
every farm homo. To them wo add
for local, county and general news our
own paper and make the price tor tho
four for one yearl.35. Never beforo
was so much superior rending matter
offered for so B'nall an amount of
money Tho papers named which
we club with our own are well known
throughout the wost and commend
themselves to the leader's favoiablo
attention upon mere mention. Tho
Homestead is the great agricultural
and live stock paper of the west. Tho
Poultry Fnrtner is the most practical
poultry paper for the farmer published,
in tho country, and the Specia'jFarm
era' Institute editions are the most
practical publications for tho promo
tion of good farming ever published.
Take advantage of this great offer.
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
cures OTcry kind of couch, la grippe, bronchitis,
soro throat, croup, whooping cough, etc. Never
deranges tho Btomach. At Drug-Blots, 10 & 25c.
Wf '0AMPHKLL, Pros.' ELMER E. ALLEN, Oivstilor. P. E. A.LLK.V. VlaolVii
Ncxnalia, Nebraska
Capital Stock, $5,000
Watchmaker and Jeweler
All woik guaranteed Leave
outers at L. II. Unities' btore,
Nemaha, Nebraska
New RIgB
Frompt Service
Livery and Feed Stable
Nemaha, Nebraska
W. . Oliambcv
15a .y.
(L, Vr iH0fi AM WtJaWiU.g .. ..