The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 18, 1901, Image 8

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    1 J
Tjj CHS WHIHt ill tlSUAItS. ' H
IfiJ tlORt Oouiril Bjrrup. Tauten Good. UM Q
Ivi In timn. Hutu ,ir ilrtjfftflftU. HI
The Nebraska Advertiser
W. W. Sandbhs, publisher
(2)r. c. W. Keeling,
Nemahn, Nebraska.
Off ioo in Keeling building, second door
orth of Aynos' hardware Hloro.
Dealer lu
HighcHt innrkct price paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc.
.A.. X,. BT1EHS, JVT. D.
Tendors his professional scrvices to
tho citizens of Nemaha arid vicinity.
All calls answered. Dr. Gaithor's
office. 6 7 I
Dealer In
and Harness Supplies
Dtivlil Hrlmblo will have a public
Bale at bis farm on Wednesday, Octo
bor 2D rd.
The ofllco force haa been aick this
week, and in consequence wu are a day
late in getting out, the paper.
G. N, Titus went to Lincoln Thurss
day morning or last week and from
there went to Minneapolis. Minn. He
returned home Monday evening.
Laxative Hiouio Quinine Tablets cure a
cold In one day. No Cure, no Puy. 26c
Mrs. Charles Duorfeldt will havo a
public aale of horses, cattle, hogs, farm
implements, oats, hay, etc., nt her farm
three miles south of Nemaha on next
Seymour Howe has practically made
a new barn out of his old one, It tins
taken lots of work and considerable
new material but ho lias a good barn
to show for it.
and Jeweler.
All work guaranteed to glvo-mitlsfiiotlon
-West of Court Houso Sqimro,So.Auburn,Nob
Watchmaker and Jeweler
All work guaranteed, Leave
, orders at L. II. Battles' store,
Nemaha, Nebraska
Proprietor of the
Livery& Feed Stable
Good Dray in connection with Livory
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Itrccilor of
To Curo a Cold In Ono Day
Take Laxatlvo Bromo Quinine TabletB.
All druggistB refund the money if it
fails to cure. E W Grove's signature
on each box. Prico 25 cents 0 22
Charles R. Hacker is well qualified
for the position of county clerk, and if
elected will muke a record that will
causo his friends to be proud of him
and of the fact that they helped elect
Goorgo D Carringlou, jr., Inn the
education and tho ability to make a
good superintendent of public schools
lie is up to date on educational mat
ters. Hoi will carefully guard the edu
catlonal interests of the county.
I. II. Kuper, republican candidate
for county treasurer, will get a big vote
where Iiq-ib best known.' He Js well
qualified for the position to which he
aspires. No one will ever have causo
to regret having voted for him.
If you want a stove that1 Will burn
hard coal, soft coal, wood and cobs and
get you tho the most heat out of tho
fuel, get the Beckwith Round Oak
This stove I have sold for the lust ten
Thoroughbred Poland China yarB nd Ctt" U88uro 'ou ent,re 8al,B
ruction. Do not, fall to call and see
-f T"N"N CI2 t,ie,n- J.MV. AliMSTUOXO,
, i I Smv. A K ' - South Auburn, Neb.
Farm ono and one-half miles Bouth
west of Neintiha.
Notioo for Hoaring Claims.
In t bo County Cointoi Noinnhu county, Npo.
lu ilia mulitirof thu estate of Aliutlii T. Alii
Notion Is hereby ulveii that ttio court has
fnade t'u order IlinlttiiK the time loroiedlnns
tO l!0 OlllllllS IIKHlllMl Halll llO'eilSPd to NlX
mouth from thelih day of November, 11)01,
mill tint January ptli, Maroli l'lih mill Muv
Utli 1012, at ID o'o'ock ii. in. of niflli iluv, nl tho
nflt'uor i ho County Juduu or Nemaha couii
l, Nebraska, In Auburn, Nebraska, Iihh
Ikvii fix o4 by lliu Uourt a tho tltius unit
nlnco when nml vyllern nil pornous who hao
ulalin "ml demands against entl deceased
uiii havo ho same examined, uilJUKlfd nrlil
all wed, mill ill) oliitiiiK not presented at tho
lata iiihuMoooiI date will bo roroyor hatred,
by mi outer of t o Court.
Dutul Member Mb, lpoi.
HIOIIAHl) V. MSAL.Couuty Judae.
B. F. Mclntnch was county commiss
siouer for six yearn and the people
never had a more faithlul guardian of
their interests. He knows the needs
of the district and will do all in his
power to havo tho roads and bridges
kept in good condition for public use,
and will look after all the other busi
ness of the county wisely and careful
ly. He Is economical, managing the
affairs of lhi county as carefully ns he
dors his own business. He has had
the experience, lie has the ability, and
he will get the votes that will elect
him commissioner for the nuxl three
Euuik Maxwkll LU,lorB'
Kidney Trouble Mokes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads tho news
papers Is suro to know of the wonderful
cures maae ty ur.
t Kllmer'3 Swamp-Root,
I the great kidney, liver
w and bladder remedy.
I it is the great medi
cal triumph of tho nine
teenth century; dis
covered after years of
scientltlo research by
Dr. Kilmer, tho emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and Is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lamo back, kidney, bladder, urlo acid trou
bles and Brlght's Disease, which la the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. KilmorTs Swamp-Root la not rec
ommended for everything but If you havo kld
noy, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
Just tho remedy you need. 1 1 has been tested
In so many ways, In hospital work, In private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and haa proved so successful in
everv case that a sDeclal arrangement hss
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already triea it, may nave
1 Vj- Ji
. m ii x m. T
A L Vr fcs
Ji'ff55 TwT m
Kite- r-t5S
Lulu Cooper was absent 1 rl lay.
Robert O'llurra visited schuul 1 riday.
Herbert Ikimblo has been absent
sevoial days.
Miss Flora Waterman was a visitor
in the high suhool Wednesday.
Miss Blanch Dye was a caller itt the
pi Unary room Friday.
Gleudon Orothi r was a new pupil in
the llrsl grade Thursday.
The sixth grade imd a written review
in hiHlory Tuesday afternoon.
Bessie Anderson has been absent
several dsys on accoutit of sickness.
The sev"euthand eighth grades are
having trouble with longitude and time
The seventh and eighth classes have
been having a review in geupraphy.
Brownville Locals
Charley Davis had Ills arm broken
Deputy Sheriff West was a business
visitor Monday.
Lawyor Mclnlbch, of Auburn, was
in town Tuesday.
Tom Collins, of Missouri was a
business visitor Monday.
Will and John Kauffman returned
ftom Minneapolis Monday.
Mrs. Susan Richmond was n business
visitor to Auburn Wcduesday.
W. S. Androw and wife have gono
to visit their old Iowa homo this week
Tho Bllud Boone concert was largely
attended and everybody appeared well
pleased. ,
Clarence Daugherty came home from
Wyoming Wednesday, u sadder but
wlBer boy.
The Standard Oil Co.'s wagon was on
the street Saturday distributing to our
A . "Vandeventer returned from York
Saturday where he had been with a
car of apples.
Dr. Crane and mother returned from
Merrick county, where they have been
visiting for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Duulph Farmer have
moved into the house owned by Dad
Andrew on First street.
Courtney Stonecjpher. who has been
working at Mai com, Neb , this sumuier,
returned home Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cole, of Omaha, have
been visiting a few dajs Mrs. Cole's
parents, W. T. Den and wife.
Rev. Lake preached, Sunday nt the
M E. church, this being his lirst vialt
nt this place tills conference year,
Mrs. White, who has been visiting
her mother, Mrs. Bridgewater, for
Borne time, returned home Fritiay.
Misses Perle Minick and Helen Ilitte
came down to the Blind Boone concert
Friday evening and made a short visit
Mrs Richmond sold liei town prop
erty Saturday to J. W. Penny, who
recently moved back here Willi his
family. " '
Mr McCulla came down from
Lincoln Friday, where ho has been
taking treatment for several weeks, his
health being greatly improved.
Charles R. Hnckerand Geo. D. Car
rington.candidaten'forcleik and county
superintendent, wera slinking handa
with old friends and making new onus.
W. II. Vance, the razor man, has
been grinding razors, shears, knives,
etc , for n few days. He moved his
machinery over to Rock port Tuesday.
F. O. Frit, is covering his stoie
tills week with btiek-stamped steel
which will make it lire proof and add
greatly to the appearance of tho builds
The members of the G. A. It and W,
H. O met at theii hall Sunday nt 2 p.m.
and held meinotial services in honor of
Wm. McKinley. The speaketa were
Elder Diitz, Rev. bmiih and .). W.
Sapp, of BrownvilleKuud W. Hutllock,
of Nemaha.
A great Btihjpct and an eloquent
speaker insure an interesting evening
to those who attend the meeting in the
opeia house at Brownville on Oct. 23rd
at 7:30 p. m.,when Qmncy Lee Morrow
National Ptoliiliittou Evangelist, will
deliver one of his great lecturta. Ad
mission ftee and eveivbody invited.
The marriage of Miss Myra Joseph
ine Tourtulotte of Liircoln and James
C. Barber of McCook, took place last
night at tho home of the bride's njir
onts, 2100 Q straot. Tho ceremony was
conducted by Rev. W. P. Ayls worth
before a large number of guests Little
Margarot Tourtolotto of Sterling was
ring bearer and Horbert Grtimmuu was
page. The bride was gowned In a beaus
tiftil creation of white silk mull over
taffeta. For tho ceremony the brido and
bridegroom stood beneath an evergreen
weddlug boll decorated with bride's
rosBS. The rooms wore decorated with
a profusion of flowers and palms the
color being most effective. The con
gratulations of mauy frienda were giv
en and the wedding party and friends
were then received Mr Bnrberls in
the employ of the IJutlington at Mc
cook and Mrs. Barber bus a large mims
bor of acquaintances In Lincoln and is
especially well known in university
circles. She is the daughter of David
Tourtelotte. Thu young couple left on
n trip to Salt Lake City and other wes
tern places. They will be at home at
McCook after November 15. State
Journal, Octobor 11.
JustSnvod His Life
It was u thrilling eeca othnlChnrlCB
iv'h of Bowfirston, O., lutely had
from a frightful death. For two years
a 80Voro lung trouble constantly grew
worse until it seemed bo must dio of
Consumption. Thou he began to uso
Dr King's New Discovery and lntoly
wrote: "l"t gave instant relief and ef
fected a permanent curo." Such won
derful cnrcB havo for 26 years proven
its power to curo all Throat, Chesl
and Lung troubles. Price 50o and $
Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bot
tles free at Keeling'H drug store.
In order to introduce it into your
homo The Semi-Weekly State Journal
will bo mailed from now until January
1, 1002, for only twenty-live cents. This
will give you a paper every Tuesday
and Friday and will be almost as good
iib a, daily. It will give you all the
miukets, which just now is a valuable
feature, worth to every farmer many
times tho cost of the paper. The Jour
nal is priuted at the state capital and
is more of a stute paper than any of ita
competitors. It prints the news of the
world fresh from specinl wires in its
own office and piintB it twice a week,
while it is fresh, and doesn't chargo
you any more for it than does the olds
fashioned weekly. Send your quarter
to The State Journal, Lincoln, Neb.
Apples and Produce Wanted
APPLES will buy your entire crop,
hand picked, downs and seconds. Alto
SORGHUM, for which highest ca'sli
prices will be paid. For further Infor
mation call upon or address
Nebtjiska City, Nebr.
Paid Ooar for his Log,
R-D Blanton ol Thackorvillo Texas
in two years iaidover$3()U to doctors
to curo a running soro on his log.
Then thov wanted tc cut it off but he
cured it with ono box of Bucklon's
Arnica Salvo Guaranteed curo for
PileB. 25 cts a box. Sold by Keeling
tho druggist.
Couldn't Translate It. .
We received n letter i eonm ly wo
were unable to read. We tailed to de
termine the nationality of the writer.
The only woros we could wake out
were, MDr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
outes Indigestion " For bale by W W
Keeling, druggist.
This ilffiiature is on every bos ot tho genuine
Laxative BromoQuinine twcu
the remedy that cnrta n cold fat one djr
and Insuranoe Agent.
Collections made
Notary Public in office.
will sell ou
cheaper than any one
We make a specialty of
Caskets, all kinds and prices
done. Hearse furnished
SHuJbeirt, NeJbr.
Notice for Hoaring Claims
In tlioUatintv Court of Neiiinlmcounij, Neb.
In I he mutter or the cHtulo ol CliurkuDini.
folllt, (ICCOHHL'll.
Nutlcu In hereby elveu tlmt tha court him
nmiloim oulri limiting tlm tlmo (or creditor
to fllo cIiiIuim ngiiliist mi Id Uocenxtd to nix
months from tlio 12 tli day ol October, .Hoi,
nml Unit December 121 Ii, Idol, Febrtuirj 12Ui,
and Vprll 12th, 1IKI2, ut 10 o'clock n. in. of
eaeli dny, nt thu i like of the Couniy Judge f
Numnliii county, rebiiiHii. lu Auburn, Ne
brankii, linn been (lzed by lite i-onrt iih tho
UiiuKikiul ilnce when unci whoioull peiKOiiH
who linveuhilinHiind detutiuilH nniilnnt wild
deceused enn hi wo the tnune exnnilnul, tul
Juated mid allowed, mid all cIiiIidh not pre
sented by tho Inst mentioned date will bo
forever burred, by nn order of tho court-
Dated Soiiliinber Kith, 1001.
UlCllAIlD K. NEAL, County .Tudo.
Notice of Application to Soil Roal
Estate to Pay Debts.
In tho District Court of Nomnhn county,
In tho inatlor of tho estat opt Gabriel Yetter
TIiIb causa cnme on for hearing In open court
upon the petition of Frank L. Woodward,
ndinlnlMtrator of the estate of Gabriel Yet
ler, deceased, pruylnn for a licence to nell lot
oiitt of four, uoIuk a parcel ol land InytnK he
tween tho town site of Ht. Dornln and the
Missouri river, In HeoMon 31, town 4, north of
rmigo 17, east, containing three acres more or
less; alno lot two of four, being a piece of
lnnu commencing at the southeast corner of
iiioiowu siio oi im town or at. Dorolu, In
section 31, town 4, north of rango 17, east,
running north go rods along tho eHst line of
suld town, theuco east 55 rods, thence south
,80 rods, thence west65 rods lo the place of he
ginning, containing 27 acres moio or less;
also the following described lots In tho town
of St. Dcroln: All or block 7: all of clock lo:
nil of block 17; all of block 18 except lot !
al8tf north of block 18. and all or block ID and
all of block 20; snbjnct to a lease to F. Ii. D
H tint for lot 0, block 17, for a term of VO y oai ti
from June I, 1800, in town of SI.DpioIii.
Nemaha county, isebraskn, or a sufficient
amount of the snmc lo bilug the sum of
8404.D7, for tlm paymoht ol debts allowed
agalnsUnld estate and the oosis of tho ad
ministration; there not being sufllclent per
sonal propel ty to pay thosnld debts and ex
pellees. It Is therefore ordered that all persons In
terested In said estnto a pear holme a Judge
of tho district con t of tlio First Tudlcliii dis
trict nt the court house lu Auburn, Nebraska,
ou the 21st dny of Novsmber. 11)01 nt 9 o'clock
n. in , to show causo why n llceiisn should not
lie grunted to Mild administrator to sell so
much o( the uhovi' dberlbed roil estate or
said deceased as shall be nocesMiry t pav
said debts and expenses, and that nrtlco of
said up Mention shall bo published fonrsuc
resHlve weeks In the Nebraska AdveitJer. u
weoklv newwpnper of general olrmilntlon In
Nemaha count' . Nebraska.
Dated this l!)th day of Keptember, 1001.
Judgo of tho District Court.
samDle bottle sant free by mall, also a book grammar and physiology.
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to I . , , ..,.,,,-. (lf
rind out If you havo kldnoy or bladdci trouble. ' Uimlimil Cecil Nkes, of Victor,
When writing montlon reading this generous Colorado, weie enrolled in the sixth
offer In this paperand fCfAV and seventh prudea Monday
send your address to ilfllfflMirlS ., . ... .. ,
Dr, Kilmer &Co,,Blng-gffiriM K limr Chi) ton. who hits been attend.
bamton, N. Y, Tho Ual3K Iur bi-liool tluriim his visit in N"nah,
Cull at Keollnt.'ri drti store and get
a free sample of (Jhumberlain'sStomauli
and, Liver Tablets. They are an ele
(taut nhysio They also Improve the
appetite, M i eimthon the illKeslion and
ululate thu liver and howeln. They
are easy to take uud pleasant In eiTec.
To First Voters,
You arc youi men CHStintr your
(list ballot. We eouuralnlate you. Wu
iilsi) call your intention to Ur Caldwells
Svmp I't'psin for Constipation, Indl'
ges'ion, Siok Ilfudaolui and Stomach
Trouble. At Kelinu'sdniuHtiiie.
Old n.iuea tor attlo at Una uillou,
Oasli Store of
jrivo. w. bitOhey
We sell Men's and Hoys' Clothing. See us
before you buy. We will save you money on
See our Ladies' Kid Shoes with extension
sole Al.o our Ladies' (Hiawatha) hand turned
Do you sell Men's und 13oye' Shoes?
Oh, eH. we sell everythiiiR in that line. Also
Men's and Hoys' Hoots and Ladies' Calfskin
Shoes for winter wear We receive new Bhoes
evety week
Do yob have Ladles Canpa and .laokets?
Yes, we have them at 81 up We will aavo
you money on every artlule you buy
Ne?vu Riga
Prompt Service
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Nemaha, Nebraska
rsr- -?ii - j-m1aiii'g-gyiirt9t,anfe.'gtle".'Jir'V-- "-it-tt."xiH,2?Li