fit rf Vt jTtnTr t f rt . . " ' y J', w , VOLUME XL VI NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, Jflol. DUMBER 20 juawvMtHnntTi6tflxrma&fmm3cm'msaatButl!awmtKj&l miuwiuiMwjiHwuwtMuiaiiiNii .. mi i. i.ihwi .iniawM it r I fo$$ 1J P V h h ' J GILBERT & Bra Best and cheapest lino of UNDEEWEAB on tho market See our variety and got our prices on HATS AND CAPS before, buying The Big K Brand of can't bo beat for the money A splendid lino of OUTING FLANNELS at right prices Prints, 5 to 6c Ginghams, 7 to 10c A good lino of Woolen Dress Goods Shoes and Rubber Cxoocls Wo have given special attention to this lino and can gtvo you as good goods for your money as you can got anywoere Victor, the best northern spring wheat flour, $1.10 per sack The beat high patent fall wheat Hour, SI. 00 per sack Best granulated Sugar, 17 pounds for $1$ Everything in tho Grocery t A car load of Minnesota Potatoes just in k "! tarn .iMil n .1 1 k ... F VAU1IU lli uuu anu uo iui Oar load of Michigan Salt just in , SILBEBT & IT-CANDLE Local News The medicine show is in town. Sea Hill & Keeling for fire insurance Miss RoseSeabury went to Bracken Monday. Dr. V. I. Seymour, No. 1110 0 at. , Lincoln, Neb. Miss Eva Able went to Peru Tues. day afternoon. The Advertiser and the Chicago In tor Ocean for Sl.40 The Brownville ltoma may be found on tho fourth page. See W. W. Harris of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. J. II. Seld has recently added some fine bogs to his Poland China herd, Mrs. Alice A. Minick, of Brown ville, wfis a Nemaha visitor Monday. Meat cutters of all kinds and prices at Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Elmer Brimble carao down from Lincoln Tuesday to cast his first vote. The Advertiser and the St. Louis Globe Democrat both ono year for only $1.75. John S. Stevenson may well feel proud of the vote he received in Nomas hu precinct. A big stock of scoop end gates just received by tho Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Mrs. Carson, of Mound City, Mo., is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. J. Bum baugh, this week. Dr. Harlan, oestoopath, graduate of A. T. Still school, Ollico in Auburn. UonBultation free, o-7 Frank Gulp arrived in Nemaha Fris day of last week on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Crim.'und Nemaha friends. A. F. Walsh came down from Linn coin tho latter part of last week und is visiting his wife and Nemaha friends. COAL COAL Both hard and soft coal for salo by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. MBL Overalls and Jackets at bed rock prices $ . . Line at bed rock prices tlflll tltlrttflK Olllltltlt ' juui iiuivui oufijr -k-K-K-K-K-K-K-'-K-i--K-K-K-- Call on us for job work. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Shubert, of Bracken, gave us a pleasant call Thurs day aftornoon. Fer best assortment of Dry Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r. Jos. Owens and family, of Wymore, who have been visiting Nemaha friends for a week or two, returned homo Monday. Mrs. E. A. Minick and Cyrus wont to Arcadia. Nebr., Wednesday, to visit their daughter and sister, Mrs. Maud Monteitb. Those having trouble with their eyes, ears, nose and throat should cons suit the noted Dr. Seymour, No. 11 10 K street, Lincoln, Neb. Miss Eva Able, milliner and dress maker. All kinds of dressmaking done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Latest styles millinery. Low prices. Mrs. Ben Parker, Cliauncey, Harry and Flossie, of Auburn, visited their mother and grandmother, Mrs. Rebecca Berger, and the editor'. family from Saturday until Monday. The Peru Pointer has been enlarged from a four column quarto to a five column quarto. We congratulate Bro. Bishop and tne citizens of Peru on this evidence of prosperity, A. J. Connett, of Otoe, Woodbury county, Iowa, gavo ub u pleasant call Wednesday in company with his brother-in-law, T. J. Rurabaugh. Mr. Con nett would like to buy a farm near Ne- maha but thinks the price of land is rather high. Miss Garnet Merle Iliatt arrived at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hiatt Wednesday aftornoon. Pearl and Llllie say they have tho sweetest little slater, und John feels prouder than if he had been elected to the best ofllce in Nemaha county. C. J. Canon, candidate for county clerk, was the only fusionist elected in Johnson county. Mr. Canon's wife, formerly Miss Nina Moore, is well known to most of our citizens, having w vcu uuro many years uunug uer cuiiat hood and young womanhood. IsS Andrew Aynes has moved Into the Minick hall and the back room and up htalis heretofore occupied by Mrs. J3. A. Minick. He could not get a house in Nemaha and had to go into the hull or board if he remained In Nemaha. My stock of furniture and stoves Is cmpli'to. If you are needing anything in mv lino, give mo n call and 1 will fl9suro you fair treatment. J. W. AltMsTnONO, South Auburn, Neb. Tho first quarterly conferoncofor the Brownville, Nemaha and Bethol Metli odist churches was held at Brownvillo Friday of hint week. Presiding Elder J S. W. Dean was present. Rev. D. B. Lake's salary was lixod at 3700 and parsonage. No chango was made In thoeorvicea. Those present from Ne maha wore Mrs. F. L. Woodward, Mrs. It. I. Blown and W, W. Saudera. If you wnnt.a Btovo that will burn hard coal, soft coal, wood and cobs and get you tho the most heat out of the fuel, get the Beck with Round Oak. This move I have sold for the last ton years and can assure you entire satis faction. Do not fail to call and see them. J. W. AitMSTitoxa, South Auburn, Neb. 444444)f4)f444)ff4)ff)f444)f4)f4'f4'f)f43f4-)-- L. m. ZBIA ,HT- . -v- VUeitcH tHIs space next a&&Vc. IEXCLUSIVE $ ic - K - )( - K - - K - K - K - K - c - K - K Road It In His Newspaper. George Schaub, a well known Ger man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a constant reader of the Dayton Volks zeitung. Ho knows that this paper aims to advertise only the best in its columns, and when ho saw Chamber lain's Pain Balm udvertised therein for lamo back, he did not hesitate in buying a bottle of it for his wife, who for eight weeks had suffered with tho most terrible pains in her back and could get no relief. He Bays: "After using the Pain Balm for a few days my wife said to me, I feel as though born anew,' and before using the entire con tents of the bottle tho unbearable pains had entirely vanished and she could again take up her household duties." He is very thankful and hopes that all suffering likewise will hear of her wonderful recovery. This valuable liniment is for salo by W W Keeling. Call in and see ub if you want to subscribe for any paper published 'n the United States. 4rf 7t til tvtBtxsck tM mtwraen I9 Urn. m i e&R HAS READY FOR INSPECTION Nesvi Rfill eindl WSrater TVlilflineiry PRICES, AS USUAL, THE LOWEST H - - X - - K - l - K - l - K - DEHORNING John Flack has bought dehorning clippers and fitted up a chuto and is now prepared to dehorn any nu.nber of cattlo on short notice. He has tho chute on wheels, bo he can take it right with him. Give him a trial if you want any dehorning dono. Satis faction guaranteed. Llllie Clurk was four years old Wednesday und waB given a party at the residence of her grandmother, Mrs. J. B. Hoover, to appropriately celo brate that event. Tho little folks had a splendid time Those present were Helen Gilbert, Ruth Keeling, Fay and Pearl Chambers, Gleudyn Crother.Gop trudo, Gilbert and Genevievo McGand less, Grace and Linn Jarvis and Marie Woodward. Old papers for Bale at this ofilce. - TTUESS V ,i - Wk r Uf , CASH STORE - c - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K.K - K - K - K - K - K - -$ Bravo Man Fall Victims to Btomaoh, liver and kid ney troubles as well as women, and all fool the roBult in loss of appetite, poisonB in the bjocu, backache, ner vousness, headache and tired, lintness run-down feeling. But there's oo need to feci liko that. S. W. Gardi nefl of Idaville, Ind., savB: "Electric Bittors aro just the tiling for a man when he don't care whether ho lives or dies. It gave me now strength and appetite. I can now oat anything and have a new lease on life." Only CO cants at Keeling's drue Btoro. Every bottle guaranteed. Koon Cloar Brain Your best feelings, your Bocial posi tion or business success depend large ly on the perfect action of your Stom uoh and Liver. DrlKing's Now Life Pills give increased strength, a keen clear brain, high ambition. A 25c box will make you feel like a new being. Sold by Keeling tho druggist. TliA Arlvorf lunr find St. r.ntlln Dlnhn J Democrat both one year for 31.75 -TWO WTT T f - - K - K - K - l - K - f - K - - H - )c - K The Vote in Nemaha Precinct The election In Nemaha was very quiet and the veto polled was tho light est In many years, only 201 votes being cast. Seymour Howo, Walter II ml lock autl F. M. Anderson rero tho judges and W.W.Sanders and John W. Ilawx by clerks of election. The following is the vote cast, the uamoof tho republican candidate corns lug first, thou the fusion candidate and last the socialist: For associate justico of the supremo court Sedgwick 110; Hollonbeck 77; Randolph 2; Clark (pro) 1. Sedgwick's plurality 33. ItegentB-Ernst 103; Calkins (101; Hawxby 04; Bayston 82; Wllklo 2; Scram 2; Walker (pro) V. Treasurer Kupor 101 ; Codington 03 ; -Keith 2. Kuper'a plurality 8. Clork Hackor 108; Snow 07. Hack er's majority 11. 3heriff Lawrenco 110; Burger 80; Rebuck 2, Lawrence's plurality 30. Judge Noal 124; Oliver 71. Noal'a majority 53. Clerk of district court Reverldga 113; Davies 78; Starr 1, Rovorldgo's plurality 85. County commissioner Mclnlnch 83; Stevenson 113; Hartzel2. Stevenson's plurality 30. County superintendent Carringlon 104 ; Parrlot 00. Carriugton's majority 14. Surveyor Parker 114; Gilbert 77; Young 4. Parktr'a plurality 37." Coroner- -Lutgen 107; Opperman 80; Clark 8. Lutgcn's plurality 27 Assessor Frank Titua 116; Scott Argabright 78. Titus' mujority 37. JustlcpB of the poace D T Smiley 103 ; SO Lawrence 122 ; Jake Shuck 14. Conatubles F W Flack 110; John Minick 110. Ovorseor of highwaya District 82 John M Clark 39; Enoch Hanellno 22. Clark's majority 8. District 83 It T Devorss 10; George Dye 11. Devorss' majority G. District 84 WT Russell 22; George ' Cooub 20. Coons' majority 4. A. representative of The Press wan in Nemaha recently and there saw the .most wondorful collection of canes probably in existence. The exhibit belongs to Burl Hoover, an old and re spected pioneer merchant at that place. The sticks were all made and finished by Mr. Hoover, many of them being of beautiful and unique pattern, and all of the wood was cut and seasoned by him, the work covering a period of thirty years! The most remarkable part of the collection lies in the fact that nothing but native Nebraska wood has heon used and there are aoventy-. two varieties. He has one cane inlaid witli all the different kinds of wood, for which ho has been offered 9125. Tho whole exhibit Btands on a platform of unique design, also of Mr. Hoover's own make, in the center of which stands still another evidence of his genius, in the shape of a large chair. Mr. noover aayB it will take several years yet to finish the work. It is worth going miles to Bee, Stella Preds, Dr. I. O. Sutton, Henry Williams, Frank Shubert, W. W. James, and two or three others from Shubert attended Masonic lodge at Nemaha Thursduy night and assisted in conferring the degree of Master Mason on Frank L. Woodward. A Weekly Agricultural Journal One Year Free. To all subscribers who pay one year in advance wo will send for ono year the Northwestern Agriculturalist, an excellent farm journal published, at Minneapolis, Minn. Call in and get a sample copy. r:M n ---srt