$ . ? dAoJ(x. 4-JCctz.oSl J'S"tlXj 'ihitoi&'&t'it $.&& olact6w Y w v 4 VOLUME XLV1 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER J,,190l. NUMBPR 19 W 1L,s JlUv ' i I' K . t. 0". n 0 ft J' 4 jf jf jf 444 444 jf 44 44 4 GILBERT & Heat and cheapest line of UNDERWEAR on the market Seo our variety and get our prices on $ HATS AND CAPS $ The Big H Brand of . can't bo beat A splendid line of OXJTING FLANNELS ' at right prices Prints, 5 to 6c Ginghams, 7 to 10c $ A. goed line of Woolen Dress Goods t bed rock prices Shoes eCnd Rubber Goods We have given special attention to this line and can give you as good $ goods for your money as you can get auy woere 5 Victor, the best northern spring wheat flour, $1.10 per Back The best high patent fall wheat flour, 81.00 per sack I Best granulated Sugar, s!7 pounds for $1$ Everything in the Grocery Line at bed rock prices $ A car load of Minnesota Potatoes just in J Come in and seo us for your winter supply $ I Oar load of Michigan Salt just in J I GILBERT & M-CANDLES S! W Local News Call on us for job work. The campaign is almost over. Next Tuesday is election day. Wo had a good rain Friday night. Bee Hill & Keeling for'flre insurance Wo had another flue rain Wednesday night. Corn shucking is now the order of the day. Dr. W. I. Seymour, No. 1110 O at. , Lincoln, Neb Mrs. L. It, Merritt has moved into the Coons house Nemaha will have a good bank In about two weeks. S H. Avey, of Auburn, was a inaha visitor Wednesday. Ne- G. Lilly came in from Auburn Tues day, returning Wednesday. See W. W. Harris of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. Miss Eva Abie went to Peru Saturday, returning Tuesday. last Meat cutters of all kinds and prices at Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Ed Seid has moved into the old stone house Bouth of towu tho Brlnogar house. A big freo show at house next Monday mlBS it. Hoover's opera night. Don't The Advertiser and the St. Louis Globe Democrat both one year for only 31.75. A big stock of scoop end gates just received by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. The seats at the Christian church are being repainted this week und other improvements made. The Golden Itulo Coraody Co., ad vertising the great Hot Springs Reme dies, will be here all next week, at Hoover's opera house. Monday night will be freo to all adults. 44444444 MCANDLESS before buying Overalls and Jackets J for the mousy ..... i Oscar Scovill, who Is now a resident of Itulo, la visiting Nemaha friends this week. ,- Dr. Harlan, oeateopath, graduate of J A. T. Still school, Ofllco in Auburn. Contultatlon free. 0-7 H. D. Beebe went to Nebraska City on the freight Saturday night, return ing Monday forenoon. It. C. Morton, of Iowa Paint, Kas., was in Nemaha several days this week looking after some business matter. Far best assortment of -Dry Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r. Those having trouble with their eyes, ears, nose and throat should cont suit the noted Dr. Seymour, No. 1116 K street, Lincoln, Neb. Miss Eva Able, milliner and dress maker. All kindff of dressmaking done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Latest styles millinery. Low prices. GOAL COAL Both bard and soft coal for sale by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Gilbert & McCandloss got their oath register last Saturday. It is a compile cated piece of muchinery and saves a whole lot of bookkeeping and other work. The Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co, havo received ono and two car loads of lumber a week for several weeks, but it goes out as fast as it comes In. Mr and Mrs. M. H. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harper and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bolejaclc drove up from Shubert Sunday night and attended services at the Methodist church, Mrs. Sarah C. Black and daughter, Miss Blanch, of Pueblo, Colo,, are viai iting Mrs, Black's sister, Mrs. 11. J. Duff. They expect to stay in Nemahn until about December SOtb. The ladles of tho M. E. church will give a dinner and supper at the Mlnick hall on election day. Ouly 15 cents will be charged for a splondid meal. Everybody is invited to help. The proceeds will bo applied on the pastor's salary. FARM FOIt HRNT.-32 acien of the old Brimble farm, 4 miles-southwest of Nemaha. Good house barn, eto. Cash rent. Apply to Mrs. Lydla J. Alexander, Nemaha. Mrs D. M. Colerlek, who has been visiting relatives In Iowa for about a month, returned home last Saturday. Her friends will regret to learn that her health Is quite poor. The Golden Rule Comedy Company will givo a series of high class enter tainments, interspersed with short lee tures, at Hoover's opera hotiso next week. Monday night free to adults. C. E. Richards, of Hastings. Nobr., visited his uncle, V. P. Peabody, Wednesday afternoon and night and Thursday morning. Mr. Richards la working in the interest of tho St. Joe News. Tho Golden Rule Comedy Company, advertising the Hot Springs Crystal Salts, will be at Hoover's opera bouse all of next week. Admission Monday night free to adults; children under 18 years, 10 cents. The Advertiser and the Chicago In ter Ocean for 91.40 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444f L. HI. BA-TTHiIES We carry a nice line ? TRUNKS AND VALISES HATS AND CAPS $ SHIRTS AND OVERALLS Our Winter Sail In iA nice line of JPrlnts arid Dress Goods $ Outings eind Ioa price on a. Henriettas eundl Wool Goods In fact, anything- we carry can toe bought a9 cheap as,any one can sell it EXCLUSIVE I Read It In His Newspaper. George Scbaub, a well known Ger man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a constant reader of the Dayton VolkB zeitnng. He knows that this paper aims to advertise only the best in Us columns, and when he saw Chamber lain's Pain Balm advertised therein for lamo back, he did not hesitate in buying a bottle of it for his wife, who for eight weeks had suffered with tho most terrible pains in her back and could get no relief. He Bays: "After using tho Pain Balm for a few days my wife Baid to me, 'I feel bb though born anew,' and before using the entire con tents of the bottle tho unbearable pains had entirely vanished and she could again take up her household duties." Ho is very tbaukful and hopna that all suffering likewise wfH hear of her wonderful reepvory. This valuable liniment is for sale by WW Keeling. Call in and seo us if you want to subscribe for any paper published 'n tqe United States. 4Jfjf44ff)f)f)f3f)f)ff5f'f4Jf43f5fJf3f5f43f)f5f)f3ff)f4)f44f)f)fW5f)f4)f4Jf4)f MRS. THEO. HILL HAS READY FOR INSPECTION New Fall and Winter Millinery PRICES, AS USUAL, THE LOWEST I understand the report Is being clr- culated that I have been promised the appointment of deputy If Abe Lawi rence is elected sheriff. There is not a word of truth in ouch a report. , Will S. Russell. L. F. Gillespie will have a public sale of horses, eattle, hogs, farm imple ments, etc., Wednesday of next week, beginning at one o'clock. Ho lives on the old Brimble farm, 1 miles south and 2 miles west of Nemaha. DEHORNING John Flack has bought dehorning clippers and fitted up a chute and is now prepared to dehorn any nu.nher of cattle on short notice. He has the chute on wheels, so ho cau take it right with him. Give him a trial if you want any dehorning done Satis faction guaranteed. t $ of iV Goods are nearly $ Blankets $ CASH STORE! $ 1 Brave Men Fall Victims te stomach, liver and kid ney troubles as well as women, and all feel the result in loss of appetito, poisons in the blocd, backache, ner vousness, headacho and tired, liutness runcdown feeling. .But there's oo need to fopl like that. S. W. Gardi nor, of Idavillo, Ind., savs: "Electric Bittors aro just the tiling for a man when he don't care whether ho lives or dies. It gave me now strength and appetito. I con now oat anything and havo a new lease on lifo." Only 50 conts at Keeling's drug Btoro. Every bottle guaranteed. Ko on Cloar Brain Your best feelings, your Bocial posi tion or business success depend large ly on tho perfect action of your Stom ach und Liver. DrSKing'B Now Life Pills givo increased strength, a keen cloar brain, high ambition. A 26c hex will make you feel like a now being. Sold by Keoling tho druggist. Tho Advertiser and St Louis Globe Democrat both one year for 81.75 W . ( My stock of furniture and stoves ia cmplete. If you ufe needing anything )ti rav line, give me a call und 1 will aiBure you fair treatment. J. W. ARMSTRONG, South Auburn, Neb, The Golden Hule Comedy Co, which will held the boards here uext week, carries maay big city show feature, such as the finest trapeze acta, dancers, illustrated Dengs and up-te-date farce comedies, Monday night will bo free to all adults. Mrs. Wm. H. Hoover h9 bad a new porch built in front of the opera nuuse. The old one haa been there fourteen years and was very rotten. It has not been safe for some time, but now none need have any fears, as the new porch and stairway are very strong and sub stantlal. Gilbert & McCandleas are putting up a building for the new bank, between the postofllce and the barber shop. The building Is to be frame, 10x24 feet, but we understood this is ouly tempo rary, and that a good brick building will be erected In tho spring. They hope to have everything in readiness for tho bank by the 16th of this month. Joe Halth is putting in the founda tion. The sad news has been received that Robert P. Frost was killed by light ning near Pawnee, Oklahoma, Monday f this week. Mr. Frost andlils father were out feeding cattle when The fatal bolt came. Rob was Instantly killed and bis father shocked. The young uoan has many friends horo who will regret to leuru of his untimely death. We have net learned any farther par tlculars. Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Aynes, Miss Nora and Master Frank returned to Nemaha Tuesday , after an absence of several months at Sargent, Neb. Tbe are delighted to be in Nemaha again, as none ef tbeas except Mr. Aynes liked the country. Mr. Aynes baa not yet decided what bo will do but we hope he will again engage In buslueas) here. We are glad to have them with us again. As repot ts have been circulated that I have promised numerous persoas a deputysbip if elected sheriff, I wish to deny absolutely and emphatically that I have made any such promise to any one, or given any one to understand In any way that I would appoint any cer tain person deputy. If elected I will eudeavoi te select a deputy that will be satisfactory to my constituents. Aue L. Lawrence. Arrangements have been made t open a bauk in Nemaha something that has long been needed. The capN tal stock will be ,000, which will be increased If necessary. It Is expected the bauk will be ready for business In about two weeks. Wm, Campbell is president, F. E. Allen vice president and Elmer E: Allen cashier. The fact that these mon are back of the bank will give our citizens confidence in it from tho beginniug. Dr. W. W. Sivoy, V. S., of Tocumi sell, Nobr., will again visit Nemaha Nov. 7th and 8th, uud will be at Brimn ' ble & CoonB' livery barn. All parties huving stock that need tho services of a veterinary surgeon will do well to see him on above dates us ho is one of the leading veterinarians in the state. He comes very highly recommended, Re member tho dato. All Btouk treated by the doctor when here beforo will ho treated free of charge If needed, Bring in your stock uud havo thorn examiued by the right man, Old papers for sale at this office. t