pyWMP"H -1 &. tl ir'jr "V-H w -n- snm'WJWWWIlll,fSPi9VI ,r T.Jl d &W ism TitnTfiinnnninfti ir,iMi I '8 n g r.lllttS WHfttf All IISF IAILS Bert CoukIi Bjrup. Tmics flood. Cm In tlmo. Bold .y drmfulnts. f Ugyy.1 fmf iy JfTTMil 2r. c. "PK Keeling, Nemnha, Nebraska. Of fico in Keeling drug Hlorc PETER KEKKELl, Donlorln Highest mmkctpiico paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc. The Nebraska Advertiser W. V. Sandr i.h publplicr Fill DAY, JANUAUY 10, 11)02 How's This? Wo offer Ono Iluminnt DoIIhm Howard for any chmb of Culnrrh that citnuul oo cured by lUll'NCnliirrh (Juro, K.J.OUKN15V A CO., I'ropM.,1olo(lo, O. l-f Wo tiro now cominencin,' to clean up our li Goods. Everything in those lines will gout ties of Winter JOHN A. HIATT, Deulor in HARNESS and Harness Supplies NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Oklahoma Feirms For Sale. Our stock winter on grow ing wheat. Mild clitniite. Prices rlglit. LUTHER II. IJARNES. Bison, Garfield county, Oklahoma. Brimble & Coons lroprlctor of the Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHA, NEBR. Good Dray in connection with Livery Satisfaction guaranteed. J. C. CHATELAINE Watchmaker and Jeweler All work KUimuiteed. Leavo order at L. II. HattluB' Btore, Nemaha, Nourm-kn WESLEY H. CLARK Deulor In Windmills and Pumps. Tanks, Pipes, etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Tuone ciilU unnwered piuiii)tly. NEMAHA, Nliim. J. H. SEID, HreciU'r of Brownville Locals Frank Iliilburtl and Mrs. Knlrlirother wore Auburn visitora Wednesday. Lafavetto Cllnkinbcard, who ims been very aick, Is alowly improving, JnmeB Christy spent a week visiting at .Johnson, rotuinlnu' hmo Saturday. Tho river is breaking up und it Is thought the ferry can bo run by Friday. Mlsa Lucy Gregory emtio home Wednesday to make liar parents a short VlHlt. There Is ti movement on foot to or ganize an Odd Fellows lodge at this Hughes camo down from Oma ha Thursday to spend u couple of days at home. Tom Mfihan departed for Oklahoma Wednesday, where he will mako hit fututo home. Dad Andrews sold his property It. block E, west division to Brownville, to his Hon Charlie. Mr. and Mrs. A. Vandovontor and Mrs. Caldwell visited the Dillon t'mitilj of L'eru Thursday R. 0. Woerrlinger, of Kent, Iowa, Bon in-law of J. W. Young, ia lookup for u location hero tliid week. Frank Williams, Wm. Kuuffman and Dud Andrews have each made a trip to Omaha the past week. Davidson Plasters, R T. Ralney, Dr Crane and J. W. Sapp wero doing busN new? at tho county hub Tuesday. Clark Waito and Bister Fhube. who havo been visiting the Fritz family, went to thoir Kxotor homo Saturday. Dad Andrews sold out his furniture and undertaking business to Lewelling & Davies, who took control Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nlckell, of 0'Nil. Nebraska, and MIsb Majors, oi Peru, were guests of Mrs. Crane on Sunday. The smallpox patients are all convns lescing, and as no new cases havo been reported it is hoped it hub about run its courso. A surpriso prrty was given Mondaj night at tin residence of Mra. Slack, tho occasion being the 22ud birthday of her son George, UrowHville la recuperating this week after two weeks of medicine hIiow, and u duller week has not been experienced for a long time. The people have just about as mhch for their money aa the fellow who soaked his coat for a drink. "A word to the wise ia nuflloient." JustSavod His Llfo It was a thrilling oacapo thutClmrles ivh i l vrt. i i, 0 , utoly had ,. ,.,... ...,. -, . irom a irignuui ueaui. rur i'vci yen ttf I l.rt .......! I - ... tn t J T I P i rf Chonly for t.iolnM 1i yearn, nn.l hcllovo lil'in I $ JrllCCS D6lOtC Ullllaid OL perfectly honornliln In nil ImhIiicbh trniiHiic Wo havo the best line of goods to select from in Brownville. Hero is a few of the many bargains yon will find at onr store: tloiiHnnd financially alilo to carry out nny nlillgnllntiH inniln by tticlr (inn. Wf'HlA Imnx, wIioIckhIo ilruj,'KltM, Toledo.O. WnlilliiK, Klnnnn A Marvin, wlmltMitlotlriiif KltH, Toledo, O. llnll'd Catarrh Cnro Ih taken lnlcrnally, act In directly upon tho blood and imicoiift mir fivceHof tho nyntom. Prices 76c por bottlo. Hold uy nil druggists TcHtlmonlnln free. Ilall'H Knmlly I'IIIm a.o the bcHt. My little Bon had an attack of whoop ing cough and was threatened with pneumonia; but for Chamberlrtin'B Cough Remedy we would have had a iriou time of IU It alao wived him from uevpral sovere attacks of croup. II J Stlckfaden, editor World-Hearid, Fair Haven, Wash. For salo by W W Keeling. wA yrmn rhli algnaturo In on erery box of tho genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tbieu !i rmady ilint rtiron a cold In one Amy Yon may aa well expect to run a Ueam engine without wuter aa to flnd in active, energetic man with a torpid iver, nnd you may know his liver la orpid when he does not'relBh his food ir feola dull and languid after eating often haa headache and Homctimea dlz .Umicmh. A fow rtoHi'! of ChHinborlain'B Stomach and Liver Tableta will restor ula liver to Its normal functions, renew Ilia vitality, Improve bin digestion and mako him feel like a new man. Price, 25 cents. Sample free at Keeling' drug Btore. ir ir ir Vr Vr k ir Ladies' Wraps, ono-half regular price. $ Wo carry everything in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, i j vjlotning, Hats, Caps, Mittens, Gloves, FoltBjots, etc. A . (JAIjJL. AJNU SJtiJU MJiJ S 125 pieces of Woolen Dress Goods to select from. 50-inch Broadcloth, brown and blue, por yard, 54-inch Broadcloth, black, brown and blue, per yd, 85 Dress Flannels in blade, brown, green and blue, Some nice things in fancy Dress Patterns, no two alike, 7 and 8 yards in pattern, Ladies' heavy Ready-to-wear Underskirts, each Ladies' Ready-to-wear Underskirts, each Men's all woolUndorwear, plain or fane, $ Men's hoav silk lleecod Underwear Men's heavy wool or cotton fleeced Underwear Men's heavy wool or cotton iloeced Underwear J Men's gray Random Underwear Ladies' Union Underwear Ladies' Union Underwear Ladies' Union undorwoar Ladies' union undorwear Ladies' Vests or Pants, each $ Ladies' Vests or Pants, each j Outing Flannel, per yard, agular Now 50 5J5 I, 85 (50 25 15 $1.25 87 1.00 00 50 30 1.25 1)5 1.00 79 05 45 50 39 25 19 1.50 1.00 1.25 89 75 41 65 39 65 39 35 21 n 4 - -K-K-jc-K-jt-K-jt-K-tc-X-K JNO, TV. XMTOI-IISY BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA Road It In His Newspaper. Georgo Schaub, n well known Ger man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, ia a constant reader of the Dayton Volka reltung. He knows that thla paper almB to advertise only tho beat in its columns, and when he saw Chamber Iain's Pain Balm advertised therein for lamo back, he did not hesitate in buying u bottle of it foi hia wife, who for eight weeks had suffered with the terrible naina in her bacK and could get no relief. He eays: "After uaing tho Pain Balm for a few days my wife said to me, 'I feel as though born anew,' and berore uaing tho entiro con tents of the bottle tlw unbearable pains had entirely vanished and she could again take up her hoiiHehold duties." He la very thankful nnd hopps that all suffering likewise will hear of her wonderful recovery. This valuable liniment ia for salo by W W Keeling. WM. CAMPHKMj, I'rt-H. KLMBK K. AWiR-V, Cusblnr. V. E. .VI.MW, Vlcot'r OF NEMAHA KTemalin, JTo'brnBlia Capital Stock, $5,000 MNmuimMn v. mnm wm ! rNeA Rigs A. Frompt Service S. CHAA1BERS Proprietor K. A. EELMBK, Livery asd Fd Stabl NemaHa, Nebraska . Oliawalevs DEALERS IN Watchmaker NEMMAA, and Jeweler. ! FARM IMPLEMENTS, Etc NEBRASK All work BUnrnnlced to kIvo uitlnfiicMon Wnst. nf flmirk TTniiRn Snuarfl.Bo- Aubliril.'JIob ! tA " !--,- , , n i 4ffnoEJoiS8aGsoEi(8BeEOfaoKOK2'r-ccr)EOEsuojoii'tiacfacnflrai3:3 Thnroiio-lihrorl Poland Cliinfi u BOVoro ,unff oublo constantly grew jiioioiigiiDrcu 1 oiana vnimi worao nntU ,tBeome(1 10 mU8t (iio of E3ZOO-S. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable, Almost everybody who reads tho news papers Is euro to know of tho wonderful cures maaa vy Dr. t Kilmer's Swamps-Root, 1 tho prcat kidney, liver L etui oladder remedy. f ti is me Krc:" meai' OotiHuniption. Then ho begun to use Dr King's Now Discovery and lntoly wrote: "It gave instant roliof nnd of feoted a permanent euro." Such won derful cnroB have for tJfi years proven itH power to euro all Throat, Chest nnd Lung troublea. Price 50o and $1 Every bottlo guaranteed. Trial bot tles freo at Kooling'H drug store. AJ$ 1 D I rs. lla.L .( IF i w COAL COAL Both haid and soft conl for sak by tho Edwards tSs Bradford Lumber Co If von want a stove that will burn caltr lumphof tho nine-. mrj tu,Hj B()ft cou W00( luui coi,a mH cfttccnth century; dls- . .... . , . t , ., . if i covered after years of ,'tyou Ilia tho most boat out of thf II Bclentlflc research by . fuel, get the Beckwith Hound Oak a Dr. Kilmer, tho eml-1 Thin Htove I have Bold for tin- lust tut nent money and blad- , , ,:, d-r Mcclalirt nnrf . I yr iiiul oun HBHiira you entire satis wonderfully ouccssf'.il lr promplly curing ' f net ion. Do not fail to call and see jame bacit, Ktancy, oiaaaer, urio acid trou- iiem .1 V Ahmsthono. bles and Blight's ulrase, which Is tho worst form of kidney troublq. Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will bo found just tho remedy you need. It has been tested ' In so many ways, In hospital work, In private practice, amonsr the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and ha3 proved so successful In South Auburn, Neb. C J. LORD will sett you Furreitctre cheaper than any one Wo make specialty of Undertaking Caskets, all kinda and prices Embalming done. HearBP furniahod Shubert, INefor. J. W. SAPP REAL ESTATE, LOAN and Insurance Agent. Collections mail" Notary Public in ofllcn. BIIOWNVILLE. NEBHASKA. Bravo Mon Fall Victims to Htomnoh, liver nnd kid ney trnuhlfH as well as women, und all fool the result in logs nf appetite, poituiuH in llio blocu, UiiekiK'hi', iicr every case that a special arrangement has T0UBn(1H. headache andtirod. IMiifM been made by which an readers ot this paper , ,, ,, . .. wtifthritmnn oWatlv Irle.t It. mi h rilllHilOWn let'llUg. lll UXMO'rt If ((W W BtV w. .-y .., ,.p ,..j (.V. T V tample bottle sent freo by mall, also a book need to feel like that, S telling more about Swamp-Root and how to ner. of Idaville, Ind., hhvh: linuoui II you iisvcRiunc er uiauuci irouuic. When writing mention reading this generous t In IM. nor.r nl TsKT end vour address to Dr. Kilmer h. Co.. Bin.?- K&W hamlon. N. Y. TlTa "-3SaBU: regular fifty cent and itr-mo rt nwmi-oc. loll&r slzos uro sold by all good drugKl&Us. u...?!!! ...i::::tTT--i 1H""'" Ml W G..rd 'Elect rlo Bitlnis aro jmt the tlitiiu for a uiai wIhmi he dmi't oaro whether he live, or diii It gnvo me new riri-nutl and uppi'tito. I omi now out ti t Hi n and havo ii now lease on life."" Oul f0 ontH at Ivrnling't clruu un Evi-ry bottlo yuarantLod. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1 VBiraft&HW! Mmi&m mWP a w O rip Q Wy I o H " M LARGEST CmCDLITIOHJWMYPOUTICAL PAPER IN THE WEST But It can always be relied ong for fair and honzit reports of all po- ai ....THE.... t w B k i 6i n a a p: &k n kN u n WEEILYlIERyCFill1! seoKHo fj It is radically Republican, advocating u the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and earnestncssJ! IA o litlcal movcm'-ntsJ5u'tJtkJ W THE VEEKLY IJiTEH OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL ,,M THE HEWS AMD BE8TCURREKT LITERATURE j"g It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper la Without a Peer. The Literature of its columns Is cn equal to that of tho bctt maga- Jq ItlsiaUrastiitKtottiochll- .."J t drea r.r well as the parents - THE INTER OCUAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD und gives ltt. tedders the best and abkit dlsctissionj of all questions of the dxy, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and arpiratlons of Western people &i discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoinUWt ltt W Ml -a u Kt $,,00"P?1,CE OKDCLLARPER YEfiB-5!. M ELw 3 W THX DilLT AWPStmilATBITIOTfS 0T TnS Q 1 Bl AH1.K Oi;CAn AKE ilKVl Of IUEIK. tUlW. ft u at! (IS PrlooofItlT by iimll i)t.00 r yenr S viaii I'rlouoSuHdny byinull f't 00 tirr your ?j g VT g Dally nnd Sunday by mall $.00 yir tfr J r'Ofl05tfMea9isooqcacconaaosctitjco'vjai!ni?S'S;jaoK5;' o UJ Yi K f M M ' 1.0 r v: r ? a a Kr a i (13 Trade Marko Dcsiqns COPYRIOHTa &c. Anrono ioiidln eUotrli nd flfscnpiinn mnj ndoUlr lUPCitMl.ioNr oi'IiiiiiJmb wfcethpr n iivnntlnu U urolimbly p.unuble. Cnmmiinlca. m" PlctlrMiffiSe iiW. l"u:?1,!L l",!,c,!,u .onl f rc. Olrtoit "KOiirr for eourlii(? PUcmi. I'litants taken triroueh Munu A Co. rocotvo ficial notk4, without ctinrea, in tUo Scientific JSatiiican. V hnnrtsomelr lllnitrtPt warWr. "tlttfirrl e,7:v,mvflBoW UNN & Co.36,Broadway New York lYraloh Omco. C35 IT Dt., WniUluulon. p. C. jmmmiiiirzmaBmemmassi by ourpUyslolons and n FREE SAMPLE .rroctr invinP bvour n w -wmmm r -!.. -t . . ..1 "T." ..... - . ... nt nnr mndloine. also Jf roo uomo Troaimont. a noDUL-oiuustnitcu uoonaoRcno. lnir Byssptoins und onuso of dtacases with host treatment, uIho muny valunhlo rpriix::! and prescriptions in plain language, saving you heavy doctor's bills. Aalc for Kj Pi lc mi'c DeO'I" Ui rvay o s yiivvcilv i H M si cures tUo very worst cases of Dysponsia, Constipation, IToadaohp, rnipuaiion cr .ver ana juunoy aisoasos anu uau rrauiia oi in uriiuio. bcuu mr immu It. Write us about all your symptoms, hold Dy aruwlsts. don't accept any buihiii. Hourt. Liver i tnin i,nt BPmi u3 25 ots. or tl.00 and we will send Dr. Kay's Renovator by return mull. Addrc&s, DR. B. J. KAY MEDICAL GO., Saratoga Springs, H. Y." ziXititiiriv 73ri ."J'. ft: S?i ZW ! -c X -I X 4 1-. A. K.XmzK& " MErt jtftf jm Mium mi nk rf ii ' rrr -j ' Via