TheNebraska Advertiser W. W. Sandeiis, publsher FRIDAY, NOVUM 1JKR 16, 1001. Brownville Locals Is Hrownvlllo to liavo a canning factory ? E. E. Colo waa out to Auburn Saturdny. l'oto MoClary wiih In from Auburn Tlmrnilay. Tho medicine bIiow baa otruck tbe poaketbook of lirownylllo. A. Vandovontor waa a bualnesH vlaltor to Auburn Monday. Jobn Ackerman was Bevorely bitten by a Huvuge bog Wedni-aday. Cbarlle McLaugblln haa boon maks ing a homo viail tho past wcok. H. V. Mulr and Win. Knuffman woro Auburn vlHltora Monday. Dr. Jack, formorly of tlila place, wub in town botwcon traliiB Tuesday. MIbb Ilelon Ditto came down from Porn Friday roturnlng Suturduy. Mayor Simula is very sick but is slightly Improved at this writing. Cabbage waa offered on our Btroota Widiienday foi lj.f conta per pound. .1. N. Dillon mid family, of Peru, vlalted wllli A. Vandovontor Sunday. Tho willow gang aro at work on tho eaBt bank of the river opposite town this week. Elder G. Ilallack Howe, of Hockport, Mo., preached at tho Clulatiau church over Sunday. Frank Wllllnma, our genial barber, ia opondlng a week at Falrmount visit ing hia parents. Mra. 1'arkor bid friends farewell and Btarted to Oklahoma Monday to make her future homo, Mra. Billy Mason suffered a paraletic stroke last week but la alowly recover ing her usual health. W. S ChrlHty, who has boon in Western, Neb., the paat two woeka, returned borne Thursday. Mink Hull and family have returned to Nemaha county to make their future homo. A wise conclusion. J. M Morrison, u one time citizen of this place, was looking after his busi ness interest beie this week. Mr. and Mra. Win. Molnlnch have gone to Oklahoma to visit a brother whom they have not metsineo tho war Grandpa Smith, of Syracuse. Nobr.. came down Monday to visit bis son and family, who recently moved hero from -fry mouse. Mrs. Starney, of Norton, Kas., came Monday to visit her sick mother, Mrs Dildgewater, hut her mother was buried several days befoie her arrival. A. C.Naeo, with his oabiusboat and ciew, hoiked anchor ami flouted olf down (h ,m.r Thursday seeking a liluw where, unmolished by law, they might llnh. The members of the G. A. H, and W. H 0. went to Simian. Friday night to ntteeul a lodge leecptiou whoro they wore royally entertained and came home speaking words of meat praise of the good people of Shuheit. Ml TABLE JYcnmlm, Nobr. Xttiioolu Omiihu Chicago fc31. .7ohi1 HvniiNiiH city fcSt. LoiiIh ami all PpilltH KlINlltllll fcJoulli 33tmvor TTolcmtt 3utto Walt Jl.tilreCity 3 VnMlaiul Han liVnuoiwvo And all 3JoijiN "Wont 'lltiUNH i.N.YVIC AH KOI, LOWS; JNo.OT l,i-MMi:i,(ull, iiiei'opi Hiiii il'iv;. lot 'l.'fiHiihiiii, iniiiili-it, Iloltliruf unit mi puiuiK xvtHt (jjion in '. OSI'llKkilllbLM . llllll) I'KMipl Kill). - Uiii , l;ir NiIuhmci ,in, Ohli'ii) llllll nil n llii III. ill) iiiiiI oust IjlSp in No. m-I,M'il (Ii-IkII, lIllllV DXPCIIt M.iiiUv. for lliiMiilcu ami ml j. li'iiiieiliiiiiistu'lDHh liOOpm No. Ill l,ncnl frolulit, iliill iNp(.pt mhhI'U, Kir Nnlir-Miit i' mid nil Itm rtili'tlliitr ninlliiim Hj-jo p m No. MH-hMcii fmlulii, it,itl i-xfupi SiiikIiiv. loi'AtcliUon nnd tntur iiKdlntn Hindi iik ,r, , No 112-l.noul (ritiir, dnllv except AIoiHlav, lot tiirot(H Oliy mid iiili'iiiiiiillriltfxiiitniiiH 2:Pflu in Kle.'Hnif. dlnliiK nnil rrollnlnir olniroruN fwitty f.i'k'Jcii I itt.Mwlt irutns. TMkou void i ml htuiciicH rhfHdti to any pniul In Uui rnili'dMnlOMiirCuiiitil'i. F'tr lnfnnitillon, nwiixi, Hinn uUck mid ilrito'k nil it oi wiliu (o Ocnruo Miciuro iiM'ti'. or ,1 r'ruuriif, Uimwiil Puhnintror Ateut, Oinuliii, Niil, liiMlII In addition ton moat generous and attractive dlsplHy In blaek-and white and colors of fashions and millinery, the December Designer pays full horn ago to tho ClirlBtmasBcnaon In its liter ature and illustrations. It contains two clever short stories, Whore the Christmas Tree Grows Wild, by Harriot A. Nash, and A Traveling Christmas Tree, by S. 12. lionet; a Christmas comedy, Hands Up! by William Lincoln Halcli; Charities for Children, by Wa don I uwcett, and Christmas Carola and tbolr Composers, by Phobe W. Hum phreys. M. 0. Hichardaon tolls thoso with slender purees how to mako Sixty Presents for Fivo Dollars, and Inex pensive Gifts for the Children to Mako aro described and illustrated by L. 0. Lonnart. Home-mado TrimmingB for the Christmas Treo and A ChriotmiiB Party contain suggostioiiB which will bo eagorly aolzod upon, and tho elocu tionist in soarcli of suitable recitations for ChriBtmns entertainmenta will And Just what Is desirable In this numbor. Book Notes, Polnta on Dressmaking, Health and Beauty hints, Tatting and Crocheting are each given ita customary space and nttention, nnd Etiquette, Household Advice, Nursery Loro and Cookery aro by no moans neglected. Finally The Designer offers a Christ mas contost open to everyone, with cash prizes for tho successful ones. Full particulars concerning this scheme aro given in tho Docembor number. Druggist Morgan, of Crawfordsville, Ind., eaya: Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin la n medicine I can conacientioualy recommend as it doeB just what you claim. It is tho best laxitivo 1 ever 8KW." Sold by Keeling, tho druggie. My little eon had an attack of whoop Ing cough and was threatened with pneumonia; but for Clmtnborl&ln's Cough Itomedy wo would have had a florioua time of it. It also saved him from Bovoral severe attacks of croup II J Stickfaden, editor World-IIearld, Fair Haven, Wash. For buIo by W W Keeling. The NorthPlatte valley in northwest Nebraska, offers some wonderfully good opportunities to tho man or woman with a little money to invest In irrigated lauds. Excellent irrigated land can be had for 12 to $15 an acre, hut it is plain to thoso watching thodevelopomontof tho North Platte valley that this low prico Is just about to fade uway. The farmers of this valley aro now reaping an abundant harvest. Alfalfa, corn, wheat and garden vegetable yield good profits. There are also good opening in tho live stock business. If you aro interested in tho North Platto valley, write for our booklet describing it. It is freo. I. Fiianois, General Passenger Ac'l Burlington Uoute, Omaha, Neb. - i .i i... i Ho Didn't Crtro, Housewife. My dear. L see a two-col umn nrticlo In tllo Sunday paper about how even flour Is being adulterated. Husband. Well, 1 don't care, nr need you. Wo can't it notliin' wrong with our Btumlck if wo take Dr Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. All druggiata Boll It, or foo Keeling. STOPS THE COUGH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure n cold In ono day. No Cure, no Pay. 25e Call at Keollng's drug store and get a freo Rumple of Chamberlain'sStomach and Liver Tablets. They are an olos gant physio. They also Improve tho appetite, Htrengthon the digestion and regulate ttio liver and bowels. Thev aro easy to take and pleasant in effect. Yon may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to And an active, energetic man with a torpid liver, and you may know his liver Is torpid when ho does not relah his food or feels dull ami languid after eating olten litis headache and somotlmea cllz zlefiOhH. A few doses of Chambei Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will restor his liver toils normal funcllons, icnew his vitality, improve Ills digestion and make him feel llko a new man. Pi ice ilium uiiiiijiu ucd itk iqi'jja drug stor. ').'. ..,int,i i3i,ti,U In.,,, ... ir.,.. i :....'.. A Woekly Agricullural Journal Ono Year Free. Tl) nil MiuHfliilflr, ttt't) pJ (Uui yoar in iiwvuuco w i will himuI fnfonn tho Nortiiweitfin AKrtculJiiiii.iHt, an exi:clt)ht tai in jom mil iiiiIiIIsIip.i ut .Miiiiicnpnlls, Minn. Cull in anil g,.t u 8air.iloeoi. h A Big Lot for tho Monoy. A newspaper every Tuesday nnd every Friday of each week from now until January 1, 1003, together with tho Western Poultry News a whole year, and all for a dollar, U what is offered by Tho BemMVeokly State Journal, published at Lincoln. It'a the biggest bunch of good reading matter ever offered by this groat state paper, and the prediction is mado that it will result in introducing Tho StateJourna j t0 thousands of now homes. Tho Jon mil is a newspaper giving its renders all tho telegraphic news of tho world, Interesting special correspondence from Washington nbout Nebraska's senatorB and congressmen, and nil tho itoms of interest from the state capital, making It particularly n paper for Nebraskans. If you can find a dollar about tho bouse, tills is tho place to spond it. Its markets twice a week aro worth what is asked for nil of It. You get pto newa fresh from tho wires when you got Tho Semi-Weekly Journal. Pnld Doar for his Log, II D Blanton ol Tlmckervillo Texan in two years iaidovor$300 to doctors to euro u running sore on his leg. Then tbov wanted tc cut it off but ho cured it with one box of Bucklen's Arnica Salvo Guaranteed euro for PilcB. 25 cts a box. Sold by Keeling the druggist. All our farmer readers should take Advantage of tho unprecedented club bing offer we this year make, which includes with this paper The Iowa Homestead, its Special Farnieis' Insti tute editions, The Poultry Farmer, and The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Jour nal. These four publications aro tho best of their class and should bo in overy farm home. To them wo add for local, county and uoneral news our own paper and mako tho price lor tho llvo for ono year $ Never before was so much superior reading matter offered for so auiiill an amount of money. Tho four papers mimed which we club with our ov n aro well known throughout tho west and commend themselves to the reader's favorable attention upon meie mention. The Homestead ia the great agricultural and llvo otock paper of the west. Tho Poultry Farmer is tho most practical poultry paper for the farmer puhlhthed in the country; The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Journal ia the special advo cate of farmers' co-operative associa tions, mm the Special Fanneis' Insti tute filitintiB are the most practical publications for tho piomotmn of good farminu over pu blishud Take advant ago of this great oiler. 0 YEARH' EXPERIENCE TnAOE MAnK3 DCQIGNQ finovninnirn A- ftulclclr lucertnln nur opinion fruu wdotlior nil Invoiulon In prnbnliljr patontatilo. Coimuunlrn. lloiiHntrlctlyoonadontlnl. llrmltiookou I'atciitu ont fme. Oldcot nconry for nucurliiK patents. 1'atHiits taken tliroucli Uunn k Co. recelro AtlTnnu londlni? n alilph nml itMrrlnMnn rn- iivmi. iiu.kv, iiiDuub uijiirm?. ill luu ill A tinnd'omoly lllnatrntod werklr. Lnrncat clr nilntton of nny HdeiUlllo lourunl. Tcrtna, t3 n yoiirt fourinonthfl,?!, SoldbynllnowBiloiilerii. KIUNN & Co.Bin"-- New York Unincti Ultlcg. o If Bt Washloutoii. 1. C f A FREE PATTERN (your own i aolectloo) to every 8nb. "Cf'ber. Ouly 50 cents n yar. M GILLS, mmiiuv A IADIES' MAGAZINE. A tern j beautiful colored plates; lateit rr.loni. ilreMtiuking economies . Unry crlhe to dkVl or, ,enj y; for latrit ccpy I adraKents wanted. Send for letmj '' Stylish, Reliable, Simple, dale, nnd Absolutely Pcrfect-rittlntr Paper Patterns. ' MS CALL .BAZAR wrft iLH UK.rTfxl Et All n. .11. . . .. i .... v. -. niiimca ana rrrrnriitiors jiiow the Basting and Sewlno tines. aI'iIV0 ?,rul ' "11 "eh -non hlRhrr J'),'" ,lle In nearly every city 'limn, or by mail from THE MoCALL CO., -II5'II7 West :ilst St, NEW V0HK. .vtteasoaarrnimtfKartit O f Rx" iTL'V zl NOVATpR lux iKorattN t.ntl icnovnres tho .".'." iuv,u'snnt,uir- curs mo moot, ourcu tllO XXOrst tlriKiul,i nIiin.iln.. . .,.... BiBtviu; purines ana itir curs tlic 1lvnrM I l.l' ".PI,!!'" COtlbtlpitlot), Jit HlHCltO, .ru:iji:iunfjt. LTKjnmU'l.iiti'ruflisis. Pr. - "'"'"Jii .ctimni, iiii'rusisis rm r. llliviri, enmn a lirtlr m Ur. Jl. J. k'u, fcnrtitos'tt. N.V m lEmmwHl .mtet. "w "i T-4IW.lhj"rVr Imwmk 1 o f BWA-S i 4) S fKFffiKray l Si 43H1TERNS sLSEif(Jv i ' To First Votors. You are young men casting your first ballot. We congratulate you. We also call your ettentlon to Dr. Culd wells Syrup Pepsin for Constipation, Indi gestion, Sick Headache and Stomach Trouble. At Keeling's drug store. J. W. SAPP REAL RESTATE, LOAN and Insurance Agent. Collections mado Notary Public in office. WtOWNVJLLE, NEBRASKA. 'WE GUARANTEE Dr. Oaldwoll'o Syrup Ponsln to euro nny cao of Constipation, Indiccstion, Sfck Hcrulacko or Sfoinach Troublo ivhon toieu according to (liroctlons. IT, afior t.-ilrijisj twi-Cjit9 r'i W icr.t or ono ilollf.- L'itf, l :ia'i.- t Jo ua r.'epiv-;nto., i?jw51 m(u.l t rEPS!?3 5VPH? C0KP.Vt ??jr' INeA Rigs A. Lively and Feed Stable , Nemaha, Nebraska DEALERS IN r-S FARM IMPLEMENTS, Etc NEMAHA, - - NEBRASKA oocooooooooioooooooooojbooootvoowbooooetf0509ecec the: El W LARQEST CinCUL.TION OF ALU fuuuutL PAPERS Always American im Si? THE VEEKLY IWTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THSNEW3AWP DE3T CUnBEHT L07BRATURE Every Column is Bright, Clean and Packed with Mews I r , g The Literature of equal to that of the best muga zlnes. It is interesting to tho children as well as tho paroats. aT-m TWTTTI? rV-T7ATT i. - rvran-nr,, -. - -,-. waa, 4J a vcoii;XN iNtiViPAl-liR. and -xhilz it o A bnnpfo ths aniIy TKE Kms readers the bnt nA iU.i AU..,.: . ..7.7. a loll svmtsathv wA tf-. u. j g literature and politics from fa Wultin o -$J00-PRICE ONE DOLLR PER YEAR-$J.OO- A teooeosKj r . THE DAILY AND SUNDAY EDITIONS f)F thf ihtco nrenii c S Gm m ARE THE BEST EVER 2 PWil VA Price i " Va'l- 2 O Price , n f w. ..' - ---' i. lunii.,. . J uu.iy .nd feunJy r.y .., Union Lock Poultry Fence For Poultry, Rabbits.Orchards, Gardens, etc. ' i& i st::::::" ::I::::::MTrfT ? IN StSS2-Sbsrzrr0 $ ij I'att-wJ Jul, . UTVa' and April J "un. rffm a c 5 a w n '3 n E If Stronger ond door .arxic!n' thnn nnw r, n UNION FENCE CO., DE iSTEYENS ji RIFLES i1 Fneoarago bojs to an aellre, re' k iu oei if door life l! I1 . - In D' I anit ferc.t conttu I i1 .Xf ' clre to beaiihanit alTcrillw i1 ! tl fv rrartlrl aequalnttnee I i t ..r'v'flk.lf I i Hh Natura without uhii-li I i,tii i' ttAy- i ll tin bot'i utiicatlon U fom. S I ' xfriJ- 'V' I !' rM- the praet I i' f fr'''-4yr - tf r 'booting Indue a itajl i1 i'. 'di y'jXd5.iJyf,'''"(l "'" lelllwrallon ,' i ' STnxiA ) til aceurajj valuable I 1 UlMr&& itZ'i ti"la.i if life. I, 0.taSl?.Tr-.rnd ;WMVil ' S Mag aw.,. 'MMW ,. lfpOurd,.1crd.n.t Wj 'i Stovens Bites 5K don't accept aomo ? iytVvf' kirM "l otter nun of iwf A'fA1 JlhVjMs-i i I tlonable a-curto. i',.U hjWjmsmSEfj 5 I We'll Mil r" iVV. v liiA$jr hr tfj&fKt 5 ) dltecti ca.h with yiiLif 'iKiiVW2''W. I order.' ripraM WMv fcftW $ I Sint.lampor ;. && Ml J. HTCVHNS AUU8 ds TOOT. CO., ltoi Chlconco Fnlln, Mn. ASK VOUR GROCER FOR i The 5 Minute Breakfast rood PURINA HEALTH FLOUR MAKS 'BK13ST 33KK-A.3J J Purina Mills, St. Louis, Mo, tK 5i' n ii it Prompt Service CHAMBERS Proprietor 9 U i &oosoe9Cfc? IN THE WEST Always Republican I Km g a Its cohimnx e H a n I i ' w a r 0p Tm V0RU) acd o vr .!, .. ....". it "vt an qttciixons ol tbe c?.y, t is in ft .. f T- . ' a ttuidpolnh rfjSjtt.jljStjj: fi -1 f OOS-O&CiOC SEEN IH THE WEST. 8 g o ........66 00 Uryw i, v 5 then mnke. Lawn us for A. Union KALB, ILL., U. S. H hr . V A1 -