The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 11, 1901, Image 1

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7 C-C
iSMntot,, Jetton
l I Willi IP mT ir wxLwrmr
Tit 3f3f 4 4 44
Best and clieupoat
See our variety and cot our prices on
boforo buying
The Big H Brand of Overalls and Jackets
can't bo boat for the money
A splendid lino of
at right prioes
Prints, 5 to 6c Ginghams, 7 to 10c
A good Iinu of
Woolen Dress Goods
Shoes and Rubber Goods
We have given special attention to this line and can give you as good
goods for your money as you can get auywoero
Victor, the host northern spring Hour, $1.10 per sack
$ The best high patent fall wheat Hour, $1.00 per sack
Best granulated Sugar, 17 pounds for
Everything in the Grocery
A car load of Minnesota Potatoes just in J
Como in and soe us for your winter supply
Oar load of Michigan Salt just in
01LBE1T & M-c-CMBLE$i
- K
Looal TSTews
Call on us for job work.
See Hill & Keeling for Are insurance
had a splendid rain Thursday
Mrs. W. II. Hoover wont to Lincoln
Dr. W. I. Seymour, No.
Lincoln, Neb,
1110 Oat.
Miss Minnie May came down from
Peru Tuesday.
Joe Glasgow, of Peru, was a Nemaha
visitor Thursday.
W. W. Seid baa moved on his farm
south of Nemaha.
The Advertiser and the Chicago In
tor Ocean for 81.40
Tom Chambers, of Graf, stopped in
Nemaha Wednesday night.
See "W. W. Harris of South Auburn
for Clothing and Dry Goods.
Q. F. Larlmoro has takon up his
abode in Stella, where he is working.
A car load of potatoes expected this
week. L, H. BATTLES.
We had a light shower Sunday morn
ing and another one Monday morning.
Frank Woodward wont to St. Joe
Monday, returning tho next afternoon.
Tho Modern Woodmen will
special meeting Friday night
hold a
of this
The Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Co. received two cars of lumber this
Miss Ethel Bullas, of Humboldt, has
been tho guest of Miss Vera Clark this
II. G.
Post, gave
representing tho
u3 a social call
Tho Advertiser and the St. Louie
Globe Democrat both one year for
ouly 81.75.
Mrs. Frank Woodward, who has
been visiting at Kansas City, returned
heme Tuesday.
on tho market
at bed rock prices
Line at bod rock prices'
- K - K - K - K - K - K
Dr. Harlan, oesteopath, graduate of
A. T Still school, Oflku in Auburn.
Consultation free. 0-7
Call at the Edwards & Bradford
hardware store for axes, Baws, or any
thing you need in that line
Leslie W. Woodward went to St. Joe
Monday and after visiting there 'a few
days will go on to Lawton, Oklahoma.
For best 'assortment iof Dry Goods
and Shoes go to tho Daylight Store ol
South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r.
T. C. Hacker, of Red Cloud, came to
Nomaha Tuesday and visited friends
hero aud at Brownville until Thursday,
Geo. E, Codington, our present coun
ty treasurer aud candidate for re-election,
gave us a ploasant call Wednesday
forenoon .
Rev. E, S. Murphy, of Auburn, held
services at the Episcopal churoh in
Nemaha Tuesday night and Wednes
day forenoon.
I. H; Kupor, republican candidate)
for county treasurer, was Bhaklng
hands with the Nemaha people Friday
and Saturday of this week.
Frank Woodward went t Lincoln
Tuosday, where lie lias a steady job for
a few days as a momber of the jury in
tho United Steates district court,
NOTICE All parties indebted to
me are requested to call and sottlo at
once and save trouble.
Just received, a good line of heating
stoves, beth ceal and wood. Como In
and look them over. Prices right.
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co,
Miss Eva Able, milliner and dressi
maker. All kinds ef dressmaking done
promptly and satisfaction guaranteed.
Latest styles millinery. Low priceB.
It is now time for huskiug pegs and
mits. We have just received a good
stock. Call and got them,
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
John Kemptborno returned from a
trip through Kansas last Tuesday. He
decided that Nemaha county was all
right so bought a well improved farm
three miles aud a half from Auburn on
which he moved thw week.
Louis Baslian, who now lias charge
of tho Standard Oil Company's tank at
Auburn, was delivering oil to our mer
chants Tuesday.
Those having trouble with thoir
oyos, ears, nose and throat should coni
suit tho noted Dr. Seymour, No. 1116
K street, Lincoln, Nob.
Mrs. Roso Gilbert has moved Into
her resldonco across tho streot from
whore he has been Hying the place
rocentlyvacicated by Will Keeling.
John It. Russell has had his houso
raised about a foot, a foundation put
under it, and has also had tho house re
plastorod and made other improves
Ed Knapp has sold his livery stablo
to David Brimble, who takes possession
Monduy. Ho will move to Nemaha in
a short time. Ed talks of going to
Mlspes Carrio and Florence Burns,
who have been at Wytnoro for several
weeks, returned home Tuesday, coming
with thoir brother-in-law, Dan Fauvor,
who drovo in and took u load of apples
back with him. Mr. Pauver returned
to Wytnoro Thursday.
jLj- JE3I, JB .A. J-,lJ-,lLjJtjS
We carry a nice line of
$Our YUinter Goods are
all in
A nice lino of
Frints sund Dress Goods
Comfo rts and BlaLcets
f low price on
ariettas eLtncb Wool Goods
In fact, anything msi& carry can
Jbouernt as cheao as
mmMMmm $
Road It In His Nowspapor.
Georgo Schaub, a well known Ger
man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is
a constant reader of the Dayton Volks
zeitung. He knows that this paper
alms to advertise only the best in its
calumriB, and when he saw Chamber
lain's Pain Balm advertised therein
for lame back, ho did not hositato in
buying a bottle of it for his wife, who
for eight weeks had suffered with the
most terriblo pains in tier back and
could get no relief. He Bays: "After
using tho Pain Balm for a few days my
wife said to me, 'I feel as though hern
anew,' and boforo using tho entire con
tents of tho bottle tho unbearable pains
had entirely vanished and she could
again take up her household duties."
He is very thankful and hopes that all
suffering likewise will hear of. her
wonderful recovory. This valuable
liniment is for sale by W W Keeling.
Call In and seo us if you want to
subscribe for any paper published 'n
he United States.
New Fall and Winter Millinery $
A. V. Fotflon, dr., has been raising a
few potinuts for his own use for a few
years. He dug his crop last Saturday
and got four bushels of largo, well
matured nuts.
Mrs. Sanford and son, Frank San
ford, and Mrs. Crouch and daughter,
Miss Agnes, of Pawnee county, wore
guests of Mr. and Mrs. llobt. I. Brown
from Saturday until Tuesday.
Tho county commissioners have
awarded tho contract for building a
steel bridf o on steel piling across tho
Nemaha river between Nemaha and
Bracken. It is badly needed.
Tho storm Thursday Might did not
prevent many of our citizens from at"
tending tho Blind Boone concort, and
thoso who did attend were woll ropaid
for their efforts. Tho concert was a
tine one.
nearly $
anv on can sell
Bravo Mori Fall
Victims to Btomach, livor and .kid
ney troubles as woll ns women, and
all fcol tho result in loss of appetite,
poisons in tho blocd, bnckacho, ner
vousness, hoadacho and tired, listness
rundown feeling. .Hut there's ao
need to fool like that. S. W. Gardi
nor, of Idavillo, Ind., savB: "Electric
Bittors nro just tho tiling for a man
wiion ho don't care whether ho lives
or dics.( It gavo me new Btrongth
and appetite. I can now eat anything
and havo a new loaso on life." Only
CO conts at Keeling's drug Btore.
Every bottle guaranteed.
Ko on Cloar Brain
Your best feelings, your Bocial posi
tion or business success depend largo
ly on tho perfect action of your Stom
ach und Liver. DrIKing'a New Life
Pills givo increased strength, a keen
clear brain, high ambition. A 25c bx
will moke you fool like a now being.
Sold by Keoling tho druggist.
The Advertiser and St Louis Globe
Democrat both one year for 81.75
Mr. and Mrs. T. ,1, Rumbaugh went
to Omaha Wednesday, whoro they will
visit their daughter for a few duys and
then go on to thoir old homo in Iowa
for a short visit.
Tho Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Co. are doing a big business these days
and havo been compelled to omploy
more help, Robt. I. Brown is assists
Ing for a fow days during tho rush.
Dr. W. W. Spivoy, V. S of Tecum.,
seh, Is now at Knapp's livery stable
ami will roraain until next Wednesday,
ThoBo wishing tho services of a good
votorlnarlan will do well to Bee him.
J. W. Walters, of Crab Orchard,
drovo In to .Nemaha Wednesday and
rented tho slxty-llvo aero farm of A.
T. Posse. Mr. Poaso is now making
his homo with his daughtor, Mrs.
Tho person who took the pleco of
bridge timber from tho bridgo' near J v
H.Seld's residence is warned'to return
tho same at onco-aud save troublo. It
la known who took it as tho party was
seen hauling it away.
Dr. I. Q. Sutton, of Shubert, was in
town Wednesduy afternoon on hie way
homo after a ten days' hunting trip in
tho northern part of North Dakota.
Ho says tho party found plenty of
gamo and had a eplondld tlmo.
R. V. Sears, of Buo'yrus, Ohio, ar
rived in Nemaha Friday afterueon, on
visit tiils relatives, the Mintcke,.and
to look after tho business of his father,
Benj. F. SeaVs. This js Mr. SearB'
first visit hero for sixteen years.
My stock of furnlturo and stoves is
ctnploto. If you are needing anything
In my line, give me a call and I will
Atsure you fair treatment.
J. W. Armstrong,
South Auburn, Neb.
Tho EdwardB & Bradford Company
new have tho thirty feet addition to
their storo room completed and are
stocking up with everything needed In
the line of hardware, stoves, otc. Call
and seo them, Thoy will troat you'
Class No. 8 of the M.E. Sunday nchoo
the Klng'e Daughters will give a
supper at tho Mlnlck hall Saturday
night, October 12. Oysters and coffee
will be served; also pie, cake and
coffee. Oystere and coffee, 10 cents;
pie, cake and coffee, 19 cents: Every
one is invited.
The Titus Nursery
will receive peach seed
on Saturday, Oct. 18th
in Nemaha. If you
have peach seed bring
them in.
About thirteen months ago A. R.
Titus lost a pockotbook containing a
310 bill. Three or four weeks ago tho
pockotbook was found in a pilo of ma
nure, almost rotted to pieces, and the
bill looked like rotton paper. It was
sent on to tho treasury department at
Washington and the experts there
ceuld only piece out about one-third of
the bill, Albert made aflldavit as to
the time and place tho bill was lost
and found, and last Saturday he re
celved a warrant for 810.
My little son had an attack of whoop
Ing cough and was threatened with
pneumonia; but for Cbamberfoin's
Cough Remedy wo would have had a
serious time ef it! It also luaved him
from several severe attacks of croup.
H J Stlckfaden, editor World-Hearld,
Fair Haven, Wnah, Fer salo by W W