The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 04, 1901, Image 5

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His Last Address
President McKinley's Memorable Speech nt Buffalo. V
Words That Will rtlna Throuflh Time. V Progress and
Prosperity Perpetuated Through
True Basis of National Greatness.
President McKinley's memorable !
speech, nnd his last, made at tho Pan
American exposition Thursday, Sep
tember 5, the day preceding' that on
which he received his fatal wound, is
here given:
I'realdent aielvlnlej'n Addren.
"I am glad to bo again in the city
of Buffalo and exchango greetings
with her people, to whose generous
hospitality I am not n stranger, and
with whoao good will I have been re
peatedly and. signally honored. To
day I have additional satisfaction in
meeting' and giving welcome to the
foreign representatives assembled
here, whoso presence and participa
tion in this exposition havo contrib
uted in so marked a degree to its in
terests and success.
"To tho commissioners of tho Do
minion of Canada and tho British
colonies, tho French colonies, tho re
publics of Mexico and of Central and
South America, and tho commission
ers of Cuba and Porto Kico, who
share with us in this undertaking, we
give the hand of fellowship nnd felici
tate with them upon tho triumphs of
art, science, education and manufac
ture which tho old has bequeathed to
the new century.
Timekeeper of l'roBrwiH.
"Expositions are the timekeepers
of progress. They record the world's
advancement. They stimulate the
energy, enterprise and intellect of
the people and quicken human
genius. They go into the home.
They broaden and brighten tho daily
life of the people. They open mighty
storehouses" of information to the
"Every exposition, grent or small,
lias helped to somo onward step.
Comparison of ideas is always educa
tional and as such instructs the
brain and hand of man. Friendly
rivalry follows, which is tho spur to
industrial improvement, the inspira
tion to useful invention and to high
endeavor in all departments of hu
man activity. It exacts a study of the
wants, comforts, and even the whims
of the people and recognizes the
efficacy of high quality and new
prices to win their favor.
"The quest fpr trado is an incen
tive to men of business to devise, in
vent, improve, and economize in the
cost of production. Business life,
whether among ourselves or with
other people, is ever a sharp struggle
for success. It will bo none the less
so in tho future. Without competi
tion we would bo clinging to the
clumsy "and antiquated process of
farming and manufacture and the
methods of business of long ago, and
the twentieth would bo no further
advanced than tho eighteenth cen
tury. But though commercial com
petitors we are, commercial enemies
wc must not be.
MIh'hIoii of the ExiioNltlnn,
"The Pan-American exposition has
done its work thoroughly, prcscnting
in its exhibits evidences of the high
est skill and illustrating tho progress
of tho human family in the western
hemisphere. This portion of the
earth has no cause for humiliation
for the part it has performed in the
inarch of civilization. It has not ac
complished everything; far from it.
It has simply done its best, and with
out vanity or boastfulness, and, rec
ognizing the manifold achievements
of others, it invites the friendly rival
ry of all the powers in tho peaceful
pursuits of trado and commerce, and
will cooperate with all in advancing
the highest and best interests of
humanity. The wisdom and energy
of all the nations are none too great
for the world's work. The success of
art, science, industry and invention
is an international asset and a com
mon glory.
"After all, how near one to the
other is every part of the world!
Modern inventions have brought into
close relation widely separated peo
ples and made them better acquaint
ed. Geographic and political di
visions will continue to exist, but
distances havo been effaced. Swift
ships and fast trains are becoming
cosmopolitan. They invade iiclds
which a few years ago were impene
trable. The world's products are
changed as never before, and with
increasing transportation facilities
come increasing knowledge and
trade. Prices are fixed with mathe
matical precision by supply and de
mand. Tho world's selling prices are
regulated by market and crop re
ports. Wc travel greater distances
in a shorter space of time and with
more ease than was ever dreamed of
by the fathers.
iHotntlnii No TiOUKer I'onnIMc.
"Isolation is no longer possible or
desirable. The same important news
is read, though in different lan
guages, the same day in all Christen
dom. The telegraph keeps us advised
of what is occurring everywhere, and
Pacific Policy The
the press foreshadows, with more or
less accuracy, tho plans and pur
poses of tho nations. Market prices
of products' hnd of securities nre
hourly known in every commercial
mart, and the investments of the peo
ple extend beyond their own national
boundaries into the remotest parts
of thu earth.
"Vast transactions are conducted
and international exchanges arc
made by the tick of the cable. Every
event of interest is immediately bul
letined. The quick gathering nnd
transmission of nows, like rapid
transit, are of recent origin, and are
only mado possible by thu genius of
tho inventor and tho courage of the
"It took a special messenger of the
government with every facility
known at the timo for rapid transit
10 davs to go from tho city of Wash
ington to New Orleans with a mes
sage to Gen. Jackson that the war
with Encland had ceased and a
treaty of peace had been signed.
How different now.
Achievement of the Tclcjrrniili.
"Wc reached Gen. Miles In Porto
Rico by cable and he was able through
tho military telegraph to stop his
army on tho firing lino with the mes
sage that tho United States and Spain
had signed a protocol suspending hos
tilities. We knew almost instantly ot
the iirst shots ilrcd at Santiago and the
subsequent surrender of the Spanish
forces was known at Washington with
in les's than an hour of its consumma
tion. Tho first ship of Cervera's ileet
was hardly emerged from that historic
harbor when the fact was Hashed to
our capital, and the swift destruction
that followed was announced immedi
ately through the wonderful medium
of telegraphy.
"So accustomed are wo to safe and
easy communication with distant lands
that its temporary interruption even
in ordinary times results in loss and
inconvenience. Wo shall never forget
tho days of anxious waiting and awful
suspense when no information was per
mitted to be sent from Peking and the
diplomatic representatives of the na
tions in China, cut off from all com
munication iusido nd outside the
walled capital, were surrounded by an
angry and misguided mob that threat
ened their lives; nor the joy that
thrilled the world when a single mes
sage from the government of the Unit
ed States brought through our minis
ter the first news of the safety of the
besieged diplomats.
I'roirrcx.s of rv Century.
"At the beginning of the nineteenth
century there was not a mile of steam
railroad on the globe. Now there are
enough miles to make its circuit many
times. Then there was not a line of
electric telegraph; now we have a vast
niilcaire traversing all lands and all
seas. God and man have linked the na
tions together. No nation can longer
be indilTcrent'to an' other. And as wo
are brought more and more in touch
with each other the less occasion is
there for misunderstanding and the
stronger the disposition, when wo have
differences, to adjust them in the court
of arbitration, which is the noblest
forum for the settlement of interna
tional disputes.
Our Unexnmnlert I'roNnerlty.
"My fellow-citizens, trade statistics
indicate that this country is in a state
of unexampled prosperity. The fig
ures are almost appalling. They show
that we are utilizing our fields and for
ests and mines nnd that we are furnish
ing profitable employment to the mil
lions of working-men throughout the
United States, bringing comfort and
happiness to their homes and making it
possible to lay by savings for old age
and disability.
"That all the people are participating
in this great prosperity is seen in
every American community nnd shown
by the enormous and unprecedented
deposits in our savings banks. Our
duty is the care and beeurity of these
deposits, and their safe investment de
mands the highest integrity and the
best business capacity of those in
charge of these depositories of the peo
ple's earnings.
"We have a vast and intricate busi
ness built up through years of toil and
struggle, in which every part of the
country has its stake, which will not
permit of either neglect or of undue
selfishness. No narrow, s-ordld policy
will subserve it. The greatest skill and
wisdom on the part of the manufactur
ers and producers will be required to
hold and increase it.
"Our industrial enterprises which
have grown to such proportions affect
the homes and occupations of the peo
ple and the welfare of the country.
Our capacity to produce has developed
so enormously and our products have
so multiplied that the problem of more
markets requires our urgent and imme
diate attention.
"Only a broad und enlightened polioy
vill keep what wc have. No other policy
will get more. In these times of mar
velous business energy and gain wc
ought to bo looking into the future,
strengthening the weak places in our
industrial and commercial systems
that we may be ready for any storm
or strain.
1'ronnerlty Dcmtindn Iteclprnclty.
"By sensible trade arrangements
which will not interrupt our home
production, we shall extend the outlets
for our increasing surplus.
"A system which provides a mutual
exchange of commodities is manifestly
essential to the continued healthful
growth of our export trade. We must
not repose in fancied security that wc
can forever sell ever thing and buy
little or nothing. If such a thing were
posible it would not be best for us or
for those with whom we deal. Wo
should take from our customers such
of their products, as wc can use with
out harm to our industries and labor.
"Beelprocity is the natural out
growth of our wonderful industrial de
velopment under the domestic policy
now firmly established. What we pro
duce beyond our domestic consumption
must have a vent abroad. The excess
must be relieved through a foreign out
let, and wo should sell everywhere we
can, and buy wherever the buying will
enlarge our sales and productions,
and thereby make a greater demand
for home labor.
Exclusive Xo I. inncr.
"The period of exclusiveness is
past. Tho expansion of our trade
nnd commerce is the pressing prob
lem. Commercial wars are unnroftt-
able. A policv of cood will and
friendly trade relations will prevent
reprisals. Beciprocity treaties are in
harmony with the spirit of the times;
measures of retaliation are not.
"If, perchance, some of our tariffs
nre no longer needed for revenue or
to encourage and protect our indus
tries at home, why should they not
be omploj'cd to extend and promote
our markets abroad?
Need of Merchant Murine.
"Then, too, wc have inadequate
steamship service. New lines of
stenmcrs have already been put in
commission between the Pacific
coast ports of the United States
and those on the western coasts of
Mexico and Central and South Amer
ica, xnese snouid uc loiiowcu up
with direct steamship lines between
the eastern coast of the United
States und South American ports.
"One of the needs of the times Is
direct commercial lines from our
vast fields of production to the fields
of consumption that we have but
barely touched. Next in ndvantnge
to having the thing to sell is to have
tho convenience b carry it to the
"We must encourage our merchant
marine. We must have more ships.
They must be under the American
flag, built nnd manned nnd owned by
Americans. These will not only be
profitable In a commercial sense;
they will be messengers of peace and
amity wherever they go.
MnKt Mnllil iKtlinilitu Omul.
"We must build the isthmian canal,
which will unite the two oceans and
give a straight line of water com
munication with the western coasts
of Central and South America and
Mexico. The construction of a Pa
cific cable cannot be longer post
poned. "In the furtherance of these ob
jects of national interest and con
cern you are performing an important
part. This exposition would have
touched tho heart of that American
statesman whose mind was eve alert
and thought ever constant for a
larger commerce and a truer fra
ternity of the republics of the new
world. His broad American spirit is
felt and manifested here. He needs
no identification to an assembly of
Americans anywhere, for tho name
of Blaine is inseparably associated
with the Pan-American movement
which finds this practical and sub
stantial expression, and which we all
hope will be firmly advanced by the
Pan-American congress that assem
bles this autumn in tho capital of
"The good work will go on. It can
not be stopped. These buildings will
disappear; this creation of art, and '
beaut', and industry will perish
from sight, but there influence will
remain to
" 'Mako It live beyond Its too short living
With praises and thanksgiving.
Victory of Pence, Xot War,
"Who can tell the new thoughts
that have been awakened, tho ambi
tions fired, and the high achieve
ments that will be wrought through
this exposition? Gentlemen, let us
ever remember that our interest is in
concord, not conflict, and that our
real eminence rests in the victories of
peace, not those of war. We hope
that all who arc represented hero
may be moved to higher and nobler
effort for their own and the world's
good, and that out of tills city may
' come, not only greater commerce nnd
trade for us all, but, more
than these, relations of mutual rc
bpect, confidence, and friendship,
which will deepen nnd endure,
"Our earnest prayer is that God
will graciously vouchsafe prosperity,
happiness and peace to all our neigh
bors and like blessings to all the pco-
pies and powers of earth."
Wm. McKinley,
ur vs.arzvr afresiaenx
Tir j t"
Christian -Qcntlcmnn, Soldier, Lawyer and Statesman
The ancestry of William McKinley
can bo traced back to the old Scotch
Covenanters of three conturlcH ago.
During the reign of Charles H. the
family migrated to the north of Ire
land. Prom tho north of Ireland
about the year 1710 two McKinlej
brothers came to this country. One
of these brothers, James, was the
great-great-grandfather of the late
president. His son David McKinley
was a revolutionary hero, and a Jef
fersonian democrat. He died in the
year 1810. Through this David Mc
Kinlcy'a wife, Hannah C. Bosc, the
English Puritan stock became min
gled with tho Scotch Covenanter
stock in President McKinley's blood.
The grandfather of Hannah C. Boso
was an English Puritan leader who
settled in Pennsylvania, and who had
somewhat to do with the government
of that colony. McKinlcy's grandfu-
thcr in 1800 moved, from Pennsylvania
to Ohio. William 'McKinley, Sr., was
born in Pennsylvania in 1807.
William McKinley was a seventh
son. There were eight other chil
dren in the family. Ho was born at
Nilcs, Trumbull county, 0., January
29, 1843. From this town, then n little
village of iron-workers, the family
moved to Poland, O., on tho western
reserve, for the better education of
the children. It had been his moth
er's ambition, as well as his own,
that he receive a thorough college ed
ucation. He attended the academy
at Poland, and from there went to
the Allegheny college at Meadvillc,
Pa. Ill health took him homo in
his junior j'ear. The next winter he
spent teaching in a district school
for a salary of $25 and his board.
At the outbreak of the civil war
young McKinley enlisted as a private
in the Twenty-third Ohio infantry.
He served under men who afterward
became well known to the nation.
His first colonel was Bosecrans, later
the famous major general. Stanley
Matthews, who achieved distinction
as United States senator and asso
ciate justice in the United States su
preme court, was his lieutenant
colonel. His major was President
Butjierford B. Hayes.
McKinley saw his first battle at
Carnifex Ferry. Later the regiment
joined McClellan's Army of the Poto
mac. At Antictum McKinley was a
sergeant. His bravery on this occa
sion led to his receiving a commission
as hccond lieutenant. He was a staff
filHfer under Gens. Hayes, Cook and
Carroll. At 20 lie was a first lieuten
ant, and a year later a captain, .rust
before the close of the war President
Lincoln signed the commission giving
him the brevet rank of major. Dur
ing the war he cast his first vote for
president, and helped to .swell the
, Lincoln major! t v.
J At the of the war thu youth
1 1 MmifM, f'ffiinkj
l II 4JI I IW I UIIUM)iiil i;i' I
mm Mmm
Third of
ful major (aged 22) decided to fit
himself as a lawyer. He had becu
urged to apply for a commission In
the regular army, but his tastes and
predilections were those of u man of
peace. He entered tho olllce of Judgo
Charles E. Glddcn nt Poland, nml
inndu good progress in the study of
law. After u year and a half's work
ho went to Albany, N. Y., where ho
completed his legal studies, lie was
admitted to tho bar in 1SG7, and
opened a law olllce at Canton.
It was the centennial year that MaJ.
McKinley made his entrance into na
tional politics. In 1S7G he declared
himself a candidate for the republican
nomination for congress in his district
and he received the nomination over
three npponcnts on the first ballot. Ho
was not only nominated but elected,
which feat ho repented half a dozen
times, representing tho pcoplo of
Stark and the surrounding counties o
Ohio in congress for the 14 years front
1870 to 18U0. .
During that period the democrat
gerrymandered the district thrctv
times in attempts to drlvo h'lm out ot
congress, in which he was making him
self famous. The first two nttempts
failed, but the last in 181)0 did not. A'
popular candidate was nominated by,
the democrats in the person of cx
Meut. Gov. Warwick. McKinley waa
finally defeated by the slender major
ity of 303 votes. This defeat followed
closely after the passage of the Mc
Kinley bill, the high tariff measure to
which Maj. McKinley had given his
name and for which ho stood as spon
sor on account of Iris position in con
gress as chairman of the committee of
ways and means and the leader of tho
republican majority in tho house.
Astute politicians predicted tl'c com
plete political extinction of M inley
after his defeat in 1S0O. Not only hnd
he gone down in the wreck-, but his.
party's majority in tho lower houso of
congress had followed its leader. Tho
whole battle had been fought and lost
on the issue of the McKinley bill. Tho
decision of the people was thought by
politicians and by the people them
selves to be final.
Yet the following j'cnr he was elected
governor of Ohio, and two years later
was reelected. Almost before hs term
ns governor of Ohio Hnd expired lie was
nominated and elected to the nighest
office the people of this coiintiy have
within their power to bestow.
Tlicsecond term of McKinley as gov
ernor of Ohio marked the crystalliza
tion of the sentiment of his admirers
all over the country that he bo mado
the republican nominee for president
in 18.
The startling events of his first term,
the blowing up of tho Maine, the Span
ish war and our quick and decisive vic
tory, the driving of the Spaniards out
of Cuba and our promise to liberate
that much-abiibcd island and place it
among the republics of the western
hemisphere, our annexation of Porto
Bico, the Hawaiian islands and tho
Philippines, arc all part of contempo
raneous history. When Mr. McKin
ley's term nearcd its close last year
such a deep hold had lie secured upon
the affections of his party that his was
the only name mentioned for his suc
cessor. He was renominated by ac
clamation and Theodore Boosevclt,
then governor of New York, was placed
upon the ticket with him to fill the va
cancy caused in the vice presidency by
the death of Vice President Hobart.
When tho election day came last No
vember President McKinley was found
to havo been reelected with the saino
emphasis which the people showed
when they declared their choico of
himthciirst time. Ho wns given 7,233,
715 votes to 0,255,003 for Bryan, a plu
rality of 078,017 votes for McKinley
over Bryan and a majority of 023,627
votes over all the other candidates for
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