v m i VI -' ' O- V-J 1 ' t ' ' .1 V W VOLUME XL VI NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1902. NUMBER 34 UI,W HWaiOTlKlfniHi BOWMWHSHKHfS u. f c C . t ? I? ffsW-fZ W a&atiASKVem? &9 WW3K r SILBE1T & MCCMBLE Have just received a large stock of the latest styles In " 0 ft TV tV TV TV if Dress Goods Prints TV tV ' Dry Goods tV tV $ Notions Fresh Croo if tV J Boots eincl Hoes ;', tV Trunks, Valises, etc. . tV tV Yon iiit) invited to call and see them. tV tV TV TV TV tV TV ft .SfV ' nnd n completo 8tnck of Ties Also n largo assortment of GILBERT & 1 NFCANDLESS tV Local 3STews The Bleighing is about Bpoiled. See M T II ill for (Ire insurance. 'WVIart'Quille? has been very sick with scarlatina. M. T. Hill received his stock of wall paper Thurnday. The Advertiser and the Chicago In ter Ocean for $1.40 There is only one case of smallpox iu Nemaha or vicinity Thirty Plymouth Hook cockerels for sale at the Titus Nursery. Mrs. Rose Gilbert went to Lincoln Wednesday to visit friends Call aud sou us for reduced rates on magazines aud newspapers. See W. W. Harris of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. Claud Scovill is now employed by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Mr. and Mrs. J. D Italney, of Brown ville, were Nemaha visitors Sunday. Os'car F. Scovill has had his pension increased from $8 to $10 per month. Miss Lillian Minick visited her hi others at Bracken Wednesday and Thursday. Itev. D. B. Lake closed his meetings Monday night, on account of the small pox scare. Seymour Howo visited friends in Omaha from Tuesday until Friday of last week. Frank Woodward -went to Kansas City Thursday to see his mother, who is worse again. Mrs. John Quinn, of Bedford pre cinct, visited Mr. and Mi.'.lmos M Burns Wednesday. Call in and see us if you want to subscribe for any paper published in the United States. All the old maids of Nemaha will be at the Old Maid's Convention Saturday night, February 22nd. 'Gene Combs, of Pawnee City, came to Nemaha last Saturday and visited friends until Monday, The Old Maid's Convention will be hold at Hoover'd opera house Saturday night, FtbruHry 22nd. John I. Drossier, of Auburn, was a Nemaha visitor Tuesday and gave The Advertiser office a call. Miss Mamie Bartlett. of Shubert.was the guest of Miss Florence Bums this week. The Advertiser and the St. LouIb Globe Democrat both one year for nly $1.76. Charley Llndsey has moved to Langi don, Mo., where he will run a black smith shop. 1 have for sale 4 head of good horses, 1 line pony, l fresh Jersey cow, and a lot of pole wood, all on my farm be tween Peru and Brownville. Jno. S. Stull. Auburn, Nebr. Mrs. Strain went to Nebraska City Tuesday to see her daughter, Mrs. Morris, who is very sick. Dr. Stiers has his offices equipped with Hot Air aparatuses for treating rheumatism aud nasal catarrh. W.T. Banks, of North Platte, visited Nemaha friends from Saturday after noon until Monday forenoon. Miss Florence Minick returned home last Saturday after a visit of several days with her brothers at Bracken. Little Neva Russell, daughter of Lestor Russell, has been very sick with scarletinn, but is getting some better. For bst assortment of Dry Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of South Auburn W. W. Harrii prop'r. George Llndsey wbb taken sick Tues day with a sevtre chill and symptoms of pneumonia, but we understand is getting batter. We still have thirty Plymouth Rock cockerels. If you need any call at once. We want to close them out, Titus Nurskuy. Dr. MacVean will be at Mr. Young's residence, Brownville, Thursday of each week, for the next thirty days. Eyes Jtested free. Twenty per cent, off an glasses for school children, 1902 Wall Paper AT Hill's Drugstore Mrs Tolllngor, who has been visiting in Iowa, returned to Nemaha Wednes day. Fay Galther, ofMaltland, Mo,, came io Nemaha Wednesday morning, visit ing friends until Friday forenoon, when ho started for Alliance. Charley Woodward came in from Hastings last Saturday and visited his parents and friends until Thursday, when he went to Kansas City. Burch McGrow, of Auburn, started for tne Philippine Islands last Satur day, being ono of the teachers sent by our government to instruct tlio young Filipinos. Early Monday morning Nate Sedoras called for us to "Come over and see my BOY. He's a line one weighs 10 pouada." The young gentleman was born Sunday. Oacar F. Scouill, who has been stop ping at the soldier's home at Mllford. Nebr., for several months, came to Nes malm Monday evening and is visiting friends for a few days We understand W. C. Parriott, coun ty superintendent, and Miss Bessie Tynan, of Stella, were marriedWednes- day, The Advertiser extends commits ulation and best wishes. The editor has baen suffering from an attack of the grip for almost a week not quite sick enough to go to bed but too sick to do anything except sit around and feel miserable Mrs. D II. Clark and children re turned home last Friday afternoon, af ter a visit of several days with their parents and grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Chamberlain, at Johnson. J. F. Ramsey, who for some time has bad the contract for carrying the mail on the star route from Nemaha to St. Deroln, has been awarded the con tract again. He gets 500 per year under the new contract. My stock of furniture and stoves in complete. If you aro needing anything in my line give mo a call and I will assure you fair treatment. J. W, AltMSTKONd, South Auburu, Neb. Having bought the harness stock of John A. Hiatt, we will hereafter carry a complete stock of harness and har nes supplies, whips, halters, saddles, robes, etc. Prices guaranteed right. Call and see us. Edwards & Rradfokd Lumuer Co. Yon may as well expect to run a steam engine without water ns to find an active, energetic man with a torpid liver, and you may know his liver is torpid when he does not relsh his food or feels dull and languid after eating often has headache and somotimes dlz zleness. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will restor his liver to its normal functions, renew his vitality, imprave bis digestion and make him feel like a new man. Price, 25 cents. Sample free at Keellnc's drug store. Old papers for Bale at this office. $ ANDREW A-y-xrrcM Invites all his old customer and many new ours to cul'l $ TV $ iLFurniture, Hardware, etc. $ on mm in mo new dnck uaa l-u iowh mi hiim?. wimr you will llnd him with an entire new stock of Tlie Old Maid's Convention which will bo hold at Hoover's opera house Saturday night, February 22nd, will bo one of the best entertainments ever given In Nemalm. If you want to enjoy yourself thoroughly do not fall toattond. Aemission: Adults, 20 cents: children, 15 conts; reserved seats, 25 cents. Mrs. CIihb. P. Scovill had n nnrrow escape from burning to death Friday of last week. In taking a lid off the stove her apron caught tiro. She tried to put out the blaze, burning her right wrist eeveiely, but could not succeed, and ran to the homo of Dick Chambers, living next. door, whom tho lire was ex; ngtiudiol. If help hud not been very near she would probably havo bi'ou sevorely if not fatally burned Curtis Brown, who has been visiting in Pawnee county, returned home early Fiiday morning. Ho came to Tecum sell on the train Thursday afternoon, netting there too late for tho passonger train When he fwund thero would be no freight that night he started out and walked home, getting here the hitter part of the night tiled out and with badly frozon ears Dr. Dillon, of Auburn, was a pleiip aul caller Monday He had boon down to Morgan's Island to seo some small pox patients three members of a fninN ly living on the island having the diss eise in a light form. While here tho doctor viBited William Smiley aud said was the worst case he had seen. My little son had an attack of whoop tig cough and was threatened with pneumonia; but for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy we would havo had a Hnrioua time of it.' It also saved him from several severe attacks of croup H J Stickfaden, editor World-IIearld. Ffllr TTllVntl Wfiall Wnr. r,l I... T 111 I Keeling. Frank Flack has bought property In South Aubuin nnd expects to inoui out there in about two weeks. He will hold on to his Nemiilm property so ho can move back here when .10 gets tired of Auburn. Prof O. D, Scholl and family will leave tomorrow fur their long journey to Manila. They go from hero to New York aud take passage for the Philip pines by way of Gibraltar and the Suiz canal. Prof. Schell hnu been a valued instructor In ur public schools and the loss will bo keenly felt, not only In edu cational but In Boclal circles as Prof and MrB: Schell were well known and popular people. Falls City Journal Mrs. Scholl is a daughter of Mrs. John Clark, of this precinct, and n sis ter of I). II. Clark. Last Sunday was Mrs E A. Min-. Ick's birthday and her daughters planned and carried out a very pleasant BurpriBe. She was persuaded to attend' services at the Christian church that morning. When she got homo she found a bountiful dinner all ready to hs eaten, and waiting for her were her brother-in-law, II T. Minick, and wife, aud nil her children aud grandchildren living near here-Oscar L. Minick. wlTo and three children, Chits T. Minick, wlf and two children, Albert R Titua and wife, Misses Florence and Lillian Minick, and Cyrus Minick. Ordor of Hoaring nnd Notioo of Potition for Sottlomont of Aooount. Iiv, tlin Coimtv Court of Ncnmlin onunty, Neb. Tho Htntu of Nobrnnlcn County of Neinulm, h. To JoM-nli Yottcr, Prank Yottor, Mis. KIU INhtmril, .liruo Yultor unl Mrc Hnrali r.om nii, and nil jhthoiik IrttorrHtoil In the estulo ol Until lul Yottor, dccuamid, Notluo Ih hurohy Klvon that K. h. Wood, wind Iihh tiled a pptltlnu prnylnK for final nut tlemont and allowance) of IiIh udnilnlNlia lion account filed Iu thin court, on tlm'.'lHt day of January, A. I). 1002, and lor tlin mini oriwuuty dollarn (820 OC) lor oxIrAonllimry Mtrvlci's rendered said tiHtntc, and tliuBmo luiH boon not for hearing on tho 171 li day of Konruary, J002, at 10 o'cloolc a. in, at tlio county court roam of mild county, In Auliurn. when and whuio all persona tutor cHled In Nuld mattur iniiy appuar and nuow can ho, if there ho any, why tho prayer of wild petition uliould tint bo granted, and If Rufllclont oaiiNO Is not ahown tlio court may Krant tho prayer tbereol, aud tnako micli fur ther and other orderH ax may tio pro er. Dated IIiIm 21st day of January, liwa. HICIIAHI) K. NKAL, County Judgo. i. ft- TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV L. H. BATTLES Nemaha, Nofcr. Come and see us when in Nemaha, We can offer you substantial inducements to trade with us POULTRY WAINTEDI Hone, 7 l-4c cash; 7 l-2c In trade. Received at this price Mondays and Tuesdays, TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV . f ' N -K-KliX-K-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k--k-lf-k4r4ri.j,j, !. v. l. ,. .. . .-r r-r t i w w , r- - i v' '' r' f ' f ' r r r T T T T 77 r rl'f TH't, M