The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 25, 1901, Image 1

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    J u r .'4 it"
1 ct
niijuunuiiimiHiKm i'ni"UiiimiiMJmJ"u www wwwnamw
3f-lL 9 lb
I ' '
Best and cheapest lino of
Seo our-variety and got our prices on
before buying
The Big H Brand of Overalls and Jackets
can't bo beat for the money
A splendid line of
OUTING' el annels
at right prices
Prints, 5 to 6c Ginghams, 7 to 10c
A good lino of
Woolen Dress urooas
Wo have Given Hpecpti aueniion in mis ime mm u" k'v j"- buuu
" goods for your money as you can got any woero
Victor, the best northern spring wheat flour, $1.10 por sack
The best high pntetit fall wheat Hour, 81.00 per sack
. . . . . ... ....
Best granulated Sugar, 17 pounds for $1
Everything in the Grocery
17 .. I.I.... ;.. M.o nrnnnrir
Y 1U V Ol J lIUIIj HI fct.VJ v...j
I A car load of Minnesota Potatoes just in
n.tmn tn n l t aati lid fnr
VW11JU ! WWV w
Oar load of Michigan Salt just in
"Local ISTews
-Call on up for job work,
See Hill & Keeling for lire insurance
Dr. W. I. Seymour, No. 1110 O st. ,
Lincoln, Neb
Mrs. W. W. Keeling returned from
Omaha last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kumbaugh re
turned from Iowa Monday.
v See V. V. Harris of South Auburn
for Clothing and Dry Goods.
Meat cutters of all klnas and prlcos
.at Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
D H. Clark went to Kansas City
Tuesday evening, returning Thursday
Miss Nellie Sanders visited Auburn
friends last week, returning home last
The Advertiser and the St. Louis
Globe Democrat both one year for)
only 81,75.
A big stock of Bcoap end gateB just
received by the Edwards & Bradford
Lumber Co.
Dr. Harlan, oesteopath, graduate of
A. T. Still school, Olllce in Auburn.
CjusuI tation free. 0-7
Misr Sailie Coons, who now" lives
near Howe, was visiting Nemaha
friends Wednesday.
Enoch Hanoline bought a One rango
last Saturday from the Edwnrds &
Bradford Lumber Co.
Mrs. M II, Taylor and Verne drove,
up from Shubort Wednesday and visit
od Nemaha friends a few hours,
O T. Minlck, the B. & M. agent aud
postmaster at Bracken, is rejoicing
over the arrival of a handsome baby
We have almost positive assurance
that Nemaha will Boon have a good
bank with an abundance of capital
back of it.
Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Peabody returned
homo Wednesday from a trip to Buffai
lo, Niagara Falls and other points in
that vicinity.
on the market
at bed rock prices J
..... .... :....! ...... l
Line at bed rock prices
T.lriP lit. llttfl rnfik DriCbM "T
... i jy
VHIIT winter flUDtllV
j-wr.-- .. . --i---f
J. C. Bnmdy says he has a great big
democratic boy that will be old enough
to yote in about twenty years and fors
tyitiine weeks.
Andrew Aynes and family are going
to return to Nemaha and are expected
this afternoon. They will be gladly
welcomed back.
Gilbert & McCandless have had n
now platform put on their scales in
front of the store, and are having the
sidewalk relaid.
Those having trouble with their
eyes, ears, nose nnd throat should coni
suit the noted Dr. Seymour, No. 1110
K street, Lincoln, Neb.
Mrs. Lillie Walsh came down from
Lincoln last Saturday and is visiting
her mother and sister, Mrs. Win. II.
and Miss Helen Hoover.
There will be services at St. John's
Episcopal church, Nemaha, on Sunday
at ,):30 p. ra. The choir from Auburn
will assist Everybody Invited.
Both hard and soft coal for sale by
the Edwards & Bradford Lurabor Co.
Work has been commenced on the
foundation for the Odd Fellows build
ing, sand and ruck are being haulsd,
and the work will bo pushed as rapidly
as possiblo.
The ladies of the M. E. church will
give a dinner and supper at the Minick
hall on olectlon day. Only 10 cents
will bo charged for a splendid meal.
Everybpdy la invited to help. The
proceeds will be applied on the pastor's
salary .
Leslie Woodward, who has beon at
Lawton, Oklahoma, for two or three
weeks, returnedhome Thursday night.
Leslie Is not greatly stuck on Oklahoi
ma. He says it is a good country to
starve in if a man hasn't plenty of
John II, Dundas, editor of the Au
burn Granger, gave us a social call
Thursday. Wo are pleased to learn
that Mr, Dundas la talking of publish",
ing a history of Nemaha county. It
would be a valuable as well as an in
trreatlng work and we hopo ho will go
ahead with the euterprlsa
Republican Rally at
Judge John S. Stall and the catuli
datos on the republican county ticket
will speale at Hoover's opeia Jjousa
Wodnesday evening, October !J0. The
Champion band will be present and
there will aho he good vocal music.
Everybody Is invitdd.
The memorial soivlceH held at the
opora house Sunday night, In honor of
President William McKinley, were line
The opera hooso was crowded but the
bo-t of order was maintained. The
choir consisted of Mib. Emily Gilbert,
pianist; Mrs. Mfllllngor Titus, Miss
Lillian Minick, and Messrs G, N. and
Ed Sanders. The services were opened
by singing "Nearer, My God, to Thee."
Hov. D B.Lake then offered prayer.
The choir then sang 'Lfiid, Kindly
Light." Hov. Lake preached an elo
quent memorial sermon, giving a sketch
of the life of President McKinley und
drawing lessons therefrom for the es
pecial boneflt of the young. The ser
vices closed by singing "America."
The Advertiser ami tho Chicago In
tor Ocean for 81.40
Xj. KG.
We carry a nice line of
Winter Goods are nearly
nioe lino of
and Dress Goods
Comforts einci
$A low
price on
Henriettas and Wool Goods
In fact, anything we carry can
Iboug-ht as cheap as
Road It In His Nowopnpor.
George Schaub, a well known Ger
man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is
a constant render of the Dayton Volks
zeltung. He knows that thts paper
aims to advertise only tho best in its
columns, and when he saw Chambor
laiu's Pain Balm advertised therein
for lamo back, ho did not hesitate in
buying a bottle of it for his wife, who
for eight weeks had suffered with tho
most terrible pains in her back and
could get no relief. Ho says: "After
using tho Pain Balm for a few days my
wife said to me, I feel as though born
anew,' and before using tho entiro con
tents of the bottle the unbearable pains
had entirely vanished and she could
again take up her household duties."
IIo is very thankful and hopps that all
suffering likewise will hear of her
wonderful recovery. This valuable
liniment Is for Balo by W W Keeling.
Call in and see us if you want to
subscribe for any paper published 'n
tqo United States.
INsa Rail and Winter Millinery
4( - K - K - K - K - J - K - K - J - ( - t - c - K -
John Flack has bought dohornlng
clippers and lltted up a chuto aud is
now prepared to dehorn any nu.nberof
cattlo on short notice. He has the
chuto on wheels, ao he can taka It
right with him. Give him a trial if
you want any dohornlng done Satis
faction guaranteed.
Married At tho Lutheran parsons
age. South Auburn, Nobr , on Wednes
day afternoon, October 2!), 11)01, by the
Rov. W. Dleffonbach, Mr. Frank Hlgs
gins to MIbs Mary Robiatn, both of
Julian, Neb,
My qtock of furnlturo and stoves Is
cmplcto. If you are needing anything
in mv lino, givo ;no a call and I will
assure you fair treatment.
J. W. Akmhthono,
South Auburn, Neb,
any one can soil it
Bravo Mon Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kid
ney troubles as well as women, and
all fool tho result in loss of appctito,
poisons in tho blocd, backache, ner
vousness, headache and tirod, liutness
run-down feeling. Hut there's uo
nood to fool liko that. S. W. Gard-.
nor, of Idavillo, Ind., savs: "Electric
Bittors nro just tho thing for a man
when he don't care whether ho lives
or dies. It cavo me new Btrongth
and appotito. I can now oat anything
and have a new lonso on uto." unly
50 conts at Keoling's drug store.
Every bottle guaranteed.
Koon Cloar Brain
Your best leelincs. your Bocial posi
tion or business success depend large
ly on tho perfect action of your Stom
ach and Liver. DrSIung's JNow Lite
Pills givo increased strongth, a keen
cloar brain, high ambition. A 25obx
will mukoyou fool liko a now being.
Sold by Keoling tho druggist.
The Advertiser and St Louis Globe
Democrat both one year for 81.75
K - K - K - K - ) - K - K - K - K
The fusionisto will hold n meeting in
the Minick hall Saturday night of this
TTnnru Hnlit Is )uil!tlti lidr mtilltlnn
I to his house on his farm across tho Ne
maha southwest of town.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jos. Owons.of Wymnre,
arrived in Nemaha Thursday on a visit
to Walter Maxwell and family.
For best assortment of Dry Goods
aud Shoos go to tho Daylight Store of
South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r,
Johu O. Boyd, wife and daughter re
turned home last week after a visit to
John's old home in Macoupin county, '
Minor Taylor, of Shubert, was shak
ing hands with Nemaha friends Thum
day. Llttlo Helen Gilbert went homo
With him.
Miss Eva Able, milliner and drrss
makor. All kinds of dressmaking done
promptly and satisfaction guaranteed.
Latest styles millinery. Low prices.
D. II. Clark, who was nominated by
the socialists for coroner, sayB ho is
not a doctor hut is a plain farmer; ho
is not a sooialiBt, as ho is a republican ;
und ho is not a candidate for any olllce.
Wesley II. Clark, a former citizen of
Nemaha, gave us a social call Tuesday.
He has been living out west for soma
time but recently returned to Auburn.
Uo is now in the windmill and pump
business. See his advertisement In an
other column.
Dr. W. W. Slvey, V. P.. of Tecum.
seh, Nobr., will again visit Nemaha
Nov. 7th and 8th, and will bo at Brimi
bio & Coons' livery barn. All parties
having stock that need tho services of
a veterinary surgeon will do well to bko
him on above dates as he is one of tho
leading veterinarians in tho stato. He
comes very highly recommended. Re
member th date, All stock treated by
tho doctor when hero before will be
troated froo of charge If needed. Bring
in your stock aud have them oxamlnod
by the right man.
Call at Keuling's drug Htoro and get
a froo sample of Chtimberlain'sStomach
and Liver Tablets. They are an elan
gant physic. They also improve the
appetite, strengthen tho digestion and
regulate the liver and bowels. They
are easy to take and pleasant in effect.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a
cold In one day. No Cure, no Pay. 26c
Ulll'H TVnmnlin Nolil'
Xnu.!..., -..v...
Lincoln. Denver
O J nulla J-Ielenu
GhloiiKO 33utto
St. .Toweph Salt 2-,ulco City
KnnHiiH City Portland
St. liOuiH and all San ITranoinco
Poinln arjuwt und JVnd all XointH
South "Woat
No. 07 -PiisHoiiKor, dully axcoptHun
day, for Tucumsoh, Moiitrice,
HolcJrcKO nnd all points went 0:10 a ra
No. 98 I'nHHOUKor, dally oxcopt Hun
duy, for Nobnwkn City, Ulileaao
und nil polniH north nnd enst l33p m
No. 113 kocnl frolKit, dnlly oxcopt
Sunday, for Hoiitrlco nnd nil In.
tormeillutoH tat Ions 1:00 p ra
No. UJ Local frolKht, dally oxcept
Hundny, for NohrnHkn Ulty nnd
nil Intermediate sUUoiih 11:30 p ra
No, 110-Local frolKhl, dally oxcept
Sunday, for Atchison nnd lutor.
medlntu HtntlonH 7:15 p m
No. 112 Local frelaht, dnlly except
Monduy, for Nebraska Chy nnd
lntormodlntOHtntlons 2:00 ft m
, Sleeping, dining mm rodlnlng clmlr cars
seats free on tbroiiKli trains. Tickets Hold
and bKKfto olieolced to nny point In tno
United States or Canada.
For Information, ninps, tlmo tables nnd
tlekoU call on or write to Gporuo McCluro,
uKont, or J. Francis, General Pussougor
Acont, Omnba, Nub,;
'rfi' '