The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 15, 1901, Image 2

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"atW'W my
3"Wssr it-
?? ft i 0fc
k. .
4 3fX-H-3f
Heat a tul cheapest lino of
on the market
See our variety and get our prices on
before buying
The Big H Brand of
can i uo uuuu ter iuc money
A splendid line of
at right prices
Prints, 5 to 6c Ginghams, 7 to ,10c
A goad line of
Woolen Dress Goods
RVinoG p.mrl "R.nhhfir rt-nnrl.c:
Iw o"
;rlVe have given special attention to
": '
L;i i.
goods tor your money
Tovj' Victor,
the beat northern spring wheat flour. $1.10 per sack
Tri'e best high patent fall wheat (lour,
Best granulated Sugar, 21 pounds for $1$
- &- 0-' x -I--
J Everything in the Grocery Line at bed rock prices
i A car load of Minnesota Potatoes just in J
Come in and see us for your winter supply
. Oar load .of Michigan Salt just in
- K -
Local News
Cooler weather.
Call on us for job work.
Bee. Hill & Keeling for Are insurance
Dr. W. I. Seymour, No. 1116 O st. ,
Lincoln, Neb,
Mrs. J. H. Flack's new residence 1b
about completed.
The Advertiser and the Chicago In
ter Ocean for 81.40
H. W. Titus visited Iowa Point,
Kansas, last week.
Brick work is being
Odd Fellows building.
pushed on the
R. V. Muir, of Brownvllle, wai a
Nemaha visitor Tuesday.
See W. W. Harris of South Auburn
for Clothing aud Dry Goods.
Meat cutters of all kinds and prices
at EdwardB & Bradford Lumber Co.
A. L. P. Thompson has
been quite
sick but we understand is
now better.
And now It. J. Duff is rejoloing over
the birth of an 11-pound boy Sunday
The Advertiser and the 8t. Louis
Globe Democrat both one year for
only 81.75.
Sewing machines for sale at Edwards
& Bradford Lumber Co. Call In and
look ut them.
Dr. Harlan, oesteopnth, graduate of
A. T. Still school, Onice in Auburn.
Consultation free. 0-7
County Commissioners Stevenson,
Holtgrewe and Ord gave this office a
social call Thursday
Miss Grace Mnntolth. or a,H:i
NebOs visiting with her cousins, the
Misses Ethel and Grayce Paris.
For heat assortment of Dry Goods
and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of
South Auburn W. Harris prop'r.
Both hard and soft coal for sale by
the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Overalls and Jackets t
at bed rock prices J
this lino and can give you as good
as you can get any woere
81.00 per sack
K.K - K - c - K - K.K - K - K - K - K - K - J, - K - K - K
The Nemaha physicians have fresh
vaccine viris. If you wish to guard
against smalipox get vaccinated.
T.:- A, Clark writes that he is now
Union Paciilc agent at Black Wulf,
Kansas. He took charge on the Otb
TbeV'willow gang" has been at woik
. at Nemaha this week, cutting and load
ing willows and shipping them to
A large stock of St. Louis white
lead just received at Edwards & Brad
ford Lumber Co, Only 0 cents per
Mrs, Chas. Duerfeldt has -recently
had a house built on her farm south of
town, te be occupied by the man who
werks the farm,
David Frazier returned borne Thurss
day of last week, after a visit of several
days with bis son, Dr. W. W. Frazier,
at Yutan, Nebr.
Those having trouble with their
eyes, ears, nose and throat should coni
suit the noted Dr. Seymour, No. 1116
K street, Lincoln, Neb.
If you are going to need a steel
range or anything in the stove line, go
to Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
They can save you money.
M. T. Hill has quit the drug store
and Dr. Keeling and Will are now
managing it alone. Mart talks of
starting another drug store.
A good railing hws bean put in nlong
the east side of the road as it goes over
the point of the bluff northeast of
town. This is a good improvement.
Miss Eva Ablo, milliner and dresss
maker. All kinds of dressmaking done
promptly and satisfaction guaranteed.
Latest Btyles millinery. Low prices.
Dr. I. II. Dillon, of Auburn, gave us
a short call Friday morning, lie waa
on his way to St. Doroln to attend to
the smallpox patients and establish a
Wo understand J . M. Wright will be
deputy county clerk under Mr. Hacker.
Mack was deputy clerk under H. E.
Peery and after his death was appoint
ed clerk for tho remalndorof the term.
Ho makes a good ofliciul. v
Host! Gilbert bus made manv
Improvements on her dwelling house,
adding one room, porchos, a wood
house, cistern, etc., and has had the
house repainted.
Clms. V. Zook, who ban been living
in Illinois for some tltno, returned to
Nemaha Tuesday. lie found no plnco
equal to Nemaha. They all come back
If they can got back,
Rev. D. B. Lake has recently deliv
ered his lecturoon "Tlio Rainbow City"
at Syracuse and Cook, Nebr., and the
audiences at both pluces woro greatly
pleased with the lecture.
My stock of furniture and Btovea is
cmplete. If you are needing anything
in mv line, give me a cull and I will
assure you fair treatment.
South Auburn, Neb.
Emery Dye, Clyde Roberts, Homer
Stokes, Bright, Earlo Thompson,
Hassle Grant, Frank Grant and Clar
ence Couer are attending tho Western
Normal college at Shenandoah, Iowa.
Some of the boys took tho B. & M. at
Nemaha on Saturday and the others
took the M. P at Howe on Sunday,
Watch this space n&xi. week.
Read It In His Newspaper.
George Schaub, a well known Qer
mau citizen of Now Lebanon, Ohio, Is
a constant reader of the Dayton Volks
zeltung. He knows that this paper
aims to advertise only tho best in its
columns, and when he saw Chamber
lain's Pain Balm advertised therein
for lamo back, ho did not hesitate In
buying a bottle of it for his wife, who
for eight weeks hud suffered with the
most terrible pains in her back and
could get no relief. He says: "After
using tho Pain Balm for a few days my
wife said to me, 'I feel as though born
anew,' and before using the entire con
tents of the bottle th unbearable pains
had entirely vanished and ahe could
again take up her household duties."
He is very thankful nnd hopes that all
Buffering likewise will hear of her
wonderful recovery. This valuablo
liniment Is for sale by W W Keeling.
Call lu and see hb if you want to
subscribe for any paper published In
the United States.
gy-WIWPMMllll mlllf mCWlUIWMrTE
New Fall
At a meeting of tho board of village i
nuoi.ei.-B, nuiu rnuuy niguL or nisi
week, Charles P. Scovlll waa appointed
a member of tho board, to fill the va
cancy caused by the removal of Thos.
W. Hiatt.
The regular meetings of Nemahn
Camp No. CO 01 will be held In tho Ma
sonic hall tho second and fourth Tueai
day nights of each month. The next
meeting will be Nov. 20th.
John Flack has bought dehorning
clippers and titled up a chuto aud is
now prepared to dehorn any nu. Tiber of
cattle on short notice. He has the
chute on wheels, ee he can take it
right with him. Give him a trial if
you want any dehorning dono. Satis
faction guaranteed.
' W
rave Men Fall
Victima te stomach, liver and kid
ney troublea as well as women, and
all feel the result in loss of appetite,
poisons in the blocd, backache, ner
vousness, headacho and tired, liutnoss
runndown feeling. But there's uo
need to fool liko that, S. W. Gardi
ner, of Idavillo, Ind., Bavs: "Electric
Bittors aro just the thing for a man
when he don't care whether ho lives
or dies. It gavo mo now strength
and appetite. I can uow eat anything
and have a new lease on life." Only
50 conts at Keeling's drug store.
Every pottle guaranteed.
Ko en Clour Brain
Your best feelings, your social posi
tion or business success depend largo
ly on tho perfect action of your Stom
ach und Liver. DriKing'a Now Lifo
Pills give increased strongth, a keen
clear brain, high ambition. A 25obx
will mukoyou fool liko a now being.
Sold by Keoling the druggist.
Tho AdvflrLiqnr nnd St Lmiiq filnhn
J Democrat both one year for $1.75
wim-miMiii iMMivmr
1 and Winter VLsSlinery
Miss Lillian Minlnk vMim.1 (r
brothers at Bracken last Saturday and
Emery Howe, who in attending t! o
Normal school at Peru, waa compel li-u
to come homo Wednesday on acqyuut
of slckuess.
EdgarS. Morrisou started for Okla
homa Thursday evening. lie has a
line well improved farm near Union
City, but we believe his heart will
yearn for Nemaha. May prosperity
attend him.
Nebraska City Is going to havo a big
time on November 20th. The merch
ants havo all combined to allow a 15
percent discount on all merchandise.
Free toll across the river. You are
cordially invited.
1 , , , j
Gilbert & McCandleis are now eelN
ing' 21 pounds of Bugur for 81. One
week ago they Were only selling 17
pounds. There has been a big drop in
the price of sugar on account of a fight
between the trusts.
Peter Kerker received a letter from
Boht.. F6t':thl6, we&ki Bolxsays he
would like to be here uow aod.he Ipon
the Odd Fellows huildina. and''ihlnkfl
he will come up in a hortitfme and
lay some brick apd ylsltrrendv. 'Vftf
The'boliaimi fori thenfefl '
of. Nemaha, la alenast completed, ana
will be ready for the1 bank furniture,
etc,, by the first of next week. Elmer
E. Allen, cashier of the new bank, In
forms us that they expect to be ready
for business the first of next week. ,
i '
One two-year-old Jersey heifer; will
be fresh about March first; one Jersey
yearling heifer, and twelve head extra
good shoats, six black aud six red, will,
weigh about 100 pounds apiece.
Inquire oT M. T. HILL.
If you want a atove that will burn
hard coal, soft coal, wood and cobe and
get you tba the most heat out of1 the
fuel, get the Beckwltb Round 'Oak.
This stove I have sold for the lait ten
years and can assure you ebtlrc eatis
ractten. do not rail to caK-aw
them. J. W. Armstrong,
South Auburn, Neb.
The Golden Rule Comedy Co. (the
medicine show), In order to create a
demand for their warea, offered a dias
mond ring te the most popular lady of
the community, giving votes Id propor
tion te the amount of stuff bought.
The bait worked all right. After an
exciting contest Mlsa Lillian Minick
was awarded the ring, receiving over
300t vetes.
Andrew Aynes has ordered a full
steck of hardware and furniture .and
expects to have It here and be ready for
business next week. We are very,glad
to have Mr. Aynes numbered with our
business men again. He will for the
present have his stock in the Mluick
ball but will probably rent the room of
the Odd Fellows as soon as their builds
ing is completed,
The board of county commissioners,
John SteyeiiBon, Herman Holtgrewe
aud O. E " Ord, were attending to offi
cial business in this part of the county
Thuisday. They visited the poor farm
and tried to persuade John Maxwell to
remain in charge until March first, but
he inaists on being relieved the first of
December. The commissioners meet
next Monday and it is likely Mr, Max-,
well's successor will then be appointed.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take LaxatlvoBrorao Quinine Tablets.
All druggiBts refund the money if it
falls to euro. E W Grove'B signature
on each box. Price 25 cents 0 22