The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 04, 1901, Image 8

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Q Host Coimli Hjrnn. Tasloa Uoutl.' Um Q
r. . TT. Keeling,
Noninlm, Nebraska.
Offico in Kcollii(5 building, second door
orth of AynoM' lmrdwnro storo.
Dealer In
IlighcHt market prico paid for Hides,
hard, Tnllow. etc,
.a., x.. stikrs, m, r.
Tendors his professional services to
the citizens of Nemaha and vicinity.
All calls answered. Dr, Gaithor's
office. 6 7 I
Dealer In
and Harness Supplies
and Insuranco Agont.
Collections nmdo
Nolnry Public in olllco.
and Jeweler.
All work Runrnnl cod to iIvo witlHfuotlon
West of Oourt Houbo Squaro,8o-Au.burn,Nob
Watchmaker and Jeweler
All work guaranteed. Leave
ordera at L. II Buttles' store,
Nemaha, Nebrasku
E. H. KNAP1?
Proprlotor of Uiu
Livery& Feed Stable
Gcod Dray in connection with Livory
Satisfaction guaranteed.
llrecilor of
Thoroughbred Poland China
Farm ono and ono-half miles Houth
woat of Nemaha.
The Eminent Kidney
and Bladder Specialist.
The Discoverer of Swamp-Root tt "Work la
nia Laboratory.
There Is a disease prevailing In this
country most dangerous because so decep
tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by
W heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure
or apoplexy are often the result of kidney
disease. If kidney trouble 's allowed U ad
vance the kldney-polsoned blood will attack
the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves
weak down and waste away cell by cell,
rhen the richness of the blood the albumen
leaks out and the sufferer has Brlght's
Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble.
Dr. KIImer'3 Swamp-Root the new dis
covery Is the true specific for kidney, bladder
and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands
of apparently hopeless cases, after all other
efforts have failed. At druggists In fifty-cent
and dollar sizes. A sample bottle cent free
by mall, also a book telling about Swamp
Root and Its wonderful cures. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, W. Y. am
mention this paper.
zrr m iv ?ix
The Nebraska Advertiser
W. V. Sandkkb, publslior
The ColuinbU won the second race
Thursday, bunting the Siinmroek by a
half mile.
The Masons liavo bought tho corner
lot Houtli of thalr hall and are making
preparations for building thereon.
Thoy will put up a two-story bulldlnjj,
21x50 fact.
Gull ai KeulliiK'a drug atoro and get
a free sample of Chamborlain'sStotnnoh
and Liver Tablets. They are an elo
gunt physio. Thoy also improve tho
uppctitu, strengthen the digestion and
regulate tho liver and bowelt). They
are easy to take and pleasant In effect.
If you want a utove that will burn
liurd coal, soft coal, wood and coba and
gut you the the most heat out of the
fuel, gut tho IJeckwith Round Oak.
This stove L liuvu sold for tbu lust ten
years and can assure you entire satis
faction. Do not fail to call and soe
them. J. W. AitMHTiioNo,
South Auburn, Neb.
Tho Nemaha County Old Settlors
association held the regular meeting
for tho election of olllcers last Saturday
afternoon, at The Advertiser office.
The following olllcers wore elected:
President Seymour IIowo.
Vlc president II. T. Minlck.
Secretary W. W. Sanders.
Treasurer W. T. Russell.
MomberB of tho executive committee
for two years W. W. Sanders, Frank
Woodward and Geo E. Dye.
Member of tho executive committee
for one year II. T Mlnick.
It wiih voted to donate $10 to help
pay expenses in having treos in the
Nemaha park trimmed, fence repaired,
COUA IlAlTII, ) vm
Ukuiikkt Uiumulk. J LUltor8-
Perry Itowen was absent Monday.
Daisy Frazier entered school for res
view work Monday.
Mr. Carrington, of Auburn, visited
the high school Tuesday.
The seventh giade had examination
in physiology Mouday. Tho avoiage
giado whs 1)1.
MiiB Veva Clark visited the school
Monday and took levoral kodak pic
tures of the pupils.
The ninth grade had a written ros
view in history Fiiday, preparatory to
taking up the study Greece.
Over 80,000 pupils of this Btato were
not enrolled in tho public schools last
year. Stato Superintendent.
School report for Soptomber.
High nchool.
Number enrolled 21).
Average attendance 27.
Number pupils not absent 20.
Number enrolled 42.
A vertigo attendance 37.
Number pupils not abuent 22.
Number enrolled G3.
Average attendance 43.
Number pupils not absent 18.
Yon may as woll expect to run a
steam engine without witter as to find
an active, energetic man with a torpid
liver, nnd you may know Iuh liver is
torpid when he does not relsh his food
or feels dull and languid after eating
often has headache and sometimes diz
zlenesH. A few doses of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets will jestor
his liver to its norma functions, renew
his vitality, improve his digestion and
make him feel like a new man. Price.
25 cents. Sample free at Keehng'd
drug storo.
Paid Doar for his Log,
II D Wanton ol Thackervillo Texas
In two years paidovor$300 to doctors
to euro a running sore on his leg.
Then thov wantod to out it oil' but he
cured it with ono box of Huoklon's
Arnica Salvo Gunrantood euro for
Piles. 25 cts a box. Sold by Keeling
tho druggist.
Tho President
of tho Amei lean Federation of Labor,
Union 8,215, says: "I am using your
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin myself
and in my family, and II nil it does lots
of good. Youra truly. Geo. O. Camp
boll, Clinton, Iowu." Sold by Keeling'
drug storo.
Republican Ticket
For Jr.dqo of ttio Hupremo Court,
For Itcon Ih of tho State Unlvornlty,
c.j. j:iins r
For County Treasurer,
For County Clorlf,
For County Hupcrmtendont,
For County Judge,
HICIIAUI) F. ni:al
For County Sliorlir,
For Clerk of tho District Court,
For County Surveyor,
For County Coronor,
1)11. LUTGKN
For County CommlsHlonor, First District,
Brownville Locals
J. W. Penny, of Omaha, is in town
looking for a location.
A. Vandoventer shipped a car of
apples today to York, Neb.
Uncle Stun, brother of 'Squire Claj
ton. is hero to spend the winter.
W. S. Christy sold a car of apples
Mouday to a Mr. Zook, of Diller.
Mr. Weimor has a brother and wife
fiom North Carolina visiting him.
James 13. Pryor has sold his 40-acre
farm north of town to Robert T. Pago.
Mrs. Whitacre, of Auburn, visited
with her sister, Mrs. Slack and family.
Mr. Bickford and family, of Creston,
Iowa, is visiting with his brother this
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Davies go to
Indiana this week to mnko an extended
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Loyd departed
Thursday for Oregon to muku then
future home.
Thomas Covington, of Chicago, is
visiting with his brother, It. W. Cov
ington, this week.
11 V. Furnas is in Lincoln this
week attending a meeting of tho state
board of agricultura.
Wm. Ma&on has bought the Shunt?,
property on Main street and will now
occupy a homo of his own.
Mrn. II. Andrew and Mrs. Simmons
started for Oklahoma Tuesday morning
to visit their children who reside there
Louis E Chamberlain has bought the
40 acio farm southeast of town from
Wm. Loyd and took possession Tues
day. Wm, McClary, of Montana, who has
been visiting here for a tew days with
i elatlves, departed tor Ins homo Moos
At tho sale of Win. Loyd Monday,
while the attendance was small, the
bidding was. spirited und everything
braught good prices.
Hev. A.V. Wilson, who has preached
here for the last your, has been trans
form! to the Elk Creek chargo. May
success attend his efforts in his new
Mr. Stoneuypher has traded his
orchard for a 40 acre tiact of laud in
Missouii and, accompanied by his
family, was over viewing his new
possessions Wednesday.
Editor Stowell, of the Auburn Pos',
bus added a Hrowuville sheet to his
paper anil made Frank Hulbert editor.
May success attend their efforts to such
an extent that thoy will at last give us
a tesident paper.
In order to introduce it into your
homo Tho Semi-Weekly State Journal
will be mailed from now until January
1, 1002, for only twontj-llve cents. This
will give you a paper every Tuesday
and Friday and will bo almost as good
as a daily. It will give you nil tho
miukets, which just now is a valuable
teat u re, woith to every farmer mawy
times tho coat of the piper Tho Jour
nal iH printed at the btuto capital and
if more of a stato papor than any of its
competitors. It priuts the news of the
world fresh from special wires in its
own olllco and piints it twice a week,
while it is fresh, and doesn't ch'irgo
you any more for it than does tho old-,
fashioned weokly. Send your quarter
to The State Journui, Lincoln, Neb
I wish to call tho attention of my trade to
the fact that 1 have received my
JReill fc Winter Stock:
of goods, which we will be pleased to show you.
Wo quote a few prices:
Good Prints, dark, per yard v...03JjO
Bo.'t American Indigo Piints, per yard ... .oic
Outing Flannel 4c, 0o, 830, 10c, I2jc
Hoy's Duck Coats, black ,5o
Good Shirting, per yard 05c
Hio Coffee, very fine, per lb 15c
K C Baking Powder, 25 oz. can lUc
Seo our Clothing for Men and Boys. The
prices are correct.
New R.lgs
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Nemaha, NJbrasla
W. . Oliumbevs
Get niy prices before buying. I will meet all
Competition. Warehouse joining the
Livery Stable on the south.
Notice for Hearing Claims
In tho County Court of Numiilinonunly, Noli.
In the iimtlorof the osluto.oi Clmrli'SDiiui
felilt, ilt'ci'ttHOd.
Nultco Is hvrflby nlvon that tint court Iiiih
iniuloiin order llinlllti tho time for crcdltorH
to lllo oliiluiH nrtliiHt Hfilil docciistid to sl.x
months from tliu 1'2 th duv of Outohar, 1001,
nml tlmt Doceinhur 12lli, 1901, Fcbrnnrj 12lh,
and prll 12th, 11HI2, lit 10 o'clock . m. ol
ouch dny,nt tho ofllco of the Couiiiy Judo rf
Ntttunhii county, rsubriiHlcn. In Auiuirn, No
binskn, hus hcou llxed by tho com I iw tho
iliiUHiuul plucu whuu mid whcroull poihodh
who huvo oliiliriH :uid tluiniimlH okhIiisI Kiild
iloccaHed cun huvo tho hiitno oxmulncd, iid
Juhtod mid allowed, nnd U oIhIuih not pro
sLMitcd by tho lust mnntloncd datu will be
forovor biirictl, by mi ordorof tho court
Dated September 10th, 1901.
HICIIAUI) F. NliAIi, Comity .TiulRo.
Thlg is on evory box of tho genuine
Laxative Bromo'Quinine Tawcta
tho romody that nircH a cold In one duy
JustSnvod His Lifo
It was a thrilling CBCupo thtCharlen
"H of Bownrston, O., liitoly hud
from a frightful death. For two jears
a severe lung trouble constantly grew
worso until it seemed ho must die of
Consumption. Then he begun touso
Dr King's Now Discovery nnd lately
wrote: "It gnve instant relief and ef
fected a permanent cine." Suchwon
doriul cures have for 26 j-eak-s proven
its power to euro all Throat, Chest
nnd Lung troublos. Price 50o and
Evory bottle i guaranteed Trial bot
tles frco at Kecling's drug; etoro.
will sell you
cheaper than any ono
Wo make m specialty of
Caukeis, all kinds and prices
done. Ileiirse furnished
SHtifcesrt, Nefcr.
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
cures ovory kind of couch, lnprTppo, bronchitis,
soro throat, croup, whooping cough, etc. Never
derouees tho stomach. At Druggists, 10&S5c
Cornell & Hawxby
Uoal Kstnto, Loans and Collections
Phono SO. Oflico, So, Auburn, Neb.
Frompt Service
Notico of Probato of Will.
Stato of N hrnNlca, Nonmha count , h.
In Iho Couut CouiL of Neaiuha county,
To Juno I. May, Jennie Qullier.Clarn'1'horp
MliiiilOiMuy, Kl7.ii Washburn, .Stella W'a.sli
buill, IiesNlu WuNhhuru aud lCvoi iWiiKhlitii u
and to all pcrsoiiH Inierosiid in Ihechtato of
Mai tin i. May, dcceutetl.
You aro heiuhy mil I tied that Hhermati
T .May tins II led a po illon pruj Itin that mi
lusiiumoul tiled In tills cntiri, nnrport tnc t
bo tho Just will mid testament. ofNiild di
ccased, may ho piovpd. allowed and reeonli-d
nn tho last win and lestamont oi Mnrtln
'J'. May, uoceascd; thct said Instrument may
hoadmiticd to piohate, mid admlnlstiatlon
of Raid i Ktalo crauted toHhermiiu '1 May and
.Jane I, Mavas exeeutoiK, and that Dili day ot
Oclohei, A. li. 1101, lit 10 o'clock a. in., nt tho
county court loom of said county, In Aut tun
has been fixed as the lime and place of pro,'.
Inn said will, when you aud all Inter sted
nia appear mid hhow cuuxc, If there be iim,
W'iy tiiopiayorof tho petition should not bo
Krnteil, and contoil the prohuto thereof.
Witness my hand aud Heal of said com t,
tills 14tli Uav of Hpptoinuer. A. 1). 1001.
lAIi, County Judge.
Wotico of Application to Soil Roal
Estato to Pay Debts.
In tho Dhtilct Court of Noinnlm county,
In tho matlor of tho emuto of Gabriel Yettor
This onuso caino on, for hearing In open com t
upon tho petition ol b'latilc Ij Woodward,
mJmlnlsirntor ol tho estalo of Gabriel Yet.
ter, deceased, ptaylnu for a llounsu to sell lot
one of lour, bolnn a parcel or laud laying bo
Iweon thu town silo of Ht. Ueroln mid tho
MlSKutirl river. In seclou 31, town 4. north of
runue 17, east, conialnliiL' ttuee acres more or
less; also lot two ol four, IjoIiik ii pleco of
land commencing at thu unit. .east corner of
the town silo of th. town of Ht Heroin, In
ectlou 31, town 4, north of ranuo 17, oast,
uiitiliiK noilh 80 rods along Ihe east line ol
Huld town, theuco cant A rodH, thence houtli
SO loils, thence westfiS roils to the place of ho
ginning, containing 27 acres nioio or less;
nlgn thefollowlnndesnrlheil lots In tho town
of St. Derotu: All of block 7; all 01 olock lu;
all of block 17; all ol block 18 except lot lc;
also north of block 18. nnd all ot block II) ami
all of block 20; Hitbjoct to n lease to V. II. 1)
Hunt lor Into, block 17, for a term ol 'Oyoais
from Juno 1, lb'JO, in town of dt. lt'ioln,
Nemaha county, Nebraska, or a snlllolenl
amount of iho same to bilng tho sum of
?HH 67, for the piymnht ot debts allow. d
uualnslnuld estalo and tho costs of the ad
ministration; there r.ot holiu sutVclenL per
sonal property to pay the said debts and ex
penses. It Is llieroloreordernl that all persons In
tin est ed In said estate a pear holme a Ju go
of tho dlHtrlet con. tul the I'ltst liidujial dis
trict at the court linune In Auhii' i,, .Set 1 a-ku,
on tho 2l-t day of November 1H01 atfio'o'ock
a. 111 , to show cause w by a license should in t
he giantid to said odnunl-tratoi to sell si
niuoli ol tho above decrlbed rtnl iHiito if
said deceased as khall he neci shhi'.s to pay
said iletits mid expense?, uud that notice of
said up llcatlou shall bo published lour sue
cesslvo weekH lu tho Nebraska Advoithoi.n
weekly newsp'ipti of general circulation 111
Nemaha count , Nebraska.
Untfil this 10th day of Se teniber, KOI.
JOHN S isl'l IjIj.
Jniluo of tho District Com t.
Apples and Produce Wanted
AlTLKS-will buy our entire crop,
hand picked, downs and teeondB. Also
SOltfillUM, for which hlRlieat ciihIi
pricea will bo paiil. For further Infor
mation cull upon or address
Nebrnska City, Nobr.