Si 1 :A? ;a h '" W tefcjd :w' "ivM' A. 'SV.Rtt n -vm, ikll- KT" 1, M "$ J1V S f ' . . 4 , n t ', H ' .1 . -Isjyrw-v JsH h1 & 1 r v- Jri-T. ,c m$$ leSkr Ei T Bj '. V ;, Pi; Yy3 -v UUftS WHtHL ALL ELSE FAILS, B Ilofll CouRti Syrup. Twites Ootid. In tlmo. Hold or ilrtuwlntfi. Do 2?7 J$, WvKeeli7igt 4 ' Nonmlin, Nebraska. Offioo In Koollng building, sooond door ortli of Aynon' hardware Htoro. PETER KEltKER, Denier In -a.. e:stiers, MiP 'A- NEMAHA, NEBR, H IlighcHt market pr lie paid for HUt'B, . t . 1. k ' liMfl 1 4 Tonderi, his professional services to L the "citizens of Nemaha andtfytcinity. ' All, calls' answered. Dri Gaithor's office. ' .. 671 JOHN A. klATT, Dealer in n ' ? and Harness Supplies NEMAHA, NEBRASKA J. GOHATfcLAINE Watchmaker and Jeweler All work guaranteed. Leave ' , ardors at. L. II. Battles' store, Nemaha, Nebraska BRIMHLE S COOJVS Proprietor of the Livery&Feed Stable HMAHA, H1BB. ' 1 1 i 11 1 11 Crcod Dray It conntotton with Llvsry Satiiihotio>iartatsed, XH-SfelD, ZaA urA a Chin vw .x'i-ii -FaWatf ihalftmilea south wa6ef . ,?". If qtiofojr HJparipg, plasms. In tho Couoty tiourt of Nomatm'ooiinly.Neb. In tb matter at lUa eHtuUt of MHrtln T, Ma unwaiDUt. Nollae Is herter lveu ttiHt thejfiourt hnit iniwM 'ordr Umrttnu the tltno for creditors to fllri.BUlRiti iiRttlnut Rild tloitmnod to nix month rom' the Dili any or Novembor. 1001, Hnd ttmt-JmlUitrv Oth. Miiroh 10th nnd Mnv Hnd Umt Jtiiluury Otli, Miiroh 10th nnd May sth, leri.'nt 10 o'clock a. in. ofeeh day, nt the umoaof tuoUiiuniy Jadtte of Notnubn coun ty, Nebrniku, In Auburn, NebrHNkn, Mh boo tlxed'by the Court hr tho HmuH and' plwco when undwhere nil pnrsotiH who have olulmn and demands nualort xald deoeanad can liavo ibftnaino examined, adjunted and nllitwed', and Mil claims not, presented at the lawi tneiiMQiiea uaie will be forever narred, uy mi iiruvrni ioevnurt IhiUd Oolobor ib, 1001, ' ItlCHAHU K. SKh, County Judge. Women ms Well as Men Are Made Miserable try Kidney Trouble. Kidney (rouble nrevs ubon tha mind, rlis. . toragef ,an,d IsMSffS ambitlop; beauty, vigor arid cheerfulness soon .US5i:l Zi I A .'J. disappear when the kid neys are, tut of order or dtsesd.y v Kldney.freuble has become eejKevalent that It la not'uncommon for a child, to bo born afflicted with weak Hd-( neys. If the child urin ates toe 'often. If th mm, Sffjirina "scalds the flwh or If, w)en tho child. ' WMfthes an age when it should be able to bsssssssssssssssssssssssssssb ri aaaVBMBSBiBaBBlBBlBaVBaHBBBVSVias ! vo 'fci I'UkCJ-. - ' i"f TT fMMl ;TI " ' TtooliBBBBjfci f ' AwSMKrn 'li'"X"Ul" i. V JTH.1 -W'- - t - .- ij .uasBhgaM Mini WM W -1 rv'-'t 'n mSsx-r t' riW1 the passage, It Is, yet afflicted with ' 1;bft4frWettlng, depend upon 'It. the cause o( wm jai f iiv an uirin tm tajkii i u.aAi ri . a k.W,' slf should be towards tho treatment oj ' ' ' '' these Important organs, r This unpleasant 7 trouble Js due toVa diseased condition of the ,&' 4 fkliineyd and bladdtrnd not to a habit as ''V'IV;P' .Inost'.peopla suppoisf. P 'Women as H a,.men are made mis mauio, wiiii, fuBjr nu uiauucr uouDiC. and,, both Md; the same great remedy, The. mild' arkl "the Immediate effect of SwakipRoot Is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists, In flfty csnt and one dollar ctzes. You may have a samplo bottle by mall free, also pamphlet tell- Hon ot Bwmp-Root, Ing all about It, Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters .received 'from sufferers cured. In writing Dr., KUmct &Co., Dlnghamton,"'N,.. Y., ba sure and mention this paper, ' 'v- . W ' The Nebraska Advertiser I wv - I W. W. Sandehs, publsher F1UIMY, NOVEMBER 10, 1001. 1) E Zook, of Loudon precinct, will luivo a public sale of thorouiflibrcd Poland China lioa. both males and fe malos, on Friday, Npy.-,2Dth. Further particulars will be gWep next weak. Special nttraetlotMrices, side shows (Ire drills, bandri andTOOtball at Nebras ka Oity Novembor 26fh'.. The blggoat . . . . . ,.'iif v ;i . , VTounesuay in bo u tn eastern neurnsKa. Free toll ncrosa the&rlver. Special railroad rates. v We, the undersigns desire through the public press to oxprpss our gratl tude and thanks for Ibo appreciation shown us by the veters of tho county, regardless oj party affiliations. We assure you it will ever evsr be our aim to so conduct and perform the duties f our ssvoral, public' .offices so aa to merit a continuance (Sf your confidence and good will. G. BJJkvkkidgb, KiohAri) F. Nbal, G. EJ?6odinqton, Anis'L. La WHENCE, O. H. IlACKKlt. Valuable Oolleotion. Mr. 'liirl Hoover, ot Nemaha City, has spent many an -svenlng and odd spell in collecting and beautifying the different kinds of wood which can be found in tbe stats and now be has aeventyQve varieties. Ho has sevaral hundred canes, a chair and a throno all made from native timbers, shrubs and vines, and tba whole is wortn a lengthy study. Tbe carving and turning aro done in a workman-like manner, and tha ornamenting, decorating and trim ming on tbe chair and throne are truly artiBtio. One of the'eanes alone bus ssvsnty-ilvs kinds of Wood in its make up and is really a thltg of beauty. He alio baa a number of antlers and buffalo borns, eta, from animals that be kiHed back in territorial days. Mr tloovir has been a resident of Nemaha City slice 1850 and bai,witnessed many changes daring these fears Granger . ,; few ef the lendsand neighbors: $t: d ;& jrfiW gvt tniMua pleseant sjJjprlMjlast 8ua4ay basket! and having good dioper and reeaent visit.; tTh, only, thing thai ? mJojme ,pf occasion )W the feftboMprweai that Lea. Ht 'AimHlt'; 'Jloamle, Stepbensou and Obarley Rwerta. would nfake tbemt aalvee steary bating so muck cake, but greatly to trie) surprise ef all they ap parently 'experienced' no bad t fleets. Tub AdVertlsei' was remembered wLih good sdbly of cukturke and other gebd things. ' The following guests were pretest: Mr. au'd Mrs. Geo. E. Dye, Mr. and lis. Chas. W. Huberts, Mr. and Mrs; Seymour Howe, Mr. and W. T, Russell, Mr and Mrs. John II Argabrlght, Mr; and Mrs. Jame A Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs.O. L. Itussell. M,re. Jobu.'eabury, Mrs. Johu llawx bj, Mrs. J. M. Fuller, Mrs. Frauk GIN leflple; Mrs. Wm. Colerick. SCHOOL NOTES. Edna Lytlk, viltn,a Wilue Yates, a110"' VUtors are welcome. Herbert Brlmble was absent Wcdness day. ' Frauk Aynes'entered tbe sixth grade Monday. ' , The members of the high school now eojoy,ad'lly puper, i The eightb grade is ready to takeup fraotipnsriu algebra. Theejghth grade had examination in gograpliy laijt week. Dorii-cOlarl: .entored tho school for n v '? ... s .fsitjflw yvork.Monday. ;i ..Wj it ..".: J.x.. ..ii..i i. i...i.-" JiraJO. (illlltlUNII V1DIIUU lilt IIIIUIIUL 'lule depjirtmont Monday. A ' : ' Porlry 'kowen. and Horbort Brlmble yVere absent a half dan last week-' Claud jokWyvna absent Mo'nda'y'af ternofin dnoetiunt of being, ?ck$i v '. .: . ' . t The'nlrilh grade had examination fu arltliuittlo, general history and alcub'ra last Week. So many new students luvvo enered. sch 10I that an order for uiur D iuka was necessitated. !v 'Old papers for sale at this office.' ,.tt.. smallpox at st. Deroin Smallpox Iiiiu broken out In St. Do roiti and vicinity. It is said otto peri 8 n who hud tho dineuso attonded one of the political meetings nnd thus Hprcad It throughout the community. The school tettchor took tho disease, and two children of Wm.Flllraer.whoso w ife is the postmistress, also have the disease. Filltners livo in a houso of only two rooms nnd tho postollice is kept there. Tho disease lstvory light and little has buen said al)0ul it, Tues day evening County Commissioner Stevenson was 'phoned td regarding the matter and he hud Dr. I. H .Dillon,' ef Auburn, go to St. Deroin. Wednesday morning. The doctor bad the disease a few months ago and ought therefore to be qualified to toll What it is, arid be says there aro twenty-five cases ef gen-, nine smallpox, though In a light form. The commissioners have placed the caso in Dr. Dillon'd care and he went down Friday morning to establish a quarantine. The mall has been stopped and no mall is now received from or Bent to that postefllcsbut is held at the Nemaha office. It Is hopedUie spread ing of the disease can bo stopped. TIUS IS Y0UB OHANOE In order to introduce It into your home The Semi-Weekly State Journal will be mailed from now until January 1, 1002, for only twenty-five co'nts. This will give you a paper every Tuesday and Friday and will be almost us good as a daily. It will glveyeu all the maikets, which just now is a valuable feature, wertb to every farmer rnaay times tbo cost of the paper. The Jour nal is printed at the state capital and Is moro of a state paper than any of its competitors. It prints the news of the world fresh from special wires in its own office and priutB it twice a week while it is fresh, and doesn't charge you any more for it than does tbe eld, fashioned weekly. Send your quarter to The 8tate Journal, Lincoln, Neb. Old papers for sale atthis office.,.. Just Saved His Llf? It was a thrilling escape thatOharles ivU of. Bo wars ton, O., lately had from a frightful death. For two years a severe lung trouble constantly grew worse nntil it seemed be must die b( Consumption. Then'be'begun to use Dr Kin g!s -New ''Disco very and lately wrote: "It gave lnstani relief and ef fected a-perinnne'nt cure." Such won de'rfuTo'nres.bayo'for 25 years proven its pf'wer tb cure all Throat, Chest undXung troubles. Price 50e and $1 ' jivury uuine guarHntecu. irmi uni ties free atKoelinp'a drug store. ... 1. 1 ' A Weekly Agricultural Journal One Year Free. To' all subscribers who pay one year in advance we will send for one year the NaM'Ui western Agriculturalist, an excellent farm journal published at Minneapolis, Minn. Call In nnd get a sample copy. WESLEY H. CLARK Dealer In Windmills and Pumps, Tanks, Pipes, etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 'Phone calls answered promptly. AUBURN, NEBR. R.A. HELMER, Matchmaker ' I and Jeweler. All work Biiurahtced to give uutlBfiictlou West of Court Hoice Squaro,So-Aubuin,Neb i- G. f. t. LORD wlllsell you 7js Ri4KrflItt4re , . - cheaper than imy one Ve'mnko a apeeVulty of Undertaking Caskeis, all kinds and prices ErnoeilrrBiris: IS. done. Hearswurnislied -Shulbrt, Nofcr. & 0 $2 yyvTZTt" Thin Mnnaturo la on every box of tho gonulne I-axalivc Bromo-Quinine Tablet the remedy that etiroc a cold 1b obo day DR. KAY'S BKNOVATOR Invlgorntca and renovates the vstcm; purines and enriches tho blood j cures tho worst dyspepsia, constipation, hoadacho, liver and kidneys. SSonndtl, utdruKglsti. Free R advice, samplo and book. aaaa Dr. V. J. Koy, Sarutoco, N.Y. fj ENOVATOK SPECIAL DISCOUNT SALES DAY, ' Nebraska City invites all ' ' her neighbors to visit her WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER C20 Big amusement attractions. Big discouit in all lines of merchandise. Free toll aero s Missouri river. Special rates on railroads. jf Great Big Cash Store of JNO. W. RITCHET Originator of Low Prices t . Yoif will always find us with tbe MOST . DESIRABLE GOODS at LOWEST PRICES Our economical method 01 selling goods enftn ,bles us to save you a big slice off the price that you pay elsewhere See our beautiful Decorated Lamps in ruby, green and gold They are'beautles We have a nice line of Dress Goods. Big ., stock to select from and the prices are right Our Groceries line is fresh and complete The time for Felt Hoots and Overshoes Is now-'" ; at hand. We have them at right prices . We have Clothing, Cloaks, Hats, Caps.Gloves a Hoots and Shoes i . , v. . You get a nice picture of yeursslf by trading with iM $ GALL AND SEE ME .fe'XTJ'O;'. ' TV. , -tjii a a O J X EROWNVfliliE, NEBRASKA w r! MmtAAMAi'AMjs 44QgB 050 o r a Ct7at nCn'ttn w O - ,0MCb m X B 5-f?rf bbIM- it2 r-y-.s "'SSoS r C- JS'i o 0,3.0 8.8 Ed 0 a - eS o 1 w w t' a n " . :- c r ran :tj -. M .f n A w" a. ?" if !." &a -a M JBT-nSI'C'SfiirSB 0 ?HfiS-SS'S,P'S' :.?S3ii8si Lsa S2.2'tfS'Xs2.g s2s)??r-i Di mi R t WM . t imm y- - JU u ka h r'o7Bff'gSgsB8ggSJ 4V1 Sfi itf HasfSa&BSeg;-tjS. s WMrrr w- s28 23 - " 1 5 4 r&0 mm tr- - r. m " M O.C1 ", o B nH2oBSB"K w SO "2 3ani.sB2o5;sBH8--gaf iilsiIEHIlsiil- S 8Sp'SS.ffS,22i "COO wz. a j?asdc:-r'n. h- m rrS 2t2erg'-oPi "S ftD ok SwSaSsS's.PS-B- ?? S" q.5 ft e'O'd &o j- r" W i'8BRS&S2:sHos:g--i?- U a ir .""- 2 Kn i" & w ': rrJ a - r w ". r 0) a ?r P.SoSsSf-fisH Ui 'l w - " w WKOVFEIl PRJ IK ADVICE by our !lh2SaoigdiispIlisg-a iritis nml?ni 3? " -12 o5ltnw S"Sirir S t3 'm j Aa u 11 w i rj a tad -4 ra l f h. B1H .. - u "r -a - 1 ri -IiUne Balm, and an 1LL.USTKA.TED BOOK, on Throat nndLunn TUouiindB havo nvatled thomeolvos of our Konftroufl offer; htwo written our speolnllsti on lunir and throat dlKeiisos plulnly aliout tnolr ca3o nnd. following their ndvlco. uov rojolce tu regained uoalth. Explain fully Dr. Kay's Cunrontood toeurouyory Con8li,Cold,Ho3r3eness,.lntluenzn. La Grippe. Whooplnc CouL'h. Orouo. Oatarrh.Jiiid all Hfleotlons of the lunui :i'ml thro it. Safe for all aces and . " ' - r . .. ... 1. . - oes not sicsicn oruisoKreowuuiuuutomaon. oiu ciyuriiRinsrint iiw, anuo.,orniuueu ju receipt 01 price, oy ur. B..i. rvay Couldn't Translnto It. Wo received a letter recently n were unable to read. Wn failed to de termine tlio nationality of.lli writer. The only words we could Hiake out were, "Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin cures Indigestion " For sale by W W Keeling, druggist. lij-fc-- Dr. Kny'B Utlcuro cures all ULlClir B femalo dlsenscB. At druR w ohwmb w RgtHi tu jiiustrotcd book nndadvlcofrco. Dr.U. J.Kay, Saratot'a.N. Y.' ' Good Time! 4L i RITCHI 1 In-T- . s 3&TO ! rrz-. rj n . . L. -I -. ox? & tr- .1 r D:.'D"' S..StiSr?oC3ZO -. , cu- s-aofts-ff aw w 3 m 2ol c n a u 6 S H Ci HOB m P. C O C O Q oEO 71 o 3 O o o'JfcsS' 2rTjs- "t'onw-Ta sS.S. dm tj 3,31,1 a "2-S.g.S m o - i? f: 4 u - j fl HI 5.2.2 rr--o b. w m " o'SS5S5S "BaflOipOS r t e r w 4KJi 4KM ijfpp.ijifliJ', AW1 f ll Ba'PT BBfflBl ' b H " a 6. S 2. Ot- o.r rtV.l, rtTia o O o! u S3r5Oo)HSa :;MMgM(KS? Physicians, PRpr fltiuipi e of Dr. Kay's ung DlseaseoJ ns your correspondence Is liopt conQdentlal. Lun . ... . ." - . .J . . . ... 'a wenicai vo., csaraxon cprmRs, n.t. fi Balm Ki,ia'.,Jia,.H:'wuyHiiHiftwiyii'3ii:;s'Wt!Jww.ww XtCiiWiiCttifKttin-Jt.'titti'f) ki 4 ; " Is - IkwE1 &&?$-& !ft.S--.- ?KTJ. ' .. fj Ll ! t.j- -A w-yw'c;.", - ... ... luiinwatr-' .ff" f -