'" - -""W- r f , ttjefttte VOLUME XLV1 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1902. .NUMBER 35 4k f Vr - f- 1 tf4f4 GILBERT & MCCANBLESS Have Just received a. letrge stock of the latest styles In Dress Goods Frlnts Dry Goods Notions and h complete stock of Fresh Groceries NAlso ii huge assortment of Boots and Shoes , Trunks, Valises, etc. You are invited to call and see them. GILBEBT & BFCAHDLESS A- :-t-K---K-K-K-K-t--K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K Local 3STews See M T Hil) for Ore-insurance. The snow is gradually disappparing. Attend the Old Mitlds' Convention. Wm. Daniels moved to Auburn this weok. Hank Barker moved his family to Nemaha Monday. Frank Flack ia moving to South Auburn this week. Old Maids' Convention Saturday eight of this week. The Advertiser and the Chicaga In tar Ocean for $1.40 Judge Broady, of Lincoln, was in town last Saturday. Thirty Plymouth Rack cockerels far ale at the TituB Nursery. Lee Devorss has concluded to remain in Oklahoma this summer. Call and see us for reduced rates on magazines and newspapers. See TV. W. Harris of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. The Old Muid's Convention will b held at Hoover's opera bouse Saturday night, February '22nd. For btst assortment of Dry Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r John Maxwell is enjoying a visit from n brether, David Maxwell, of Iowa They have not met for over 35 years. Oscar F. Scovill returned tu the Soh dims' Home at Ml Word, Nebr., Tuess day after several days' visit with Ne maha friends. We still have thirty Plymouth Rock cockerels. If yau need any call at once. We want to close them out Titus Nursery. 444444444 5 ANDREW AYNES J 1902 Wall Paper AT Hill's DrugStore We learn that Miss Mamie Seeley was mai lied Tuasday of last week, at St, Joseph, Michigan, to a gentleman by the name of Clark. Her many friends in this vicinity extend congratulations and best wishes. A. N. Harris, manager of the eleva tor nt the McCandless Siding, gavo us a call Saturday forenoon, Mr. Harris returned from Eldora, Iowa, Iowa. Friday evening, whero ho was called by the news of tho death of his father. Thomas Wusson will have a public sale at his place, three miles south and two miles east of Nemaha, on Thurs day, February 27th. Tie will sell four norses, two cows, three heifers, twenty shoats, farm implements, household and kitchen furniture, etc Married At the Lutheran parson ape, South Auburn, Nebraska, on Wednesday morning, February 10th, 1002, by the Rev. W. Dleffenbach, Mr. I'earley R. Baker, of Denver, C.olorade, to Miss Naomi Dieffenbacb, daughter if officiating clergyman, South Auburn, Nebraska, The Advertiser and the St. Louis Globe Democrat both one year for nly $1.76. Mrs. Vera Rainey, of Brownville, visited Nemaha friends Tuesday and "Wednesday. Frank Woodward returned from Kansas City Monday night. HIb moth er is some better. Call in and see us if you want to ubscribe for any paper published in the United States. Dr. Cap Graves, of Peru, has been making frequent trips to Nemaha to see MrB. Sherman May. Joe Harper, of Shubert, and Mr. Crandall, of Nebraska City, gave us a social call Thursday. All the old maids of Nemaha will be at the Old Maid's Convention Saturday night, February 22nd. Dr. Reed, of Peru, was in Nemaha Monday and again Wednesday. He cauo dow to see Mra. Snerman May. The Shubert Citizen, which suspend ed publication recently, was revived again laBi week with Elliott Harrison as editor. He gets out a newsy paper. May 8uccB8 attend his efforts. Dr. MaoVean will be at Mr. Young's residence, Brewnville, Thursday of each week, for the next thirty days. Eyes (tested free. Twenty per cent off an glasses for school children, I have for sale 4 head of good horses, 1 fine pony, 1 fresh Jersey cow, and u lot of polo wood, all on my farm be iweon Peru and Brownville. J no. S. Stull. Auburn, Nebr. Charles A. Duering, who has been stopping ut tho poor farm for ubout three months, died Sunday from hem orrhage of the lungs. Ho was about 35 yearn old and had no relatives in this country. Having bought the harness stock of John A. Iliatt, wo will hereafter carry a complete stock of harness and hart ness supplies, whips, halters, saddles, robes, eto. Prices guaranteed right. Call and see us. , Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Invites nil his old custom and many now ones to exit 5 ,1. ou mm in tnenew brick Odd Fellows building, where you will And blm with an onliro new stock of $ i P"" Hardware, etc. I The Old Maids' Convention which will bo held at Hoover's opera house Saturday night, Fobruary 22nd, will be one of the best entertainments ever given in Nemaha. If you want to enjoy yourself thoroughly do not fall to attend. Aemissiou: Adults, 20 cents: children, 15 cents; reserved seats, 25 cents. The proceeds will bo used to help pay for the new organ at tho Methodist church. LOOK HERE! All interested in good garden seeds should buy from the old reliable seed house, P Kerkur, who sells Mangels dorf Bros.' seeds, the best seed bouse in tho west, Wa notice these "tested needs" patrons have to fall back on the Old Reliable House, who handles all kinds of seeds, garden and field, cheaper than any other house in this county. Mrs. Sherman May died at her homi three miles north vent of Nemaha on Tnursday morning, February 20, 1002, at 8 o'clock, Her death was caused b an attack of measles contracted recent ly on the train while returning from a visit to relatives in Kansas. All that careful nursing and skilled physicians could do to restore her to health was done but without avail. She leaves a husband whose home will indeed be desolate. May the Heavenly Father comfort him in his great affliction. W. II. Till, of Humboldt, who has been in Nemaha for, two or three weekB, endeavering to organize a lodge of the Knights and Ladles of Security, haf found it uphill work and has de cided to abandon the field for the pres ent. He went to Union, Near., Tues day. Nemaha is well supplied with lodges now. We have the Masons, Odd Fellows, Eastern Star, Woodmen of tho World, Reyal Highlanders, A. O. U. W., and tho Modern Woedmen. Apparently there is no pressing need of unother ladga. Tho report was circulated Sunday and Monday that Wm. Maxwell's fnm ily had smallpox. Some nu for a joke hung a smallpox card on tho gate Sat urday night or Sunday morning and It vns not discovered by any of the fami ly until about 4 o'clock in the after noon. Those seeing tho card of couiho reported that I hey had smallpox Mr. and Mrs. George E, Dye and family are intending to mike their f turo home In Auburn, and on Jiunilay, "eh. 10th, a number of their old friends of the Champion neiuhhorl 'od mf ti ered at their home with well-tilled ban kets and proceeded to have one of hone good old fashioned time- for which tnat section ta famed Thine, nre.innt were Mr and Mr W t If hhpII, Mr and Mm Chits Hob h Mr itnd Mrs John C Stokes, Mr and M F M Anderson, Mr and V,' IM'tane Mr and Mrs Chae G Dye. Mr and Mr .1 A Stephenson, Mr nnrt Mi. !.;.:, II Aran bright, Mr and Mrs Frank II wxbv. Mr and Mrs ALP TIhmi.h" Mr'ud Mrs D Palmer, Cars I iv'ei.Mir lt ii Webb, Mrs Frank Oillenpie, Mi John Ilawxby, Misses I .hi,. Aiuubngiit. L'earle Roberts and Nannie Dye, .John nie Ilawxby, Floyd and Warren Steph enson and Robert Thompson, We are sorry to fee this charming family leave us, and wIkIi them happi ness and prosperity in their now home. One ok Them. 0BITUABY. F. II. Gipion died at his residence In London precinct, Nemaha county, Ne braska, on Sunday, February 10, 1002. On February 18 at one o'clock u very largo number of friends met at the spacious home of the deceased to pay the las t tribute ef respect to an old friend and neighbor. Tho funeral ser vlco wub conducted by Rev. D. B. Lako, pastor of the Methodist Eptacos pal church. Mra. Dysart presided at tho piano. A quartette from Auburn rondertd Bomo very appropriate music, The services throughout were very Im pressive. The remains were viewed for the last time by tho large concourso of friends, after which the door to the room were clcsed and the family was permitted to remain alonowlth the one I ihoy had loved so well and so long but now muBt part with forevor In this life. Those were sad moueutB to wife and children. The remains were laid at rest in tho London cemetery. May heaven's blessing be upon bereaved wife and children. Freeing II. Glpson was born Sept. 5, 1844, near Evansvillo, Indiana, where he urew w manhood. Jnno 27, 1872. he eame to Brownville and mado his home for two years with his sister, Mrs J S Young (now deceased), ia London precinct, and for almost thirty venrH has made his home in Nemaha count). January., 1675, he was unit ed in man-Ian with Miss Belle Van OomIoii. Deceased leaves to mourn his departure a wife and five children, two Hituers, Mrs. Alice Nuna.of Brack, and Mrs. Ellen Stokely, of Dauglas; hIho two brothers, Johu S. Gipsou, of , Evansvillo, Indiana, and Silas Glpson, Ul UKIllllUUltt. My little son had an attack of whoop ing cough and was threatened with pneumonia; but for Chamberlbln's Cough Remedy we would have had t, Herlnun time ef it. It also saved him from several severe attacks of croup. II .) Stlckfaden, editor World-Hoarld, Fair Haven, Wash. For salo by W W Keeling. re. Mr. and Mrs. O, C. Beveridge, the singing avangoliBts, will give their unique song and lecture entertainment at the Christian church at Brownville Sunday evening, beginning at 7:30. Admission free. A silver collection will be taken, Mr. and Mra. Beveridge will also sing at tho Methodist church at Brownville Sunduy forenoon. 44f,- r Yon may as well expect to run a team engine withoutSwater as to find an active, energetic man with a torpid liver, and you may know his liver is torpid when he does not relet) his food or feels dull and languid after eating often has headacho and sometimes dlz zieness. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will restor his liver to its normal functions, renew his vitality, improve his digestion and make him feel like a.new man. Price, 25 cents. Sample free at Keeling's drug store. L. EL. BATTLES Nemana, Nelbr. Come and see us when in Nemaha, We can offer you substantial inducements to trade with us POULTRY UAINTEDI Received at this price Mondays and Tuesdays, -K-K-K-KK-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-k-K-K-K-K-K-KjJi J- 4-