CyC JGCa! pelfalta jftteftijel y VOLUME XLV1 NEMAHA, NEB11ASKA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1902. NUMBER 86 "SI! fff'ff4Jf3fjff'f'f43f5ff5fff'f'f'f)f5ff)ff'f)ff'fJ-'fff'f4)f)f'f4)f i kfi-A: GILBERT & M- CANBLESS Have Just received a. large stock of the latest styles In Dress Goods Prints Dry Goods Notions Boots Trunks, Valises, etc. You are Invited to call and see them. and a complete stock of Fresh Groceries Also u large assortment of etrxdi Shoes GILBERT & M CANDLESS 1902 Wall Paper AT Hill's Drugstore Elmer E. Allen took advantage of the legal holiday lust Saturday, closed the bank and went to Auburn. $ Local News 8ee II T Hill for Ore Insurance. Bob Bucher went Jto Graf Wednes-. day. v 4i Oscar Devorss visited Humboldt friends last week. The Advertiser and the Cbicage In ter Ocean for $1.40 We understand there are 22 cases of smallpox in Stella. There is not a case of smallpox in Nemaha or yicluity. George Lewis, of Shubert, was a Nes maha visitor Monday. Thirty Plymouth Uock cockerels fer ale at the Titus Nursery. Gall and see us for reduced rates on magazines and newspapers. See W. W. Harris of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. D. H. Clark attended the farmers' institute at Auburn Wednesday. Mrs. Alice A. Minick, of Brownville, vibited Nemaha friends Tuesday, Mrs. Rose Gilbert returned from Linceln Wednesday of last week. H. M. Tollinger has moved into the new heuse north of the lumber yard. The Advertiser and the 8t. Louis Globe Democrat both one year for enly 81.76. Miss Cora Halth, who was sick sev eral days last week, is able to attend school again. T. 0. Hacker, of Red Cloud, Nebr., visited Nemaha friends from Saturday until Monday. Mrs. W. G. Maxwell went to Auburn Wednesday to visit Mrs. W. M. Swan two or three days. Wm. Maxwell, Dan Maxwell, John A. Hiatt and Wes Clark have been at. tending district court in Auburn this week. T. W. Wheeler came in from Auburn Monday afternoon and visited his mother, Mrs. Roaina Wheeler, until Tuesday forenoon, The weather has been considerably warmer this week and the snow is abeut all gene. W. H. Hay, cashier of the First Na tional bank of Auburn, wai a Nemaha visitor Wednesday. t K Call in and see us if you want to subscribe for any paper published in the United States. Miss Dora Morton, who Ib this year teaching scnool near Brock, is home for a few days this week. Miss Nellie Sanders is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. J. M. Sanders, of London precinct, this week. Dr. Stiers has his offices equipped with Hot Air aparatuses for treating rheumatism and nasal catarrh. August Quiller, bis son Mart, and MUa Bessie Washburn, who is Btaying at Mr Quiller's, all have the meaBlea. Forbes! assortment of Dry Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of 8outh Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r. G. N. Titus, E. J. Maxwell, John U. Clark and Ed Moore went to Auburn Thursday to attend the farmers' institute. Jeff Broady, who has been visiting his parents at Lincoln for some time. returned U Nemaha Wednesday of last week. Frank Maxwell came down from Lincoln Friday afternoon of last week to visit kis parents and attend the Old Maids' Convention. He returned to Lincoln Monday. Dr. MacVaan will be at Mr. Yeung's residence, Brewnville, Thursday of each week, for the next thirty days. Eyes tested free. Twenty per cent, eff en glasses for school children, 1 have for Bale 4 head of good.horses, 1 fine pony, 1 fresh Jersey cow, and a let of pole wood, all on ray farm be tween Peru and Brownville. Jno. S. Stull. Auburn, Nebr. Having bought the harness stock of John A. Hiatt, we will hereafter carry a complete stock of harness and bars ness supplies, whips, halters, saddles, robes, etc. Prices guaranteed right. Call and nan iih. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. J Mrs. R. J. Duff and children started for Pueblo, Colorado, Tuesday, where they expect to make tholr future home for a while at least. George Yackley is now a resident of Nemnha, having moved from the farm this week into the heuse be recently bought of Mrs. Wheeler. We still have thirty Plymouth Rock cockerels. If you need any call at once. We want to close them out. Titub NunsEnY. Dr. I. L. Cullison, dentist, will be at Nemaha next Monday, prepared to do all kinds of dental work. Office at -hotel. U11MJ Mrs. Wade, who has been visiting in Indiana for several month, returned to Nemaha Tuesday and will make her home with ber daughter, Mrs, L. H. Merritt. Walter Maxwell and Warren Burns drove to Glen Rock precinct Sunday and the next day cut a lot of clone for the Titus nursery, returning home Tuesday . Mrs. F, L. Woodward visited frlenda in Brewnville last Sunday and attended the entertainment given by Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Beveridge, the singing evangelists, that evening. William Smiley has recovered frenv smallpox and was released from qur antine Monday. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Smiley contracted the disease. Both had previously been vaccinated. Frank Aynes was given a birthday party Wednesday evening, by bis par ants. The young folks present had a fine time they always do when they go there. Frank was thirteen years old. R. M. Gillan, of Auburn, secretary of the SoutheasternNebraska Building and Loan Association, was in Nemaha Tuesday afternoon in the interest of that institution, and gave this office a pleasant call. LOOK HERE! All interested in good garden seeds should buy from the old reliable seed house, P. Kerker, who sells Mangels dorf Bros.' seede, tbe best seed house in the west. We notice these "tested seeds" patrons have to fall back on tbe Old Reliable House, who bandies all kinds of seeds, garden and field, cheaper than any other house in this county. Yen may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to And an active, energetic man with a torpid liver, and you muy know his liver in torpid when be does not relsb his food or feels dull and languid after eating often has headache aud sometimes dlz zieness. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will restor his liver to its normal functions, renew his vitality, improve his digestion and make him feel like a new mnn. Price, 25 cents. Sample free at Heelings drug store. $ ANDREW a-vxttom invites nil ins old customers and many now ones to call Z on hlra in the new brick Odd Follows building, where you will And him with an entire new stock of Jmrmture, Hardware, etc. $ i flsmc ui iiibui o, jaaraware, etc. John Shadley camo in from Auburn Wednesday afternoon and visited his daughter, Mrs. Charley Leslie, until the next forenoon. The funeral of Mrs, Ida May, wife of Sherman May, was held at their home last Saturday at 10:80 a. m. The ser vices were conducted by Rev. John T. Smith. The body was laid at rest In the Nemaha cemetery. Mrs. Ellen J. Hatten, of Hamburg, Iowa, slater of James W. Wolfe, notice of whose death was givon in last week's issue, committed suicide by shooting herself in the head. Mr. Wolfe returned home Inst Saturday. Deputy Sheriff Rohrs visited same of our citizens about midnight Friday and notified them to appear at court Mon day morning as jurors. The Gold bsrrys, charged with horsestealing, are being tried. Mrs. Rose Gilbert, administratrix of the estate of Stephen Gilbert, will have a public sale of cattle, horses, farm machinery, etc., at the Gilbert farm, H miles northeast f Nemaha, on Thursday. March 6th, beginning at 1U o'clock a, m. Jake Tldrow, brother of Mrs. F. 1,. Woodward and Mrs. George Yackley, sailed from San Francisco for the Phil ippine Islands Thursday of last week. He Is a soldier In the U. S. army, and had previously served two years In the Philippines. Ho reenlisted after his time was out. Mrs. Catherine Schreiner, wife of Conrad Schreiner, of Brownville, died at ber home Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Schreiner was a sister of Mr-. Peter Kerker, ef Nemaha. The funvral ser vices, conducted by Rev. D. B. Lake, were held Monday. .By the following extract from the Black Wolf Items In the Ellsworth (Kas.) Reporter of February 26th, we notice that Touf Clntk is manager ef a baud at Black Wojf, wher he Is agent for the U. P. railroad : "The Valentine' social given en last Thursday evening whr a iirand success We were also treated to some One music by Clark's cornet band. We were surprised at the progress they have made, fer the short time they have been practicing, which speaks well for their mauader, T. A. Clark." Marshall Pryor and tamlly and Mrs, F. A. Welton, who have been spending tbe winter In southern California, re turned home Monday. They saw the first snow ef the winter while on their way homo. The climate Ib very mild where they were stopping but tbey prefer Nebraska. Mrs. D. A. Morton was taken very sick with heart disease while visiting in Auburn last week, and for awhile it was thought she ceuld net recover. The children were sent for Dr. Kay was also sent fer and through his skillful treatment she was enough better te bo brought heme Tuesday. All of Geo. MoOIure's obildren are sick with scarlet fever. Tho five-year old boy Duane first took tbe disease, thon the baby, on Wednesday Hazel, the oldest daughter, was taken sick, aud Thursday owning Adelaide, the ooond daughter, was sick. The two younger children are gettlag better; - 1 ' ""I Mr. and Mrs. Edward Davis visited J. L. Haith and family from Tuesday evening until Thursduy foreuoon, Mrs. Davis is a sister of Mr. Halth: Her home has been at; Craig. Mo She was married to Mr. Davis Thursday ef last week, and In a few days will go to their future home at Billings, Oklahema. The Old Maids' Convention, given at the opera house last SaWday night, was a grand success. The hall was full and those attending were welt pleased. The net receipts were 930 60, which was paid on the Methodist church organ. Tbe ladies are being urged te give the entertainment at Brownville Old papers for sale at this office. ? s ..-i-. L. H. BATTLES NemetHei, Nebr, I Come and see us when in Nemaha, We can offer you substantial inducements 1 to trade with us POULTRY WANTED! Received at this price Vlondayi and Tuesdays. .. wiiMMM M d b4- JfcL i