wT i H- --ic-dA; VOLUME XLV1 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, IflOi. XUMBEU 25 iwmii(iriwaM; i uwj .atmirrtit rjtjaajreCToianAflwtrtfyMgW'tigyt-twiMrTrj ywy . yS!ys?2gg,gyg2Sl2srggg t -. r- IdLtJSJliJK 1 QC Heat and cheapest lino of UNDERWEAR on the market See our variety and get our prices on HATS AND CAPS before buying The Big H Brand of I. t. I . can i no ueut ior uie money A. splendid line of OUTING FLANNELS at right prices Prints, 6 to 6c Ginghams, 7 to 10c A good line of Woolen Dress Goods Shoes and Rubber Goods $ Wo have given special attention to goods for your money J Victor, the best northern spring wheat flour, $1.10 per sack I'he best high patent fall wheal flour, 81.00 per sack P.vopvMihior hi tliB Ornpurv TAtu at bed rnek nrinns J A car load of Minnesota Potatoes just in Come in and set) us for your winter supply Oar load of Michigan Salt just in GILBERT & IV! LANDLESS 4c - K Edward E. Lowman, the Brownville , merchant, gave as a pleasant call . Thursday afternoon how pleasant can 1) judged by tho advertisement on the last page. The brick work of, tho Odd Fellows building is completed, the roof is on. windows are in and tho floors laid, and tho callings aro now being latbod. Tho work is being pushed as rapidly as possible. llins Eva Able has the latest styles of millinery and her prices are right. Dressmaking of all kinds done prompt ly. Satisfaction guaranteed. FOR THE We have one of and best stocks of HOLIDAY erer brought to Nemaha, and the prices will be found as low as the lowest. Dainty Novelties of all kinds that will decorate the home and be a lasting remembrance between friends. The best goods at the lowese prices. Call and see us in our new location, on the east side of the street, s KEELING S DRUG STORE NEMAHA, NEBRASKA. t - K - )4K - K - K - K - K - 1Y1 Uil JJIjJ!iiS5Snl,;lof th, w;ek '"; ;he ww of T I raisins money for Christinas. Overalls and Jackets ; 1 M at bed rock prices this line and can give you as good as you can get auy woere Z - K - K - K - K - K - K - K W. D. Hartwoll, of Pawnee City, state bank examiner, was in Nomana Tuesday and examined the Dank of Nemaha Of course he fouhd'every- X. imng an ngnc. j - M. T. Hill returned from Omaha last Saturday, having bought an entire new stock of drugs, medicines and sun dries, which are now arriving. "See his announcement. Miss Blanche Lytlo was given a eur prise party Monday night, at the resi dence of Mrs Rosina Wheeler. The young folkB present passed a very pleasant eveniug: HOLIDAYS! the largest, nicest GOODS I :)c - K - K - )c - Kict Dime Sociable j The Methodist Sunday school will rIvu iv dime social In tlio front room of the opera house bulldlne Rtitiirdnv raising money for Christmas. Bee II T Hill for Ore Insurance Rain, sleet and boow Thursday. Less than two weeks till Christmas. A cold wave struck us Friday morn lng. If you you want any call on W. W. Sanders. flro insurance We understand Nemaha will soon have a now meat market. Wm. G. and Alva Maxwell started) for Alliance, Nebr., Tnesday. George Eldredgo returned from Da vid City, Nebr., Monday afternoon. Frank Titns is clerking In Battles' store and will stay there until aftor the holidays. Mrs. John C Boyd, of Asplnwall precinct, returned from Omaha last Saturday. J. H. Lit troll went to Nebraska City Monday afternoon, returning the next forenoon, Mrs. A. F. Walsh is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. H. Hoover, and her sisters in Lincoln this wttk. J. C. I'omeroy has moved into the brick where Mrs. Crim kept a board ing house for so many years. Dr. Stiera has his offices equipped with Hot Air aparatuses for treating rheumatism and nasal catarrh. Mrs. D. H. Clark wont to Johnson Thursday, to visit hor parents, Iter,. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Chamberlain. Tiie Keeling drug store was moved to its new location in the Keeling building, on the east side of tho street, Wednesday. L. H. Battles went to St. Joe Sun day oveniug and the next day bought a lot of new goods, returning to Nemaha that evening. Mil, Oscar L. Minick cajne in from Bracken Monday and visited Misses Florence and Lillian Minick, returning home the next day. In the list of officers of the Boyal Highlanders, published last weok, we omitted the name of NateSedoras, who was elected Warder. Frank Lindsey is a now subscriber to The Advertiser. He also subscribes for tho Chicago Inter Oceai and tho Kansas City Journal. Miss Delia Smith, of Table Rock, Nebr., visited her aunt, Mrs. Walter Hadlock, from Saturday until Tuesday, when she wont to Auburn. Mrs. Dageuheart, of Bloomington, Ilia., is visiting her brother, Walter Paris, and her cousin, Mrs. May Bald win. She arrived here Monday. Just received, a stock of skates, sleds, harmonicas, archarena boards, eto. Come in and look ut them. Edwards & Bhadfoud Lbii. Co. Mrs. Roslnn Wheeler has bought of Mrs.Carsethe three lota west of the opera bouse and will build a cottage thereon. She will probably wait until spring before building. The location is one of the bet in Nemaha; Geo. McClure was surprised Tuesday morning to receive a call from an old schoolmate, Mr. Temple, whom he had not aeon for over twenty yearB. Mr. Temple's home ia in Illinois but bo baa been in Oklahoma for some time. Brimble A Coons' livery barn caught fire Friday morning, but by hard work tho Are was extinguished with but little damage. The Are caught In the loft over the office, from a defective flue, and was blazing lively when dis covered. 'A few buckets of water put It out in abort order, but it was a close call. 44 I ANDREW AYNES ! has opened a full stock of I 4 fhardware and Furnitures In tho Minick building, and luvltes the patronage of all his old customers and many new ones. J An entire NewStock of Goods $ i Nemaha, Latest deigns J 8ee W. W. Harris of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. Meat cutters of all kinds and prices at Edwards fc Bradford Lumber Co. Valentino Rltter died at his homo in Aipiowall precinct at 6 o'clock Mon day morning, of inflamatton of the bladder, aged 82 yoars, 11 months and 21 days. He was an old resldont of this connty, earning here in 1860. Ev ery one who knew him liked and re speoted Uncle Vol Bitter. He leaves a wife and eight children: Valentine. jr., of California, J. B., G L. and John of this county, Mrs. J, W. Taylor, of Auburn, Mrs. Jack Jones, of Aspln wall preciact.and Mis.C. Cj Banks. of Cozad, Nebr. S 8 Lawrence, father of John, Abo, Doc and Sam Lawrence, died at tbo home if Abe Lawrence, with whom he nas been living, Monday evening of this week.. He has been ia poor health for many, years, and recently had been worse, bat was able to go to the sapper table that evening, and dropped over dead while tatlng eupper. He was aged 7i years, 1 month and 14 days. He wae an eld resident of the county. coning here In 1803. Tho funeral tor vices, eoaducted by Rot. D. B. Lake, were held in the Methodist church at Browaville Wednesday foreaooa. His aged wife and the Ive sons have the sympathy of all In the loss of a loving husband aad father. For beet assortment of Dry Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r. ' ' XMAS PRESENTS A lot of nice things for your VlQOTf We have Handkerchiefs at $ as nice as have over been sold X Tios for the young arid Ties for the old in tho latest styles $ and patterns. Mufflers to keep you warm. ' $ Glassware and Lamps in nice patterns. See those. They $ i will please you. We have about 20 Picture for. There are 4 different styles. $for$l CANDY Nice and sweet. Enough . want at 20 cents down to 5 cents A merry Christmas and New Year to All. L. HI- BATTLES . in Furniture. Nebraska $ - ANNOUNCEMENT ' At the old stand new drug store you will find me with a new and carefully selected stock of Drugs, Medi cines and Sundries and respectfully ask a lib eral share of your business. Long experience ena bles me to know your wants, and with new clean goods at prices right, .prompt and gen tlemanly treatment will endeavor to serve you. Very Respectfully, . , 1JC T, HILJi. If you are going to need a steel range or anything In the stove line, go to Edwards A Bradford Lumber Co. They can save you money. STOPS THE OOUQH AMP) WORKS OFF THI COLD. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day. No Cure, no Fay. 25c COAL COAL Both hard and soft coal for sale by tho Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. '- - - - -: ------- - t . '1 $ mother, wife,.sister or sweet-1 any price you want. Some are in tho city. j. Frames that others ask you $3 J You may have your choice for all, and you can buy all you per pound. Happy 5 -K-K