-11 1 . .1 f ft y , ., 7 . v I :Jf ' - ' X.vW .. V V- VOIAIMK XL 1 NEMAHA, NEIHIA5KA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, IWl. NUMlHiR 29 ""jw' - k Jfc?IWUa'fMtIWMMMWMMfcWtfWAUNjnWM''a'w r'')rwr.'tJ,llJV'iJi'''"w-'P'iaiiwiii,,tlwnt,ur.W'TrCTi?tTjfiwwiuMjiiwyM Yr I f' X. MnM)nviMai fr y.- h k V k k ft- 81 6 itl 2 5 I A large stock of Shoes Over' I shoes- Rubbers, IceivecL k k k k k VSr k k k k k -k ft k k k K k k k k Call and GILBERT & BflPCANDLESS Vr -M-M'. DEHORNING John Flack has bought dehorning clippers and litced up a chute and is now prepared to dehorn any nu.nbor of cattle on short notice. Ho has the chute on wheels, so he can tuke it right with him. Give him a trial if you want any dehorning done. Satis faction guaranteed. !Tho Best 19 tho Choaoost." Not how cheap, hut how good, is the question. The Twice-a-Week Republic is not aB cheap as are some so-called newspapers. Hut it is as cheap as it ia possible to a01 a first class newspaper. It prints nil the news that is worth printing. If you read it all the yeai round, you are posted on all the important and inters mating affairs of the world. It is the bnst and most reliable newspaper that money and brains can produce and tho.se stio'ild be the distinguishing traits of the newspaper that is designed to he read by all members of the family. Subscription price, 81 a year. Any newsdealer, newspaper or postmaster will receive your f-ubscription, or you may mail it dirtct to The KicruBLic, St. Louis, Mo, All our farmer readers should take advantage of the unprecedented club bing offer we this year make, which includes with this paper The Iowa Homestead, its Special Farmers' Insti tute editions, and The Poultry Farm-, er. These three publications are the lMst of their class and should be in every farm homo. To them we add tor local, county and geueral news our own paper and make the price tor the four for one yearftl .35 . Never before was so much superior reading matter offered for so tun all an amount of money The papers named which we club with our ow n are well known throughout the west and commend themselves to the reader's favorablo attention upon mere mention. Tho Ilomcstend is the great agricultural mid live stock paper of the west. The Poultry Farmer is tho most practical poultry paper for the farmer published in fhe country, and tho SpecialjFarm 'is' Institute editions are the most practical publications for the promo tion of good farming ever published. Take advantage of this great offer. AND :-ti a- ,M hV U 1 "2 SK UJ etc,, just re, See Us, See M T Hill for tire insurance. Elmer Brimbl returned to Lincoju Isnt Saturday. The Advertiser and the Chicago In tar Ocean for $1.40 Eugene Howe returned to Hubbell, Nebr., last Saturday. Leslie W. Woedward went to Des Moines, Iowa, Monday. Call and see us for reduced rates on magazines and newspapers. See W. V. Harris of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. Jeff Broady went to Lincoln Thurs day to visit parents and frieud. Meat cutters of all kinds and prices at Edwards A Bradford'Lutnber Co. Nelson Hadlock has beau sick for several days but is getting some better. Avis Curse has beeu sick for about a week with scarlitina, but is getting better. T. W. Wheeler.'came in.from Auburn Monday afternoon, returning the next foroioon . Mr. Gnllnger, of Abiline, Kansas, is visiting his btothor-in-law, George El dredge, this neek. Call in and see ub if you want to subscribe for auy paper published in the United States. Mrs. LyU Hair returned to Unadllla Tuosday, after several days' visit with her mother, Mre Keen Leslie. Dr. Stiers lias his otlices equipped with Hot Air aparatuses for treating rheumatism and nasal catarrh. Mrs. Veva Itainey, of Brownville, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hoover, Monday and Tuesday. Frank Woodward went to Beatrico Monday and from there to Lincoln, re turning home Thursday afternoon, For best assortment of Dry Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of South Auburn W. T. Harris prop'r. STOPS THE COUGH WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative BromoQuinino Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. 25c K' Frank Lindsey has botitit the house and lot BOiithweat of the school house Hint Dick Charobi'is recently boUI to Q. W , Shlveley, ttollie Morton had a birthday party Wodneeday ufteauoon (mm -1 until 7 nu'lnck, and those present enjojed hemselves heartily. Mi-8 Eva Ale Iws the latent styles of millinery and hor ptioa are right. Orcsbiuaklng of all kinds done prompt ly and at reasonable rates. John A. Illtitt hm bought tho Ncs mnhu restaurant of Mrs. Carse, taking immediate possession Ho will prob ably sell his Imruen shop If you are going to need a steal range- or anything In tho atnvn line, go to Edwards & Hradfoid Lumbar Co. Llioy can imvo you money. Mrs. Dr. Keeling slipped and loll at her homo last Saturday, and wan se verely jarred. She has been suffering from the effects ever since Just received, a stock of skates, sleds, harmonicas, arolmrena board, etc Come iu and look at them. Edwards A Hkadfokd Lnn. Co, A key ring with two keys o it was found on the street a few days ago The owner can have the same by cull iug at this ottlce and paying for notice II. D Btebe received the sad news Monday alternoon of the death ef his granilfather.which occurred at 3 o'clock that metning at his home near Stanton, Nbr. JoeciTitus returned from Oklahoma Tuesday. Joe has been there nearly two months and nays he saw some fine country, but is satisfied to remain in Nt-maha county. 1 have for sale 4 head of good.horses, 1 fine pony, 1 fresh Jersey cow, aud a lot of pole wood, all on my farm tie tweenPeru and Brownville. Jno. S. Stull. Auburn, Nebr. Tho infant son of Mr and Mrs. J. M. Workman died Friday of lastweek. from cerebro spinal meningitis. Ha would have been three years oldln February. The pnreuta have our sym athy Injtheir bereavement. Ed Frazier got full Thursdayand when the marshal attempted to arrest him,thatnight he revlsted. He was lodged iu the cooler and the next morning he wai taken before S. C. Iv.iwnvice, justice of the peace, who fined nim 81 and costs A. F. Walsh Is having a lot of the Huover timber land cleared off utid will put out a big orchard. The laud le along the bluff about two miles and a half northeast of Nemaha. Mr. Walsh is getting huge piles of poles and long rickB of cord wood piled up n Nemaha. Dr. Towne, of Omaha, was in Ne maha u few hours Thursday afternoon aud gavejtbis ollice a short call. The doctor in a meraoer of the state board of health and looks after the investiga tion and quarantining of smallpox and other contagious diseases, he being an expert in that line. Marie Woodvvsrd was three years old Wednesday and her mother gave her a party to colsbrate the event. A number of nice presents were received. The following little folkB were pres ent: Helen Gilbert, Genevieve Mc Candless, Ruth Keeling, Esther Keel ing, Mario Galbtaith, Nova Zook, Pearl Chambers, Fay Chambers, Courtney Anderson, Lora Hoasloy, Lil'.ie Clark, Grace Jarvis. The Methodiit Sunday school last Sunday elected tho following officers for the next six months: Superintendent W W Keeling. Assistant sup't I N Cooper. Secretary Misa May Kerker. Assistant secretary Wm Smiley. Treasurer Waltor Hadlock. Librarian Miss Lulu Cooper. Asb't libaarian Maudie White. Orghnist Miss Lillian Miuick, Ass't organist- -Mlas FlorencoMlnlck RESOLUTINB OF EESPEOT The following resolutions were adopted Wednesday night at tho rogu lar meeting of Olive camp No. 14, W. O. W. Whereas, God in lis providence line removed. by death tho wife ot our be loved sovereign, Sylvester W. Hudge Itesolved, therefoie, and with deep humility, that the sympathies and soi row of our camp be extended to our boreavod brother and his children; and that in thus boning in humble sub mission to His will wn drape our camp iu mourning for the next ISO daa W. W. Kkkumi, J. A. 11 1 ATT, Committee. Victory lodgf No 11)6, 1. O. O. F., ail op tt'd the following renolutlona: Whereai, Thuiu has been removed from our midst by thegilm monster death the wife of our beloved brother, Sylvester W. Hodge; therefore be it llesolved, That we, his fellow broth ers, extend to him and his children our sincere sympath) 'and f internal help in F., L. and T., and that we drupe our hall in mourning. J. A. Hia.it. Makshall Tkhii, HUFU3 Ilu'.VKN, Committee. Old papers for sale at this office. New Drug Store ANNOUNCEMENT At the old place you wiirfind me with a new clean stock of Drugs, Medicines and Sund ries. Cigars, the best brands. Prescriptions just as written our specialty. Respectfully, M. T. HILL. )ff)f4)f)f)f)fjf)f)fffJf4jfjfjf4)(.4444)f44444444444444444444jf44)fjf)f A BIG REDUCTION IN PRICES ON ALL WINTER GOODS WE WANT TO SPRING AND MUST CLOSE THESE OUT Highest RriceScFeilcl for Poultry $ eundL Produce COME AND SEE US Ii. HI. BATTLES .M-M-K-M-K Tho ice on the Mlnsotirl river linff broken up at UiIh peint. Mr and Mrs. It. T. Devorst? arrived home Friday morning from Oklahoma where they have tieen visiting their unn W. T. Dnvorss and old friends. They reportall farmer Nemaha county pro pin as apparently prosperous in good health and well pleaaed with tha coun. try. SCHOOL NOTES. Nouau BuitsoN, 3 w.ii.M Williau-Smilby,, huM,or8- ' With healing heart to the' task he went." Scott. Pvarl Hiatt was absent Monday. Sarah Frazier wan absent Monday. Tho ninth grado have taken up rhet toric. The sixth grade aro reviewing in history. Lata Hilll was absent several dnys this week. Arthur Llttrtll, enteied the sixth urhdu Monday, David Burns entered the eighth grade Monday. Miss Mary Steutevillr visited tha high room last Thursday. The eighth Fgrnde art struggling in algebra. Ninth grade ditto. Johnnie Stephenson visited the pri mal y room Friday morning. Neva Bunnell was absent from school last week on account of sickness. Excellent weather. It is not often that hoys can play ball'in January, Mrs. Yackley, Ted Scovill and Ed Littrell visited tho school Monday. t Avis Cnrfto and Ethel Eldredge are absent this week on account of sick noas Tht eighth grade have begun the t(llt ci Ictkkeeping and civil gov errjment. School began Monday, after a week's vacation, with a full attendance in all departments. Elfie and r.Edna Thomas will be missed among the pupils of the second and third grades. The 'Advertiser and the St. Louie Globe Democrat both one yeur for only $1.75. $ MAKE ROOM FOR GOODS 4 i , '