The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 28, 1902, Image 2

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    '--' s,c-jucMfir '".
W. W. SANDI5UH, Ptil.lMior.
Mioulilii't (Jive It Awnr
Mrs. Alary Smith, of Philadelphia,
claims to be 100 yearn old. There ii
no rciiRon why she should give It
awny, unless she deslreH to show tlio
effect of renewing husbands. She hud
(our iu her day.
A ('oliielitcnco.
It was a mere coincidence Hint on
tlic day tlic steel trust announced Ita
profltB for nino montliH an $84,000,000
the census bureau announced tlio
'population of the United States and
their possessions us 81,000,000 hoiiIn.
The trust did not fix on a dollar a
beard nH its profits.
Aron of Korrnt IIi'hjttp.
According to the annual report of
the United Statea geological survey,
tho nrcan of all the forest reserves
ninount to 70,0 17 square miles. These,
87 in number, lie in Wnfdilngtoii, Ore
gon, California, Mont una, Wyoming,
Utah, Colorndo, New Mexico, Arizona,
Idaho and South Dukota.
Annoying Mtlurutlon IllorUoil.
After a Kentucky lynching lost
week the coronor'B jury was selected
by tho gentlemen who conducted the
affair, and a verdlot was promptly re
turned allowing that tho deceased had
been Btrangled by unknown persons.
IJy this process the Incident Is imme
diately closed and thoro in no annoy
ing litigation.
I'ower I)li-fllnu: the Muwcle.
American lnbor la driven and per
meated by intelligence, and that is tho
greot thing nfter all. It Is American
brain behind American muscle that
has wrought all thla wonder which
Is bringing 1m estimators from foreign
climes on every steamship, und which
Is Just beginning to make Its real
trcngth known.
Cniuniirntlvnly ftllalit.
StatlHtlcs of defalcation and ember.
rloment in the United States and Can
ada during 1001 hIiow that about $7,
800,000 went astray In this criminal
fashion. Considering tho temptutioiiH
that besot custodians of other peo
ple'a monoy tho wonder grows that
the percentage of loss should bo so
'alight as compared with tho ennrraotiH
aggregate of tho country's financial
Sniltlcst Dlrurc of tho Century.
Tho saddewt dirgo of tho now cen
tury la thut played over the remains
of the bicycle. Tho I.eage of Ameri
can Wheelmen has dwindled from 100,
000 In 1807 to a corporal's guard. A
Toledo bicyclo plant, employing 700
hands, has Just closed up shop. There
arc others lying unit and smokeless.
The Hcorcbor ban censed to bo. Truly
tho revolutions of yesterday aro to
day n memory.
T)rtniitN from the IMe licit.
Some woman has figured out that
80,000,000 mince plen placed on top of
ono another will make a monument
of indigestion 315 miles high. What
nn absurd thing to do with pie. If tho
monument were built it would not bo
three- minutes before tho base was
undermined by boys who would bring
tho fabric crashing to tho earth, tbiiB
distributing stomach oohos und plen
ty to 315 miles of tho plo belt. Glo
rious dreamt UselesB calculation!
Not Siifo Gulden.
After nil, habits nnd associations
aro not safe guides of men's trust
worthiness. Tho Detroit bank wrcck
r played every gamo that eamo his
way and acquired a reputation as a
rounder. Now the wiseacres say, "I
told you so." Down in Ohio a bank
olllcial who never touched tobacco,
couldn't shuffle a deck of cards and
neve played tho races Is short in his
accounts. These contradict Ioiih fur-
nlBli the- variety that spices life.
Hole tn Oimxiho IleiwIerHnu.
Uncle Horace Holes, who will bo re
called as Iowii'b solitary democratic:
governor since tho war, haa an
nounced hla intention to come for
ward as an opponent of Speaker
Ilenderson for congress. Henderson
wuh elected lost tlmo by n plurnllty of
11,325 votes, but Holes argues that tho
district whb democratic once, and may
bo so again. Holes Is rather a unique
figure in poltticB, and h.ia advent in
the field may add u spice of interest
to tho campaign.
A Job Thut I'tiyn.
As secretary of tho treasury, Mr.
Gogo received $8,000 a year,-but since
his retirement six o Iters of bank pres
idencies with salaries ranging up to
$100,000 n year have been 'offered to
him. Mr. Vanderllp, who was his first
assistant, Is nlready fixed in a highly
lucrative bank position. In view of
tho general talk in Washington about
the increase of salaries, It would seem
that tho treasury might safely be
left out of any of tho plans, It is a
aure ladder to affluence.
Prince Ilenry of Prussia Hero to
Attend a Christening.
The Ilovnt (Input Itonohail Now York Baa-
duy mikI Man Olven it Nolnjr Vlnlcjumo
from Hie On ii mi I.und
mill Wiitor.
New York, Feb. 21. Prince Henry
of Prussia reached Now York yester
day and was cordially welcomed as a
guest of the nation. The land bat
teries that guard tho outer harbor
sounded the first greeting In a pon
derous Balute of 21 guns, tlio rifles of
a special naval squadron assembled
In Ills honor re-echoed tlic senti
ment; there were verbal greetings
from the representatives of President
Uonscvclt, the army, tho navy and tho
city of New York, and a great crowd
lined the way into the city to see and
oheer the sailor prince of (icrmuny.
Hear Admirul Itobley I). Kvatis,
commander of the special squadron
and honorary aide to the prince, left
the flagship Illinois ut 0:40 o'clock in
tho naval tug Nina. The Nina met
the Kron I'rinz beyond Fort Wads
worth and, swinging around on tho
tnrboard side of tho liner, steamed
up the boy. Prince Ilenry, attired In
the uniform of an admiral of tho Ger
man navy and surrounded by his
naval and military staff In brilliant
uniform, stood, on the bridge of the
liner. As tho two vessels with a flo
tilla of tugs and olllcial craft moved
in past Fort Wudsworth the first of
tho salutes of 21 guns was fired. As
the first gun sounded tho princo ad
vanced to the end of the bridge of
the Kron I'rinz Wilhalm and stood at
attention. As he passed tho big
Amorlcan flag floating over the fortl
cntinn ho raised his cap in salute and
the member of his suite did likewise.
The flag at tho jackstalf of tho Kron
I'rinz was dipped and the Gorman
naval band accompanying the princo
ployed "Tho Star Spangled Hanner."
Tho guns of Fort Wndsworth wero
not silent boforo those ncross the nar
rows nt Fort Hamilton boomed out
their salute. When that ceremony
was over the Kron I'rinz was stopped
and tho Nina hauled around to her
port side nnd Admiral Kvnns and his
stniY boarded her. Admiral Hvans
was escorted forward at once and in
the quarters of Capt. A. Itleh tor, mas
ter of tho Kron I'rinz, ho and tho
prince met. The princo came forward
nnd, taking tho hand of tho naval offi
cer, shook It warmly.
l'rlnco Henry disembarked at 12:55
p. tn., at that moment walking down
the decorated gangway from the Kron
I'rinz Wllhelm Into tho elaborately
decorated pier. Ho then passed
through an ornamentnl gungwoy and
arch to tho gangplank of the Hohon
zollern, which had been decorated In
tho German colors and was covered
half its length. Tho princo was mot
at tho bottom of tho gangplank by
Admiral Von Haudissin, commander
of tho Hohcnzollcrn, nnd his officers.
About nn hour was spent by the
princo In receiving his callers and
then followed a lunch, after which
tho princo announced to his guests
that ho would repay at onco all his
official visits. Ho told Admiral Evans
ho would bo glad to see tho latest
built battleship of tho American navy.
Vint Stop Taken TmviirdH Clvillalntr and
Modernlzlui; Uj;uiiIh, it llrltUh Hunt
Afr. viin I'rotfotoriite.
London, Feb. 2t. Tho government
hoB decided to develop nnd civil
ize Uganda, the Hritish east Africa
protectorate, on a grand scale. Lieut.
Col Sadler has been commissioned in
the capacity of Hritish consul gener
al to proceed to Africa and take up
tho work in accordance with tho of
ficial programme. The programme
for the development of tho country
embraces tho abolition of tho rem
nants of tho slave trade, the training
of the natives, the cultivation of vege
tables, cereals, fruit and rubber, tho
protection of tlio forests, and domes
tication of useful animals, the search
for minerals by motion methods, and
tho development of n system of Irrigation.
niat iimtfimifr in wm ii mam n inlltr
I'rlnro Ilenry VUltiul tlix I'renlilitnt Monilii
Afternoon mid Wim Uncut Ht I) niivr
In the Hvim iter.
Washington, Feb. 25. Prince Henrj
nrrlved in Washington at 10:20 yes
terday morning. He was met by Sec
retaries Hay and Long, Count Quad
and two other attaches of the German
embassy. Ten minutes later ho left
for tho white house. Intermingled
with the crowd at the depot was o
small army of secret service men, de
tectives and policemen. Special pre
cautions hud been taken to insure
tho Bofcty of tho prince and his cor
tege and to keep the people from
pressing closely upon the party nt
any stage of its journey through the
public places in t lie city.
Arriving at the white house the
parly wan conducted through the
main lobby into the red parlor, thence
into the east room and from there
the princo was conducted through the
green room to the blue parlor, where
tho president was in waiting to re
ceive him. In conformity witli diplo
matic etiquette the president received
the royal visitor In private and with
out Introduction. Thla was made
necessary by the fact that there 1
now in the United States no re pre
scntativo of the German nation ol
sufficient high rank to present to the
president n prince of the royal blood,
a brother and pcrsonnl representative
of the German emperor.
Tho prince was warmly greeted
when he visited tho senate and house
or representatives in the afternoon.
Ho not only saw tho houses of the
American congress at work, but in
the senate be witnessed one of those
intensely dramatic moments which
occasionally conic in tlint body at the
conclusion of a great debate.
The dinner given to Prince Henry
by President I'oosevelt nt the white
house Inst night closed the honors
bestowed on the royal visitor by olll
cial Washington yesterday. The af
fair was on an elaborate scale and
brought together u most distin
guished company.
Hcimlo riiRc(l Mm I'lilllttpliio Tariff lll.l
Tllliimu und Mcl.nur u Not Allowed
to I'urtlo i.tto.
Washington, Feb. 25. After eight
, hours of tumultuous clebato yester
day the senate shortly before seven
o'clock In the evening passed the Phil
ippine tariff bill by u vote of 40 to 20,
a strictly party vote. Senator Till
man and Senator McLuurin, tlic two
senators from South Carolina, who
on Saturday last were declared by the
senate to be In contempt because of
thoir light In the chamber, were not
permitted by voice or by vote to par
ticipate in the proceedings. The
question as to their right to vote pre
cipitated a sharp debate, busting near
ly two hours. The president, pro tern.,
Senator Frye, held that the two sen
1 ators could not roto and he was sus
tained by n majority of the senate.
During tho debate on the Philippine
bill Senator MoComiis and Senator
Wellington, of Maryland, became In-
volvcd in a controversy, during tlio
' course of which the latter declared
that if Senator McComas should
make his statements outside of the
) senate chamber he would brand them
' as a malicious falsehood. He was
called to order promptly and resumed
his scat amid considerable excite
Inoendlitrlftw Ue brntniltii to net Itld of
Assuy OIUchk In the Cripple Creek
Mluliiu U iitriut.
Victor, Col., Feb. 25. Cripple Creek
is in a state of terror owing to a
preconcerted attack upon all the lead
ing assay offices doing business In
tho district. Heglnnlng ut thrco
o'clock Sunday morning nnd follow
ing in rapid succession six explosions
wrecked as many assay otllces iu tho
centers, ranging from Victor to Crip
ple Creek and up to Goldficld. In
every instnnco the object sought by
i tho inccudlurios was accomplished by
j the destruction of tho offices with
their line equipment ot delicate bal
ances. Tho raiders did not hesitate
to jeopardize life aa all but one of
tho buildings wero ulso occupied by
sleeping families. As it was, men,
women and children were hurled out
of their beds by the shocks and se
rious injuries inflicted. The full ex
tent of tho damage cannot now be
Don't Wiiut the lilni8u.
Manila, Feb. 25. Acting Civil Gov.
Wright, replying to a question ad
dressed him by the American chamber
of commerce, said that tho United
States Philippine commission unani
mously favored a modification of the
present order prohibiting Chinese
from entering the Philippines.
Ciihit Uiin 1'iiiir lloiuU,
Washington, Feb. 25. A "Gazetteer
of Cuba" will soon be issued by tho
United States geological Mirvey. Sugar
cano occupies 17 per cent, of the cul
tivated lands in the island. For trans
portation the island depends upon
very poor wagon roads and 1,100 miles
of railways.'
South Carolina Senator Not Permit
ted at Prince Henry Dinner. .
Hocntmo Tllltnnn ' In Contempt of the
Honitte the I'rcnldntit Withdrew Invita
tion to lllin himI tlio South Ciiro
llniiii I II tter About It.
"Washington. Feb. 25. The president
Monday withdrew his Invitation ex
tended to Senator Tillman, of South
Carolina, to attend the dinner given
Monday night in honor of Prince
Ilenry of Prussia at the white Iioubo.
This action on thr part, of the presi
dent was made neeesxnry from tho
fact that owing to occurrences on the
floor of the senate last Saturday the
senator from South Carolina was de
clared in contempt of the senate.
The invitation Was extended ori
ginally to Mr. Tilltmih owing to
tlio fact that he is the ranking minor
ity member of the naval affairs com
mittee. Commenting upon the letter Mr.
Tillman said: "The president, of
course, has the right to invite any
one he cIioobcs to dine with him offi
cially or otherwise and also has the
right to withdraw such invintion. A9
I am not conscious of having done
anything personal or official which
gives the president tho right to in
sult, I urn surprised nt his action.
Tho Invitation to the dinner came to
mo unsought and unexpectedly nnd
so far as the withdrawal is concerned
It Ib n matter of absolute indifference
to me. It is tlic motive behind It
which seeks to put me in the condi
tion of unworthlncss to meet the
president and his guests before final
action by tlic senate. Princo Hen
ry, the president's guest, comes from
a country where custom makes it
obligatory upon any man who regards
himself a gent Ionian to promptly re
sent nn insult and the method is
by challenge to a duel. That was
once the custom but now it is obso
lete In the United States and we have
been forced as a people here to cling
to the old Anglo-Saxon rule of con
sidering the lie direct as the first blow
nnd no man could hold up his licnd in
decent society should he, being nenr
enough to answer the lie with a blow
not to give. The president has no
right to judge me guilty of conduct
unbecoming a gentlemen unless he
belies all his antecedents which led
one to believe that ho would .have
done just ns I did under the circum
stances. As to which of us is the
gentleman in this matter, in view of
tho unsought invitation to dinner at
the white house and its indecent
withdrawal I nm willing to nbido by
tlio judgment of nil brave and self
respecting men."
lawn Mnn Wlmno Hitter Wm Killed In tli
Iloxer Trnnhlen Snei (ioveriiinuiit
for iMSO.OUO DunuiKes
Whiting, Tn., Feb7 25. Charles A.
Anderiion has filed a claim with tho
Hate department at Washington for
$30,000 damages for the death of his
sister. Hilda S. Anderson, who was
killed by the boxers in Mongolia prov
ince, China, in 1000. Two of Mr. An
derson's sisters were killed in China
In the Inte uprising against foreign
ers, but only one wob a subject of the
United States, the other sistor being
a citizen of Sweden.
Inillnnnpol' Kriltnr to Micrerd Wllllitm 3L
JohiiHon, Flmt Aswlxliint I'oitiiuiNter
Geuernl, Who Hun ICehlRiiud.
Washington, Feb. 25. Harry S.
New, of Indianapolis, has been offered
tlio office of first assistant postmastei
general to succeed William M. John
son, of New Jersey, who has resigned.
Mr. New has not yet given his final
answer. He is a member of tho re
publican national committee from In
diunu and is tho editor of the Indian
apolis .Tournnl. The change will oc
cur within tho next two mouths.
United 8tutr Supreme Court Would Not
Ileur Mlnuonntii'a Anpllcntl n Aiculuat
Northern Heeurltles Company.
Washington, FebT25. The United
States supreme court Monday deliv
ered Its opinion in the case of Minne
sota versus tho Northom Securities
company, in the application of tlic
state to filo a bill of complaint iu that
court. The motion for leave to file
tho bill was denied on the ground that
thla court was without jurisdiction.
Tho Ciilmn Electoral Cnllotro Mfutn.
Hnvanu, Feb. 25. Dr. Tomas Es
trada l'alma and Senor Estevez were
ycbterday formally elected by the
electoral collego respectively first
president nnd first vice president ol
tho Cuban republic. Seuators wera
also elected.
Itnllrimil CutnplKH Ami nst Tntnxlunnt.
Chicago, Feb. 25. Oilloials of the
Burlington railroad have started a
campaign against intoxicants with a
view to eradicating their use by thf
employes of every department not
only on duty, but also while oif duty,
No Sole for Blnnle.-
"How miecr!" exenimed MNs Pertl
Goodwin, at the Wagner iccilnl. "My foot
lint cone to sleep and in all thin noise,
tool' Chicago Daily News.
t.m.w i.. i ii
t There is no cloud attached to the eiivcr
lining of the fut purse. Chicago Daily
The more credit you expect, the lese yoo
Bet. Atcniiioa Globe.
Was Sick Eight Years with
Female Troublo and Finally
Cured byLydia E. Pinkliam'a
Vegetable Compound.
"Dear Mns. Pinkiiam: I have
never In my lifo given a testimonial
before, but you havo dono so much for
me that 1 feci called upon to glvo you
this unsolicited acknowledgement of
rrosMont of Oakland Woman's Hiding CtnT.
fie wonderful curative valuo of Jjydia.
K. Phiklmm's Vcj?ctallo Com
pound. For eight years I hud femalo
trouble, falling of the womb and other
complications. During that time I was
more or le&s of an invalid and not much
good for anything, until one day I
found a book in my hall telling of
the cures you could perform. I becamo
interested ; I bought a bottle of Jjydia
13. Pinkhum's Vegetable Com
pound, and was helped; I continued its
use and in soven months was cured, and
sinco that time I have had perfect
health. Thanhs, dear Mrs. rinlcham
again, for tho health I now enjoy."
Mns. Jennie O'Donnki.t,, 278 Fast 31st
St., Chicago, 111. WOOO forfeit If abova
testimonial Is not genuine.
AVonien suffcrinrr from any
form of femalo ills nn be cured
by Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegeta
ble Compound. Tbat's sure.
Mrs. Pinkbam advises sick wo
men free. Address, Ijyiin Mass.
Little Liver Pills
Must Doar Signature of
Seo PaoSimllo Wrapper Below.
Very axuaU anil a cTf
to taiia s sugar.
-, i otinvxira nuriuvt .patuc
UCcBt I Purely Verctablo.xwvJi
"TW! '. ! 'JMM&WWvmm
A.J.T0WERC0.. B05T0N.MA55.3o
trails, ,Sior;ksT
nutr.(T wiuks.
Oldest House in the United States.
r.MRFtt VIMUt- ill five cum
I Dcst CouKb Bjrup. Tastes Good.' Uso
iu iime. rioia dv an)BBlt.
y7. -$
Ay A A
rCIs13& I
L. "
. ifc. I4t,