U' THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER - W. W. HANDKKH, VuiilUliar. NEMAHA, - " - NEURASllA. 1901 NOVEMBER. 1901 2 WES. mst. WOk. mi. SAT, 7 1 2 7. A 6 SDK. xon. I Y I Jill V7 18 I 24 25 y 8 75 16 I 14 21 22 29 23 I 28 30 ? ? 7 i i i &y$'y&iySi'$i$i,Gi'i $ TOPICS OF THE DAY. .Miicli .Mont Coiirtooin. Lol, us all tnku a Iohkoii from Admi ral Hclilcy, and, unload ot lolling a j;ciilluinan flint I10 Hon, urge gmitly thai, lib memory lias a ricfuctivu lluo. It'a ever ho much more ooiii'Icouh, r.iul o "Don" ami "Honor." Oon. Wade Iiuh iHsuod "it circular in iioiitiicrn Luzon, rtoliifr away with 1 lie Kpatiinli tltlca of "don, Honor, honora and Konoritn," and Klviiitf for t Iiohu appellations the Amerioan oqulvalontn of Mr., Mrs. and Mian. Wlllirlnilim n Total AIinIiiIiut. The youiif,' qiioon of Holland Ih a total aliKlalncr and ostentatiously re fuses on all oeoaHlons lo lake wluo. Kho Ih Ha id to he the only teetotaler anions roljjnlng monurelis, If wo ex cept the Hiiltau of Turkey. I'luoliliu; li OimiihimmiOiI. A New. Forney court has dooldod that, a bank whoso eushler Htolo a litre part of its funds must make good the Hlinrtagu. Hueh a rule would greatly reduee the number of directum who Kive nothing but their namoH to their bankH. Not or I i-ly 1 1 tin Km ItcwitrilN. Notoriety Iiiih Kh vewardH. Mrs. Taylor, the wtimnii who Hliot the HorHOHhoo falls in a barrel, him al ready received $1200 for a magazine ar ticle, a bid for her services as an ex hibit at the IlulValo exposition and an ofYor of marriage. An 'Olicillcnf IIMr Apparent. The duke of York is an obedient Hon. Ils father told him to go around the world, but nowhere to get off of Uritish territory. Ko when he wasn't on llritlsh land he stayed on a Uritish man-of-war, and thus oarried 1iIh tor ritory around with him. NwoilfN Ili-nil Dully I'aporH. Stockholm, the capital of .Sweden, liaH 320,000 inhabitants, who road 12 daily papers. The city also has a press club of -110 members, of whom 21 nro women. King Oscar Is always considerate to newspaper men and is very popular with them. AVoiulorH of Science. Great Is science. A Gorman profes sor, after long investigation and cal culation, has discovered that it takes u person one-fourteenth or a second to wink. Science may yet tell us 'how long it takes the person winked at to Hiuilo over the realization Unit ho ia "such a dlvil of a fellow." 56 26 27 to o The Illcli .Man anil the Clturoli. President JJIanehard, of Wheaton college, in an address delivered at a meeting of the Congregational minis tern or Chicago, was unusually kc vero against the tenderness and eon Hlderation with which ministers some times treat, their wen It lily parishion ers. All the sheep in the Hook should bo treated alike or If any distinetion Ih to bo. made it should be In favor of the poor. The rich, having more of tlio root of evil in their hearts, are presumably more evil in their lives. I'ronliliMit Ituoxevelt'H I.iiim;1i-h. When luncheon time comes the pres ident glances around his olllco at tho white hoiiBo and says: "Well, let's all go and have some luncheon," and inarehes in at Hie head of the com pany that, happens to bo with him, wliehcr it is one man or a dozen, ilo lias had somebody at dinner, and usu ally three- or four, every night since ho has been in the white house. The number he has had at luncheon will average three a day, and there have been a dozen guests at breakfast at varloiiH times. -! Too KiiNlly I)iiictfl. "None but the ignorant attempt murder by poison these days." The speaker was l)v. William Krauss, the well-known Memphis inierosoopisl, In tho course of a conversation the oth er day. "All the ordinary poisons are ho easily and positively identltled thesu days,' ho continued, "and the Kymptoim produced by the poisons aro so well known to tho medical pro fession that there is abRolute certain ty of detecting the presence of dead ly drugs and philter whenever their tiso is attempted, ul t THANKSGIVING PROCLAIMED. I'rcHldont Itonanvitlt Numo Tliurn'lity, No- Vflinlidr UK, in u Dnyof I'riiynr fur llli'M- Ink Mntorlnl and Nplrltimt. Washington, Xov. 3. President Iloonevelt Ktiturday Issued his proc lamation llxing Thursday, November 128, as a day of national thanksgiving. Jt follows: Tho HtwiHon Ih iiIbIi when, according to tho tlinc-lnillowcU cufitom of our peo ple, tho president appoints 11 day as tho especial occasion for pralflo and IhankH Blvltiw to docl. This TlinnkKKlvirif; finds tho peoplo still bowed with sorrow for tho death of a Krcut nnd f,'od president. "Wo mourn President McKluloy bvcntiHO wo so loved and honored hlni; and tho manner of his death should awaken In tho lircnstB of our peoplo a keen anxiety for tho coun try, and at tho iinmu thno a resolute pur poso not to ho driven by any calamity from tho path of ntrons, orderly, pop ular llborty which as a nation wo liavo thus far safoly trod. Vet la splto of this itrent dlsnster, It la nevertheless truo that no peoplo on earth have such abundant cause for thanlcs Klvlng as wo have. Tho jiast year In particular has buea ono of pence and plenty. W liavo proHporod In tlilnga material and liavo been able to work for ouru own uplifting In things lntol lcctual and spiritual. Lot ub remember that, as much as has been given us, much will bo expected from us: and that truo honiago comes from the heart as well an from tho lips nnd shows It self In deeds. Wo can best prove our thankfulness to tho Almighty by tho wny In which on this earth and at this tlmo ench of us does hla duly to his followmen. Now, therefore, I, Tlieodoro Itoosovclt, president of tho United States, do here by dealgnnto as a day of general thanks giving, Thursday, tho 28th dny of this present November, and do recom mend that throughout tho land peoplo ceaso from their wonted occupations and at their several homes and places of worship reverently thank tho diver of all good for tho countless blessings of our national life. In witness whereof I have hereunto net my hand and caused tho seal of tho United Htates to be affixed. Done nt tho city or Washington this 2d day of November, In the year of Our Lord IflOl and of tho Independence of tho United States tho J2fith. TI1KODOU13 ROOSEVELT, President. SULTAN'S LAVISH PROMISES. Dlffpiitrti r thi! I'rincli Hiiuiiilron Ciuii-4 an Irailo frtnii Abdul, Hut llo Huh raid Xo Cutli. Paris, Nov. !. The dispatch of Ad miral Caillard's squadron from Toulon to Turkish waters lias already had its effect. The French foreign olllco has received a telegram from M. llapts, councillor of the French legation at Constantinople, announcing that, tho sultan yesterday sent him a message accepting all the French claims, in cluding the Lorando claim. Tho porte also telegraphed to the French minis ter of foreign affairs, informing him that the Loraudn claim had been set tled and that, the sultan had signed an irade accepting the figure i'xed by France for the payment of the claim. It is understood the French government also will demand an un derstanding that Turkey will not re new the recent Interference with the diplomatic, mail bags. GEN. SMITH ANNOYED. Conditions in thu Inland of T.oylo Noi no- HHHiirltig Svuritt Aid to Insurants In Nainur. Manila, Nov. 4. Athiees from Cat balogan, Saniiir, say it is well known that, in Bpite of the fact that all ports of Saniar are closed, supplies still reach the insurgents. Most of this work is done during dark nights by small boats from the island of Leyte. Every available gunboat is now try ing to prevent this. The capture of Lubkan's commis sary lias proved a great blow to the insurrection, as it renders future sup plies very precarious. Conditions in the island of Leyte nro very annoying to Gen. Smith. A large number of junks are used with tho express object of aiding the insur gents in Suinnr, covering the move ments of fugitives and landing pro visions and clothing. EDWARD STOKES DEAD. Man Who Klllml slim" rislc for I.nvn of a Woman fusses Am ay In Now York. New York, Nov. (. Edward S. Stokes, once a partner of Jay Gould and ono of a group who once con trolled tho financial interests of the country, died Saturday aftei a long illness at tho homo of his sister in tliis city, Houl-stricken by the mem ory of the murder of ".lim" Fisk, whom he killed for love of a woman. Jt la a memory which has lived over a quarter of a century. .Fosie Mans lleld, adventuress, is tho only living figure in tho story of a woman's treachery, of Jim Flak's weakness and dishonor nnd of Edward Stokes revenge. Tliotr Ui'cords Must Ho (limit. Washington, Nov. 3. The president has told bin advisers that, except in exceptional eases, ho would send to congress the names of those appomt ess who received their appointment from Tresldent, McKiulcy after tho ad journment, of congress. Ho wanted, however, to inform himself as to tho character of tho men and tho serv ice they have rendered bIhcu appointment. SHE PREFERS SMALL FEET. IVIfo of MlnlKtor Wu Ting Fung Hays Chi- iicmi I'ructlrrn Arn Nut 80 Injurious an tho CoiiKlrlctloti f Woman' W'aUU San Francisco, Nov. d. Mine. Wu 1'ing Fang, wife of the Chinese minis ter at Washington, arrived from the orient yesterday. In speaking of the oirortH of American missionaries in China Mine. Wu said: "There, was a movement among the missionaries last year to decry and, if possible, stop the practices of stunting the young girls' feet. This movement assisted the sentiment already in existence in favor of modifying the custom. I pre fer small feet to n little waist. My vital organs are not afTeetcd in any way or injured by confinement of my feet in childhood, but the health of many an American woman ia ruined by the constriction of her waist." ROBBED A MAIL BAG. Two Tliouimnd DultiirH IMysturlotiHly Taken from a I'utirli nil a Itot'k Island Train In Oklahoma. Guthrie, Ok., Nov. C The fact that, a mail bag had been robbed of $L',000 did not become known until yester day morning when Cashier Lotson, of the Bank of Knid, Ok., became sus picious and refused to honor a draft on tho First national bank, of Kan sas City. An investigation followed and disclosed the fact that on Octo ber 31 the mail bag from Lnhomn, Ok., to Bock Island points north had been cut open and $1,400 in drafts stolen, in addition to $000 in other ,forms. Many of the stolen drafts have been cashed in Knid. NOT HELPING DALTON. Ward nn Jow'i'tt, of tho Kansas I'rlson, I)- lilt's 'riiat Ho Is Intiircstiiil lu Cli'inunuy for thu Noted Hanillt. Lansing, Kan., Nov. fl. K. 11. Jew ett, warden of the slate penitentiary, denies emphatically the story that he had discussed with Gov. Stanley and members of the legislature the ques tion of a pardon for Kmmett Dalton, the ColTeyville bandit. Mr. .lewett de clared that he had not only not talked to state otlioials on the matter, but had not Importuned anyone in behalf of Dalton. The statement that he had written legislators in regard to the matter was, lie said, absolutely untrue. APPEALS TO ENGLAND. Kullan of Turltey Asks I'roUirllou from rrunru Under tho Titiiim of the Couvmitlnn of 1H7S. Paris, Nov. r. "The porte has asked Great Britain," says the Constanti nople correspondent of the Echo de Paris, " to fulfill the terms of the convention of 1S7S whereby, in ex change for the island of Cyprus, Great Britain guarantees the integrity of the sultan's Asiatic possessions. The porte claims under this convention that Great Britain should protect Asia-Turkey against attack by France nnd suggests that Great Britain should send a squadron to the Levant for that purpose." IIiti) Ih IMwuril's Tltln. London, Nov. f. King Edward, at a meeting of the privy council Mon day, signed the proclamation giving him his new title, as follows: "Kd ward the Seventh, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the Brit ish Dominions Beyond the Sen, King, Defender of tho Faith, and Emperor of India." Ilircd a Miithodlst I'untnimi'i'. Alma, Kan., Nov. 5. In the absence of Jev. .1. II. Gibson, pastor of the M. E. church, and while his wife and niece were at meeting, n crowd of toughs decorated their porch with beer kegs in acknowledgment of Ida activity in the campaign against Alma saloons. The house was also pelted by a storm of eggs. Knocks out I'rof. Kooh'n Theory. New York, Nov. S. Positive signs of tuberculosis have appeared in the cow that was inoculated with germs by Dr. George D. Barney, of Brooklyn. Tie claims that he has disproved Dr. Koch's theory that human tubercu losis and bovine tuberculosis are not Intercomniunicnble. ium Alexandra (lifts to Soldiers, London, Nov. 5. Queen Alexandra, following the example of Victoria, in sending Christmas gifts to the troops in South Africa. For this purpose hIio has ordered thousands of briar pipes, each silver mounted and hearing thu stamp of the crown and her own monogram. Muhsuds MuiiL'hter Hrltlsh Troops. Simla, India, Nov. R. A detachment of :ia Begal lancers, who were es corting a surveying party, were at tacked yesterday by Mahsuds. Thir teen of the lancers were killed. Some of the Mahsuds were captured. ' An Oil Slrllco In Kansas, Wellington, Kan., Nov. R. Ft Ik re ported that oil has been found at Blackstonc, a Binall station on the Kansas Southwestern railroad in this county, between Anthony and Caldwell. Cnlilcn In the Philippine. Our covcrnmcat has concluded that sure ty and secrecy can only be obtained by a cable ship owned and worked by its own of ficers. To this end the first official cable ves sel will bo nut ia readiness. As necessary as the cablo is in times of war, Ilostctter a Stomach Bitters is of fnr more importance, for it makes people well. It ourcs indiges tion, flatulency, constipation, biliousness and nervousness, also prevents ninlana, fever and ague. Wo urge you to try it. An Involution, "Do come home with me to dinner. I want you to meet my eccentric old uncle, John." "Eccentric! It was only a year ago that you Mid lie was an old boor.' "I know, but that was before his brother left him a fortune." St. LouU Republic. THE GENERAL MARKETS. Kansas CltyNov. Rtcors ......St 73 0 ; CATTLE-TJeef Native stockcrs 3 0(1 sp 4 j Woutcrn Bteors 2 23 D ( H0Q3 tW G : &U1ZKI' 2 73 3! Willi AT No. 2 hard KIW& I No, 2 red 70Vi?f ' CORN No. 2 mixed C2Vi I OATS No. 2 mixed KYK-No. 2 I FLOUn Hard wh't patoats. 3 0 0 3 1 Soft wheat patents 2 b3 fi 3 ' HAY Timothy 0 00 7!13 Pralrlo COO Lil3 I miAN-Sacked I BUTTEK-Choicc to fancy... 11 0 ' CIIEKSI3 Full cream 13GGS POTATOES Western DO 1 : ST. LOUIS. CATTLE-Natlvo steers 133 0' Texas and Indian steers 2 SO fp 4 : IIOGS-l'ackers 5 C5 0 3; SHEEP Native 3 00 0 3 1 FLOUIt Winter patents .... 3 10 31 WHEAT No. 2 red 71-110 ' COIIN-No. 2 CO-li OATS-No. 2 3D 0 KYE HUTTEH Dairy It 0 DRY SALT MEATS S 120 8 IiACON 0 00 l) CHICAGO. CATTLE-Stecrs 3 60 0fi HOGS Mixed and butchers. 5 70 0 (i SHEEP Western 3 00 3 FLOUR Winter patents.... 3 CO 0 3 WHEAT No. 2 rod T'Ai ' CORN No. '1 I OATS-No. 2 RYE November I LARD November SI PORIC November , 13' NEW YORK. CATTLE-Stecrs 3 SO 0 5 HOGS Western 3 C3 0 5 SHEEP 2 00 3 WHEAT No. 2 red 7SVJ0 CORN No. 2 G3A0 OATS No. 2 40 50 93 25 81 6598 42 ECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. EVlust Boar Signatures of Sec Fac-Slmllo Wrapper Below. Vrjr small and, am eay to take as agor. FOR HEADACHE, FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR C0NSTIPATI0H. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION Pnroly Vcsetailo.xWO?55J CURE tICK HEADACHE. OPIUMS WHISKY ana other aniB linliitR ournri. Wo win. Mm worst caf.cn. Hook nnd rororonccs Fltl,i:, Jr. U. M. WOQ1.L.KY, ltox a, Atluutu. Ua. $Z K( tfC TLX ABSOLUTE CARTERS HlTTLE JThvek KcSiits yJ' v3RSLJML3 32 MJOf I F VIV MnM Mm mn mtAtlonof --Vi.X7i.-r ...',.""'".' V ihrtAi flM" at via Knmfnrt - cellent reputation lus br en won liy merit nlone AJBahv . Jj-yPSI:'ll01MliaT0t0lTeb(;t. tV.Jr.V"'."u""".,. "i '".-.w nnu .1 . yi!'""w,,!'"i'n;puiaiionwr the best S3.0Jam J3.w Hioes munt bo main f ; 1 i ;a .".'"i.v"7"" for hi money In tho '. . aM. I'nors tlun lio can cet ele where. V. f DonRna makes nnd tells more S-i.00 and 3.M shoes that! & 1&GM I" . 1 1 ,"'l"'"'i:',",' "IA of Ito time hiRk Frail n lealarra se?' ' X. .. . "' -' fa7frOTr?;l & nT7?z-sv& .nd v i - lv 'VrV3,iieii ;.i7..v.r:K.,.VM :"""?" onum sent any' uSSS Kienli T uauai yrornj puuil Or can too i heavy, medium, or IlKht sole j. W. Jj. UOUCinS. ICTnrlimMfATBlaMaypjjgj E? IH m W& WUm 4WS.1 tjtm t am fjm m m M2m ite n q Ennrnaitn iu cure it iiibciincs or I lift rcrtlini. nl nlt I atHt k. mill win lire pci-rt-ollv trll. St-id for our VM ' "book fIm'K ToVl rv'. ,,,r no "" rRKi: 'I O . r.X. The. e book. coma nv.lubUlS"SrinaSoneo5ewnfoMaim: bu ot sury rer.on .ffllcUd. Add,,,. Dug. TUOUftTOA mkoK. IWO V&kUvIIbW yum EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD who suffers from Rheumatism , : should usa J HJacobsOil l It Conquers Pain, aet3 like made, and has no equal on 0 earth as a pain killer. Price, 25c and 50c SOLD BY ALL DEALERS IK MEDICINE. HAZARD Although ono of the old est powders in America and tho favorito with hunters and sportsmen who have used it, the supply having been 11m- and the demand continuous, there has been no necessity for widely adver tising, so that perhaps you are not famil iar with its superiority over other brands. Your dealer will keep it in stock if you insist upon having it. Prices as low as other makes. HAZARD BLACK and HAZARD SMOKELESS powders are up to date and simply perfection, whether used S sheii: IGUN POWDER i,. i.. Warranted Waterproof. junuo ia Diana hard unocka and roui;u V7orit. jjooicior tho traua mark. & fl v. ir your de.Ur btnnt them. vrltfl frrc.ulogaa to 1LH. SAWTMABOX, 3ol.l!fri.EtCmlrldie,Hai!. FAVORITE HYMNS -PRESIDENT McKINLEY: "Nearer, My Gol, To TIipb." "Lend, Kindly Light," Etc. ABSOLUTELY FREE ALL THE WORDS. ALL THE MUSIC. AVrlto for tliotn. No cost to you. McKlnley Music Co., TrWE llKADKHS OP THIS l'Al'KIt IHSSIUIXa TO I1UY ANYTHING ADVKRTlSi:i) IN ITS COLUMNS SHOULD INSIST UI'ON HAVING WHATTHUY ASK l'Olt, UKPCSING ALL SUUSTITUTKS Oil IMITATIONS. OLD SORES chjred Mien's Ulcorino Salvo cures Thrnnle l'lcr, llonr t'lcr.-, frifulat I'lrcM. nrlii Ulcr. ln,lolft I'lcrn, Jlrmirlnl I Ifrr., Mlf SxrlllDk-. .Mllli Uj, Knr.nl, Salt l(hi-uu, lr nrrii. all old ftorr. robllltflT 110 fallnre, no ivaltrr bow Inn; ilJli(. llmall, CJc. J. 1 AI.LKN. ST. 1'AUL. -MINIS OKLAHOMA I OKLAHOMA ! I I lie iovri;nnieiit T.iuul JCt-arrvallon ot SS.OOTi ugi-cl Olil Port Nii,ly. Tobo (In-own nneik V.T "tlleiniMtt. ForpartlculamnddmsH Tun I'itz. uwiialu iNVkSTJCEKT Cojm-ant, Indianapolis, ludlann- Afo'w? c' ti nn flftnrl i4niHCJ lt- &r "r an t -v & im-jL't-tS '-v J-timu ':, VLjHx9t !.:.. Pr-TTc " '. K. Y WW Mi i TiiiT V. M "vft'; t u -uku Lino Cannot ba Eausled at Anv Prir, IfiBaa A (lnal... 1 a . 1 DouKlaaSsxiOaiidSSfio 'A?."' "J ?" " LV eucu nv.il - .. Ti . 1 """" 'u''p'tu W. Ij. Donelai M.m .i iniiioworm. I nat;lir nicd la f 1 aaj ea ibcfjanJ (lTiinn milt. Catalog Tree. .i.. - . .--,---;"-"V" .""..""" c ;h;.,:.t"s.,'??,' .'''" VSe"2Kff.l?I ,nS?.." V , -.MVrl "?". "J.""- iViM.iv :'.". s:..?"u.y. .Du 'yo ..-.Vl,.. J ." ' "1UIU UrOCKtOn. liTruia FISTULA. NO MOftfiEY TILL CURED. ff &gy-?SfeJS. , m mmmi wW.VSRr At 1 A WW m ji tasv iCttr n fZl'.ttXPr. J a.'jv . i m UnliW i t I t t h i r fi 4 A' 'X -a ,ja;-ww tjti