THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER W. XV. BANDKKH, I'uMIMier. NEMAIIA, - NEBRASKA. TOPICS OF THE DAY. niic A;ilo Tree Dcnl. K. 1'. Stephens, a prominent horti culturist of Nebraska, Iiiih distributed frco to farmers of IiIh Htnte 45,000 ap plo trees on condition tlmt they will bo cultivated according to his direc tion. Mr. Stephens will receive one lialf of the yield for u certain mini bor of years. Miwi'n I'ruroKtlllvc In Peril. An Onlchind (Cal.) Judge linH mndc n inout serious nssnult on tho vested rights of tliu male of tho litiinan spe cicH. 'I'll lit learned jtirlHt intikca the nntoitndlng declHlon that a wife linn the Biimo liberty iih a liiiHlmnd to stay out nights and keep knowledge of her whoreabotitR to herself. AnKi-iI lu a liiimp Num. The appropriation asked for the ex penses of HunatorH who attended President MeKlnley's funeral la $0, 413. It Ih naked iu a lump sum, prob ably hecnuso nn itemized nauotmt. would not look well in print. How did tho senators muniigo to spend so much money on such a journey? Ono Wnr I'ln' Kren. Hera Ih n funny quarrel iu Indian apolis: A saloon man has a large trnct In Indianapolis In the aristocrat ic part of tho community. Tho pco plo wouldn't let him put a saloon there Now liu announces that in re venge ho will erect 80 cottages on the land and rent them to negro fain- UifH. AilvcrClnliiir An ii Hclemjc. It hns come to pass that advertising la recognized uh a science. Its impor tance as a modern commercial factor Is nuch that tho University of Chl cngo Includes advertising iu tho lint of economic subjects for its lecture courses along with banking and the management of railroads and other great Industries. Fnlrly Well 1'nld. Got. Tnft, of the Philippines, gets (20,000 and each of his four assistunta $15,000, whilu there are SO other ofll olnla who draw from $1,000 to $7,500 a year. Iu all there nro 4,000 em ployes, not quite half of whom nro Americans. Tho salary roll runs to over $3,000,000, of which over two thlrda goes to Americans. Tliouitlit ! Crentlve. Peoplo grow old by thinking them aelvca old. When they reneh the ago of 40, 50 .or 00, they imagine that they look liko others of tho same ngo, und tlmt they soon will bo useless, unfit for work and tumble to perform their wonted duties. Ah surely ns they think this it will come true, for thought Is creative. How many of us enn say with Job, "Tho thing which I greatly feared Is come upon me." Tliuito "Who Ouve Muitt. An annual cyclopedia for 1001 places tho total of gifts and bequests In the United States last year nt $107,300,000. Most of this money enmo from the living $31,000,000 fr in Mr. Cnrneglo, $30,000,000 from Mrs. lohind Stanford, $3,010,500 from J. 1). Rockefeller, $1, 405,000 from J. Piorpnnt Morgan and $1,030,000 from Mrs. Kinmons Hlnlno. The Into Chris Magee, the Pittsburg politician and newspaper man, left $4,500,000 for a hospital In that city. Kreo DlNtrlliiitloii of MI1U. Tho distribution of In end and milk among children up to six years of ago has been inaugurated in Pudapest. The distribution tubes plaeo morning and evening in a by street. The milk is first boiled in four large boilers, whence it runs into a cooling appara tus. Fifty children nro allowed to enter at a time, either with their mothers or alone, while tho others wnlt for their turn in a neighboring Warmestuble, another charitable in ntitution. ' To K(Mt the SCntloim Clt-uu. Tho Frisco railroad has issued an order forbidding tho use of tobacco by passenger trainmen in uniform on duty nnd by employes In general around railway stations. Tho anti tobacco rule originated In the oflloo of B. L.. Winoholl, general manager of the road. Its object, tho ollleinls of tho Hystom say, is to ketp the sta tions clean and add to tho comfort of tho passengers. As with other rules of tho company, dismissal hi tho penalty for repeated violations. Donltt lSllteney of Hloof rooiitlon. Doubt is often cast upon electrocu tion ns a system by the fact that l'er- sotiB may survive nn accidental shock of 2.C00 volts. The Electrical World nnd Engineer points out tlmt the con ditioiui of a chance contact arc entire ly different from those provided in tho chair. It reviews the hlatory of electrocutions in Now York, and snys: "There can bo no question that the Bubje.ot dies by the effects of tho electric shock, and is dead beyond all hope before the autopsy takes place." THEY ALL VOTED AYE Unexpected Happened When House Passed War Revenue Bill. After Amnilininl to tho Hill Wfirn Hlint Out llio Minority (Irucwf ulljr Ylnlduri mid Ainld't It Inclntc Applniino ttio JMnimurn Went Through. Wnslilngton, Fell. 18. There was a large attendance in tho house Mon day in anticipation of the debate on the bill to repeal tho war revenue taxes. After some minor business hnd been cleared nway Mr. Dalzell (I'u.), from the committee on rules, pre sented the special order agreed upon by that committee for n vote at four o'clock Tuesday. Mr, Klchardson ofTcred a motion to recommit tho rule. After rather sharp tilt between tho speaker and Mr. Kichnrdson, tho speaker sus tained a point of order ugulnst tho motion. Mr. Itichnrdson appealed from tho decision and upon n roll cnll tho chair was sustained, 105 to 123. Tho rule was adopted, l.r8 to 120. Thereupon Mr. lllchardson, tho minor ity leader, said: "I rlso to make a re quest for unanimous consent. In view of tho fact that we nro not permitted to amend tho pending bill and In view of the fact that tho two days' debato Is absolutely fruitless under thin rule, I ask unanimous consent that the bill bo put upon Its pnssago now." Tho npeaker put tho request. Members looked nt each other with amazement. Not a sound wns heard. "There in no objection," announced ilio speaker ns ho brought his gavel down. "Tho clerk will rend the bill." Roth sides of tho house joined in the ringing ap plause that followed. Tho clerk then began to rend tho bill. Tho bill was passed unanimously, 2".'.S members voting aye. DIRECTORY OF DRUNKARDS. Hnlvntloti Army'n KfTnrt nt Nt Jonnpli to Huuliilm Tnpurit lit OiiiiMlnir Auiliitjr Among rromliitMit Alon. St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 18. Tho Salva tion army lias started a corps of solic itors to work compiling it directory containing tho names of all drunk ards In tho city. Several men who stand high iu tho community, but who get in their cups occasionally, havo mado some interesting move ments in nn effort to keep their names out of the book. Some of tho merchants will mako an effort to no euro copies of tho directory for tho ubo of their credit men, the assump tion being that a mnn who is a con firmed drunkard is Blow pay, no mat ter what his standing in othor direc tions may bo. SUICIDE CLAUSE UPHELD. Vdilarnl Court DeoNlort ARiilnit Iln'rn nf Mitu Who Klllori llliuxt-lr Within Two Yours from Inhiiiiiicu of l'ollay. St. Louis, Feb. 18. A decision was rendered Monday by the United States court of appeals releasing tho Mutual Life Insurance company of New York from the obligations of pitying $7,500 to tho widow of Edward S. Kelly, ono of its policy-holders, who committed suicide in Colfnx, In., Februnry 21, 1805, thus upholding tho clause in the contract guaranteeing that the holder of the policy would not take his life within two years of its issuance. WHISKY TAX INVALID. Clrcu t Jiulce Oriivrn, it t lliitlitr. Knocks Out II I.uvr 1'nNMul by tlm I.'int AlUHourl f.virlNliittiru. Butler, Mo., Feb. 18. Tn n decision by Circuit Judge Graves Monday tho bill passed by the last legislature put ting a tnx on whisky was declared in valid. Tho law was passed at tho re quest of Gov. Dockcry and tho reve nues from tho law were counted upon to relievo the state treasury's finan cial condition. Twtiiitlutli Iiifniitry to Hull. . Manila, Feb. 18. Part of tho Twen tieth Infantry will sail for tho Unit ed States on the trnnsport Sheridan. The second battalion will follow on the Egbert. Tho Twentieth infantry's headquarters were at Fort Leaven worth, Kan. It was in the Santiago campaign. I.iirirnMt K r Trrn rolled. Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 18. The larg est fir tree iu Wnslilngton hns btn cut down ucnr Arlington, Snohomish county, with the intention of exhibit ing a 20-foot section of it at the St. l.ouis exposition, The tree, was 18 feet, through at the base and 200 feet high. Tnn-Veur Olil ll"il for Muni it. St. I.ouls, Feb. 18. Fretwell Shook, nged ten years, was held responsible by tie coroner's jury for the death of William Ledger, aged to, who was Rhot nnd killed Friday night. Tho boys were members of rival "gangs." I'uriiiiinont t.'unmi llnreiiu. Washington, Feb. 18. The senate Monday passed the bill providing for i permanent census bureau. SHAMAKA HORROR GROWS. Two TIioimiiiiiI l't-ople Wero Killed nnd I'our 'I liniifliinil llnum-A DiKlroyiMl liy tho Ki'cmit ICitrtli(iliiln. Baku, Transcaucasia, Feb. 18. De tails which arc slowly arriving from Shnmakn show that 2,000 persons, mostly women and children, perished ns a result of the earthquake last week nnd that 4,000 houses were de stroyed. Thirty-four villages of tho country surrounding Shamaka also suffered. To add to the terrors of the neigh borhood, a volcnna neur the village of Marnsy, eastward of Shamaka, lias broken out into active eruption. A great crevasse has appeared, whence immense flames and streams of lava aro being thrown out. Tho course of the river Goonchaika has been ultered in consequence of its bed being damned with earth which had been distributed by tho earthquake. BALLOON'S FEARFUL RACE. Orlm Spcotor Trntnlml Tto Mllra n Mln- uto Ilotwenu Itorltn mid AntWHrp. KndliiK in fit (tin Ill's Dentil. Berlin, Feb. 13. New details of the fearful balloon journey which Cupt. Tarlscli von Siegfleld made from Ber lin to Antwerp, ending in his death, havo been mado known by his com panion, Dr. Linke. The distance, 400 miles, wun made in 5 hours and 13 minutes. It takes an express train 15 hours to make the run by rail be tween the two cities. The bnlloon at tained the most terrific speed between liildsliein nnd Wesel, going nt tho rate of 135 miles an hour. The 108 miles after passing Wesel were cov ered in 78 minutes. At one time the balloon was flying nt the rate of 00 yards n second, about two miles a minute. CHURCH SUPPLANTS SALOON. Loo Turnur'H Notorious 'Jttiirlorlinuo"rinl lTortrtw. tho Scemi or Kerent lllood- Hlicd, MuliI to u Soeluty. Middlesboro, Ky., Feb. 18. The American association (limited) will begin the erection of a large church where the "Quarterhouse " stood, 3i miles east of town. Lee Turner, who owned the saloon and fortress and un ncre of ground on which they wero built, has transferred ills prop erty to tills association. The "Quar terhouse" was burned Wednesday and six men were killed in the battle. Leo Turner has left the country nnd the feud is ended. SILVER ROOF TO MOUTH. Oorinnn Burgeon W II Unrtnrtnkn Onnrut'ou riuuuod to Cure u Girl Who Hms linen Two Yfiim Tongue-Tled. Berlin, Feb. 18. Prof. Bergmann, the kaiser's surgeon, has a case of a young girl who hns been tongue-tied for two years. Tho trouble was caused by a violent assault, which paralyzed the muscles of the tongue. Prof. Horgninnn's plan is to cut out the top of the throat and replace it with. nn artificial organ of silver. Tho operation will be witnessed by emi nent surgeons from fnr nnd near. HUSBAND FOUND LETTERS. I'rnmlniMit Hiiinltitrinnn or Melon Nliot 111 I'n.tlilt-Ht Wife and Then l'ut o lliillut Into IIU llraln. llelenn, Mont., Feb. 18. Soon after returning to his homo here Sunday from a protracted absence on busi ness, Harold M. Cole, an olllclal of tho East Helena smelter, mortally wound ed his wife and then committed sui cide. Mrs. Cole is it young und linnd some woman. The theory is that Cole, upon arriving hlme, found let ters incriminating his wife and the tragedy quickly followed. NEGRO PREACHER KILLED. Ilommttc TrnulilKH of Lomj Ktiindlnj; Ciiuncd Mr. Molly JnnltiH. of Khuhiih C) ty, Kun , to Umu a oiipmi. Kansas City, Kan., Feb. 18. Anron Junius, n negro preacher of this city, was shot to denth by his wife, Molly Junius, Inst night at their home, 829 Freeman avenue, tho tragedy taking plnco in the presence of their chil dren. It was the end of family trou bles of 11 years' duration. The wom an says she killed her husband in self defense and says it was all due to his jealousy. T re or Cllldcd Captivity. Paris, Feb. 18. Bnnavalo, formerly queen of Madagascar, having tired of her gilded captivity' in Algeria, has petitioned the government to allow her to settle in the United .States. She offers to take an oath never to attempt to return to her native is land nor to communieato with her former subjects iu any manner. UoiMiivolt riimilH for llolitnn, Wnslilngton, Feb. 18. The jn-esi-clent yesterday sent to the senate n inesHiiye recoiumcndiu the retire ment of Navnl Constructor lliehniond P. Ilobson and in nccordanee with this reconimendntion Senator Onllin per linniediately introduced a bill pro viding for Mr. llobbon's travsfer to the retired list. OPPOSES HIS POLICY. Bitter Attack on Secretary Hay by Congressman Wheeler. Flo Rnyn the Htntn IJupnrltnnnt ffnn llumtlt itod tho AttMirli'iiti 1'uoplti by tlm Cou tompliitpil 1'iirUc piitiou In the Cor onation of Klx Hilwnril. Washington, Feb. 15. During' tho debute on tho pension bill in' tho house Fridny, Mr. Wheeler (clem. Ky.) created a sensation by a speech de nouncing the attitude of the admin istration and the state department in connection with what, he termed the recent "exposure of the attitude of Great Britain" toward the United States. Mr. Wheeler excoriated whvt ho termed the modern disposition to ward "European flunkcyisni." Less thun fivo years ngo, he declared, a president "egged on by the pitiable flunkey In the stnto department," hnd stretched Ids arms across the seas in adulation to tho people of Great Brit ain and to-dny the government wrfs hugging to its bosom a nation that since the bnttle of Yorktown had systematically and persistently plot ted our downfall, lie sneered nt tho "shouldcr-strnppcd gold-luce flunk eys" who were to be cllspntchcd ncross the Atlantic to bend the knee to nnd kins the hand of tho English king whoso government, ho declared, had attempted to form a coalition of Eu ropean governments to thwart us while wo wero seeking to strike tho shackles from Cuba. Ho said ho re spected the present occupant of tho white house. Bo was, ho said, too ntraight forward for mnny of his par ty colleagues, slightly Quixotic, per haps, and liasty-tcnipercd, but hon eBt nnd brave enough he thought to "boot out that man in tho state de partment who had brought us to this humiliating position." The whole house was nroused by Mr. Wheeler's philippic. Several times the democratic side burst into ap- ( plaiiBc. ( iir. uouteiic (in.) vigorously defended the head of the state depart ment. No mnn in recent years had re flected such credit upon our diplomat ic nffnirs as he. lie referred especial ly to tho Chinese crisis and said his acts throughout thnt time had won the commendation of the world. Mr. Boutello said he could not Bit silent while such an attack wns mndo upon n man who hnd shed lustre upon our diplomacy. TITUS ON THE LIST. Young Mnn Who Flrnt Soled the Wall M l'ekln GnU a Medal of Honor from the Army Hoard. Washington, Feb. 15. Adjt, Gen. Corbin Fridny mado public the report of tho army board, of which Gen. MacArthur wns president, appointed to consider nnd report the names of ofllcers nnd enlisted men of the army who distinguished themselves during the recent campaigns in Cuba, China and tho Philippines, so as to entitle them to tho award either of medals of honor or certificates of merit. As hns been stated President Booscvelt hns approved all tho recommendations made, with the exception of the rec ommendntion that Col. Theodore Boosevolt be given tho brevet rank of brigadier general for valor and serv ices nt the battle of San Juan hill. Medals of honor will be awarded in 33 enses, of which 10 go to commissioned ofllcers nnd S3 to non-commissioned ollicers nnd privates. Only 1 mcdnl was awarded on nccount of service in the Cuban service, 2 in the case of tho Chineso enmpaign and 30 in the Phil ippine war. The medal list shows few names of persons familiar to the pub lic, perhaps the most notable ones be ing those of Musician Calvin P. Titus, who wns the first to scale the wall at Pckin, nnd who afterwards was sent to West Point nnd Lieut. Matthew A. Bntson, who commandod tho Mnca bebo scouts. NEW TOWN CHRISTENED. Growler City, I T., Ueillontnil Votenlajr Cuiinillun tn Un Moved to the Nevr Situ. South McAlestor, I. T., Feb. 15. A new town at tho junction of tho M., K. & T. nnd Fort Worth & Western wns dedicated yesterday. The town site company set nsido a block for a publlo park and upon this block a stake was driven nnd a bottle of champagne broken over it. The city was christened Crtwder City, for Dr. Crowder, of Cunndian, u town only three miles nway, which will be moved to the new site. One block was set nsido for a public schoolhouse nnd each religious denomination wns given a fourth of a block for f church. ' FIRE NEAR "DISMAL SWAMP" Town of South Mill. S. V Alimmt Do- ntroyiul mill Four lliinilrinl Fain- IIIiih Itomlortiil llouielemi. Norfolk, Va., Feb. 15. South Mills, N C, near the "dismal swamp," was practically destroyed by lire nnd the flames were heading townrd tho swamp. Tho ilro started In a negro shanty. Four hundred fnmilies iv reported homelcBs. A rough cstimatt places the loss sit $120,000. KIDNEY JROUBLES, Mrs. Loniso M. Gibson Says That This Fatal Discaso is Easily Cured by lydia E. Piiikham's Vcgelablo Com pound. Dear Mns. Pinkham : I felt very discouraged two ycaro ago, I had suf fered to long with kidney troubles and other complications, ancf bad taken so much medicino without relief that I began to think thcro was no hopo for mo. Llfo looked bo good to mo, but what Is life without health? I wanUd to bo well. 9 ffitrJtTTBBSifhiBiiffl B i lETf J A wife1 Jk M MHS. LOUISE M. GI11SON. "Xiydla E. Pinlclinm's Vcgc-. table Compound cured mo and mado mo wcU, and that is why I gladly write you this, and gladly thank you ; six bottles was all I took, together with your Pills. My headache and bnckncho and kidney trouble went,' novcr to return ; tho burning sensation. I had left altogether ; my general health was so improved I felt ns young', and light nnd happy as at twenty.". Mns. Louise Gmson, 4813 Lauglcy Ave., Chicago, 111. $5000 forfeit If abov testimonial la not genuine. If you feci that there is nnything at all unusual or puzzling about your case, or if you wish confidential ndvico of tho most experienced, write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., and you will bo advised frco of charge. Iiyrtia E. Pinklmm's Vegetable Compound has cured and is curing thousands of cases of femalo trouble. :clover! w 1 nritrtot rTirMvj nt I Clovor. Tlmotljv nnd Grasses. Our northern mown Clover. for visor, frost nnd drouth resisting 1 properties, hnsj ust lybocorao famous. ' SUPERIOR CLOVER, b'J. $5.90; 100 lbs. $3,801 u Crosse rrini Clow, bo. $5.60; 100 lbs. $9.20 Samp lei Clover, Timothy and Grasses and treat tataiox mailed you lor c posiare. JOHN A.SALZER SEED CO. i iLaCrosse.Wis.i m 1H1 OF w K.vorr fii'mor tils own landlord, no enonui- uruncod. uls unnk account liicrcutluK yciir by year, I und vmiio Incrensliiz. nock Incronslun, 8lon did climate, uxcullont hchoolb ami churches, hut taxation. Iilvrh prices fnr cnttlu midbrain low rail war rati'H. ami rvcrr aosilblu comfort. This U tho condition of Urn farmer In Wuitnrn Cntmdn I'rtivlncoof Manitoba iud rllurlct of Aliilbo a. Hiskatclicwun and Alberta. Thousands of American nrc now settled tlier. lleiltiood rate on nil ra Iways tor i cmo (ekeMnndscUlnrN. N-w districts a re lolnironenel mi thl vn ir. Tho mw fiirtr-iouM ATI..1N of WEHTRK.V CANADA ami all oilier liitoriuu tloe sent free to all auiillrauts K PKDI.h.Y, . riitnerlntcnriunt of tnunluralloii. Ottawa, C'nnnda. or to J.8.C11AWKOUI). 2U W. Nlntb St.. Kansas 1 Cltr. Mo. I W. V IIKNNKTT. H Now York' l.ito Bid.. Omahi. Neb.: Canadian Rovernmont Akou'a. jJi j I" P-3J" H uwmmuwMHH " n m m n mi wz pnetc 4 25 cents 1 3 dlt iun . OrAntAflfr- nkAnnAR Cmm., en Knrth for Ohcor),Owlno. Onttln. rslr.. Will b worfi II W lo jou in rcU ht . Hall.'. a.i.Ia. .a. ....... I Billion Dollr.r Grass w,jJ l"'llTcl7 m'x( jourtfli; lliiui i un Bramai, P'l, tprltl (.JJ bu. ora, I'M Lu. cit), to , tie Forthls Notlco nnd 1 0c. 0 Mill bljcttlloj t t i)J', . ,4 ""tM"i " wuriu $iuwgvl ktrt. F.o'lfif, wnil 150 klndiefriowcr Sill Ytetmt !! H.U m.xA .IrtHM A SAI 7FD SFFn fO wossc !w-.... . m.j, .w-.. .m-tf 1J WO --- ------g HAZARD H tfflkiiiH lory r reoccurrence sHlllB to lute a cuatniner for !! sH i'l Uuniowriirii, hocmiKO IB lien itivon a fair trial, both H black and vmuketeas pow. i-B dors of Hazard nianulacture mmMmaamammmammm'm' nrovo to Katlsfr all ttie do. ulreiiof the ebootur, and he realltex It U iifelenn majority ana shoot nararU anrt you will not re- WU1.W. i;iinire a. necan cinno oeiier. joininu ret it j our oeaior can got It for you, u ne WVB Mil. TC IE. GUN POWDER Bao GrRE&ORY GTCTFTfcCJ nolled upon (3JuJCiJJl3 lor 0 years by Market Ctfirf1nnrK. i 'ntalnL' Kiee. . J, II. Clltl.OlU' A MJ., BaiblcUtd, Htu. OKLAHOMA SOO HOMESTEAD CLAIMS Fon SALE. 1MCKT. M o IIOA X. litllCyOiU. T. WE PAY $20 a Wask and EXPENSES tn men wlili rifts tn Introilu e our Poultry Compound, Bjii I SlAiiip. ACMK Mro. t'o,. Deiit.'.'. 1'jistM. Louis. III. WASHINGTON TARM USDS In tieart of RIG DLND Union, ui,rifdfruiurrl'untj Hrl rKlud, lii fit... tlrluai. Th llihlul. IjuJ l'., U'l)rl,)t.h. wxmzm JPli&V'h rcSSsm 3 (jKLLN . i . i jHbSrwfl Ar?S&S!tb drozewbii ri a. .r jr if.I?jr,cKS7 rt-'T" CA"VUJ W IKS-1 IR nni'r'svfPUpasUytnadeutlioinenddroslni 01 JiUUc r-'tilars. btamp for iririlcnlare. 0. l. WebMer, Merchants K.xohiim;e HiilK.. M. Ix)iils, Mo. AfSPUTQ mnkoWB per month selliuit Dr. fiunn's AUblllO "Now Knmlly I'liyniclun." XlUtlt Kdltlon. Address for territory M'ULHi.N, it.h.ii.uliid,.,t'klc.,. - S&sgSSSiSSSS - X